I know what you mean! I used to hate it but found that doing something a little different helped - partly hence the pipe in mine. XD They do look like the sort you could comfortably go to sleep wearing. :P How are the lungs doing today, by the way?
I don't know why but it's the most nerve racking thing I've ever done in my life and it's a stupid picture XD Thank you! I've been wearing these headphones for as long as I can remember as I rarely actually take them off.
Ah so maybe I should get a prop or twirl one of my headphones XD I do actually sleep with them on the only time I actually take them off when I take a shower well I can almost get out of bed without falling to my knees (as our beds in the dorms are lifted off the ground) with pain and nausea so pretty good!
I know what you mean! I used to hate it but found that doing something a little different helped - partly hence the pipe in mine. XD They do look like the sort you could comfortably go to sleep wearing. :P How are the lungs doing today, by the way?
Ah so maybe I should get a prop or twirl one of my headphones XD I do actually sleep with them on the only time I actually take them off whe… moren I take a shower well I can almost get out of bed without falling to my knees (as our beds in the dorms are lifted off the ground) with pain and nausea so pretty good!
Yeah it sucks, yesterday if I were to get out of bed I'd literally collapse my roommates would just peer in like O.o wonder if I'm dead, come in pick me up and then I'd be good. Now I can almost not collapse and get up myself XD
Yeah it sucks, yesterday if I were to get out of bed I'd literally collapse my roommates would just peer in like O.o wonder if I'm dead, come in pick me up and then I'd be good. Now I can almost not collapse and get up myself XD
Nick did his best to elude a dancing Peter in his black boxers, doing his best 'raise the roof' impressions while buttoning up his shirt. In… more the other room, Ethan was completing the finishing touches to his suit. He modeled a typical black suit only this time, the color was a very light pink, shoes were black and hair neatly combed back; he held it in place, thanks to the many years of observing Gren ritually do this every morning.
Peter jumped over his bed, snatched up his pants and continued to dance. Nearly being struck by his massive hand, Nick dodges the near fatal blow (or, a painful one at that) glides near the window and sits against the edge. Peter buttons up his pants and begins the daunting task of picking a tie.
"Just PICK one that matches." Nick sighs. "It's not THAT hard, Peter...."
"Hush." Peter dances in place. "I need one that screams 'I'm the Sheriff and damn I look good.' How 'bout this one?"
Peter holds up a da… [view original content]
I adore that 1st one; its always neat seeing their past.
Peter is too much like his grandfather; John, from what I've read, was a comedian as a youngster. Ethan being prime and proper. I'm beginning to SEE what kind of man Ethan grew to be. And Nick has a date!?!
"HEEEEEEEEEY, they are gone. Ready to come on over and have a REAL party?"
-GASP- It's Vivian! :0 Right....? lol
Oh I think I know what Gren has planned!! I adore these two (for the trillionenth time) I'm glad no one is trying to start anything but staring like that is rude, too. I can imagine the hardships Georgie and the others had to face but its nice knowing everyine has moved on from it.
At 1st, when you mentioned charming, I was mad but its true...he is the Mayor. It was nice knowing he's looking out for ALL, including the Porgies.
Also, the Porgie girls are very beautiful women; they took after their mother and Lyla was the original pin-up for Georgie. She's gorgeous and love how you did her hair. Georgie's face....xD I agree with Tammy.....Georgie needs to go out and buy a gun with girls like this.
Loved this. Looking forward to more and pleased to know you'll be doing so much with Emily's story.
Nick did his best to elude a dancing Peter in his black boxers, doing his best 'raise the roof' impressions while buttoning up his shirt. In… more the other room, Ethan was completing the finishing touches to his suit. He modeled a typical black suit only this time, the color was a very light pink, shoes were black and hair neatly combed back; he held it in place, thanks to the many years of observing Gren ritually do this every morning.
Peter jumped over his bed, snatched up his pants and continued to dance. Nearly being struck by his massive hand, Nick dodges the near fatal blow (or, a painful one at that) glides near the window and sits against the edge. Peter buttons up his pants and begins the daunting task of picking a tie.
