Create a story for Season 3!
Main idea of the season:
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 4:
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Main idea of the season:
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 4:
Episode 1:
Clem meets a new group...
Episode 2:
...they die.
Episode 3:
Clem meets a new group...
Episode 4:
...they die.
Episode 5:
Clem meets a new group...
[Scene after the credits]
...they die.
10/10- NOT IGN
Episode 1: Six months have passed. It is now summer. Clementine and Kenny, on there way west, meet a new group.
Their leader, treats Kenny and Clementine with suspicion, while others in the group welcome Clementine, and Aj warmly.
Kenny has regained much of his old-self, though his tendency to be quick tempered still remains.
Episode 2: A month has passed. Kenny and the group leader, do not see eye-to-eye. Kenny is particularly disturbed by his cold, ruthless, and his growing irrational behavior.
As Clementine, her feelings about the leader is optional.
Others voice concerns about their group leader.
Episode 3: Over the next two months, the group makes it to an old police station, where the leader, a man named Nate, slaughters the survivors inside with a machete, much to the horror of the group.
Kenny and Clementine realize this man is dangerous, and feel as long as they stay, they're in danger as well.
Clementine can either suggest they leave on their own, or try to convince others to go with them.
In the meantime, the group has managed to scrape together a few working vehicles.
Episode 4: A week later, Clementine and Kenny are still looking for the right opportunity to leave. Kenny's only main concern is keeping Clementine and Aj safe. Clementine has the option of speaking to other group members, to try and persuade them to leave with her and Kenny.
Nate runs the security of the police station tight.
At the end of the episode Kenny and Clementine are seen sitting together. Kenny suggests leaving in the morning.
Clementine agrees, and the following plan of where to go and how to get there, becomes somewhat determinate through different dialogue choices.
Episode 5: The next morning, regardless of the player has spoken with other group members about leaving or not, the two decide to leave.
Nate though insists that they leave their weapons with his group.
Kenny immediately protests, as can Clementine.
One of the group members, a young man of about 20 yrs old, steps forward and tries to be a diplomat between the two. Nate shoots him, after the man suggests Kenny and Clementine be allowed to keep their weapons, much to the shock of the entire group.
Nate then goes to turn the gun on the duo, but Kenny rushes forward and tackles Nate!
After several minutes of intense fighting, Kenny, though sustaining a gunshot wound to the leg; while trying to wrestle the gun away, manages to kill Nate.
Kenny, bruised, bloodied, and shot, limps toward Clementine.
He asks her if she's okay?
Clementine, has the option of hugging Kenny.
After bandaging Kenny's leg, the two, with Aj, decide to continue west, and begin loading their belongings into an old truck.
The rest of Nate's group, at a loss of what to do, tentatively ask if they may join the duo.
Kenny looks at Clementine, and depending on what Clementine says, the whole group leaves with Kenny and Clementine, or the duo drive off into the distance together.
'Totally didn't see that one coming,' - Blind Guy on the Net.
'It was one less predictable death after the other' - StonedGamer.
'Explosive video game storytelling at its most finest!' - Michael Bay.
Ep 1, Talking about finding a boat
Ep 2 Searching for a boat
Ep 3 Found a Boat
Ep 4 Boat is stolen again, go on a quest to get it back
Ep 5 they get the boat back, and it sinks and they all die
The End
Episode 1: Badass Clementine with AJ or Kenny/Jane ( or alone ), blablablah they find a group at the middle of the episode, blablablah, meet guys, blablablah, at the end badass Kenny/Alone death, blablablah. If you are at Wellington, blablablah, there's a confusion and blablablah, there's a colapse and blablablah.
Episode 2: Blablablah, AJ kill his first walker because he is prodigy, blablablah, Clem and new group keep moving, blablablah, tension, blablablah bad guy in the group. Crazy deaths, blablablah.
Episode 3: Your group finds Mike, Bonnie ( Determinant ) and Arvo, blablablah, and at the end of the episode you can save or let Mike be killed. Blablablah.
Episode 4: Blablablah, survival stuff, blablablah. AJ be catch by rappers who want to teach him to sing ( pretty bad ), blablablah, she needs to convince people to help her. Blabla.
Episode 5: You recovers AJ, blablablah, everybody in your group die because... because die, and then you can take your revenge against Arvo or live with him, blabla...bla. Badass ending on sunrise.
IGN - 9.5: A really surprising storyline!
PC Gamer - 98: An adventure to remember.
'Needs more bathroom scenes...' - David Cage
The End.
