The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited January 2015

    As for the gate I never heard of it :/

    Alt text

    We have that game like American football it's called Rugby except they don't wear helmets it's a lot tougher and Ireland are ranked as one of the top 3 nations in the world we would hammer an american select american football team and they can even wear helmets in case they get hurt that is all :P

    Alt text

    Ireland winning the six nations :P

    ComingSoon posted: »

    It's extremely stupid they just jelly the Patriots are better players than them B] PatriotMasterRace

  • Yeh. The pic originally said: I'm a good enough person to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you again.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    oh no it's a landscape ;-;

  • I will admit rugby does seem like it takes a lot of skill :P

    I've never known that much about rugby though.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    As for the gate I never heard of it We have that game like American football it's called Rugby except they don't wear helmets it's a

  • ;-; thanks salt.... xD

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    If you are looking for sympathy, I can tell you I don't have sympathy. But what I do have are a very particular set of Bros, Bros I have acq

  • edited January 2015

    If you are looking for sympathy, I can tell you I don't have sympathy. But what I do have are a very particular set of Bros, Bros I have acquired over a very long Forum Carrer. Bros that make "us" a nightmare for Skrubs like you. If you buy it now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not spam you. But if you don't, I will spam you, I will find you, and I will Saltlick you.

    It's Okay, I still haven't played GOT or TFTBL ;/, idk why, I'm just not sure if i'll like them xD

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Guys I have a huge a huge confession to make. I never actually bought TWD Season 2. ;-; Hate me pls ;-;

  • edited January 2015

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    You didn't miss much tbh it's not as good as S1 and with the lack of gameplay and choices which have no effect you might as well watch it on youtube save the money bro it's majority cut-scenes

    but don't miss TWAU that is a quality game

    I didn't play GOT or bonderlands but I might soon

    Nothing reached the standards of TWD S1 yet :'/

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Guys I have a huge a huge confession to make. I never actually bought TWD Season 2. ;-; Hate me pls ;-;

  • Yeah I know about it all from watching YouTube playthroughs... x'D

    I'm most likely, unless i get lucky, going to know info about games from youtube xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    You didn't miss much tbh it's not as good as S1 and with the lack of gameplay and choices which have no effect you might as well watch it on

  • edited January 2015

    It's Okay, I still haven't gotten GOT or TFTBL except I barley know anything about them ;/, idk why, I'm just not sure if i'll like them xD

    I didn't really think TFTBL was great or anything, but GoT got off to a really good start in my opinion. I'd spend the $5 (or whatever it is for the first episode) and give it a shot.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    If you are looking for sympathy, I can tell you I don't have sympathy. But what I do have are a very particular set of Bros, Bros I have acq



  • Alt text

    Rekt I mean brekt I like this breaded vid awesome XDD

    ComingSoon posted: » im cRYING so HARD I CANT EVEN....DEEP BREATHS

  • xD I know this vid is the most hilarious i've seen since Jaylen the super saiyan lmfao

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Rekt I mean brekt I like this breaded vid awesome XDD

  • jUST keep clickin on 0:38 over and over xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Rekt I mean brekt I like this breaded vid awesome XDD

  • If you ever try Nocturne out, I must warn you... the game is hard as fuck! It's a turn-based RPG but there are a lot of ways to get cheap deaths and game overs in it. Even though you fight with a team, if the main protagonist dies in battle despite the rest of his party still being alive in the fight, you automatically get a game over. It's was annoying as hell when I played through the game on the hardest difficulty completely new to it. lol

    Tinni posted: »

    The new SSB games, sorry for not clarifying. That's very true, when you're passionate about something, working towards it is fun and rewa

  • Well, alright.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Justin Bieber won a music award does that make (insert any artist who won) good? Kirsten stewart won an acting award does that make (inse

  • no u

    ComingSoon posted: »

    no u


  • LOL

    JustinCage posted: »


  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • ayyyyyyyy

    'm back.

  • ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy



  • hey Megami :P

    'm back.

  • elo ^_^

    ComingSoon posted: »

    hey Megami :P

  • How r u? ^.^

    elo ^_^

  • good! Got quite inactive due to some family problems.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    How r u? ^.^

  • Oh :( well I hope they have been resolved., or if they're not will be soon :D

    Yeah my week this week has been really busy.

    good! Got quite inactive due to some family problems.

  • Tobiiiiiiii~ ! :D


  • Alt text

    Megamiiiiiiii! :3

    'm back.

  • Bruh, get on my level: he got here five years after me.

    When all your friends have more likes then you, even the ones that came seven months after you.

  • Your comment didn't show up. Goodness sakes. :c

    Long time no see! How are you?! :D

    'm back.

  • Oh hello there!

    'm back.

  • Alt text

    YES :'D

    'm back.

  • .......................

  • The forum is still a glitchy mess like when I took a temp. leave, lol.

    I'm good, trying to stay active as I can, but yeah, school and family, not a good combination.

    Your comment didn't show up. Goodness sakes. :c Long time no see! How are you?!

  • That's awesome :'D

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • Alt text

    XD nice awesome video brent very creative and funny :D

    AWESOMEO posted: »


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