"Just PICK one that matches." Nick sighs. "It's not THAT hard, Peter...."
"Hush." Peter dances in place. "I need one that screams 'I'm the Sheriff and damn I look good.' How 'bout this one?"
Peter holds up a da… [view original content]
You are adorable! XD
That moustache rocks!!!
Well that just leaves me... It's about 9:20am over here and I'm off to see Kingsman: The … moreSecret Service at the cinema. When I get back I'll throw on my shirt and tie Bigby style and take my first ever selfie (I'm really nervous...)
Even though I don't remember, I probably did mention something about my stache in the past. (like you said) Glad you think my hat's swag. I like wearing it a lot.
-Bows down- All mighty thread leader...I'm not worthy. xD
Hey man, its nice to finally put a face with the name Dragonbutter. I remember … moreAWHILE ago you mentioned the stache and it's kickass! Also, that beanie adds just enough swag to the image. Great pic, man.
@pudding_pie I still adore Gremily and support them till the bitter end. But now, its time for my tale to take a twist. Why? Because I'mJJwolf. And its what I do best.
I hope you all enjoy the road Robert will be taking. But its not just him....Gren is coming along, with a very unexpected individual Robert is not too keen on....
~Chapter one~
One month after the Crooked Man inccident
The town remained in a bussle for days after the trial. Word spread like wild fire and soon, everyone was catching wind. Funerals were held; the dead laid to rest, the community took time to mourn and as sick as it sounds, life moved on. Robert was not around for the trials. He was not much for the law and to be honest, Bigby Wolf, too.
He and the man had various ways of handling this town. It took a loan shark, his goons, a disclosed underground blackmarket scam spewing illegal glamours like they were out of style and dead hookers before the office even caught sight of what was really going on. Robert knew this town had gone up in flames; Fables like himself and his brother were tossed to the side, as if it was yesterday's garbage.
Speaking of his brother, he was due to meeting Gren up at the Trip Trap. Seemed like he spent more time there than any place else in this fucked up town. Never the less, Robert peels off his couch, heads for a shower and begins his usual routine. Gren had something he wanted to get off his chest. Robert asumed he'd found trouble once more in a dark, cold alley again. Gren was always running into trouble. Became a routine for him.
Dressing in his usual casual attire, Robert locks his apartment door and heads outside. The air was thick with a blanket of Fog. The sun tried its best to peek through. Robert could see patches of light in a single area. The city all around himcontinued on with their lives, not aware of the Grendel, now hands in his pocket, waiting on the corner for the light to change. The bar was not too far from his apartment and Robert needed to clear his head.
Since his return to Fabletown, things seemd to havre progressively become worse for his brother. Gren was unemployed, drinking like an Irishman and never seemed to get any sleep. Holly told Robert she'd let him crash in the back sometimes, on the little cot near the back door. Other times, he'd bounce from couch to couch; the Woodsman allowed Gren to stay at his place for a month until Gren became fueled with rage one night after drinking heavily. He took a plastic fork and attempted to stab Woody in the throat.
Last he heard, Sheriff Bigby Wolf took pity and allowed the poor Fable a place to stay. Robert chuckled. The Big Bad Wolf finally had some heart in that dark, frigid body of his. But that was just talk.... Robert continued to walk across the street. The Sheriff lived in the smallest apartment in the Woodlands. Surely housing a beast such as his brother was no walk in the park. Gren had a terrible, nasty habit of losing his glamour at night. Backfire to using illegal, cheap ones.
Robert was tempted to head over to the Woodlands and make a surprise visit to the Sheriff of this pathetic town. He'd find his brother, perhaps drunk or passed out on the floor; the air thick and heavy with the putrid smell of rotting Chinese and old paint in the air. Bigby, smoking his cigarettes, would find something cocky to say to Robert. The two would argue, Robert would storm off and he'd be right back to square one.
But he knew better than to start anything with Bigby. The Business Office was hot on his tail since returning to the town. Snow White made sure to SPEAK to Robert personally. Robert had nothing against the woman. She was merely doing her job. The last encounter he had right before his departure from the city was a pleasent one. Snow was always gentle and kind to robert. But this last time...things must have really gone down. Snow was stressed, confused and just by her apperance, had not seen a good night's rest.
