You know sup i would normally tell you to stop. But considering that you took the time to write all that im going to asume you are undergoing madness and therefore can no be reasoned with in anyway ( well eithere that or you litterally have no life to speak of but since you are an awesome friend i refuse to belive that). So im just gonna leave you to your mental breakdown. Have fun
You know sup i would normally tell you to stop. But considering that you took the time to write all that im going to asume you are undergoin… moreg madness and therefore can no be reasoned with in anyway ( well eithere that or you litterally have no life to speak of but since you are an awesome friend i refuse to belive that). So im just gonna leave you to your mental breakdown. Have fun
Oh yeah about that. I noticed you did'nt change your original part (you know the one where you mentioned crossing deamians group) even thought you take it back soo could you please edit it
And that just happened. And she did close to absolutely nothing to stop him. By god she wasent even trying to kill him. WHAT THE HELL WAS IT WITH HER AND NOT KILLING. Well i kinda knew but still. Oh and NOW she wanted to solve this.
"Whats wrog? i thought you wanted to be a 'good girl' so it was very rude when you bit that guy. You should have just let him rape you like a GOOD girl" i smirked
Soooo many things I would like to say to him. So many ways I had to prove he was lying. But that was was for some other time. That Hope guy … morewas seriously worried. Poor little him, now when you hurt him you would bad. At least now he has something to remember from me.... He was going down. The only thing that actually bothered you was the apathy of the rest. And his little story, you had to prove him wrong. The knuckle marks on your stomach and jaw were a good start to make the train theory fuck of. You smiled.
OFC: Ok I am sorry for asking this but is Chalsey a he or a she cause I know for sure that Chalsey is a girl name and I could be wrong so I would apreciate it if you made this clear for me. :P
PS: Sorry for being stupid.
Konni: He hurt me. I am gonna hurt him. Cause he deserves it. Don't you want to? Wouldn't you like to cut off his ingers and pour salt on the wounds? Take his eyeballs out? Wouldn't you like to have him scream out loud how sorry he is as we shove jars with little bugs down his throat? Cause I know I would. No mercy to those who have harmed me. That is what I learned. Wouldn't you like it?
Reverse Konni
And that just happened. And she did close to absolutely nothing to stop him. By god she wasent even trying to kill him. WHA… moreT THE HELL WAS IT WITH HER AND NOT KILLING. Well i kinda knew but still. Oh and NOW she wanted to solve this.
"Whats wrog? i thought you wanted to be a 'good girl' so it was very rude when you bit that guy. You should have just let him rape you like a GOOD girl" i smirked
Konni: He hurt me. I am gonna hurt him. Cause he deserves it. Don't you want to? Wouldn't you like to cut off his ingers and pour salt on th… moree wounds? Take his eyeballs out? Wouldn't you like to have him scream out loud how sorry he is as we shove jars with little bugs down his throat? Cause I know I would. No mercy to those who have harmed me. That is what I learned. Wouldn't you like it?
Konni: I am not bad. I am not good either, where the hell would someone good be in a hell like this? I am just working according to what benefits me. And yeah, sure, I don't really benefit out of this, it is a waste of energy. But sometimes just want to take revenge. Lets do this, this one time, lets have some fun, and for a good perpose, no one would miss someone like him. No one...
I smiled. FINALLY SOME progress
"Yeah i would. Guess that makes you 'bad' then. Well its better that beng 'good' is'nt it" i said hoping she would fall for my word trick
I was going to cross daemians group. but i used it to do my own arc. so im not there. i have plans for it. dont worry lets just say the guard lied and im not with daemians
Oh yeah about that. I noticed you did'nt change your original part (you know the one where you mentioned crossing deamians group) even thought you take it back soo could you please edit it
An Exeption...............Fuck shes still not giving up that no killing bs. But fine babysteps it is. I knew that i told her i would'nt try to change her. But killing felt soooo good. She just needed to start enjoying it like i did. But no she wanted to be a superheroine and not kill anyone. But this 'exeption' was a good start. She was starting to learn.
