a blade where the strings will wrap around her arms and the wood will turn to sharp silver making a blade where she can throw the blade by t… morehe strings with elegance or grasp the hilt and strike her foes with precision.
Reminds me of the blades Kratos uses in the God of War series :P Not that that's a bad thing cuz they're freaking awesome!!!
Btw, how are Death and Luke the same person?? (I remembered a comment to Dragon where you mentioned Death's soul is trapped in Luke's heart or something)
Well in God of War he has two short but big and serrated blades that are attached to chains on his wrists. I like the idea of the harp strings though!! XD
So in theory, Nick can rip Death out of Luke's heart, right? But only if Luke is in fear of Nick when he dies...
It was one in the morning when Georgie awoke in a sweat stricken panic. He clawed at the sheets, grasping them in between his fingers and clutching the material against his palms. The scar located above his belly button was broiling to the touch. It felt as if someone poured grease onto his skin. Georgie pants, falls to the side and tumbles off the bed. In agony, Georgie crawls towards the door.
He had that same dream again. The one that had haunted his very thoughts since returning to Fabletown. The first time it occured, Georgie swore it was all the nightmare; the Crooked Man, the imprisonment of the girls. The horrible deaths and the time he spent on the Farm. His eyes fluttered open and he was back in the club; music played in the back, flashing lights above the stage and various clients entertained by a topless dancer on stage.
He was back. Nothing terrible happened. But with each pain staking step he took, the club grew dark and his world suddenly vanished. No music, clients or dancers; Georgie was alone in the dark. No, he'd think every time. Not the fucking dark. Georgie would run; where he was going, the Fable did not care. According to his rhymn, Georgie was good at it.
"When the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away..."
And away he ran. The first time, Georgie did not know what was waiting for him on the other side. At first, the woman in the dark appeared to be Vivian. Georgie, beaming, continued at a steady pace until further inspection. It was Lyla; she was grown and was breath taking to say the least. Her chestnut hair blew against the dark; her radiant giggle could be heard and drew Georgie in like a sailor to a siren's song. Georgie would grab Lyla's shoulder and turn the young woman around.
In horror, a purple ribbon was tied to her neck. Lyla was crying and began pleading to Georgie. Her mournful pleas burned Georgie's ears. Without warning, Lyla would reach over, pull the ribbon and allow her head to fall. It rolled across the floor until landing at Georgie's feet. The club owner, disgusted and unable to save Lyla, turns away and runs faster into the shadows. Dreadfully, Lyla would laugh and chase after Georgie. Her blood curdling chuckles seem to mock the former pimp with each step he took.
"What's the matter, Georgie!? Lyla always managed to catch up. "Don't you love me!? Here-allow me!"
Georgie found himself below a guillotine; all round him, the community of Fabletown awaited for his beheading. In the crowd, his girls; Hans with his thumbs down, even the Smith Clan sneering and hissing for the demise of Georgie. Vivian stood beside Lyla; both their heads clean off the necks and cackling at Georgie.
The Executioner's face was covered in a black bag; his glove weraing fingers grasped the lever holding the guillotine up. Georgie struggled and began to beg for mercy. The crowd would pause, point and mock Georgie.
Snow White was before him. Just like the first time. Just like the times after that. Riping his files up and tossing the shreds into his face. Her index finger dancing across her neck, as the Executioner lifts the bag to reveal the man beneath. In Wolf form, Bigby yanks the lever and all is soon over.
Georgie would wake up, like now, in excruciating pain. He was terrified to sleep now. Georgie continued to claw across the wooden floors. On cue, the shrill screams of Lyla echoing from her bedroom. Georgie continued to move towards the door; he cringed at this part and was determined to reach the young girl. Georgie manages to open his bedroom door.
"LYLA!" Georgie leans against the doorway. "Sweetie, wake up! Georgie is comin', love..." With one false move, the pain returns. "AAAAAGH, FOOK!"
Panting, Georgie's face plummets to the ground. The sound of footsteps assures him either Nancy or John heard it all. Lights in the hall flicker on. Nancy's slender fingers loop around Georgie's arm. Careful not to endure any more pain, she lifts the Fable up and leans him against the doorway. Georgie's knees shake and lock.
"Georgie, look at me." Her tender touch awakens Georgie. "Look...at...me, alright? Can you do that?"
"I know, I know." The consideration in her voice. "It's going to be alright, Georgie. Easy now. Remember what Swineheart told you..."
Breathing against the growing need to fall back onto the floor, Georgie lingers on towards Lyla's bedroom. The first time, even the second, Nancy chased him down and brought Georgie back to the bedroom. By the third time, however, she learned to back away and allow Georgie access to her daughter. It was the only way.
For both of them.
The scar turned a slight crimson color. The burning sensation intensified as Georgie drew near her bedroom. The older girls, especially Gina, watched impotently at the staggering Fable. Even Henry had to turn and face the wall. He recollected every time Georgie awoke at the Farm, screaming into the dark and begging for help.
Georgie reached Lyla's room; John held his daughter and failed miserably to comfort his child. When Lyla's Amber eyes noticed Georgie, the little girl crawled out of John's arms as if it was a training ground. Georgie falls to the ground; a sense of tranquility, however, envelops his body the moment Lyla's arms swaddle Georgie's neck.
"I had the bad dream again, Georgie." Lyla whimpered into his neck. "You were hurt. I couldn't see you...but I heard you in the dark."
Georgie rubs his face against Lyla's hair. "I don't like the dark, love."
"I know." Lyla's grip tightens. "I don't like it, either. It makes you sad, Georgie....its very mean to you."
John flips the switch near the door. Immediatly, the room is filled with a bright light from above. The little girl remains in Georgie's lap. Now rocking back and forth, Georgie holds Lyla against his chest. The little girl looks up at Georgie; her Wolf eyes show no hate. No remorse. Nothing contrition about them. Lyla leans into Georgie's ear.
"Sing me that song by the nice man, Georgie." Lyla sinks into Georgie's lap. "Please...it makes me feel better."
Georgie continues to rock Lyla back and forth; his heart was burdened by the dream and all that took place before this moment. Georgie held onto the hope and dream of one day facing the darkness. But not alone.
Georgie began to sing. "Ya' raise me up, so I can stand on mountains. Ya' raised me up to walk on stormy sees; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders. Ya' raised me up...." Georgie pauses for a moment, than continues. "....Ta' more than I can be...."
Lyla beams. "I love this song. I got ya', Georgie. Promise. We can fight the monsters together in the dark."
Georgie, along with John and Nancy, had to pause and wipe away a tear. Georgie buries his face into Lyla's hair and kisses the top.
"Sounds good ta' me, love...."
John clears his throat. "I'll, uh...get some coffee going...."
Lyla, with much needed coaxing and stories, manages to fall back to sleep. But instead of her own bed, she remained in Georgie's. Normally, John would take her back. Not this time. He'd leave his daughter there for the remainder of the night. Georgie refused to close his eyes. It was almost three in the morning. There was no need to sleep.