Robert approached the bar, took the familar steps and entered. The jukebox was playing a rather old country song by Shenandoah. Jack Horner tossed his final dart against the board before noticing Robert. The man with his long, blonde hair pulled back, grinned. He wondered what Robert Grendel was doing back in Fabletown. Last he heard, the Fable was living in Maine, working as a commercial Fisherman. Being a Grendel, he'd have no problem bringing in a decent harvest.
"Well, well, well...." Jack leans against the bar. "Look what the wind blew into town."
"Jack." Robert looks around the bar. "The fuck happened in here?"
Holly's bar looked ten times worse the last he stepped a toe into the dump. There was an enormous hole on the side, broken stools and a gap where the pool table seemed to have been slammed into. No mundy could do this; no, Holly knew better than to allow their kind around when his brother or Sheriff was around. Robert sadly knew, speaking of his brother, that this had to have been the work of Gren.
Jack smiles. "Just a tiff your brother had."
Yup. Robert sighs. "With who, Jack?"
"You didn't hear about all that took place since you left?"
"I know about the Crooked Man and the people involved. I saw them taking the Jersey Devil away to the Farm and from what I hear, Georgie is fighting for his life at the moment. A lot of people are pissed about that...ummm but no, nothing in regards to the bar."
Jack snorts. "Well, get this...." He leans closer to Robert's ear. "Gren and Bigby got into a fight RIGHT here. Can you believe it?"
"Yes. Gren was never a, um, stranger to fights."
"Well, than I don't have to tell you the rest."
"Is he here?"
Robert rubs his forehead. "Please, Jack. No trick. No jokes. I just want to speak to Gren."
Jack scans the room. "Well, he WAS sitting over there before you showed up...maybe."
"Did he run off or-"
"Ask Holly. She's in the back stocking some bottles."
Robert could perfectly see he was not welcomed there; Jack refused to remove that bitter, ugly smug look on his face. As he walked past Robert, he 'accidentally' bumps into Robert's shoulder and continues playing darts. Robert would deal with the Beanstalk climber later. Right now he had his thoughts only on his brother and the reason why he needed to see him.
Robert opened the back door that led to another section of the building. He knew this place like the back of his own hand. Gren would sneak liquour bottles through the back when no one was looking. Perhaps that was one of the reasons Robert was banned for almost six months. Either way, he was on a mission and it was not including smuggling bottles of liquid courage.
Robert calls out to Holly. nothing. He could hear a noise coming from the alley. Robert opens the door and finds Holly, kneeling to the ground and collecting bottles. All were broken except for three. Robert was about to turn when he noticed and smelled the blood on Holly's arm. Feeling sorry for the Troll, Robert sighs and heads toward the injured creature. Thing about Trolls, they had excellent hearing. Even in glamour, it never vanished. Holly turned immediatly and held a shard of glass at Robert's chest. She was surprised to see Robert.
"You...." How quick her facial expression changed. "What are you doing here?"
"Gren. He called me."
"He's not here, Robert. Hasn't been in two days."
"Alright, well. WHERE can I find him?"
Holly paused. She tossed the bottle into a large, black bag. "Why, Robert?"
"He....called me?"
"That why you came back? Do you know how much you hurt him when you left, Robert? Fucking crushed what was left...."
"Well, I had no choice, Holly. I have my own shit to deal with."
"Hmph." Holly closes the bag. "Well, I don't know where-"
"I'm not in the mood....please." Robert paces. "Can you just please point me to his direction? Or do YOU not even know?"
"I do..."
"OKAY....." Robert waits. "And...."
"You should just go back, Robert. He does not need you. He is being taken care of. Very surprised by it, too."
"By who?"
Holly ties the bag off and carries on. Robert follows. "Hello, Holly...Where is he?"
"You have no idea about anything, Robert."
Robert was losing his patience. "I WILL, if you just point me to-"
"The Sheriff. Bigby took him in not too long ago."
"BIGBY WOLF!?" It was true. "Why!?"
