Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited February 2015

    I love it. Please continue! I enjoy when you take these trips down memory lane: don't care if its Georgie, Gren, The smiths-I love it all! So much detail, info and makes sense when you are through!! :) So, its the eighties....what year is it?

    That being said, I loved this. I had no idea how proper and prim Nancy's upbringing was. I can already picture Cheryl as the typical southern belle. Nancy's images were neat; I never pictured her to have long hair but I can see where Carla got her looks and red hair from now. :) Her friend Tracy DOES have that insane look to her. It was the eighties, though....think EVERYONE was insane. XD Malcom....he's hotter now and John with those jeans. XD XD ROFL. I'd still do him.....:P Neat how you left the pencil there....

    Anyways, Nancy was a rebel back in the day! F rules!! XD So, John pretty much parked by the school and waits? Huh...that's interesting. She has no idea he's a Wolf. (obviously...STFU, JJ...XD) Curious how this will turn out. :D Looking forward to more, dude!

    Also, have fun at the Farm show. I WAS going to go but something came up....

    BTW, I can see Nancy rocking out to this song with Tracy. XD

    Nancy's jam

    pudding_pie posted: »

    No work OR school today. Our town is having their yearly Farm show and pretty much the entire town is taking this time off. Been there a few

  • Those opening paragraphs really set the scene; reminiscent of a radio play with a distinct narration made entertaining above and beyond a simple description of Greenville and Nancy's life with comments such as:

    Bake for one hour and ta-da

    as well as many similar lines. I think it's very good, and also reads differently to how you've often written, which helps define this story as being in another time.

    Anyway, both Nancy and Tracey are real 80s girls, and already fun to read about. xD It's strange reading the matriarchal Nancy as a teenage and all what that involves, but it really fills out her character. I'm curious as to just how John and Malcom have ended up outside the school!

    Also, I'm absolutely loving those drawings. :D Eighties styles are great to look back at. :3

    pudding_pie posted: »

    No work OR school today. Our town is having their yearly Farm show and pretty much the entire town is taking this time off. Been there a few

  • edited February 2015

    If any of us had a nightmare streak similar to that, I believe every one of us would go insane in a couple weeks or less. I bet Bloody Mary would be the type that would shrug it off like it's nothing. XD

    I'm glad you loved it too. We sound so mischievous now. >:)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    His nightmares are like this until he and Lyla become one. THAT would drive me to insanity..... AND your recent chap did give me the idea

  • I really like her as well! I wish I came up with her earlier if I'm entirely honest XD

    Luna is the most formal humanoid ever XD she is also a fun character to write.

    Luke (or death) having emotions will be explained later on ;D

    Yes this is one thing Catherine fears the most as she cares for Mikhail since he's the only family she has.

    Since Catherine gave up her voice Mikhail is the only one who can hear her in his head, but her voice wasn't the only thing she gave up though ;)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Already Catherine is an excellent addition to your characters! I really like her. "Sir it seems you have a pup biting your arm, open

  • No dumb ass I'm right here. She thought to what she would think to be herself.

    -claps- Because of this, Catherine has become my fav of your OC's. I love sas! >:D I'm glad to see you are using her in your stories. Her BG is pretty neat, as well. I always find it interesting when writers give us a taste of the character BEFORE their present state. Interesting piece, her and the homelands.

    That weapon, though. So, the harp is not only a musical tool but a weapon for Catherine, too? How neat! :D

    Tetra posted: »

    Beginnings Luke walked around the homelands with Luna. "Sir what are we doing out of the tower?" Luna asked "I'm getting a feeling

  • Very fascinating, I'm likin' where this is going despite the whole cheating wife scenario Anubis had to go through.

    Hoping for the best as always, with Elora and the newly-introduced Anubis. (making her have long hair is a good choice too, always pictured her with having long hair anyway) :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    It had started raining lightly by the time Elora reached the cafe. It was a nice little bistro with tables outside, surrounded by an intrica

  • edited February 2015

    I'm really trying to channel my inner eighties with this one. Not to mention, looking certain things up, too. XD I often find that time 'interesting' to say the least; Nancy's design was given to me by a photo I came across of my own mother in high school. I just HAD to use it! :P I'm pleased to hear you liked the beginning. :3

    Nancy was a rebel back in her teen years; having Tracy around didn't help but what are TRUE friends for, right? AND I'll explain in future chapters as to WHY Malcom & John are there. :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Those opening paragraphs really set the scene; reminiscent of a radio play with a distinct narration made entertaining above and beyond a si

  • She is my favorite now as well! At first when I started writing I was really skeptical and thought about scrapping her but my mind kept buzzing and I then couldn't help myself but to keep writing about her character (Which I will probably do again in a little bit, I can't find the motivation for poor Dewitt and Mary and I don't want to half ass it XD) Glad you liked it Pie :D

    Yup when she feels at peace she plays the harp but the instance she senses danger it becomes an elegant weapon of destruction :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    No dumb ass I'm right here. She thought to what she would think to be herself. -claps- Because of this, Catherine has become my fav

  • Alright, I gotcha. Will try to prepare myself for the worst. :S

    JJwolf posted: »

    This one is a tad different; I was debating on posting this. You'll all see why down the road... Gren sliced his wrist not for either Lily OR Holly. Another thing I'll cover down the road, too. I'll say this: has to do with Bigby Wolf.