Georgie stood near the sink, cup of coffee in his hand. Nancy and John, at the table, watched as he paced a few feet.
"Come sit with us, Georgie." John pulls out a chair. "Come. Sit."
"No." Georgie whispers his answer. "I'm fine ova' here. Thank ya'...."
"How is your stomach, Georgie?" Nancy always sounded so concerned when she said his name. "I noticed the color-"
"I'm fine, Nancy. It's fine now."
John glares into the cup of coffee. "So, whenever you have those dreams-"
"I don't bloody mean ta' drag her into them but-"
Crossed, John looks over. "Then don't."
"STOP dragging her into your mess, Georgie! My six year old is having nightmares because of YOU!"
Because of you. Like knives through the chest. His heart. Soul. Because of you....
"Johnathan enough!" Nancy's voice is demanding. "Stop with this! It's not Georgie's fault."
"Do you SEE, Nancy, what this is doing to OUR daughter!?"
"They are CONNECTED, John!" Nancy slams her cup down. "It comes with the territory! YOU of all people should know this!"
John runs his massive fingers through his hair. Georgie notices several strands turning into a light shade of gray. The mighty Wolf was beginning to show his age. John glances at Georgie.
"You fucking hear that, Porgie?"
Georgie swallows back the tears. "Woot....woot, John?"
"GET that under control. Please. We can help you. Please, just...stop. Stop, okay?"
Nancy sits up. "I'll call Swineheart. I'm sure he wouldn't mind making a house call."
John continues. "Please, Georgie...my Lyla....she....she-"
"I know, John." Georgie stares out the window. "I need her, too...."
Both men nod in agreement. Nothing els is said between the two. While they wait in silence until Swineheart, Georgie heads back to his room. The curtains are open; the moonlight carpets the floors, as Lyla cuddles with her Teddy in Georgie's usual spot. Careful not to wake the girl, Georgie sits beside her.
Lyla moves for a moment, turns and returns to her dreams. Georgie plays with the loose strands of hair. With each touch, the scar's pains subside and feelings of hope return. He was strong with Lyla. Georgie looks out the window and continues to sing. Although she could not hear, Georgie felt a sense of comfort when he did.
Well in God of War he has two short but big and serrated blades that are attached to chains on his wrists. I like the idea of the harp strin… moregs though!! XD
So in theory, Nick can rip Death out of Luke's heart, right? But only if Luke is in fear of Nick when he dies...
Since I'm literally bored out of my mind and have read all the stories posted so far I decided to draw the fable I've been thinking of intro… moreducing. Sorry if all the colors look mismatched and all I had a bunch of colors and I wanted to use them XD. Catherine has a question mark beside her name because for now it's a placeholder name I do like the name though. Also my roommate drew the green "scarf" XD
Glad you like her Pudding! I like the name too! Unless if I can think of a more mysterious name then it'll stay Catherine The hair took a bit, I'll have to draw her in her normal clothes soon!
My body is ready for this possible introduction of a new OC.
I like the name; goes with such a mysterious young lady as herself. I'm loving her hair style, too.
Glad you like her Pudding! I like the name too! Unless if I can think of a more mysterious name then it'll stay Catherine The hair took a bit, I'll have to draw her in her normal clothes soon!
When I viewed your pic on my phone, it was positioned normally.
Anyway, nice pic overall! Cool clothes like the others said. Very Shaun of the Dead-esque too, besides you trying to dress like Biggs. XD
F you, thesis essay. I need a break. :P
It was one in the morning when Georgie awoke in a sweat stricken panic. He clawed at … morethe sheets, grasping them in between his fingers and clutching the material against his palms. The scar located above his belly button was broiling to the touch. It felt as if someone poured grease onto his skin. Georgie pants, falls to the side and tumbles off the bed. In agony, Georgie crawls towards the door.
He had that same dream again. The one that had haunted his very thoughts since returning to Fabletown. The first time it occured, Georgie swore it was all the nightmare; the Crooked Man, the imprisonment of the girls. The horrible deaths and the time he spent on the Farm. His eyes fluttered open and he was back in the club; music played in the back, flashing lights above the stage and various clients entertained by a topless dancer on stage.
He was back. Nothing terrible happened. But with e… [view original content]
It had started raining lightly by the time Elora reached the cafe. It was a nice little bistro with tables outside, surrounded by an intricately designed fence to stop people from walking away with out paying. Luckily, they had umbrellas, and so she sat there, in the drizzling rain, waiting.
A waitress offered a cup of coffee, but Elora was more eager to wait and watch than sip from the mug. She kept checking the time, every five minutes. Waiting. Watching.
And then he emerged, a hat covering his shaved head. His skin was the color of a deep caramel, his eyes so blue she thought she could see an ocean in them. He smiled when he saw her, entering through the small gate at one side of the terrace. He slipped past a waiter who was delivering a meal, and quickly pulled the chair across from Elora to sit.
"How's it going?" He asked her casually. His smile was so big and white, and it made Elora blush when she stared at him for too long.
"I'm good," She squeaked, nerves bubbling in her gut. She wanted to hide in her jacket, but it wasn't puffy enough to do so. Her eyes wandered the the street that had cars zipping past. The rain was light and not bothersome.
"I'm sorry I was late," Anubis told her. He was looking at the lunch menu, his eyes reading it carefully.
"It's alright," She told him. She was suddenly super interesting in drinking her coffee more than talking.
"I think I'll get the roast beef sandwich," He said, leaning back in his chair. He was a tall, skinny man, who often wore semi-casual attire and a nice fedora hat. Elora imagined many nights, pulling the hat from his head and putting it on her own, to tease him. They weren't that friendly yet, though. So she kept her hands to herself, one clasped around the mug while the other twirled in her long hair. She'd been growing it long lately, because she was tired of how childish it looked on her when it was short.
"I ordered myself a salad," She replied. "I like their chicken Caesar one."
"Mmm, Caesar salad," He said. "Maybe I'll order that next time."
Elora smiled. It only took a little while for the waitress to be out with their meals. This was Elora's favorite mundane restaurant, and she figured it would be a nice place for a first date. Not that this was really considered a date. She just asked if he wanted to go out for a bite if he was on lunch break.
"So," Anubis said. His hands were folded on the table, and she could see a gold band across one of his fingers. Her gut wrenched. What if he were married?
"How was work?" She asked, trying to push down her fears. She prayed her face was still cool and collected looking.
"Same old, same old," He replied. "I push the injured down halls in wheelchairs and administer medication. Occasionally help Swineheart do surgeries."
"Sounds fun," She said, partially sarcastically.
"I can be, sometimes," He said, fidgeting with the vase of flowers between them. "Tell me something about you, though. I want to get to know you." His smile was back, and Elora felt that same feeling of butterflies in her stomach.
