I Need Some Ideas For Some Gruesome Scenes
I'm writing a Fan-Fic about Season 3 and I was a little upset at the lack of brutal or disturbing moments in Season 2(Except Carvers death). I want more moments like the boy in the attic, the bear trap, Lee's arm, and other assorted atrocities. However, I'm having trouble thinking of some really brutal ideas, so when in doubt, you turn to the forums. Can you guys think of any brutal/disturbing/extremely unpleasant scenes that I can use. You will get recognition for your idea if it is used.
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Cast Away Tooth Problems
Someone getting their head slowly chopped off by a cleaver is the first thing that came to mind (weird). Maybe someone force feeding a living person's face to a zombie? No clue how/why I thought of these things.
Not sure if that's what you're looking for, but that's all I can think of. Kind of weirded out that I did think of these actually.
Burn some people alive, that's pretty gruesome. Eye gouging, skinning alive, etc.
Diseased weapons. Kirkman said S3's timeline is right around the comic's. They did that in All Out War(i think) which was awhile ago, time wise.
Those sound awesome!
A pack of wild dogs eating a half rotten walker whilst its wailing its arms around.
Or some mixed up folk caught performing necrophilia.
May be an unclean wound covered in maggots and flies.
A torture scene which involves dismemberment, torture and gore
People being fed alive to walkers.
Someone stubs their toe on a wall. Can't think of anything more brutal than that.
A psychopath that likes to experiment on Walkers, and live people. Like replacing a person's kidneys with that of a Walkers kidneys just to see what happened.
Someone falls into a fire and can't get out, there skin melts in to it, charring them, they scream in pain but no one comes to help. They die helpless in the fire. Just as the person is about to die a walker rips them apart, to finish them off. Or! How about someone going on a killing spree with a chainsaw running past people and chopping off their arms and sometimes legs, but don't worry, they knocked them all out first. They wake up with their limbs on top of their chests. Every single one of them screams, luckily the person who did it, is sitting in a high place eating popcorn as the people on the ground struggle to get up, if they can get up at all. Soon walkers come and rip them apart and if they have any limbs left, the walkers tear them off.
Where would you publish your fanfic?
An idea I had for my own fanfic, between a group of OCs that Lee's group meets:
Judy (11, female) developed mental issues after her mother placed her on drugs to get her out of her depression. She begins to get delusions about having to kill everyone and then kill herself. Judy has a meltdown and beats a bird to death. A boy in her group, Sam (18, male), attempts to stop her, but Judy stabs him, and then stabs his forehead to keep from coming back. Lee and her mother discover her and Sam, and the group agrees to tie up Judy and decide what to do with her the next morning. That night, a pedophilic, psychopathic (I hope I'm using that correctly) boy in the group, Tyler (21, male) goes into the room and murders her. He suffocates her, stabs her, and slits her throat, then rapes her corpse. He leaves her like that for her mother to find.
That's just messed up, but that's how it's gonna hopefully go. Use your own characters and improvise a bit - I wouldn't mind you using it.
What´s is your fanfic? Can you send me the link?
I haven't gotten to that part in the Fic yet. That's just what I plan to do. But here.
Ohhh. I already read that fanfic. And i review it too :P.
Please tell me that Summer will not end up like dying like Ben u.u
And are you going to make another fanfic like but with S2? Just aksing , i don´t want to bother
I'm not sure yet. Since the story's gonna go at least a year and a half in, it would have already covered much of the time season 2 takes place. Can I PM you about it over this site?
3 month from A New Day to Starved for Help , 5-8 from the end of No Time Left to Omid´s death in All That Remains and 16 month also.
16 + 3 = 19
19 + 5 = 24. ( 19 + 8 = 27)
So technically it would 24 months or 2 years when you met the cabin group
Oh, okay. I keep thinking it was less than that. Whatever. Sequel is possible, but not guaranteed.
Welp , Christa´s baby didn´t came out in 6 days XD. Also , i forgot to add the 1 or 2 weeks between Starved for Help and Long Road Ahead , but i doesn´t matter to much i think
The Walking Dead Game Fanfiction Archive
If you have already started , send me a link!
It won't be published for a few days yet, but when it is I will send you the link.
what ending are you going to use for it?
I'm first writing a fanfic that will tie all the endings together. It will be a prequel to it, and then a few days later the Season 3 fic will come out. There will be 5 different scenarios throughout the fanfic that will all lead to one place.
Human centipede psycho of the apocalypse?Using live walkers?
A crazed dance instructor takes a group of survivors hostage and forces them to DANCE
Then they end up performing a musical breakout
Carver's dance camp?
I feel being to violent like torture in certain ways isn't the walking dead, idk why, I'd say a guy takes someone through a horde and uses him as a body shield, and a eventually makes him a screaming, bleeding distraction.
Eating walkers, rape, flogging, flaying, stepping on a lego, multiple stabbing from legs to head, necrophilia(Thank Nate for the idea), for more ideas watch SAW or something. XD
Legos #1 cause of death in America
This one is a but morbid, but some sort of cult that "baptizes" people in blood until they drown.
Stepping on a lego or being raped by a walker.
everything from outlast