Holly glares. "He has no one else, Robert. He came THIS close to ending it all. Bigby found him, wrist sliced open and bleeding in the streets-"
Robert did not give Holly time to finish the details. Soon, he was running down the crowded streets, pushing through to reach the Woodlands. He crossed those familiar brass gates, dodged into the lounge and frantically pressed the elevator buttons. Grimble stood up, gun ready in hand.
"Hey, sir! SIR! Name please!"
"No time!" The doors open. "I need to see the Sheriff!"
Robert runs down the hall; he could still hear Grimble, now on the phone. Robert stops before apartment number 204, pounds on the door and waits. Sheriff Bigby opens the door, shirtless and wearing just his pants.
"Robert Grendel? What are you-"
"Move!" Robert pushes Bigby back. "Where is he?!"
Bigby points to the couch. There, wrapped in a blanket, was Gren. He was plae, shivering and appeared hungover. He smelled horrible and had dark circles under his eyes. Robert watched Bigby take a wet rag and place it against Gren's face.
Please accept this basket of fruit as a token of my gratitude.
xD Sorry, I had to. lol anyways, it was like WAAAAAY back in either June or July when you mentioned it. Total swag. Again, great to see your face, man.
You may rise. :P
Even though I don't remember, I probably did mention something about my stache in the past. (like you said) Glad you think my hat's swag. I like wearing it a lot.
I know what this story is...and I'm looking forward. Please, don't worry about me; that is the point of fan fic. If no one will accept, read without judging or take it seriously, than its not for them. This is YOUR story, not mine.
@pudding_pie I still adore Gremily and support them till the bitter end. But now, its time for my tale to take a twist. Why? Because I'mJJwo… morelf. And its what I do best.
I hope you all enjoy the road Robert will be taking. But its not just him....Gren is coming along, with a very unexpected individual Robert is not too keen on....
~Chapter one~
One month after the Crooked Man inccident
The town remained in a bussle for days after the trial. Word spread like wild fire and soon, everyone was catching wind. Funerals were held; the dead laid to rest, the community took time to mourn and as sick as it sounds, life moved on. Robert was not around for the trials. He was not much for the law and to be honest, Bigby Wolf, too.
He and the man had various ways of handling this town. It took a loan shark, his goons, a disclosed underground blackmarket scam spewing illegal glamours like they were out of style and dead hookers before the offi… [view original content]
Why do I always expect you guys to be wearing glasses?? xD xD For some reason, thought you did, too. :P
I'm digging the picture, though! … moreYou are not at all what I expected to see (in a good way) Loving the Bigby shirt and tie combination! FINALLY ya' joined the bandwagon. Now we all know a face behind the names!!
Lol, thanks. It's one of my favorite sweaters My hello kitty case is too bulky for me sometimes, so I tend to use my pink one (or, as I stated before, I USED to have a battery case. Still pissed that it's broken.)
I've actually been growing it out! I used to have really really short hair, (If you stalk my instagram, you might be able to find a pic or two) And I love how it's growing it. I try to style it every now and again.
Since I'm literally bored out of my mind and have read all the stories posted so far I decided to draw the fable I've been thinking of intro… moreducing. Sorry if all the colors look mismatched and all I had a bunch of colors and I wanted to use them XD. Catherine has a question mark beside her name because for now it's a placeholder name I do like the name though. Also my roommate drew the green "scarf" XD
Nick did his best to elude a dancing Peter in his black boxers, doing his best 'raise the roof' impressions while buttoning up his shirt. In… more the other room, Ethan was completing the finishing touches to his suit. He modeled a typical black suit only this time, the color was a very light pink, shoes were black and hair neatly combed back; he held it in place, thanks to the many years of observing Gren ritually do this every morning.
Peter jumped over his bed, snatched up his pants and continued to dance. Nearly being struck by his massive hand, Nick dodges the near fatal blow (or, a painful one at that) glides near the window and sits against the edge. Peter buttons up his pants and begins the daunting task of picking a tie.
"Just PICK one that matches." Nick sighs. "It's not THAT hard, Peter...."