"Oh, there's nothing much about me to know.." She trailed off. "I mean... A lot has happened to me, over these past few months. I've gone from a really dark place to trying to fix myself. Reinvent myself, if I must. It's hard, but worth it, I suppose."
"I wouldn't have known it if you hadn't told me. You look really nice today, by the way."
"Thank you," She blushed. "You look nice too."
He smiled, again. "Say, uh...I hope this isn't a touchy subject... Weren't you the one who got hit by that car a while ago?"
Elora only nodded. She wasn't proud of her actions of the past, the ones she could remember, at least. And she definitely didn't want to talk about what caused her to get into the accident in the first place. "I... lost my memory, actually."
"Really? I hadn't known, I wasn't assigned to the ICU when that happened. How far back do you remember?"
"I only recall bits and pieces. My only solid memory ends up to about age ten."
"Shit..." He said. He had genuine concern. "And what about now?"
"I've learned a lot, remember some things... I've changed. But I like the change."
"Well, that's good." Just then, the waitress came with their meals. She places the salad in front of Elora, and the sandwich by Anubis. They ate a little bit, before continuing the conversation. The rain had stopped, and there was a cool breeze that wasn't too strong to annoy them. Elora though the weather was just perfect. She lay her hand on the table, using her other hand to scoop up lettuce and grilled chicken into her mouth.
Anubis's ringed finger softly grazed the top of her hand, sending chills down her spine. But she just smiled, chewing on her meal.
"How many siblings do you have?" He asked. "I heard your mother had more..."
"In total, eight. Not including me. I'm the third oldest. Robert is second, and Ash is the oldest. We're all going to be eighteen soon.."
"Cool," Anubis said. "I have a brother. I don't know if you're familiar with the Tale of Two Brothers?"
"No, not in particular," She replied. She was pretty full, with half a salad left.
Anubis put his sandwich down. "If you want to hear it, I'll tell you."
"I would be honored," She said, chuckling. Anubis smiled, as he always did, and began his story.
"My real name is Anpu, but I prefer Anubis as a nick-name. Always have. I was married for a time, and looked after my younger brother, Bata. We used to work together, managing farms, raising cattle. I..." He hesitated, his eyes seeming to loose focus from Elora's, as he looked down at his food. "My brother never lied to me, which I should have taken into consideration. My wife, she tried to sleep with him, but he rejected her. She came back to me. She was the one who lied, told me he tried to seduce her. I tried to kill him.... I almost succeeded. I..."
"If it's too much," Elora said. "You don't have to go on."
"Thank you," Anubis said. "But I want you to hear it. He...fled from me, and he prayed to one of the Gods to protect him. A river infested by crocodile appeared between our homesteads, and so we could not contact each other for a great amount of time."
"Did the crocodile ever hurt you?" Elora asked curiously.
"No, when I saw it the morning I woke up, I never went near it. I knew it would be the death of me, if I did. After several months, I was tilling the farm, when I saw a boat in the water. It was strange, as there were many crocodiles in the lake, and surely anyone who even attempted to cross would die. But it was my brother Bata, who got close enough to call out to me, but stayed safely away from my wrath, which was still deep in my heart. He told me his side of the story, told me that it was my wife who was lying to me."
"Is that all?"
"No...but I must be going. I have to get back to work."
"Call me?" She asked quickly, as he stood to leave.
Anubis smiled. "Surely, I will find the time to squeeze a call from you in. Count on it."
And with that, he left. Elora was about to pay for the bill, when the waitress told her that it was paid for completely. She sighed, but was smiling, and she headed back home to her family.
That's all for now, I'll probably write more later
Since I'm literally bored out of my mind and have read all the stories posted so far I decided to draw the fable I've been thinking of intro… moreducing. Sorry if all the colors look mismatched and all I had a bunch of colors and I wanted to use them XD. Catherine has a question mark beside her name because for now it's a placeholder name I do like the name though. Also my roommate drew the green "scarf" XD
Robby and Meg found their way inside the facility using the entrance under the bridge connecting to it while Lydia and Omnimaax continued their destructive battle. The two found themselves on the maintenance level of the building. No guards insight, just a quiet and empty hallway with a bucket and mop next to the door way.
“How did Gargoth get a hold of a place like this? “Robby asked. Then he followed Meg to an elevator door. The door opened and they both took the elevator up to the second floor.
“Robby, I need to find a computer terminal. If I can hack it, I can find out where they are keeping they prisoners. But once we get into their systems, they WILL be on our asses.”
“No problem, Agent Meg. Where should we look first?” Robby joking.
“Special Forces..”
“Oh, you were in the armed forces?”
“For awhile, but we can talk about that later Robby. We need to move.”
The two continued to search for a terminal in order to find out where the prisoners are being held, while our Rambo Porgie crept behind them armed with his crowd control hoping to be lead to his precious Lyla.
Back at the Homelands, in Etan's Kingdom. Olivia arrives at Etan's castle knowing that she would undoubtedly be not welcomed. She knocks on the big wooden door waiting for either Etan or his Wife to answer the door.
Penny, Etan's wife answers. For a brief second there's an awkward moment between the two..
“Um... Hello. May I help you?” Penny asked.
“Yes... I'm... I'm the Doctor. Daren sent me over to diagnose Etan's condition and find a proper remedy”Olivia as she eases her way inside covering Penny's suspicion.
“Oh, but we never called...”
“I insist you show me to Etan show we can begin the proper analysis and prepare to cure him of his illness.”
“Okay.. Right this way Doctor”
Olivia followed Penny to Etan's quarters on the second floor. They entered the room. One light wash on a trashcan next to the large bed with Etan laying in it. Silently moaning in pain. Olivia goes over towards him and places her hand over his head to appear as she is checking his temperature.
“Do you think it is a fever or some sort?” Penny asked.
“It is something rare that happens among wolfs of his age. We can cure this with household remedies. Here's a list of what we would need.” Olivia handing the list to Penny, who immediately leaves the room and quickly returns downstairs in search of the ingredients.
They are both alone in the room now. Etan slightly raises head and reveals to Olivia the “What the fuck?” face. He then sits up and demands to know what she was doing here.
“Why are you here Olivia?”
“I heard about your condition. I mean, I could hear it all the way from the Mundy World. What is happening to you?” Olivia placing her hand onto Etan's.
“Something extremely unpleasant. It's killing me.. Why do you care, we're not together anymore Olivia.”
“Just because we aren't together doesn't mean we can't be friends, Etan.”
“Then why are you trying to grab my Johnson? What if my wife catches you? It'll be a bloodbath.” Etan taking her hand off of his.
“The reason I really came her was to ask for your, help. It's my father.”
“What does he want now? Another fire breathing turkey?”
“No Etan. He wants to destroy all Fables.”
“Really? Oh...” Etan then lies back then and places the pillow over his head to go back too sleep.”
“Etan, this is seriously. He is killing our kind, some of which are your relatives. Yet your do nothing to stop him. What of that team you founded long ago? Fable Justice League or something?”
