Episode 2 Decision most likely to bite us in the butt
What is your number one? Or top three.
For me, it was Mira keeping the knife. That was the hardest decision in the entire episode for me!
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What is your number one? Or top three.
For me, it was Mira keeping the knife. That was the hardest decision in the entire episode for me!
Forging the letter from Margery. She'll figure it out somehow, and there goes the only connected friend I've got.
Mira keeping the knife and not kissing Whitehill's ring (only because of Ryon's sake)
I will have to agree with forging the letter.
Its easy to find out it was fake. The knife, anybody can have a knife, as long as you wash off the blood.
I tossed it the first playthrough, but thought it wiser to keep it, in case another assasin comes and bothers Mira.
My second decision that will bite me in the ass, is probably trusting Beskah. I dunno she is great, but she is still a sellsword.
Everything has a price to them.
Edit: About not kissing the ring, it was a hard choice, but the more i think about it, the better i feel about not kissing it.
Like Rodrik said, at least in my playthrough, we cannot appear weak. If Ludd Whitehall knows we will bend the knee if he merely threatens to keep Ryon from the funeral, we would probably end up bending the knee for many other things.
And it strengthened my betrothal with Eleana.
Right? I mean, at some point Margery will wonder why her girl married Scarface McHouseIsFucked and find out about the letter. It ain't exactly subtle. And Margery, while relatively nice, still ain't trying to get fucked over by somebody else's bullshit. She's playing her own game.
im glad i didnt forge or take her seal!
When I inevietably play it again I probably won't. I just had this sense of desperation to help my family. But things will always come back around on you, both TTG and GRRM kind of roll like that.
You know, I actually think the opposite! I think my choice not to forge the letter is going to lead to something bad. It's my instinct to not want to do anything that will incriminate Mira and every time I was faced with a choice to do something questionable but overall helpful for my family, I chose not to. But it might just be my "cowardice" as a player that gets both Mira killed and keeps her family from rising to victory. At least not without a lot of pain along the way.
Sometimes you have to be willing to take risks, especially in the GoT world. I wouldn't be surprised if keeping Mira innocent and pure was a mistake in the end.
Then again, lying was literally the wrong choice every single time you got the option in the Walking Dead series. Seriously, I don't remember it ever being beneficial. So I could be wrong on this one too.
Telling Jon Snow about the North Grove.
Yeah... I thought he was going to be able to help... I was wrong... He knows nothing of the North Grove.
Exactly what I thought! But he looked at me like I was retarded or something lol!
I thought we were gonna start a bromance...
Hey there's still time xD
Probably should have asked Bran! Sounds more like his story than Jon's! 8p
I really just wanted someone there to know what I was doing with the North Grove, and he seemed the most trustworthy out of anyone at the Wall... no matter how badass Frostfinger is lol
If the decisions don't get messed up again....
I agree. Jon seems kinda like a dick in this episode. He seems much nicer in the show. I just hope he doesn't tell frostfinger not knowing the implications because that seems like something he would do. But hey, maybe he will help.
Firstly, killing the guard. This is probably just me, but over 90% of people did it, and it seems to be so obviously the right thing to do that I can't help but feel that it's a trap. I don't know how, but it makes me really nervous.
Secondly, the knife. Either choice has the potential to really come back and bite us, and in all likelihood, it'll happen for both sides of the decision.
Thirdly, forging the letter. I feel that at some point, that's going to become a problem, and since I suspect that the betrothal will eventually fall apart regardless, it will have been for nothing.
Not killing Tazal.
Not a problem in my game. Did anyone think the lost legion would let us go if we let him live?
I think the knife decision will have the most impact on the next episode
Nope. Did it for the hell of it in the second playthrough, I'm interested to see if/how it makes a difference.
I killed him. My first act of Asher badassery.
Standing up for Cotter. I know almost everybody did it, but I really don't trust that guy. I didn't mind picking a fight with that big guy, I just wish I hadn't done it over a snitch like Cotter.
I think forging the letter or not will have a huge impact on Mira's fate in King's Landing, letting the guard live too.
I mean, the only reason Mira is "relatively" safe in King's Landing is because she works directly under Margery. What if her betrayal of Margery's trust gets her fired? Super easy target for the assassins,then...
And if the guard lives and kills the coal boy,who will aid Mira if she ever needs to "disappear"? If she needs a spy or eavesdropper? He seems like he will be of great help with that in the future.
I think the Bully Finn will play a bigger role in the upcoming Episodes.
Because he is a dick at first, and then maybe at Episode 6, or 5, or 4.
He'll have to sacrifice himself to save the Night's watch
Or when the Wildings will attack Night's watch, and you saved his life. And he'll be your best buddy.
I think it will be something like Rebecca from The walking Dead.
I think the wedding with have the biggest ramifications. I just see it being good and bad either way
Yeah, 'cause killing a maimed and unarmed man is badass as fuck.
Well, if you let him go, he still tries to kill you. There was a difference between the guy who surrendered to Gared in the beginning of the first episode, and this asshat. The Bolton soldier surrendered, pleaded for his life and ran away without disturbing Gared any longer. Tazal tried to betray me, frame me for a murder he commit, and kill me. At that point, I'm sure even Mother Theresa would have stomped on his neck.
I'm not talking about whether you should kill him or not, I'm saying it's not "badass" in any form.
Hmm, let's call it "satisfying" then
Biggest blow will be that Mira sides with Tyrion. Next Episode we'll have the purple wedding and Tyrion is Mr. Boogyman at Court. Mira will suffer bad for that decision.
It is badass since Asher was the one who maimed and unarmed him. The physical act of killing him was just finishing the job.
Suit yourself, friend.
What decision are you talking about ? I don't remember a moment where you could choose between trusting her or not.
The #1 decision that will probably bite me in the ass is arranging with Tyrion to sell Forrester wood to him regardless of the Whitehills and when Whitehill finds out, he's probably gonna hammer down on Ironrath. Also, planning the death of Gryff Whitehill and the Whitehill soldiers in episode 3 but it has to happen, there's only so much we can take before we completely break. Im just waiting for the order to kill the soldiers.
I agree. There's no way that Telltale is going to see that around 95% of players chose an option and then NOT have it come back to bite us.
Hopefully, the Glenmores can help dealing with the soldiers next episode, but I don't have much hope.
kissing Whitehill's ring . I hate it and I did it for ryon
Keeping the knife. Although, the option to just lob it seems worse to me.