I want Season 3 to have more brutality
Like over the top brutally disgusting disturbing things that the apocalypse has yet to show. Starved For Help showed some of this with the bandits and rape and cannibalism but its not really that delved into. Carver's death showed the were capable of gore. I think we need someone like Thomas Richards or a serial killer rapist type thing. I think we should see some vile disgusting human beings like the hill billies from Deliverence. A torture scene would be perfect in TWD and bring the horror genre into it
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I think more brutality will improve Clem's story. And more character development. More brutality means more chances for moral dilemmas
Eh, can't we stop trying to break Clem, let's rebuild her.
I agree. They should implant more of the brutality seen in the comics since this game technically exits in the comic's universe.
I want to be able to actually SIDE with villains.
More brutality? The brutality was already on par with the comics to me. A fellow's leg getting caught in a bear trap/hacked off. Mark's legs also chopped in Starved For Help, Lee's arm gruesomely cut off, That Kenny beat-down scene, Troy blasted in the nuts scene, Even the brief Carlos hostage/torture scene done by Carver made me flinch a tad in discomfort. I don't know what deeper degree of violence anyone could ask to see without it being transformed into a Saw plot..and appearing desensitized to violence.
Perhaps Clementine getting raped then decapitated next season will suffice everyone's hunger for more, but that would feel too in tone with a Game of Thrones fate somehow to me. Sounds exactly like something Robert Kirkman would cook up though....well on second thought he already has with his book. He really should join the crew and write a good portion of season 3, especially if the third is the final season of this game since he is the creator (couldn't do any much worse than some of the guys that worked on season 2). The game, comic and television show are all equally violent enough from my perspective.
Play games like outlast then.
Telltale, you even so much as think of doing this, then let me say this in advance: screw you.
Also, DON'T do it. Horrible stuff like that would just be triggers for people. I don't care if it got implied in Season 1 to some kid we never saw, that was subtly done like it was with Molly and hinted by with Rebecca too, and that's the way the subject matter should stay even if the word does get used. I don't want to see that horrible stuff on screen done to any character, let alone Clementine who is underage. You'll only put people off your game and set a bad example.
And Ladariel, could you please, please think before you speak next time when you write both 'a child getting raped and decapitated' & 'and sufficing people's hunger' in the same sentence. This is a forum and there are young kids on here
Yes, more brutality. It can add conflict as well as character development and would really capture the feel of the comics, considering how much shit happens in those. Just as long as Clem isn't on the receiving end.
Well said.
I think I love your avatar lol
Thanks! "ClemEverett" did this on deviantart if you're interested in his/her work on TWDG
Yes, more edge please.
I want a scene where Clementine will torture some dude by breaking glass and forcing him to chew it.
I want a gratuituous, 30-minute-long, bloody gang-rape scene.
I want to see a character get bloodily dismembered, disemboweled, mutilated and eaten alive on-screen.
(I'm being facetious. I do think the series needs brutal violence, but there's a fine line to walk between believability and absurdity.)
Holy shit.
That would take up one fourth of an episode....Yeah, hopefully TT has hope to NOT have someone raped on screen.
I know you're joking about those but just wanted to throw this in.
Yes, I think that they need to involve that type of element. Players should be able to really mold Clementine into the survivor they want. it should allow players to be a hero or anti-hero
Well there shouldn't be young kids on this forum. The Walking Dead isn't a game or a franchise that's meant for children
Children or not on the forum, doing something like that even in a game like The Walking Dead would just be completely wrong and disturbing. Furthermore, even TellTale wouldn't hurt the main character of the series like that. That would just be the biggest 'fuck you' to the fans. Not to mention the amount of controversy that would stir up with critics and, well, everyone.
You really should play Fallout then !
I'm fine with more brutality, as long as it doesn't start becoming a game of trying to one up the last gory scene, where it feels like there's quota of having at least one overly brutal scene each episode (kind of like how some people feel about the zombie attacks in the game)
I still see brutality as something to use sparingly, otherwise you run the risk of people getting too used to it. The comics are pretty brutal, sure, but you don't see a Lucille-level scene every issue. That's what makes moments like that have all the more impact.