It's Fable Avengers, Olivia. And we're disbanded. And besides I'm in no condition to fight at the moment. Not when he is trying to break free..”
“Who is he?” Olivia asked
“My supposedly grandfather, Fenrir.” Etan looking directly at the mirror while a pair of demonic wolf eyes stare back at him. He gets up and shatters the mirror with his fist whiling yelling. “Leave me alone” in rage.
“Etan, I understand what you are going through is, uncomfortable. But you are the only one I know who can stop my father before he becomes overpowered. Both our kind and Mundies will suffer. We won't be able to stop once he reaches that. If you do this, you will never hear from me, again.
Etan sighs then walks over towards the bed and slips into his kitten slippers.
“Olivia, If I do this. You know what must be done right. We are going to have to kill your father in order to stop him. Is this a burden you are ready to bear?”
“I'm prepared to do anything to stop him, even if it means throwing away my own life. What must be done, must be done.” Olivia staring out of the window.
“We'll leave shortly just need to clean this mess up. By the way, what did you send my wife after?” Etan cleaning up the shards of glass. One of the demonic eyes still glaring directly at him.
“A few herbs that will help ease your pain. Once mixed with tea, it should taste a little bitter with a sign of broccoli...”
“Gross...” Etan thought.
Then after a while they two eventually departed to the Mundy world in hopes of stopping Gargoth evil scheme. Not knowing that they're bringing a new villain with them to the ever growing battle.........
Hope you all had a good rest of your days - after the whole selfie thing most of us did! Really nice seeing you all though. Now, it's just the whole meeting in real life thing we have to worry about. An unlikely scenario, but, I personally believe there will be a slight chance of it actually happening someday.
Alright, regarding this month's thread challenge, there probably won't be one since (technically) only 1 user participated for January's challenge. So yeah, I'm currently 'postponing' the challenge(s) for now.
BTW: Did anybody watch the new Walking Dead episode? It was really intense this time around! And that Better Call Saul show too, it was so Epic.
Well I wouldn't say I had a bad day but me and my roommate got swindled out of our only food for the day by my ex who was running register today. Aw man I was looking forward to a valentine's day one XD although I don't think anyone could beat or contend with JJs story XD I never really got into the show, loved the game though!
Hope you all had a good rest of your days - after the whole selfie thing most of us did! Really nice seeing you all though. Now, it's just t… morehe whole meeting in real life thing we have to worry about. An unlikely scenario, but, I personally believe there will be a slight chance of it actually happening someday.
Alright, regarding this month's thread challenge, there probably won't be one since (technically) only 1 user participated for January's challenge. So yeah, I'm currently 'postponing' the challenge(s) for now.
BTW: Did anybody watch the new Walking Dead episode? It was really intense this time around! And that Better Call Saul show too, it was so Epic.
Hope you all had a good rest of your days - after the whole selfie thing most of us did! Really nice seeing you all though. Now, it's just t… morehe whole meeting in real life thing we have to worry about. An unlikely scenario, but, I personally believe there will be a slight chance of it actually happening someday.
Alright, regarding this month's thread challenge, there probably won't be one since (technically) only 1 user participated for January's challenge. So yeah, I'm currently 'postponing' the challenge(s) for now.
BTW: Did anybody watch the new Walking Dead episode? It was really intense this time around! And that Better Call Saul show too, it was so Epic.
Well I wouldn't say I had a bad day but me and my roommate got swindled out of our only food for the day by my ex who was running register t… moreoday. Aw man I was looking forward to a valentine's day one XD although I don't think anyone could beat or contend with JJs story XD I never really got into the show, loved the game though!
She took our orders but gave the chefs completely different orders and then gave us their hottest food (normally I can handle hot stuff but that shit was absolutely unbearable) which almost made me collapse -_-
She took our orders but gave the chefs completely different orders and then gave us their hottest food (normally I can handle hot stuff but that shit was absolutely unbearable) which almost made me collapse -_-
Hope you all had a good rest of your days - after the whole selfie thing most of us did! Really nice seeing you all though. Now, it's just t… morehe whole meeting in real life thing we have to worry about. An unlikely scenario, but, I personally believe there will be a slight chance of it actually happening someday.
Alright, regarding this month's thread challenge, there probably won't be one since (technically) only 1 user participated for January's challenge. So yeah, I'm currently 'postponing' the challenge(s) for now.
BTW: Did anybody watch the new Walking Dead episode? It was really intense this time around! And that Better Call Saul show too, it was so Epic.
I'm going to wait till the current season streams on netflix, but my main shows right now are Gotham, The Flash and Arrow.
Also, I agree on JJ knocking the Jan challenge out of the park.
A grappling hook? Could come in pretty handy, and it'd be an evolution of the whip Adeline uses in AC: Liberation. Do you think they'll add or change anything else?
Actually, your comment about changing outfits reminds me even more of AC: Liberation, where you could swap between an 'Assassin', 'Slave' and 'Lady' persona, each with their own pros and cons. Have you played Liberation?
Personally, I liked Edward, however it is probably the least Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed there is. :P There's a chance some form of naval gameplay could return with Victory - Britannia rules the waves, and all that.
AC Victory is the next game and will be set in Victorian London; according to an 'acquaintance' I have at GAME, you now have access to a gra… moreppling hook :P
From screenshots; it looks like unarmed combat is the norm for fighting, and you change outfits by talking to certain people...
Black Flag had great Naval gameplay, but I didn't like Edward. His arrogance and brashness wore off pretty quick and he completely disrespects the Creed until the last few memories
Yeah it sucks, yesterday if I were to get out of bed I'd literally collapse my roommates would just peer in like O.o wonder if I'm dead, come in pick me up and then I'd be good. Now I can almost not collapse and get up myself XD
Figured it'd return after Celebrity Big Brother, but now we've got Benefits Street instead. Gotham must be back soon.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I've just searched 'Gotham UK' and found out that there's a village called 'Gotham' in Nottinghamshire. Vaguely curious is all. :P
THE Man! With the whole black tie and shirt you're rocking the Bigby look; though, the friendly smile makes you seem far more approachable than Bigby. :P Good style of facial hair.
THE Man! With the whole black tie and shirt you're rocking the Bigby look; though, the friendly smile makes you seem far more approachable than Bigby. :P Good style of facial hair.
Figured it'd return after Celebrity Big Brother, but now we've got Benefits Street instead. Gotham must be back soon.
On a somewhat unre… morelated note, I've just searched 'Gotham UK' and found out that there's a village called 'Gotham' in Nottinghamshire. Vaguely curious is all. :P
A grappling hook? Could come in pretty handy, and it'd be an evolution of the whip Adeline uses in AC: Liberation. Do you think they'll add … moreor change anything else?
Actually, your comment about changing outfits reminds me even more of AC: Liberation, where you could swap between an 'Assassin', 'Slave' and 'Lady' persona, each with their own pros and cons. Have you played Liberation?