2/10- Not enough Saltlicks................
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The boat sank because there was too many saltlicks, murder!
Episode 1: Depending on your ending, the first episode diverges in a few directions:
The first episode begins with a time skip. Clementine is now 14, where as A.J. is now three. They are shown in a thriving Wellington-- a community that has lasted well throughout the years that were skipped. Clementine will then, after a day's work in Wellington, hear something. When she goes to check out the noise, she'll see that Wellington is being invaded by walkers. Despite Clementine's choices, she and a few other survivors from Wellington will be forced out into the open.
The episode will start in two different ways, depending on your choice whether or not to let the family stay in Episode 5:
The time skip still occurs. Howe's hardware is still standing-- and the family has been living along with Jane and Clementine for a few years now. It's all been going well until a suspicious group approaches the gate's of the building. Clementine can either choose to threaten the group or try to get them to peacefully leave. Despite her choices, the group will go away for the night. In the morning, they will return, either ruthless and angry (if Clementine threatened them) or reluctant to steal from them. The family will protest, along with Jane and Clementine if she chooses too. Jane will be shot during the raid, and Clementine will be forced to run out with A.J., leaving her alone in the wilderness. The family's status will remain unknown for the time being.
If you rejected the family in Episode 5 of Season 2, the time skip, regardless, will still occur. Howe's Hardware is thriving despite the lack of members. Jane and Clementine are doing well off. A night after the start of the game, the vengeful father of the family will break into the building. He'll explain that his family was indeed killed by another group, and that they would have been just fine if they'd been in Howe's Hardware. Jane attempts to stab him, but is instead shot. Despite Clementine's choices, you'll be forced to flee from the building with A.J., leaving you alone in the wilderness.
(Will add more later. It's kinda late and I'm too tired to try-hard story tell)
Episode 1: Clem and AJ find a group
Episode 2: The group doesn't trust Clem
Episode 3: Group goes to shit
Episode 4: Main villain does some shit to make the group go to shit even more
Episode 5: Main villain dies and Clem and AJ are alone again.
Episode 1: Begin the choices with Kenny
Episode 2: Begin the choice without Kenny
Episode 3: Begin with the Choice with Jane
Episode 4: Begin the choice with Jane with the new group
Episode 5: Begin the choice with Jane without the new group.
Episode 6: The choice with the group inside the walls without Kenny.
Ending of season 2 have too many endings...
Not enough death
I've wrote a fin fiction, not going to spell it out, because of plagiarism, but if TTG needs to contract a writer i will do it for 1 dollar. Basically Pro Bono to prevent a reoccurrence of Season 2 mistakes, and for the twitter followers.
Episode 1: Clementine runs into the main protagonist he saves Clementine from the cold, and is taken to a Haven, {A Christian faith based camp that follows golden rules.]. Think a large farm with a large amount of people. A settlement. Over a thousand people living at the area. The protagonist is the owner of house. She meets a new cast of characters, and life seems to be getting better for her. In the house, there two other kids like Clementine both girls. One is seventeen, the other is seven. Both are strays, like Clementine and both have their own issues to deal with. Clementine experiences what it is like to live in a religious house.
Episode 2: She develops relationships with new family. She finds out that the protagonist is a man battling his own inner demons. She can relate with him, because he makes her laugh. They talk about the past, and how it has affected them, now and how they see the world. She develops plot between all characters. She struggles to understand this concept of faith She learns new things, like how to clean and maintain firearms. How to reload ammunition, how to cook, how to stitch a wound, everything she would need to know. He also teaches her math, science, all the things she would need to know later in life. Remember she only has the education of a nine year old.
Episode 3: A new character is introduced, and it changes the family dynamic, to a unknown direction.
Episode 4: Tragedy strikes, causing the Main protagonist to fall apart emotionally, Clementine has some blame to it, but the protagonist doesn't blame Clementine, he blames himself and goes into a spiral of drugs and alcohol. Everyone starts to worry, causing conflict. Sometimes at night Clementine can hear him crying downstairs , when she is sleeping in her bed.
Episode 5: It leaves him in a spiral of self destruction, at the crucible of the horizon, a choice will be made. Will Clementine be able to save him, from himself? Will Faith prevail? Time will tell.
Episode 6: The Protagonist, decides to leave Haven for Good. In search of someone, He wants Clementine to stay in Haven because it is Safe. Clementine runs after the main protagonist, in defiance of his orders. He won't let him go off on his own to find his daughter. They go off to start S4 together in search of missing family. Even though Clementine gave up safety to be with this man, they end up being a great team together, where they take care of each other.
george i thought you wanted clem gone though
I do , but i don't.