Konni: I am not bad. I am not good either, where the hell would someone good be in a hell like this? I am just working according to what ben… moreefits me. And yeah, sure, I don't really benefit out of this, it is a waste of energy. But sometimes just want to take revenge. Lets do this, this one time, lets have some fun, and for a good perpose, no one would miss someone like him. No one...
An Exeption...............Fuck shes still not giving up that no killing bs. But fine babysteps it is. I knew that i told her i would'nt try … moreto change her. But killing felt soooo good. She just needed to start enjoying it like i did. But no she wanted to be a superheroine and not kill anyone. But this 'exeption' was a good start. She was starting to learn.
I smiled at her.
"He won't even see it coming"
Started to look around. We were in a compleatly sealed room. Fuck.
"Hello there newbie" said a guard as he walked next to me.
We were at the town It looked preatty cool. Henry took me here too meet some of the guards. There were at least a few guys i recognised from town meatings. They welcomed me with open arms. They were really nice guys and suprisingly...gals. I did'nt know there were female guards. Well anyway we sat around and told stories . About before. About how randolf lead everyone out of europe. About how he was declared king but died. Then his only son Klaus took over. And then......
"Move the fuck out" yelled a voice at the end of the hall.
It was that guy from before Devern was his name. He was a commander i think. Oh yeah he had a garrison protecting the town for Klaus and the Jester to arrive. And then i notice a bunch of men behind him. Oh shit it was the garrison.
"I said move out. Official royal garrison coming through." said Devern as the guards behind him moved forward. Their armor was like ours but they had this symbol thing for authority.
"Very well come in" said the owner of the building. I guess he was the mayor technically?
The men rushed in and filled up the place. Suddenly there was this chaos. Some of them even brought They dressed.......probacodably? Was that the word? I'm not sure.........Well you get the idea. But i thought that we weren't allowed to bring 'company'.
"SILENCE" scremed Devern
The whole room went quiet.
"Today we have some special announcements. First off i would like to give my congradulations to you all for the sucessfull capture of the escaped prisoner. Now i know many of you wanted to give that pice of waste what he deseved ...a very painfull death. But instead we shall witness Klaus judge him personally. And trust me that can be very......entretaining. I would also like to thank Gringrov for torturing his innterogator Sam who will also be judged. Hopefully those fingers you broke will be fixed before Klauses arrival."
A roar of applause was raised and a man ( i guess gringrov) stood up and bowed. They were cheering at this guy because he broke a mans fingers. Suddenly meating Konni again did'nt seem so bad.
"And finally the event you've all been waiting for.......the auction."
What? These guys were waiting for an auction. An auction of what?
"As you all know. The third prisoner was brought to town today. And our great king has given us the Honor of.....enslaving her. For the next few days she will serve as a slave to the highest bidder under the condition that she be kept ALIVE. Other than that you may do anything. Let me repeat you may do ANYTHING to her BUT killing. Now many of you may not know the prisoner is.....female"
The most of the guards went crazy. Even the ones There was only one that stood sitted...he looked fammiliar...... But anyway these guys were talking about KONNI....... oh fuck....
"But before anything we must make sure everyone is here. Let us begin the rolecall" he pulled out some papers.
"Here" said an old looking guy as he stood up. He looked preatty weak.
"Here" said a more muscular guy
"Here although you already knew that" he said as he stood up again. I think he winked at another
"Here m'lord" he said he looked quite desperate to end this rolecall. He was sweating...gross.
"Present,Past and Future" he said. He did'nt stand up. Maybe because he had about 3 companies.....
"Presant mon capitain" said yet another guy as he stood up. He had a weird looking mustache.
"Hmph..lets see here....o there we go. Chasley." I opened my mouth as he said the name.
I looked back at the guy i recognised earlier. Sure enought he stood up.
"'Ere" he sat back down
"Well then... Rothbard"
"Here as always" said another guard. I did'nt pay much attention to him. I was still looking at Chasley.