Personally, I liked Edward, however it is probably the least Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed there is. :P There's a chance some form of naval gameplay could return with Victory - Britannia rules the waves, and all that.
They should let you grow it back after a while for camouflage - depending where you're going it might help! Actually, what are the rules on head hair? Because I'm guessing Hollywood isn't going to be a totally accurate source to go by.
I know! We're getting so far behind that spoilers on the internet will probably start to be a problem. Though it would mean I could figure out if my theory about what's going on is correct quicker. xD
It might be possible to find it on an America TV site and watch, but we shouldn't have to wait this long!
But there's already been like 4-5 new episodes of Gotham aired in America!!!
Damn the UK and it's late releases! XP
Big Brother is stupid, never watched it and don't ever want to watch it :P
It's not as big in scope as the main console games, but it's an interesting tale nonetheless. And it briefly features Connor, too!
Which city would you go for? There's Montreal for Abstergo Entertainment being set there, but of course they could journey wherever they like.
They could also bring that grappling hook into the modern day have a bit of the traversal from the Batman: Arkham games! There has to be some proper modern day stuff in the next game. :P
I have Liberation but I haven't played it yet :P
I would like an AC game set purely in the modern day with little usage of the Animus etc… more.
Free-running through the city like in AC3 with Desmond... that would be cool! You could have a foldable compound bow and stuff!
I had a quick flick (the cat in the drawer was quite curious xD), and there was definitely one where you had it short, and one where you had it long! Slightly short to long looks nice, but changing it up every now and then is a fun thing to do.
I've actually been growing it out! I used to have really really short hair, (If you stalk my instagram, you might be able to find a pic or two) And I love how it's growing it. I try to style it every now and again.
They should let you grow it back after a while for camouflage - depending where you're going it might help! Actually, what are the rules on head hair? Because I'm guessing Hollywood isn't going to be a totally accurate source to go by.
I know! We're getting so far behind that spoilers on the internet will probably start to be a problem. Though it would mean I could figure … moreout if my theory about what's going on is correct quicker. xD
It might be possible to find it on an America TV site and watch, but we shouldn't have to wait this long!
I entirely agree! :P
I've never played God of War here I thought I was being unique XD
Just exactly that, Death is trapped within Lukes heart
Well in God of War he has two short but big and serrated blades that are attached to chains on his wrists. I like the idea of the harp strings though!! XD
So in theory, Nick can rip Death out of Luke's heart, right? But only if Luke is in fear of Nick when he dies...
F you, thesis essay. I need a break. :P
It was one in the morning when Georgie awoke in a sweat stricken panic. He clawed at the sheets, grasping them in between his fingers and clutching the material against his palms. The scar located above his belly button was broiling to the touch. It felt as if someone poured grease onto his skin. Georgie pants, falls to the side and tumbles off the bed. In agony, Georgie crawls towards the door.
He had that same dream again. The one that had haunted his very thoughts since returning to Fabletown. The first time it occured, Georgie swore it was all the nightmare; the Crooked Man, the imprisonment of the girls. The horrible deaths and the time he spent on the Farm. His eyes fluttered open and he was back in the club; music played in the back, flashing lights above the stage and various clients entertained by a topless dancer on stage.
He was back. Nothing terrible happened. But with each pain staking step he took, the club grew dark and his world suddenly vanished. No music, clients or dancers; Georgie was alone in the dark. No, he'd think every time. Not the fucking dark. Georgie would run; where he was going, the Fable did not care. According to his rhymn, Georgie was good at it.
"When the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away..."
And away he ran. The first time, Georgie did not know what was waiting for him on the other side. At first, the woman in the dark appeared to be Vivian. Georgie, beaming, continued at a steady pace until further inspection. It was Lyla; she was grown and was breath taking to say the least. Her chestnut hair blew against the dark; her radiant giggle could be heard and drew Georgie in like a sailor to a siren's song. Georgie would grab Lyla's shoulder and turn the young woman around.
In horror, a purple ribbon was tied to her neck. Lyla was crying and began pleading to Georgie. Her mournful pleas burned Georgie's ears. Without warning, Lyla would reach over, pull the ribbon and allow her head to fall. It rolled across the floor until landing at Georgie's feet. The club owner, disgusted and unable to save Lyla, turns away and runs faster into the shadows. Dreadfully, Lyla would laugh and chase after Georgie. Her blood curdling chuckles seem to mock the former pimp with each step he took.
"What's the matter, Georgie!? Lyla always managed to catch up. "Don't you love me!? Here-allow me!"
Georgie found himself below a guillotine; all round him, the community of Fabletown awaited for his beheading. In the crowd, his girls; Hans with his thumbs down, even the Smith Clan sneering and hissing for the demise of Georgie. Vivian stood beside Lyla; both their heads clean off the necks and cackling at Georgie.
The Executioner's face was covered in a black bag; his glove weraing fingers grasped the lever holding the guillotine up. Georgie struggled and began to beg for mercy. The crowd would pause, point and mock Georgie.
Snow White was before him. Just like the first time. Just like the times after that. Riping his files up and tossing the shreds into his face. Her index finger dancing across her neck, as the Executioner lifts the bag to reveal the man beneath. In Wolf form, Bigby yanks the lever and all is soon over.
Georgie would wake up, like now, in excruciating pain. He was terrified to sleep now. Georgie continued to claw across the wooden floors. On cue, the shrill screams of Lyla echoing from her bedroom. Georgie continued to move towards the door; he cringed at this part and was determined to reach the young girl. Georgie manages to open his bedroom door.
"LYLA!" Georgie leans against the doorway. "Sweetie, wake up! Georgie is comin', love..." With one false move, the pain returns. "AAAAAGH, FOOK!"
Panting, Georgie's face plummets to the ground. The sound of footsteps assures him either Nancy or John heard it all. Lights in the hall flicker on. Nancy's slender fingers loop around Georgie's arm. Careful not to endure any more pain, she lifts the Fable up and leans him against the doorway. Georgie's knees shake and lock.
"Georgie, look at me." Her tender touch awakens Georgie. "Look...at...me, alright? Can you do that?"
"AAAGH UUGH, Nancy...." Georgie reaches across. "Lyla...get....her..UGH FOOK!"
"I know, I know." The consideration in her voice. "It's going to be alright, Georgie. Easy now. Remember what Swineheart told you..."
Breathing against the growing need to fall back onto the floor, Georgie lingers on towards Lyla's bedroom. The first time, even the second, Nancy chased him down and brought Georgie back to the bedroom. By the third time, however, she learned to back away and allow Georgie access to her daughter. It was the only way.
For both of them.
The scar turned a slight crimson color. The burning sensation intensified as Georgie drew near her bedroom. The older girls, especially Gina, watched impotently at the staggering Fable. Even Henry had to turn and face the wall. He recollected every time Georgie awoke at the Farm, screaming into the dark and begging for help.
