Episode Dicussion: 'What Happened and What's Going On'
So new episode on tonight. I have not watched it yet but I will be, as well as Better Call Saul.
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So new episode on tonight. I have not watched it yet but I will be, as well as Better Call Saul.
Oh my god Tyreese!! Noooo!!
Why? Why did he have to get bit
because he still has a conscience
NO! HE DIED!!! ;-;
aw, i was really hoping Ty would pull thru :-'(
I'm trying really hard not to cry right now ;-;
Those hallucinations were assholes.
TYRESE!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved the Hallucinations though
but still
That entire episode was like Beyond Two Souls.
All out of order.
I know right. Ironically the Governor gave the best pep talk, like he was trying to taunt him to keep going and adapt. Beth and the others are like "Nah bruh, you can die, its cool. We have cookies over here".
I thought that was a great episode, and it sucks that Tyreese is gone. I really enjoyed the flashbacks and seeing some old characters again like The Governor.
I haven't watched the show in forever, like everyone else.. and I almost cried....
What a mind fuck though. Was I alone in thinking that the funeral at the beginning was Beth's funeral? Than fast forward 45 minutes and wham. Bravo Gimple. Bravo. Never thought they'd kill another major character that soon.
me too!
The only hallucination Tyrese should have seen was Hulk fuckin' Hogan,
I as well thought it was for Beth. Those hallucinations and flashbacks were great though, I got to say. Once again, Gimple provides the show with some of its best writing.
No, I thought so too.
I know, back to back major cast deaths...brutal
Yeah. Its even more surprising that it was Tyreese of all people. I know for a fact that Robert Kirkman has a huge man crush on Chad Coleman (Tyreese).
R.I.P. Tyresse
you will be remebered
Tyrese would still be alive if he would have went with Rick instead of dumb Noah.
!!!put a spoiler tag :C
Oh here I thought this season was getting boring. I'm glad they finally killing off major characters now. Although I felt very bad for Tyreese. Also THE GOVERNOR CONFIRMED FOR SEASON 5!@!&*^%!+||!!!!!1!~
The Black guy has to die first after the Mid Season Finale.........
I like opening all these SPOILER WARNING boxes also there's a celebration thread of Tyresse's Death over at the wiki ;-;
LOL After the season premier too. R.I.P. Bob
This episode had a real creative title name eh?
Just finished watching:
My thoughts exactly.
it really was i thought it was beth funeral. great episode. great way to rebound from those episode from the mid season. i mean the cops ones the first three were hella good. im still not okay with ty dying yet though. they completely shit on the comic one and really didnt feel like he was there for that long. but overall great episode.
The Walking Dead is officially Game of Thrones with zombies (Show where ALOT of major characters die)
and also i gotta give them props for this.... in season 3 the governor was suppose to be the most hated thing ever and it didnt happen. after that season they are just keep making him badder, awesome to put that fucking asshole there, making the gov scarier even on death
On another note. they're in Richmond VA. right now which is only about 1 1/2 hours away from me. So that's cool. There's also a strong possibility that the amusement park that Jane and her sister used to visit is close by. There's Kings Dominion between Richmond and D.C; and Bush Gardens about a half an hour in the other direction in Williamsburg. They would've passed that on their way to Richmond assuming they passed through Hampton Roads. Just some fun facts.
I've been to those amusement parks in Virginia.
I would ask you where in Virginia you live, but that be probably inappropriate.
I'm not too sure what to think about this episode.
It's like they were running low on cash then found some art student to kill off Tyreese.
The episode was just too much of a complete change from the rest of the show, and it was just...weird. I really want more episodes like The Grove.
Well, yes, but it's not THE black guy anymore. They have tons of them on this show.
Man I loved the Governors appearance. One of the best TWD characters hands down.
From a reddit discussion thread about the episode:
well played