"Okay don't worry men almost done..... Loom"
There was a silence.
The silence continued.
"Fuck i must have left him guarding that rat down there"
"Then it appears i must get him" said Gringrov as he stood up
He left. The rest of the time we waited for him to comeback.
Konni: I guess we are fucked them.... At least the didn't look in my pockets.... So, we still have the razor. Better than nothing I guess....
Your hands were tied on the bed's sides, far from each other and your torso. What were you gonna do...? You had to find a way out. You knew the doom was close. And you had a very bad feeling about all this. You were still in pain after when this guy had done to you. But you knew it was not gonna stick around for long. The fact you could still move all your fingers was a miracle. You were so desperate to get out. You should have just stayed in your hidding spot. You were gonna make sure they would all pay. For whatever they already did to you and for what you knew that they were gonna do to you. You had with people like them. You knew what they were going to at least try and do to you. You were not scared anymore. After a while, fear is just so meaningless that you forget about it. Reverse was staring at you, with eyes filled with pitty. At least you were not gonna go through hell alone... You looked back at her.
Konni: Of all that, is there any level of pain or heat and cold and things like that you can feel?
"Well yeah sorry i forgot"
Started to look around. We were in a compleatly sealed room. Fuck.
"Hello there newbie" said a guar… mored as he walked next to me.
We were at the town It looked preatty cool. Henry took me here too meet some of the guards. There were at least a few guys i recognised from town meatings. They welcomed me with open arms. They were really nice guys and suprisingly...gals. I did'nt know there were female guards. Well anyway we sat around and told stories . About before. About how randolf lead everyone out of europe. About how he was declared king but died. Then his only son Klaus took over. And then......
"Move the fuck out" yelled a voice at the end of the hall.
It was that guy from before Devern was his name. He was a commander i think. Oh yeah he had a garrison protecting the town for Klaus and the Jester to arrive. And then i notice a bunch of men behind him. Oh shit it was th… [view original content]
You looked at Reverse.
Konni: I guess we are fucked them.... At least the didn't look in my pockets.... So, we still have the razor. Bett… moreer than nothing I guess....
Your hands were tied on the bed's sides, far from each other and your torso. What were you gonna do...? You had to find a way out. You knew the doom was close. And you had a very bad feeling about all this. You were still in pain after when this guy had done to you. But you knew it was not gonna stick around for long. The fact you could still move all your fingers was a miracle. You were so desperate to get out. You should have just stayed in your hidding spot. You were gonna make sure they would all pay. For whatever they already did to you and for what you knew that they were gonna do to you. You had with people like them. You knew what they were going to at least try and do to you. You were not scared anymore. After a while, fear is just so meaningless that you forget abo… [view original content]
Konni: He is not a loser, he was a good kid. I don't think he made it out... I have no idea what happened to him after we got taken by George. But while he was around, he was at least some companie.
Konni: He is not a loser, he was a good kid. I don't think he made it out... I have no idea what happened to him after we got taken by George. But while he was around, he was at least some companie.
Konni: He was crazy. Putting people through all that, for no good fucking reason. Then again, I have to thank him for giving me someone to talk to. Even if my chances on commiting suiside are bigger now, because of you.
Konni: He was crazy. Putting people through all that, for no good fucking reason. Then again, I have to thank him for giving me someone to talk to. Even if my chances on commiting suiside are bigger now, because of you.
Lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers lovers
For the millionth time, I am in a relationship.
Ignore him (trust me hell stop)
You know sup i would normally tell you to stop. But considering that you took the time to write all that im going to asume you are undergoing madness and therefore can no be reasoned with in anyway ( well eithere that or you litterally have no life to speak of but since you are an awesome friend i refuse to belive that). So im just gonna leave you to your mental breakdown. Have fun
Hey you asked for it friend :P
Thanks!!!! (Sarcasm)
XD. K I will stop
Oh yeah about that. I noticed you did'nt change your original part (you know the one where you mentioned crossing deamians group) even thought you take it back soo could you please edit it
Reverse Konni
And that just happened. And she did close to absolutely nothing to stop him. By god she wasent even trying to kill him. WHAT THE HELL WAS IT WITH HER AND NOT KILLING. Well i kinda knew but still. Oh and NOW she wanted to solve this.