"Hush." Peter dances in place. "I need one that screams 'I'm the Sheriff and damn I look good.' How 'bout this one?"
Peter holds up a da… [view original content]
Since I'm literally bored out of my mind and have read all the stories posted so far I decided to draw the fable I've been thinking of introducing. Sorry if all the colors look mismatched and all I had a bunch of colors and I wanted to use them XD. Catherine has a question mark beside her name because for now it's a placeholder name I do like the name though. Also my roommate drew the green "scarf" XD
I have thought of a bit, her appearance and her weapon and some of her background story. Twenty years after the dealings with Death a woman loved to hunt prey playing cat and mouse. She is a lost relative of Bigby who stayed in the homelands but was found by Death when she was young and raised her to be a vicious hunter in both wolf and human form. She grew up playing the harp, the sweet sounds went well when it was peaceful, but this harp can be transformed into a blade where the strings will wrap around her arms and the wood will turn to sharp silver making a blade where she can throw the blade by the strings with elegance or grasp the hilt and strike her foes with precision.
This is not set in stone of course I'm still working around some stuff and of course not canon to Bigbys relatives XD
a blade where the strings will wrap around her arms and the wood will turn to sharp silver making a blade where she can throw the blade by the strings with elegance or grasp the hilt and strike her foes with precision.
Reminds me of the blades Kratos uses in the God of War series :P Not that that's a bad thing cuz they're freaking awesome!!!
Btw, how are Death and Luke the same person?? (I remembered a comment to Dragon where you mentioned Death's soul is trapped in Luke's heart or something)
I have thought of a bit, her appearance and her weapon and some of her background story. Twenty years after the dealings with Death a woman … moreloved to hunt prey playing cat and mouse. She is a lost relative of Bigby who stayed in the homelands but was found by Death when she was young and raised her to be a vicious hunter in both wolf and human form. She grew up playing the harp, the sweet sounds went well when it was peaceful, but this harp can be transformed into a blade where the strings will wrap around her arms and the wood will turn to sharp silver making a blade where she can throw the blade by the strings with elegance or grasp the hilt and strike her foes with precision.
This is not set in stone of course I'm still working around some stuff and of course not canon to Bigbys relatives XD
Thnx again man
If Georgie Porgie appears in some way
You would lose it! XD
I know what you mean! I used to hate it but found that doing something a little different helped - partly hence the pipe in mine. XD They do look like the sort you could comfortably go to sleep wearing. :P How are the lungs doing today, by the way?
Ah, that's very useful of him!
Ah so maybe I should get a prop or twirl one of my headphones XD I do actually sleep with them on the only time I actually take them off when I take a shower
well I can almost get out of bed without falling to my knees (as our beds in the dorms are lifted off the ground) with pain and nausea so pretty good!
IF he appears....
oh, he will. I know he will. >:D I'll be posting nonstop and celebrating.
A headphone twirl would be very classy. XD Aha, that's good! Still sounds like a really bad nuisance but at least it is getting better.
Yeah it sucks, yesterday if I were to get out of bed I'd literally collapse my roommates would just peer in like O.o wonder if I'm dead, come in pick me up and then I'd be good. Now I can almost not collapse and get up myself XD
Least they pick you up instead of point and laugh :P
Damn dude.....pics XD
Well they sort of shake their head but yeah they could point and laugh XD
Of course they shake their head at you! XP
I would, but I'd be like "Come on dude, let's get you up"
You raise a good point on that one XD
My evil plan for world domination is complete!!!! >:D MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!! jk It was fun, though!
that freakin' smile, man!
(don't freak out or nothing!) XD Digging the fancy clothes, too!
Thnx JJ! XD
I have no problem with commenting on another man's appearance, so I will never freak out :P
My Mum is always going on about how I never seem to smile properly in photos, but I was really trying with this one.
Yeah that's the Bigby outfit I wore for Halloween. The shirt got COVERED in fake blood, but it all washed out much to my surprise...
I adore that 1st one; its always neat seeing their past.
Peter is too much like his grandfather; John, from what I've read, was a comedian as a youngster.