Georgie reached Lyla's room; John held his daughter and failed miserably to comfort his child. When Lyla's Amber eyes noticed Georgie, the little girl crawled out of John's arms as if it was a training ground. Georgie falls to the ground; a sense of tranquility, however, envelops his body the moment Lyla's arms swaddle Georgie's neck.
"I had the bad dream again, Georgie." Lyla whimpered into his neck. "You were hurt. I couldn't see you...but I heard you in the dark."
Georgie rubs his face against Lyla's hair. "I don't like the dark, love."
"I know." Lyla's grip tightens. "I don't like it, either. It makes you sad, Georgie....its very mean to you."
John flips the switch near the door. Immediatly, the room is filled with a bright light from above. The little girl remains in Georgie's lap. Now rocking back and forth, Georgie holds Lyla against his chest. The little girl looks up at Georgie; her Wolf eyes show no hate. No remorse. Nothing contrition about them. Lyla leans into Georgie's ear.
"Sing me that song by the nice man, Georgie." Lyla sinks into Georgie's lap. "Please...it makes me feel better."
Georgie continues to rock Lyla back and forth; his heart was burdened by the dream and all that took place before this moment. Georgie held onto the hope and dream of one day facing the darkness. But not alone.
Georgie began to sing. "Ya' raise me up, so I can stand on mountains. Ya' raised me up to walk on stormy sees; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders. Ya' raised me up...." Georgie pauses for a moment, than continues. "....Ta' more than I can be...."
Lyla beams. "I love this song. I got ya', Georgie. Promise. We can fight the monsters together in the dark."
Georgie, along with John and Nancy, had to pause and wipe away a tear. Georgie buries his face into Lyla's hair and kisses the top.
"Sounds good ta' me, love...."
John clears his throat. "I'll, uh...get some coffee going...."
Lyla, with much needed coaxing and stories, manages to fall back to sleep. But instead of her own bed, she remained in Georgie's. Normally, John would take her back. Not this time. He'd leave his daughter there for the remainder of the night. Georgie refused to close his eyes. It was almost three in the morning. There was no need to sleep.
Georgie stood near the sink, cup of coffee in his hand. Nancy and John, at the table, watched as he paced a few feet.
"Come sit with us, Georgie." John pulls out a chair. "Come. Sit."
"No." Georgie whispers his answer. "I'm fine ova' here. Thank ya'...."
"How is your stomach, Georgie?" Nancy always sounded so concerned when she said his name. "I noticed the color-"
"I'm fine, Nancy. It's fine now."
John glares into the cup of coffee. "So, whenever you have those dreams-"
"I don't bloody mean ta' drag her into them but-"
Crossed, John looks over. "Then don't."
"STOP dragging her into your mess, Georgie! My six year old is having nightmares because of YOU!"
Because of you. Like knives through the chest. His heart. Soul. Because of you....
"Johnathan enough!" Nancy's voice is demanding. "Stop with this! It's not Georgie's fault."
"Do you SEE, Nancy, what this is doing to OUR daughter!?"
"They are CONNECTED, John!" Nancy slams her cup down. "It comes with the territory! YOU of all people should know this!"
John runs his massive fingers through his hair. Georgie notices several strands turning into a light shade of gray. The mighty Wolf was beginning to show his age. John glances at Georgie.
"You fucking hear that, Porgie?"
Georgie swallows back the tears. "Woot....woot, John?"
"GET that under control. Please. We can help you. Please, just...stop. Stop, okay?"
Nancy sits up. "I'll call Swineheart. I'm sure he wouldn't mind making a house call."
John continues. "Please, Georgie...my Lyla....she....she-"
"I know, John." Georgie stares out the window. "I need her, too...."
Both men nod in agreement. Nothing els is said between the two. While they wait in silence until Swineheart, Georgie heads back to his room. The curtains are open; the moonlight carpets the floors, as Lyla cuddles with her Teddy in Georgie's usual spot. Careful not to wake the girl, Georgie sits beside her.
Lyla moves for a moment, turns and returns to her dreams. Georgie plays with the loose strands of hair. With each touch, the scar's pains subside and feelings of hope return. He was strong with Lyla. Georgie looks out the window and continues to sing. Although she could not hear, Georgie felt a sense of comfort when he did.
"Ya' raise me up....ta' more than I can be....."
Any questions, you know the drill.
Damn one day I'll think of a cool unique weapon XD
Yeah he could but like you said Luke would have to fear Nick.
And Luke fears no one
My body is ready for this possible introduction of a new OC.
I like the name; goes with such a mysterious young lady as herself.
I'm loving her hair style, too.
Glad you like her Pudding!
I like the name too! Unless if I can think of a more mysterious name then it'll stay Catherine
The hair took a bit, I'll have to draw her in her normal clothes soon! 
How about Catrina?
I think I'll stick with Catherine XD
I knew someone would've said something about the dimple sooner or later! Yep, pretty much everyone finds it cute.
And thanksies!
When I viewed your pic on my phone, it was positioned normally.
Anyway, nice pic overall! Cool clothes like the others said. Very Shaun of the Dead-esque too, besides you trying to dress like Biggs. XD
If I can pull off Simon Pegg then winner! :P
Jesus, Pie....I'm in tears after reading this.
That dream Georgie had. Him falling to the ground...
Georgie singing that song to Lyla.
That is their song. I had to look it up and listen; I love that song so much. 
I love these prologues, man. Shit. The feels. I have nothing to say.....except keep this up. These are getting very good.
It had started raining lightly by the time Elora reached the cafe. It was a nice little bistro with tables outside, surrounded by an intricately designed fence to stop people from walking away with out paying. Luckily, they had umbrellas, and so she sat there, in the drizzling rain, waiting.
A waitress offered a cup of coffee, but Elora was more eager to wait and watch than sip from the mug. She kept checking the time, every five minutes. Waiting. Watching.
And then he emerged, a hat covering his shaved head. His skin was the color of a deep caramel, his eyes so blue she thought she could see an ocean in them. He smiled when he saw her, entering through the small gate at one side of the terrace. He slipped past a waiter who was delivering a meal, and quickly pulled the chair across from Elora to sit.
"How's it going?" He asked her casually. His smile was so big and white, and it made Elora blush when she stared at him for too long.
"I'm good," She squeaked, nerves bubbling in her gut. She wanted to hide in her jacket, but it wasn't puffy enough to do so. Her eyes wandered the the street that had cars zipping past. The rain was light and not bothersome.
"I'm sorry I was late," Anubis told her. He was looking at the lunch menu, his eyes reading it carefully.
"It's alright," She told him. She was suddenly super interesting in drinking her coffee more than talking.
"I think I'll get the roast beef sandwich," He said, leaning back in his chair. He was a tall, skinny man, who often wore semi-casual attire and a nice fedora hat. Elora imagined many nights, pulling the hat from his head and putting it on her own, to tease him. They weren't that friendly yet, though. So she kept her hands to herself, one clasped around the mug while the other twirled in her long hair. She'd been growing it long lately, because she was tired of how childish it looked on her when it was short.