I never said that the brutality should happen specifically to Clementine and in my mind brutality doesn't have to mean gore. I don't want to see Clem get raped or decapitated, but her witnessing something like that and/or trying to stop it would be fine - whether or not something like that is shown on or off screen makes no difference to me
Brutal and gory scenes are fine so as long as they're not used purely for shock value, becomes overabundant, or are not used to create any kind of impact in character relationships or the story.
For instance, Clementine's self-surgery in Episode 1 was very well done and had a lot of impact given the situation she was in, even if it did drag on a little too long. The dog attack was also very shocking and very appropriate to the theme of the story, especially the story gave players the false sense of security and hopes of having a dog as a companion.
However, Kenny's beating by Carver's hands failed to convey the sense of brutality or impact due to Telltale's unwillingness to have Carver kill Kenny off to give him a stronger impact in Season 2, nor have Kenny's serious injury becomes a detriment in future episodes. Likewise, Kenny killing Carver felt over the top, and made little impact in the characters and story other than a few passing comments. Shouldn't the Cabin Group (sans Rebecca) be more fearful of Kenny, who was very eager to crush someone's skull in for an excessive period of time, and is now shown to have anger issues? Had Sarita continued to live in Amid the Ruins, shouldn't what Kenny did have soured her relationship with him, seeing how sad she was to not have been able to 'save him' after all?
Do I have a sick mind if I actually want this to happen?
Depends on whether the victim supposedly deserves it or not.
Well even I don't want my Clem torturing someone who doesn't deserve it. Someone like Arvo or Bonnie, yes, but just some random person, no I wouldn't want to torture them.
sarita surviving maybe could have kept Kenny from boiling over so much.
Like I said all of it was there but they didn't really go into deep detail with it. St. Johns could have had more to their characters than what was shown
Lucille is definitely a wild woman
and someone like Negan could bring a new side of TWD out a guttier more sicker side
Why can't there be a mix of both. Where a new Protagonist takes care of Clementine, teaches her some things, and they run through hardships together, but because they take care of each other they make it out alive.
WE can't have that, we have pointless deaths, pointless gore. S3, i really hope they contract someone out of TTG to write it. S2 was what it was.
Eh, who knows what will happen.
I read torture and Bonnie in the same sentence and smiled
Torture's fucking wrong.
And I was mocking Call of Duty: Black Ops for doing that exact "interrogation" technique. How exactly is tearing up a guy's mouth gonna make him 'talk'?!
I actually really liked Episode 1 for being so vicious and unflinching (some would say 'voyeuristic') with its violence. Carlos' torture in Episode 2 came close, with him wheezing and screaming in agony while failing to reassure his daughter.
Kenny and Carver, on the other hand, are fucking robots who don't react at all to their beatings. Personally I wish the writers got over their macho obsession and had Carver begging and screaming in anguish, just like how Troy was humiliated by being mutilated and left to be eaten alive.
Same thing with Arvo. Poor kid gets his face smashed while wearing glasses, yet the frames don't even break and cut his face up?!
Well its his mouth so technically he can't. The comics are no short of brutality it has more than I've seen the ganes or show get. The Michonne torturing the Governor, Twins Decapitation, Glenn's Beating etc.
I guess I'm the opposite. Take a step away from the constant barrage of abrupt death scenes and one-dimensional villains and give the characters time to breath.
It's already a brutal series, simply making the gore more explicit isn't going to improve anything.
dude, everyone would be f**ked if there was a rape within the close group, cause it's either Clem or like Jane or something, most likely Clem and no one wants to see that, or even see foreshadowing hints because of censorship-stuff. But, you never know.
Well said, friend. And yeah I was thinking about triggers too, wouldn't want TWDG lovers who happened to suffer that feel even more hurt, cause who knows, people out there may truly look up to Clem in a coping sort of way.

Yeah this topic writer is probably a secret murederer lol
Yes but in a world like the apocalypse these things exist. Telltale needs to make them have more of a presence
I K R, hopefully they don't ubisoft this game.
They did, remember crazy lady from episode 2 season 1?