I originally wrote this at the end of S2, its been a work in progress, the story has been written, now i am just polishing it, rereading it, and fixing things here and there. . I think if Clementine had that close relationship ie Joel/Ellie or Lee/Clementine the story would of been significantly better, than what we got for S2.
I don't want to hate so i will leave it at that.
Here is an idea for DLC The protagonist, his best friend and brother are immigrants who just left India. They get captured by and the they spend the episode imprisoned. Some of their group are killed but they come across teenage parents, a former bank robber and a Chinese soldier and escape. The group tries to make a run for it but are tracked down and an all out war begins with several casualties. The leader of the group is killed. The protagonist's best friend becomes the leader and crazy with power Protagonist's best friend is starting a full on assault on the group. The group runs and several die including the father of the child. The group eventually prevails and the option to start a relationship with the mother and take care of the child or ensure your own survival opens
A story centric to a community. It's stable, it has what it needs, and it's thriving. There's a healthy amount of people part of this community, and things run like clockwork. Your protagonist is one of the members of the group, more specifically, one who's fairly high up the ranks as far as authority goes. Someone who's tough but fair, doesn't abuse the powers they have (yet). One idea I'd like to toy with is having the fate of this community ultimately be the result of your choices. How far do you let yourself go? How much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice in the name of survival? What are you not willing to let go of? Either you help keep this place standing by the end, or help cause it to spiral into disarray.
Furthermore, I had an idea of the protagonist's fate being a result of choices, too. If you let yourself become too far gone, you are ultimately executed by other members of the community in order to stop what they perceive as someone who has gone too far over the edge to return, and puts everyone's lives at jeopardy. It's not strictly revenge, but more of a "We're sorry that we have to do this. You were a good man at one point, but that part of you is gone."
I'd have Clementine once again be a central character to the story, a deuteragonist like in S1. Partly because it gives players one key person to care about, with the lives of the people in the community as a backdrop. Clem has worked well as something of a moral compass and binding for players, so it'd make sense to return her to the role she fit well. Kenny and Jane would also be involved, provided they didn't die. Rather than killing them, they'd actually stay alive throughout the entire season, and still get enough of their own personal one-on-one scenes with Clem and the protagonist. AJ would also survive, but he'd essentially be handed off to the more capable hands of the community to be cared for.
Episode 1: A set-up episode. Introduce us to the community and the protagonist. They eventually come across Clem, AJ, and whoever else is with them, and they all end up integrating into the community. You'd learn about some of the other characters there, the advantages, the disadvantages, and you'd start to be settled into your role. You'd get a starter lesson on the type of choices you'll be making and what such. No specific threat would be present in this episode, it'd act almost purely as introduction and setting the table. It'd also have a higher emphasis on developing the cast and establishing them off the bat, much like A New Day did.
Beyond that, I don't have anything solid for a story, but I do have one specific story line that I've toyed around with in my head that I thought had the potential of being an interesting (and if I say so myself, just a really awesome set-piece):
One day, you'd notice a mega-herd of walkers approaching in the distance, on the horizon. They're far enough away so that you still have time to prepare, but you're worried about the idea of simply hunkering down and hoping they pass you. However, your quick-thinking friends devise a rather unique plan to redirect the herd away from the community: there's an old fireworks factory a good few miles from the community, and they devise the plan to blow up the factory, causing a large enough explosion, complete with sounds and lights strong enough and visible enough to successfully redirect the herd away from the community. You'd have an episode that follows the journey of getting to, and blowing up the factory, with a great set-piece of being able to watch the factory continue to light up like a christmas tree throughout the rest of the day.
Someone dies
The end
Challenge accepted.
Upon seeing this discussion, my creative mind began to contemplate what I would desire for Season 3 if I was part of the Telltale team.
A story is brewing in my head and I'm eager to share it. First off, it will be 6 episodes long (yeah), it will follow my ending (Jane With the Family).
It will be similar to a plan I made in another Season 3 fantasy discussion.
Also, there will be more firearms, since I'm a bit of a buff.
A lot of thought is going into this and I will post as soon as I can.
Also, I would like to ask for some of your opinions and suggestions, when you have the time of course.