"I ordered myself a salad," She replied. "I like their chicken Caesar one."
"Mmm, Caesar salad," He said. "Maybe I'll order that next time."
Elora smiled. It only took a little while for the waitress to be out with their meals. This was Elora's favorite mundane restaurant, and she figured it would be a nice place for a first date. Not that this was really considered a date. She just asked if he wanted to go out for a bite if he was on lunch break.
"So," Anubis said. His hands were folded on the table, and she could see a gold band across one of his fingers. Her gut wrenched. What if he were married?
"How was work?" She asked, trying to push down her fears. She prayed her face was still cool and collected looking.
"Same old, same old," He replied. "I push the injured down halls in wheelchairs and administer medication. Occasionally help Swineheart do surgeries."
"Sounds fun," She said, partially sarcastically.
"I can be, sometimes," He said, fidgeting with the vase of flowers between them. "Tell me something about you, though. I want to get to know you." His smile was back, and Elora felt that same feeling of butterflies in her stomach.
"Oh, there's nothing much about me to know.." She trailed off. "I mean... A lot has happened to me, over these past few months. I've gone from a really dark place to trying to fix myself. Reinvent myself, if I must. It's hard, but worth it, I suppose."
"I wouldn't have known it if you hadn't told me. You look really nice today, by the way."
"Thank you," She blushed. "You look nice too."
He smiled, again. "Say, uh...I hope this isn't a touchy subject... Weren't you the one who got hit by that car a while ago?"
Elora only nodded. She wasn't proud of her actions of the past, the ones she could remember, at least. And she definitely didn't want to talk about what caused her to get into the accident in the first place. "I... lost my memory, actually."
"Really? I hadn't known, I wasn't assigned to the ICU when that happened. How far back do you remember?"
"I only recall bits and pieces. My only solid memory ends up to about age ten."
"Shit..." He said. He had genuine concern. "And what about now?"
"I've learned a lot, remember some things... I've changed. But I like the change."
"Well, that's good." Just then, the waitress came with their meals. She places the salad in front of Elora, and the sandwich by Anubis. They ate a little bit, before continuing the conversation. The rain had stopped, and there was a cool breeze that wasn't too strong to annoy them. Elora though the weather was just perfect. She lay her hand on the table, using her other hand to scoop up lettuce and grilled chicken into her mouth.
Anubis's ringed finger softly grazed the top of her hand, sending chills down her spine. But she just smiled, chewing on her meal.
"How many siblings do you have?" He asked. "I heard your mother had more..."
"In total, eight. Not including me. I'm the third oldest. Robert is second, and Ash is the oldest. We're all going to be eighteen soon.."
"Cool," Anubis said. "I have a brother. I don't know if you're familiar with the Tale of Two Brothers?"
"No, not in particular," She replied. She was pretty full, with half a salad left.
Anubis put his sandwich down. "If you want to hear it, I'll tell you."
"I would be honored," She said, chuckling. Anubis smiled, as he always did, and began his story.
"My real name is Anpu, but I prefer Anubis as a nick-name. Always have. I was married for a time, and looked after my younger brother, Bata. We used to work together, managing farms, raising cattle. I..." He hesitated, his eyes seeming to loose focus from Elora's, as he looked down at his food. "My brother never lied to me, which I should have taken into consideration. My wife, she tried to sleep with him, but he rejected her. She came back to me. She was the one who lied, told me he tried to seduce her. I tried to kill him.... I almost succeeded. I..."
"If it's too much," Elora said. "You don't have to go on."
"Thank you," Anubis said. "But I want you to hear it. He...fled from me, and he prayed to one of the Gods to protect him. A river infested by crocodile appeared between our homesteads, and so we could not contact each other for a great amount of time."
"Did the crocodile ever hurt you?" Elora asked curiously.
"No, when I saw it the morning I woke up, I never went near it. I knew it would be the death of me, if I did. After several months, I was tilling the farm, when I saw a boat in the water. It was strange, as there were many crocodiles in the lake, and surely anyone who even attempted to cross would die. But it was my brother Bata, who got close enough to call out to me, but stayed safely away from my wrath, which was still deep in my heart. He told me his side of the story, told me that it was my wife who was lying to me."
"Is that all?"
"No...but I must be going. I have to get back to work."
"Call me?" She asked quickly, as he stood to leave.
Anubis smiled. "Surely, I will find the time to squeeze a call from you in. Count on it."
And with that, he left. Elora was about to pay for the bill, when the waitress told her that it was paid for completely. She sighed, but was smiling, and she headed back home to her family.
That's all for now, I'll probably write more later
She reminds me of Ayane from Dead or Alive.
Chapter 7, Out of the bed
Robby and Meg found their way inside the facility using the entrance under the bridge connecting to it while Lydia and Omnimaax continued their destructive battle. The two found themselves on the maintenance level of the building. No guards insight, just a quiet and empty hallway with a bucket and mop next to the door way.
“How did Gargoth get a hold of a place like this? “Robby asked. Then he followed Meg to an elevator door. The door opened and they both took the elevator up to the second floor.
“Robby, I need to find a computer terminal. If I can hack it, I can find out where they are keeping they prisoners. But once we get into their systems, they WILL be on our asses.”
“No problem, Agent Meg. Where should we look first?” Robby joking.
“Special Forces..”
“Oh, you were in the armed forces?”
“For awhile, but we can talk about that later Robby. We need to move.”
The two continued to search for a terminal in order to find out where the prisoners are being held, while our Rambo Porgie crept behind them armed with his crowd control hoping to be lead to his precious Lyla.
Back at the Homelands, in Etan's Kingdom. Olivia arrives at Etan's castle knowing that she would undoubtedly be not welcomed. She knocks on the big wooden door waiting for either Etan or his Wife to answer the door.
Penny, Etan's wife answers. For a brief second there's an awkward moment between the two..
“Um... Hello. May I help you?” Penny asked.
“Yes... I'm... I'm the Doctor. Daren sent me over to diagnose Etan's condition and find a proper remedy”Olivia as she eases her way inside covering Penny's suspicion.
“Oh, but we never called...”
“I insist you show me to Etan show we can begin the proper analysis and prepare to cure him of his illness.”
“Okay.. Right this way Doctor”
Olivia followed Penny to Etan's quarters on the second floor. They entered the room. One light wash on a trashcan next to the large bed with Etan laying in it. Silently moaning in pain. Olivia goes over towards him and places her hand over his head to appear as she is checking his temperature.
“Do you think it is a fever or some sort?” Penny asked.
“It is something rare that happens among wolfs of his age. We can cure this with household remedies. Here's a list of what we would need.” Olivia handing the list to Penny, who immediately leaves the room and quickly returns downstairs in search of the ingredients.
They are both alone in the room now. Etan slightly raises head and reveals to Olivia the “What the fuck?” face. He then sits up and demands to know what she was doing here.