  • Of course Etan would have kitten slippers. Frickin' awesome, Stone.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Chapter 7, Out of the bed Robby and Meg found their way inside the facility using the entrance under the bridge connecting to it while Ly

  • Welcome! I've always wondered whether you were actually interested in joining this thread or not - glad you joined us with this great start of a story so far. Hopefully, we'll see more from you in the future!

    armis37 posted: »

    Hello guys, well, I guess most of you know me already. I've been avoiding this thread for a long time, coming here only to read some stories

  • edited February 2015

    No need for breaking it up into two parts, it was fine the way it was. :)

    Liking Catherine's sassiness and witty dialogue. XD Funny how Luke and Luna warmed up to a random wolf pup in the forest, giving her weapons and all that.

    Can't wait to hear more about Mikhail the dragon as well. (sweet name for him btw)

    Tetra posted: »

    Beginnings Luke walked around the homelands with Luna. "Sir what are we doing out of the tower?" Luna asked "I'm getting a feeling

  • Lol thanks.

    Of course Etan would have kitten slippers. Frickin' awesome, Stone.

  • ~Chapter 2~

    Blame the rains in Fabletown

    Robert leaned near the door; the only couch Bigby had in his tiny apartment, was currently occupied by his brother. Gren's eyes opened periodically; Robert wanted to snatch his half conscious brother and take him away from the Woodlands. This was no place for Gren. The Sheriff didn't care. He was merely doing this because of the recent murders and touble Fabetwon found at their doorstep.

    Bigby said no more to Robert. Kneeling before Gren, the Wolf gently pressed a cool, wet rag against Gren's wrist. Robert could smell the blood; some of it was dried and clung to his skin like a child does to its mother. Bigby sighed; he'd known Gren to be a bit dramatic and take his actions to the extreme. No one, unfortuantly, not even Robert, could ever prepare for what was to come next.

    "Stop...." Gren mumbled, trying to move. "Fucking....Bigby...what..."

    He had every intention of dying that night. His body to rot in the darkness, birds pecking at his flesh and the world continuing all around him. Eventually, word would get out that Grendel was missing. But it would be just like Lily and the many others before her. A name would ring through the streets of Fabletown but nothing would get done until it was too late. He'd be nothing but a distant memory, with a few bones and pieces of clothing to his name.

    Bigby Wolf stuck to his promise. He was looking out for Fabletown. Gren was part of it. He would not allow Gren to be another casualty while he was on the job. At least, that's what Gren was getting at that very moment. It would be another hour or some before anything would make sense to the creature.

    "Swineheart is on his way." Bigby stood up. "I called just before you arrived."

    Robert notices the blood stains across Bigby's once white shirt. Bigby had brought his brother fresh water and attempted to make Gren eat. Robert noticed the couch covered in blankets, pillows and a tiny radio beside Gren's head. Gren's resting area was the living room, upon the very place the Sheriff laid his mighty body. Robert looks over to an open window. Fresh air from outside swirls into the tiny apartment, creating a cool sensation near the men's faces. Within minutes, Gren was reacting to the air and tried to mumble a few words.

    "What are you saying, Gren?" Robert's voice was annoyed. "The fuck you think you're doing?"

    Bigby walks past Robert and bumps his torso into his side. Taken back by Bigby's sudden challenge, he follows the Wolf-man into the kitchen. Bigby turns the water on and wrings out the rag. Robert notices a slight pick color, as it swirls down the sink and disappears.

    "Why did you save him?"

    Bigby couldn't answer this right away; he didn't seem to understand himself WHY he felt the need to bring Gren back to his apartment and attempt to fix him up. Perhaps the Fable's gloomy and hopeless face was the reason. Either way, what Bigby would have to say would never be enough for Robert.

    Again, Robert asked. "Why did you save him, Bigby Wolf? Suddenly want to do your job?"

    "Your brother would have died, Robert."

    "And you care now?"

    "It would not matter, Robert. Either way, Gren is dead."

    So many of Robert's memories of his brother were what laid before him; Gren getting into a fight, losing all hope, taking anything sharp and cutting himself open. Robert used to take it as a cry for help; he'd stay up for hours, sometimes days, worried his brother would slip into the greedy hands of Death and lose him forever. Now, Robert was beginning to think Gren did it for the sole purpose of attention. And because he could. No one was ever able to control Gren. Robert gave that up a long time ago. Perhaps the Sheriff was right; Gren had one foot in and the other still tapping on Heaven's door.

    Though he had anger for his brother at that moment, Robert couldn't hlp but feel sorry for his brother. What a sad, lonely way to live your life. Full of anger, broken dreams and hopelessness. He tried to feel for Gren. Nothing was there. Robert paused to take a moment and view his brother. Skin was still pale, chalky and cool to the touch. His eyes glossy and empty. Gren looked over at Robert; mouth agap, Robert waited for Gren to word something. Instead, Gren tossed his head back, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

    "He's exhausted, Robert." Bigby lights a cigarette. "I'd go home, if I were you."