How to Craft a Perfect Story - By Telltale Writers
Introduce characters.
kill all but one off.
shelf left over character for unrealistic character that attaches to Clem in 0.2 seconds.
make sure that character does nothing but tell stories of dead sister to make up 3 episodes of character development.
have fight out with Kenny. (Depending on season 2 choice, this'll either be alive Kenny or ghost Kenny).
Clem Finds Lee. He had a beard, she asked and questioned how he is alive. He explains that Clem missed the shot and people found him and they had some type of thing that cured the bite. That guy died so there is no more cure. Lee says: I got lucky, real lucky
You win.
That sound familiar......
I know.
i think Dawn of the Dead(the new one) had a perfect zombie script,shopping mall,>escape>armoured truck>boat>end, an armoured truck or bus in season 3 wuld be interesting.
I'd just like to see some old characters return (Lilly, Molly, Mike) etc. I was pretty disappointed that only Kenny made an reappearance in Season 2.
I was totally expecting a zombie baby to rip out off her in that movie.
Imagine if that happened to Rebecca.
heheh gross...
And now, an episode by episode of my proposed Season 3. Much time and thought went into this, and without further ado. Also, pardon if most of the titles are not "Walking Dead-ish". The plots are simple and some of the dialogue choices are left to any and all imaginations. This follows the ending of Jane and the Family.
Morning has come. Clementine awakens to AJ, hungry. Jane and Patricia bring breakfast to the others of their party.
They go over an itinerary: since all of them arrived in Howe's yesterday after a long journey and there is much work to be done, Clementine and Jane believe if they are staying here, they will examine the whole layout, make sure there are no lurkers remaining or wandering plus find any weak points made during the raid and fortify them post haste.
Finding remaining walkie-talkies, Jane, Clem & Randy split up and explore. Patricia and Gill watch over AJ while waiting in the loading bay.
Clementine checks the room that was Carver's office; empty. Only trails of blood and the derringer Alvin used on the floor. Jane radios in for a report, Clem says no one is in the office region, Jane then asks Gill and Patricia to bring AJ and wait in the office.
Jane found some lurkers, but easily took care of them, since they were shot up and slightly incapacitated.
Randy reports the stock rooms have more lurkers and some eaten bodies of whoever owned the place before. All three join up to explore the armory. Inside, is a mess: bullets intact and spent plus lots of blood on the floor. Thankfully, there are still some intact guns and a few tools for melee weapons.
Cut to Jane, driving a pick truck to cover an opening, in-between the comic book shop and the expansion.
All gather in the loading bay going over the found weapons:
2 x AK rifles (a Type III AK-47 and a AKM Rifle with a stamped steel receiver w/ slant muzzle brake)
1 x Springfield Armory M1A
2 x revolvers (a stainless Ruger Security Six and a Colt Magnum Carry both .357)
Three tools from Season 1 Ep 3 (Monkey Wrench, Spanner and Spike Remover)
and a couple of knives.
All are divided up equally.
While checking the expansion areas, some lurkers surprise the group Patricia and Gill finish off a portion of them. Randy, Jane and Clem (holding AJ) take care of the rest. Soon, Jane plans she and Clem take one of the trucks and search for food in Newport. Randy and his family will watch AJ and hold down the fort. Jane is uncertain about this but Clementine has faith.
Driving down the road, Jane & Clementine discuss the moderate finds in a couple of convenience stores (couple of hours ago) but still not enough to hold out for the winter. Further away in the distance a thunderstorm approaches: a big one!
Jane sees a steakhouse a half a mile away. Upon arrival, it appears unspoiled; inside Clem asks Jane what she thinks of the family. Jane is thankful they are not inept to handling lurkers. Upon making their way to the kitchen, they spot the freezer, no lurkers. Opening the door, Jane curses as a body falls out, freezer burns all around the body. Inside, she curses again at what she sees, Clem enters and disappointment washes over her: most of the shelves are empty. Aside some have an assortment of steaks: chick cut, sirloin, rib eye, strip and tenderloin - a half a months worth, still not enough. Clementine finds some coolers to store the meat. Exiting, the two women are pelted by rainfall. Some lurkers wander closer. Jane and Clementine enter their truck and depart.
The rain turns into a massive downpour. Suddenly, Clementine feels something is wrong, Jane agrees - they should've seen Howe's. The truck is rocked hard, then begins to become sluggish; Jane keeps shifting gears, no success. Clem sees water begin to fill the cab, the windows crack. Jane yells for Clementine to take a deep breath. Once the cabin is flooded, Jane and Clementine struggle to get on top of the trailer, waves make it challenging. Jane gets stuck, Clem struggles to free her until a massive wave falls over her, and the screen goes black...