"Whats wrog? i thought you wanted to be a 'good girl' so it was very rude when you bit that guy. You should have just let him rape you like a GOOD girl" i smirked
Konni: He hurt me. I am gonna hurt him. Cause he deserves it. Don't you want to? Wouldn't you like to cut off his ingers and pour salt on the wounds? Take his eyeballs out? Wouldn't you like to have him scream out loud how sorry he is as we shove jars with little bugs down his throat? Cause I know I would. No mercy to those who have harmed me. That is what I learned. Wouldn't you like it?
I smiled. FINALLY SOME progress
"Yeah i would. Guess that makes you 'bad' then. Well its better that beng 'good' is'nt it" i said hoping she would fall for my word trick
Konni: I am not bad. I am not good either, where the hell would someone good be in a hell like this? I am just working according to what benefits me. And yeah, sure, I don't really benefit out of this, it is a waste of energy. But sometimes just want to take revenge. Lets do this, this one time, lets have some fun, and for a good perpose, no one would miss someone like him. No one...
Mallory keeps staring at me with hate in her eyes.
I was going to cross daemians group. but i used it to do my own arc. so im not there. i have plans for it. dont worry
lets just say the guard lied and im not with daemians
An Exeption...............Fuck shes still not giving up that no killing bs. But fine babysteps it is. I knew that i told her i would'nt try to change her. But killing felt soooo good. She just needed to start enjoying it like i did. But no she wanted to be a superheroine and not kill anyone. But this 'exeption' was a good start. She was starting to learn.
I smiled at her.
"He won't even see it coming"
Konni: No, he won't... Do you want to find a way out, ot help me relize that there is not one?
"Well yeah sorry i forgot"
Started to look around. We were in a compleatly sealed room. Fuck.
"Hello there newbie" said a guard as he walked next to me.
We were at the town It looked preatty cool. Henry took me here too meet some of the guards. There were at least a few guys i recognised from town meatings. They welcomed me with open arms. They were really nice guys and suprisingly...gals. I did'nt know there were female guards. Well anyway we sat around and told stories . About before. About how randolf lead everyone out of europe. About how he was declared king but died. Then his only son Klaus took over. And then......
"Move the fuck out" yelled a voice at the end of the hall.
It was that guy from before Devern was his name. He was a commander i think. Oh yeah he had a garrison protecting the town for Klaus and the Jester to arrive. And then i notice a bunch of men behind him. Oh shit it was the garrison.
"I said move out. Official royal garrison coming through." said Devern as the guards behind him moved forward. Their armor was like ours but they had this symbol thing for authority.
"Very well come in" said the owner of the building. I guess he was the mayor technically?
The men rushed in and filled up the place. Suddenly there was this chaos. Some of them even brought They dressed.......probacodably? Was that the word? I'm not sure.........Well you get the idea. But i thought that we weren't allowed to bring 'company'.
"SILENCE" scremed Devern
The whole room went quiet.
"Today we have some special announcements. First off i would like to give my congradulations to you all for the sucessfull capture of the escaped prisoner. Now i know many of you wanted to give that pice of waste what he deseved ...a very painfull death. But instead we shall witness Klaus judge him personally. And trust me that can be very......entretaining. I would also like to thank Gringrov for torturing his innterogator Sam who will also be judged. Hopefully those fingers you broke will be fixed before Klauses arrival."
A roar of applause was raised and a man ( i guess gringrov) stood up and bowed. They were cheering at this guy because he broke a mans fingers. Suddenly meating Konni again did'nt seem so bad.
"And finally the event you've all been waiting for.......the auction."
What? These guys were waiting for an auction. An auction of what?