“Why are you here Olivia?”
“I heard about your condition. I mean, I could hear it all the way from the Mundy World. What is happening to you?” Olivia placing her hand onto Etan's.
“Something extremely unpleasant. It's killing me.. Why do you care, we're not together anymore Olivia.”
“Just because we aren't together doesn't mean we can't be friends, Etan.”
“Then why are you trying to grab my Johnson? What if my wife catches you? It'll be a bloodbath.” Etan taking her hand off of his.
“The reason I really came her was to ask for your, help. It's my father.”
“What does he want now? Another fire breathing turkey?”
“No Etan. He wants to destroy all Fables.”
“Really? Oh...” Etan then lies back then and places the pillow over his head to go back too sleep.”
“Etan, this is seriously. He is killing our kind, some of which are your relatives. Yet your do nothing to stop him. What of that team you founded long ago? Fable Justice League or something?”
It's Fable Avengers, Olivia. And we're disbanded. And besides I'm in no condition to fight at the moment. Not when he is trying to break free..”
“Who is he?” Olivia asked
“My supposedly grandfather, Fenrir.” Etan looking directly at the mirror while a pair of demonic wolf eyes stare back at him. He gets up and shatters the mirror with his fist whiling yelling. “Leave me alone” in rage.
“Etan, I understand what you are going through is, uncomfortable. But you are the only one I know who can stop my father before he becomes overpowered. Both our kind and Mundies will suffer. We won't be able to stop once he reaches that. If you do this, you will never hear from me, again.
Etan sighs then walks over towards the bed and slips into his kitten slippers.
“Olivia, If I do this. You know what must be done right. We are going to have to kill your father in order to stop him. Is this a burden you are ready to bear?”
“I'm prepared to do anything to stop him, even if it means throwing away my own life. What must be done, must be done.” Olivia staring out of the window.
“We'll leave shortly just need to clean this mess up. By the way, what did you send my wife after?” Etan cleaning up the shards of glass. One of the demonic eyes still glaring directly at him.
“A few herbs that will help ease your pain. Once mixed with tea, it should taste a little bitter with a sign of broccoli...”
“Gross...” Etan thought.
Then after a while they two eventually departed to the Mundy world in hopes of stopping Gargoth evil scheme. Not knowing that they're bringing a new villain with them to the ever growing battle.........
Hope you all had a good rest of your days - after the whole selfie thing most of us did! Really nice seeing you all though. Now, it's just the whole meeting in real life thing we have to worry about. An unlikely scenario, but, I personally believe there will be a slight chance of it actually happening someday.
Alright, regarding this month's thread challenge, there probably won't be one since (technically) only 1 user participated for January's challenge. So yeah, I'm currently 'postponing' the challenge(s) for now.
BTW: Did anybody watch the new Walking Dead episode? It was really intense this time around! And that Better Call Saul show too, it was so Epic.
Well I wouldn't say I had a bad day but me and my roommate got swindled out of our only food for the day by my ex who was running register today. Aw man I was looking forward to a valentine's day one XD although I don't think anyone could beat or contend with JJs story XD I never really got into the show, loved the game though!
Walking Dead starts up again tonight in England
I think in the future we should try and make the meet up a reality! Decide on a location that is as convenient as possible and go from there :P
What did your ex do? Refuse payment or what?? Either way that sucks
She took our orders but gave the chefs completely different orders and then gave us their hottest food (normally I can handle hot stuff but that shit was absolutely unbearable) which almost made me collapse -_-
Sounds like the break-up wasn't good
... Listen to me... I'm sorry dude
I'm going to wait till the current season streams on netflix, but my main shows right now are Gotham, The Flash and Arrow.
Also, I agree on JJ knocking the Jan challenge out of the park.
Has Gotham started up again in the States?
I've heard no news of it's return in the UK
A grappling hook? Could come in pretty handy, and it'd be an evolution of the whip Adeline uses in AC: Liberation. Do you think they'll add or change anything else?
Actually, your comment about changing outfits reminds me even more of AC: Liberation, where you could swap between an 'Assassin', 'Slave' and 'Lady' persona, each with their own pros and cons. Have you played Liberation?
Personally, I liked Edward, however it is probably the least Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed there is. :P There's a chance some form of naval gameplay could return with Victory - Britannia rules the waves, and all that.
Episode 15 airs tonight.
Well, it's nice they care whether or not you die. ^_^ And at least they do pick you up, like Hazza says. :P That's an improvement!
Figured it'd return after Celebrity Big Brother, but now we've got Benefits Street instead.
Gotham must be back soon.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I've just searched 'Gotham UK' and found out that there's a village called 'Gotham' in Nottinghamshire. Vaguely curious is all. :P
THE Man!
With the whole black tie and shirt you're rocking the Bigby look; though, the friendly smile makes you seem far more approachable than Bigby. :P Good style of facial hair. 
Thnx man!!! XD
This beard is going nowhere until I sign up :P
But there's already been like 4-5 new episodes of Gotham aired in America!!!
Damn the UK and it's late releases! XP
Big Brother is stupid, never watched it and don't ever want to watch it :P
I have Liberation but I haven't played it yet :P
I would like an AC game set purely in the modern day with little usage of the Animus etc.
Free-running through the city like in AC3 with Desmond... that would be cool! You could have a foldable compound bow and stuff!
Those people are probably envious they can't pull one off, or don't know style when it's right in front of them. ;D
Awwwww.... I want more Gotham
I'm starting to prefer Gordan to Batman
They should let you grow it back after a while for camouflage - depending where you're going it might help! Actually, what are the rules on head hair? Because I'm guessing Hollywood isn't going to be a totally accurate source to go by.
I know! We're getting so far behind that spoilers on the internet will probably start to be a problem.
Though it would mean I could figure out if my theory about what's going on is correct quicker. xD
It might be possible to find it on an America TV site and watch, but we shouldn't have to wait this long!
I entirely agree! :P
It's not as big in scope as the main console games, but it's an interesting tale nonetheless. And it briefly features Connor, too!
Which city would you go for? There's Montreal for Abstergo Entertainment being set there, but of course they could journey wherever they like.
They could also bring that grappling hook into the modern day have a bit of the traversal from the Batman: Arkham games! There has to be some proper modern day stuff in the next game. :P
Have you played Watch_Dogs?
I had a quick flick (the cat in the drawer was quite curious xD), and there was definitely one where you had it short, and one where you had it long! Slightly short to long looks nice, but changing it up every now and then is a fun thing to do.
I think your hair has to be grade 4 or shorter...
You CAN request to grow facial hair, but I think it's limited to serving in arctic environments
Also I think you can grow it if you are deployed on ships (so the Navy basically)
I have my hair cut grade 8 on top and grade 5 on sides and back...
Gotham has already started up again and we have nothing! At least TWD comes back a day after it's American release
Also Better Call Saul has no release date for the UK, except on NetFlix!!!