EP 2 coming soon.
So, input?
This seems cool. I'll probably piece together what I'm going write for each episode and post them here later
Unfinished. Thoughts?
Is this your fanfic? It's cool!
Yup, still a work in progress though. Thanks.
I wrote a whole fanfic for this as well as episode summaries for Season 4. Read the Season 3 fanfic here
And down here read Season 4 Episode Summaries (Season 5 Episode Summaries coming soon, and yes I know that the real game will likely not go on for this long, this is just my story)
The Walking Dead Game Season 4
Episode 1 – Miles Upon Miles
Clem, AJ, Luis, and Herman start traveling together. They come up to a store and meet a man named Jared. After talking, the group decides to go and meet the rest of Jared’s group. When they get there, Clementine is shocked. Mike is there along with Arvo.
Mike apologizes for leaving her back then and tells here that Bonnie died by walkers soon after they ran away from Kenny. Clementine forgives him, but she doesn’t forgive Arvo one bit. There is one more member of Jared’s group, Karen, a widowed and former mother in her mid- 40s.
They all start walking with no real destination set. They eventually get into a scuffle with some rogue bandits. They are almost killed but are saved by Molly. Clementine is shocked to see her alive and Molly is able to meet AJ and the rest of the group. Amid all of this, they have taken captureof the remaining bandit While deciding what to do with him, Herman goes out of his way to just shoot him dead. The group is shocked at this sudden movement, and the episode ends right there.
Episode 2 – Not In Paradise
The group keeps moving, eventually finding a building that is kind of similar to Howe’s, just a little bit bigger. They don’t see anyone at first, but they are ambushed a bunch of armed men. The group is brought to the leader of the building, Roland. Roland is a crazy man.
The group is left to rot in a cell while all of their stuff is taken. After about a day, they try to escape. Luis is shot in the leg and Karen is killed. The rest of the group escape, but Roland still has AJ and Luis in his clutches. Everyone agrees to go back and try to rescue them, albeit a reluctant Molly thinks they really shouldn’t risk it.
They go back and on their way meet a man name Harry, and he joins the group. They successfully rescue Luis and AJ with no deaths in the group, but Roland vows to go after them.
Episode 3 – Through The Dead
The group encounters a horde. They go through but Arvo is devoured by the walkers and Luis and Herman are separated from everyone else. They keep going after noticing Roland and his men chasing them.
They take shelter in a nearby store, but then notice they are not alone. Another group is there, but Clementine immediately reconizes them. It is Vince, Wyatt, Becca, Sydney, Sasha, and Natasha. Sydney quickly tells Clementine that Matthew died saving her after he had finally found her. Clementine then realizes that Molly is missing.
They fight off Roland’s group, but they fall back and Roland still lives. After a couple of more hours, Roland and his remaining men come out with Luis and Herman, threatening to kill them. Molly comes up from behind them and is able to hit Roland in the head before running off, giving the group a chance to fight back.
Episode 4 - Our Own Fight
The two groups clash, resulting in the early death of both Harry and Jared. Luis is shot in the stomach but gets behind cover right after, still alive. Vince is almost shot but Wyatt is killed saving his life.
After the battle ends, Herman brutally murders Roland in cold blood with his personal knife. Clementine starts to worry about his sanity and him being around the baby.
The horde from the previous episode catches up to them, killing both Sasha and Natasha in the middle of it. They embrace and kiss while they are devoured and the rest of the group manages to escape. They keep walking with almost no supplies, and then Molly shows up again. The group reaches a police station. They clear it of all walkers and start to stay there. Things heat up when Molly and Vince start to bicker about who should be the leader of the group, while Herman is still unstable.
Becca talks with Clementine and says she has forgiven her about Shel’s death, and the two become friends. The next morning, Herman starts harassing Becca. They get into a fight while Vince and Molly are also fighting. Sydney sees it all falling apart and says she is leaving. She asks Clementine to come but she refuses, saying she can’t leave these people. Sydney accepts her decision and then goes off on her own, leaving just Clementine, Mike, and a slow healing Luis to deal with both of the pairs fighting.
Episode 5 – Death Is Everywhere
Bandits come into the police station with a captured Sydney, and they execute her on the spot. The rest of the group manages to fight them all off, but some of them are still alive.
Mike can’t take it anymore and intervenes the resuming fight between Vince and Molly. Molly eventually decides to leave so she does after saying goodbye to Clementine.