Ethan being prime and proper. I'm beginning to SEE what kind of man Ethan grew to be. And Nick has a date!?!
-GASP- It's Vivian! :0 Right....? lol
Oh I think I know what Gren has planned!!
I adore these two (for the trillionenth time) I'm glad no one is trying to start anything but staring like that is rude, too. I can imagine the hardships Georgie and the others had to face but its nice knowing everyine has moved on from it. 
At 1st, when you mentioned charming, I was mad but its true...he is the Mayor. It was nice knowing he's looking out for ALL, including the Porgies.
Also, the Porgie girls are very beautiful women; they took after their mother and Lyla was the original pin-up for Georgie.
She's gorgeous and love how you did her hair. Georgie's face....xD I agree with Tammy.....Georgie needs to go out and buy a gun with girls like this. 
Loved this. Looking forward to more and pleased to know you'll be doing so much with Emily's story.
I try to be.
I'll comment on yours after I reply to a few comments, lol!
You may rise. :P
Even though I don't remember, I probably did mention something about my stache in the past. (like you said) Glad you think my hat's swag. I like wearing it a lot.
That's right, you are correct, good sir!
Interesting that all of you think the same way about the stache! Some people I've talked to in real life just don't like it for some reason. XP
@pudding_pie I still adore Gremily and support them till the bitter end. But now, its time for my tale to take a twist. Why? Because I'mJJwolf. And its what I do best.
I hope you all enjoy the road Robert will be taking. But its not just him....Gren is coming along, with a very unexpected individual Robert is not too keen on....
~Chapter one~
One month after the Crooked Man inccident
The town remained in a bussle for days after the trial. Word spread like wild fire and soon, everyone was catching wind. Funerals were held; the dead laid to rest, the community took time to mourn and as sick as it sounds, life moved on. Robert was not around for the trials. He was not much for the law and to be honest, Bigby Wolf, too.
He and the man had various ways of handling this town. It took a loan shark, his goons, a disclosed underground blackmarket scam spewing illegal glamours like they were out of style and dead hookers before the office even caught sight of what was really going on. Robert knew this town had gone up in flames; Fables like himself and his brother were tossed to the side, as if it was yesterday's garbage.
Speaking of his brother, he was due to meeting Gren up at the Trip Trap. Seemed like he spent more time there than any place else in this fucked up town. Never the less, Robert peels off his couch, heads for a shower and begins his usual routine. Gren had something he wanted to get off his chest. Robert asumed he'd found trouble once more in a dark, cold alley again. Gren was always running into trouble. Became a routine for him.
Dressing in his usual casual attire, Robert locks his apartment door and heads outside. The air was thick with a blanket of Fog. The sun tried its best to peek through. Robert could see patches of light in a single area. The city all around himcontinued on with their lives, not aware of the Grendel, now hands in his pocket, waiting on the corner for the light to change. The bar was not too far from his apartment and Robert needed to clear his head.
Since his return to Fabletown, things seemd to havre progressively become worse for his brother. Gren was unemployed, drinking like an Irishman and never seemed to get any sleep. Holly told Robert she'd let him crash in the back sometimes, on the little cot near the back door. Other times, he'd bounce from couch to couch; the Woodsman allowed Gren to stay at his place for a month until Gren became fueled with rage one night after drinking heavily. He took a plastic fork and attempted to stab Woody in the throat.
Last he heard, Sheriff Bigby Wolf took pity and allowed the poor Fable a place to stay. Robert chuckled. The Big Bad Wolf finally had some heart in that dark, frigid body of his. But that was just talk.... Robert continued to walk across the street. The Sheriff lived in the smallest apartment in the Woodlands. Surely housing a beast such as his brother was no walk in the park. Gren had a terrible, nasty habit of losing his glamour at night. Backfire to using illegal, cheap ones.
Robert was tempted to head over to the Woodlands and make a surprise visit to the Sheriff of this pathetic town. He'd find his brother, perhaps drunk or passed out on the floor; the air thick and heavy with the putrid smell of rotting Chinese and old paint in the air. Bigby, smoking his cigarettes, would find something cocky to say to Robert. The two would argue, Robert would storm off and he'd be right back to square one.