"As you all know. The third prisoner was brought to town today. And our great king has given us the Honor of.....enslaving her. For the next few days she will serve as a slave to the highest bidder under the condition that she be kept ALIVE. Other than that you may do anything. Let me repeat you may do ANYTHING to her BUT killing. Now many of you may not know the prisoner is.....female"
The most of the guards went crazy. Even the ones There was only one that stood sitted...he looked fammiliar...... But anyway these guys were talking about KONNI....... oh fuck....
"But before anything we must make sure everyone is here. Let us begin the rolecall" he pulled out some papers.
"Here" said an old looking guy as he stood up. He looked preatty weak.
"Here" said a more muscular guy
"Here although you already knew that" he said as he stood up again. I think he winked at another
"Here m'lord" he said he looked quite desperate to end this rolecall. He was sweating...gross.
"Present,Past and Future" he said. He did'nt stand up. Maybe because he had about 3 companies.....
"Presant mon capitain" said yet another guy as he stood up. He had a weird looking mustache.
"Hmph..lets see here....o there we go. Chasley." I opened my mouth as he said the name.
I looked back at the guy i recognised earlier. Sure enought he stood up.
"'Ere" he sat back down
"Well then... Rothbard"
"Here as always" said another guard. I did'nt pay much attention to him. I was still looking at Chasley.
"Okay don't worry men almost done..... Loom"
There was a silence.
The silence continued.
"Fuck i must have left him guarding that rat down there"
"Then it appears i must get him" said Gringrov as he stood up
He left. The rest of the time we waited for him to comeback.
(Wait im doing some stuff first sry)
My god he really though i gave a damn about Klaus? By god his idiocy defied logic
"Lisen here boy you hear that thats the sound of someone taking you seriously....... Can't hear anything? Exactly"
You looked at Reverse.
Konni: I guess we are fucked them.... At least the didn't look in my pockets.... So, we still have the razor. Better than nothing I guess....
Your hands were tied on the bed's sides, far from each other and your torso. What were you gonna do...? You had to find a way out. You knew the doom was close. And you had a very bad feeling about all this. You were still in pain after when this guy had done to you. But you knew it was not gonna stick around for long. The fact you could still move all your fingers was a miracle. You were so desperate to get out. You should have just stayed in your hidding spot. You were gonna make sure they would all pay. For whatever they already did to you and for what you knew that they were gonna do to you. You had with people like them. You knew what they were going to at least try and do to you. You were not scared anymore. After a while, fear is just so meaningless that you forget about it. Reverse was staring at you, with eyes filled with pitty. At least you were not gonna go through hell alone... You looked back at her.
Konni: Of all that, is there any level of pain or heat and cold and things like that you can feel?
Reverse Konni
"Everything. I guess i feel what you do. This whole im part you thing kinda works like that"
Konni: You didn't seem to react at all the other day with the wall insident. So... How exactly does it work?
"I don't know i guess maybe i just LIKE pain"
Konni: Ok then.... Any ideas? To at least make time pass a it faster? Cause it feels like we are gonna be here for a while....
"Okay then lets talk about people" i did'nt have any better ideas
Yeah yeah Konni is always first -
Konni: People? Ok, there are plenty to chose from, but who would you like to roast first?
"Come on and fight already" i was getting really impatient
"How about Herman. Ever wonder what happened to that loser?"
"Okay......."-I said while walking towards her.
"Okay......."-I said while walking towards her.
Konni: He is not a loser, he was a good kid. I don't think he made it out... I have no idea what happened to him after we got taken by George. But while he was around, he was at least some companie.
"Speaking of Georgie. What the hell was that guys deal?"
Konni: He was crazy. Putting people through all that, for no good fucking reason. Then again, I have to thank him for giving me someone to talk to. Even if my chances on commiting suiside are bigger now, because of you.
"Would'nt that 'suicide' be murder? But i guess you're right he did one good thing by creating me.........wait would'nt that make George my...FATHER?"
Konni: That would be mindblowing.