A horde breaks through the police station, causing the group to leave it. The rest of the bandits return and attack them. Mike fails to save Becca and she is killed and the rest of the bandits are eventually all killed.
Vince is angry with Mike for failing to save Becca’s life and the two immediately start fighting right after the violent scuffle with the bandits. Clementine is forced to shoot Becca in the head to prevent reanimation.
Luis tells Herman and Clem that they should just leave, and that they’ll be fine on their own. Clem warns Vince and Mike that they’ll leave if they don’t stop fighting. They stop and everyone is able to calm down for a bit.
The groups keeps moving, far away from the police station and Roland’s place. Vince and Mike start to fight again and Herman can’t take it anymore, so he brutally stabs Mike multiple times and kills him with a couple of stabs to the head. Clementine almost shoots him but Luis stops her. Vince calms down and they keep on moving, with a very sad and reluctant Clementine. The episode ends when Herman takes AJ and runs off with him alone, confirming his insanity.
Episode 6 – No More Goodbyes
The group goes after Herman and AJ, but they encounter yet another horde. Luis is bitten in the leg and Vince manages to saw it off. Now bleeding out, Luis painfully says his goodbyes to Clem before passing out from blood loss. In a last ditch effort to save his life, Vince bandage’s up Luis’ stump. He carries him and a thunderstorm starts.
They take shelter in a cave, and Clem tries to go after Herman, but Vince insists that they should stay together for Luis’ sake. During her watch shift, Clementine sneaks out of the cave to go after Herman, fearing for AJ’s life.
Clementine finds Herman, but Herman doesn’t have AJ. Clementine begs to know where he is, and Herman said that he left AJ on the ground while running from walkers. Clementine starts to cry, then Herman takes out his knife. He tells Clementine that he now has to kill her. With insanity in his eyes, he dashes for her with the knife.
After evading Herman’s attacks, Clementine is eventually pushed down and Herman is about to kill her/ She is saved when Molly comes from behind and hits Herman In the back of the head. Clementine picks up the knife that was dropped and is ready to kill Herman, but Molly stops her and says that he isn’t worth it.
Herman all of the sudden takes the knife and stabs Clementine in the leg, making her yelp in pain, but she can still walk with a limp. Clementine pushes Herman to the ground, taking the knife and stabbing him multiple times in the chest. Molly can’t bear to watch and covers her own eyes.
Gurgling on blood and dying slowly, Herman tells her that he lied about AJ, and that he had given him to man. He then thanks her for ending his life. With tears in her eyes, Clementine slams the knife into Herman’s skull, effectively ending his life and preventing him from coming back as a walker.
With nothing else to do but find AJ and the random man he was with, she leads Molly back to the cave where Vince and Luis are. She is shocked to see a new man helping out with Luis’ leg stump while holding AJ.
The man gives Clementine AJ and introduces himself as Charlie, and says he has started a community with his girlfriend a few miles from the cave.
Clementine hugs Luis, thankful that he managed to survive his leg amputation. The group agrees to follow Charlie back to his new blossoming community. The group now consists of only Clementine, AJ, Luis (Who is being carried by Vince), Molly, and Charlie.
They make it to the community, and Charlie’s girlfriend is revealed. It is Christa. Clementine runs to her and then embrace, with AJ in the middle of both of them. They catch up on what happened to both of them after they were separated. Vivienne is also revealed to be alive in the community.
Clementine is happy when Molly finally tells her that she’ll try to stay with the group for a while now. But then Vince comes up to her and tells her that he can’t get over the deaths of everyone. He’s lost Wyatt, Becca, Russell, and Shell all up to this point. He says he doesn’t feel like himself anymore, and says he’s going to leave the rest of the group.
Clementine convinces Vince to stay with the rest of the group, and Clementine says that all of them should stick together as a family from now on. Clementine thinks of Lee as she stands on a hill with the rest of the group, with Christa now by her side and AJ still in her arms. The season ends there, with a happier than usual ending and some bright hope ahead of the group of survivors.
I'd like some help. I'm still working on Episode 2 of my S3. And I need some assistance also some pointers. I plan to at around Episode 4, a large group comes calling to take Howe's by force. But Clementine, and a squad of soldiers she's just befriended stand ready to defend their home.
Even though I never saw an episode, I feel this battle will just be a repeat of the Season 3 finale of the TV show. How can I have a battle but not have it be just like the show? Also, should Howe's remain intact or be destroyed? Opinions and feedback will be greatly appreciated.