But he knew better than to start anything with Bigby. The Business Office was hot on his tail since returning to the town. Snow White made sure to SPEAK to Robert personally. Robert had nothing against the woman. She was merely doing her job. The last encounter he had right before his departure from the city was a pleasent one. Snow was always gentle and kind to robert. But this last time...things must have really gone down. Snow was stressed, confused and just by her apperance, had not seen a good night's rest.
Robert approached the bar, took the familar steps and entered. The jukebox was playing a rather old country song by Shenandoah. Jack Horner tossed his final dart against the board before noticing Robert. The man with his long, blonde hair pulled back, grinned. He wondered what Robert Grendel was doing back in Fabletown. Last he heard, the Fable was living in Maine, working as a commercial Fisherman. Being a Grendel, he'd have no problem bringing in a decent harvest.
"Well, well, well...." Jack leans against the bar. "Look what the wind blew into town."
"Jack." Robert looks around the bar. "The fuck happened in here?"
Holly's bar looked ten times worse the last he stepped a toe into the dump. There was an enormous hole on the side, broken stools and a gap where the pool table seemed to have been slammed into. No mundy could do this; no, Holly knew better than to allow their kind around when his brother or Sheriff was around. Robert sadly knew, speaking of his brother, that this had to have been the work of Gren.
Jack smiles. "Just a tiff your brother had."
Yup. Robert sighs. "With who, Jack?"
"You didn't hear about all that took place since you left?"
"I know about the Crooked Man and the people involved. I saw them taking the Jersey Devil away to the Farm and from what I hear, Georgie is fighting for his life at the moment. A lot of people are pissed about that...ummm but no, nothing in regards to the bar."
Jack snorts. "Well, get this...." He leans closer to Robert's ear. "Gren and Bigby got into a fight RIGHT here. Can you believe it?"
"Yes. Gren was never a, um, stranger to fights."
"Well, than I don't have to tell you the rest."
"Is he here?"
Robert rubs his forehead. "Please, Jack. No trick. No jokes. I just want to speak to Gren."
Jack scans the room. "Well, he WAS sitting over there before you showed up...maybe."
"Did he run off or-"
"Ask Holly. She's in the back stocking some bottles."
Robert could perfectly see he was not welcomed there; Jack refused to remove that bitter, ugly smug look on his face. As he walked past Robert, he 'accidentally' bumps into Robert's shoulder and continues playing darts. Robert would deal with the Beanstalk climber later. Right now he had his thoughts only on his brother and the reason why he needed to see him.
Robert opened the back door that led to another section of the building. He knew this place like the back of his own hand. Gren would sneak liquour bottles through the back when no one was looking. Perhaps that was one of the reasons Robert was banned for almost six months. Either way, he was on a mission and it was not including smuggling bottles of liquid courage.
Robert calls out to Holly. nothing. He could hear a noise coming from the alley. Robert opens the door and finds Holly, kneeling to the ground and collecting bottles. All were broken except for three. Robert was about to turn when he noticed and smelled the blood on Holly's arm. Feeling sorry for the Troll, Robert sighs and heads toward the injured creature. Thing about Trolls, they had excellent hearing. Even in glamour, it never vanished. Holly turned immediatly and held a shard of glass at Robert's chest. She was surprised to see Robert.
"You...." How quick her facial expression changed. "What are you doing here?"
"Gren. He called me."
"He's not here, Robert. Hasn't been in two days."
"Alright, well. WHERE can I find him?"
Holly paused. She tossed the bottle into a large, black bag. "Why, Robert?"
"He....called me?"
"That why you came back? Do you know how much you hurt him when you left, Robert? Fucking crushed what was left...."
"Well, I had no choice, Holly. I have my own shit to deal with."
"Hmph." Holly closes the bag. "Well, I don't know where-"
"I'm not in the mood....please." Robert paces. "Can you just please point me to his direction? Or do YOU not even know?"
"I do..."
"OKAY....." Robert waits. "And...."
"You should just go back, Robert. He does not need you. He is being taken care of. Very surprised by it, too."
"By who?"
Holly ties the bag off and carries on. Robert follows. "Hello, Holly...Where is he?"
"You have no idea about anything, Robert."
Robert was losing his patience. "I WILL, if you just point me to-"
"The Sheriff. Bigby took him in not too long ago."
"BIGBY WOLF!?" It was true. "Why!?"
Holly glares. "He has no one else, Robert. He came THIS close to ending it all. Bigby found him, wrist sliced open and bleeding in the streets-"
Robert did not give Holly time to finish the details. Soon, he was running down the crowded streets, pushing through to reach the Woodlands. He crossed those familiar brass gates, dodged into the lounge and frantically pressed the elevator buttons. Grimble stood up, gun ready in hand.
"Hey, sir! SIR! Name please!"
"No time!" The doors open. "I need to see the Sheriff!"
Robert runs down the hall; he could still hear Grimble, now on the phone. Robert stops before apartment number 204, pounds on the door and waits. Sheriff Bigby opens the door, shirtless and wearing just his pants.
"Robert Grendel? What are you-"
"Move!" Robert pushes Bigby back. "Where is he?!"
Bigby points to the couch. There, wrapped in a blanket, was Gren. He was plae, shivering and appeared hungover. He smelled horrible and had dark circles under his eyes. Robert watched Bigby take a wet rag and place it against Gren's face.
Robert stood in silence. And waited. Like before.
any questions or commenst, fire away.
GAH! It's YOU, Dragon!
I'm like the others! LOVE the stache! AND the dimple I see there! That beanie is awesome!!
Please accept this basket of fruit as a token of my gratitude.
xD Sorry, I had to. lol anyways, it was like WAAAAAY back in either June or July when you mentioned it.
Total swag. Again, great to see your face, man.
I know what this story is...and I'm looking forward. Please, don't worry about me; that is the point of fan fic. If no one will accept, read without judging or take it seriously, than its not for them. This is YOUR story, not mine.
Glad to see you'll be posting it.
Well I was wearing glasses XD
Looking snazzy! I suck at tying ties too....but well, I'm a girl XD Just get the snap on kind and your good, lol
DRAGON! IT'S YOU! Nice hat! And nice moustache!
Lol, thanks. It's one of my favorite sweaters
My hello kitty case is too bulky for me sometimes, so I tend to use my pink one (or, as I stated before, I USED to have a battery case. Still pissed that it's broken.)
I've actually been growing it out! I used to have really really short hair, (If you stalk my instagram, you might be able to find a pic or two) And I love how it's growing it. I try to style it every now and again.
Score one for Pie. See!? My accusations DID grant me two users with glasses...XD
Love the mustache!
Nah, you can't wear them slovenly when they're clip ons :P
So do you have this character fleshed out yet? I'd like to know who she is and what she can do
Catherine is a nice name
Porgies Angels.
Since I'm literally bored out of my mind and have read all the stories posted so far I decided to draw the fable I've been thinking of introducing. Sorry if all the colors look mismatched and all I had a bunch of colors and I wanted to use them XD. Catherine has a question mark beside her name because for now it's a placeholder name I do like the name though. Also my roommate drew the green "scarf" XD
I have thought of a bit, her appearance and her weapon and some of her background story. Twenty years after the dealings with Death a woman loved to hunt prey playing cat and mouse. She is a lost relative of Bigby who stayed in the homelands but was found by Death when she was young and raised her to be a vicious hunter in both wolf and human form. She grew up playing the harp, the sweet sounds went well when it was peaceful, but this harp can be transformed into a blade where the strings will wrap around her arms and the wood will turn to sharp silver making a blade where she can throw the blade by the strings with elegance or grasp the hilt and strike her foes with precision.
This is not set in stone of course I'm still working around some stuff and of course not canon to Bigbys relatives XD
Reminds me of the blades Kratos uses in the God of War series :P Not that that's a bad thing cuz they're freaking awesome!!!
Btw, how are Death and Luke the same person?? (I remembered a comment to Dragon where you mentioned Death's soul is trapped in Luke's heart or something)