    Robert looks over at the clock near the door. It read five thirty. "Is he going to be here, or-"

    "Let's be honest, Robert." A puff of smoke circles Bigby's face. "Are YOU going to take care of him? I can read on your face you have no fucking patience for this right now. I can't blame you...but Gren is STILL part of this community and until his strength returns-"

    "You, the Big Bad Wolf, is going to babysit HIM, of all people?"

    "Like you stated-" Bigby opens a nearby file. "It's my job...."

    Bigby continues to smoke his cigarette charmingly. Even in the silence, Bigby held his tongue and refused to fight any further with Robert. He knew of Robert Grendel; indeed, Gren had his past and arguments with the community but Robert had been a thorn in Bigby's paw for nearly a century. Robert refused to back down; something Bigby both admired and depised about him. When Robert left, Bigby secretly held a party in his mind. Watching Robert board the bus and head off to Maine made his job ten times easier. Now, here is was, arguing over the exact same thing that sent Robert off in the first place. His brother, Gren.

    Robert heads for the door. "I'll be back tomorrow around noon. Will he still be here?"

    Bigby nods. "Trust me...he ain't going anywhere, Robert."

    Robert nods and heads back out into the world. He slams the apartment door shut, causing the tiny room to shake for a moment. Gren stirs in his place; for a moment, the Fable opens his eyes and scans his little area. For a long time, Gren stares at Bigby; sitting in a chair next to the television, Bigby somkes the remainder of his cigarette. The fire burns out and soon, Bigby tosses the burning end into a nearby glass full of some unknown liquid. If Gren had any questions, it would have to wait; he slumps back down into the couch and falls asleep.

    Bigby leans against the chair and closes his eyes. Just for a moment until the doctor arrives.

    As promised, Swineheart arrives to patch Gren up. By now, the Fable is aware of his location and reason for being in the presence of both the Sheriff and doctor. Bigby never said a single word to either Snow or the business office records. Gren had a minor meltdown that led to his attempt of suicide. Bigby would handle this; no one knew, besides his own brother and now the doctor, that Gren had an 'accident'. Holly and Jack, along with several others, assumed Gren was in his usual drunken spurts somewhere in the city.

    Moments later, Swineheart finishes the wounds with a gentle cotton swab of medicine. The burning sensation allows Gren to know what he'd done. Robert arrived moments later; he held a bag of fresh clothes, shoes and personal hygiene products. Gren was in desperate need of a good bath and rest. Swineheart assured them both he'd be fine; rest and supervision for the next month was required.

    While Swineheart and Bigby discussed the next few steps, Robert begins to remove Gren's clothing.

    "Can you get up?"

    "I can fucking do this myself, Robert..."

    Robert unbuttons Gren's pants. "Yeah, well, no offense...YOU'RE going to act like a child, then I'll treat you like one. You have no idea the fucking shit you put me through after last night. The fuck is wrong with you..."

    Robert rustles with Gren's pants and boxers. He pulls them down and guides his brother to the back of the apartment. In a very small area, there is a single toilet and shower. Not the largest but it would do. Robert turns the water on just as Bigby stands behind Gren. Bigby scans Gren's back; the top is covered in old scars, scratches and bruises. The hell did he go through, thought Bigby.

    Bigby carefully takes his finger and tries to touch one of the scars located in the middle of Gren's back.

    "The fuck, Sheriff!?" Gren nearly stumbles to the ground. "You fucking scared me!"

    "What did Swineheart say?" Robert checks the water. "Did he say anything or-"

    "Gren is to stay here, under the watchful eye of the Sheriff."

    "Fuck." Gren drops his towel and steps inside. "Fucking damnit-"

    "Those are very odd orders."


    "Uh...YOU of all people-"

    "He'd be SAFER here, Robert. THOSE were his exact words. You two left on some fucking shitty terms last time. You nearly tore his head off!"

    Robert huffs. "So what, now YOU'RE his babysitter?"

    "Until he recovers, yes."

    Robert said nothing else, as he assisted Gren with the washing of his back. Bigby never left; standing beside the kitchen, he carefully watched Robert. His focus returned to Gren's frail body and the many scars and injuries he had showcased. Battle wounds? Self inflicted? He could ask but Gren and himself were on shit terms, too. Robert and Bigby never got along. Ever.

    He'd address this to Gren when daylight appeared. For the rest of the night, neither of them spoke much.


    Any questions or comments, leave them below. :D

  • Alright cool! I just wanted to make sure.

    Glad you like the OC :D Well Luna would've absolutely shot her to smithereens if Luke didn't have a say XD but I think Luke wanted to redeem himself in a way so that's why he opened up to her so quick.

    Mikhail was really last minute to add in but I think it's a good addition for a teammate considering Catherine can't talk anymore XD

    No need for breaking it up into two parts, it was fine the way it was. Liking Catherine's sassiness and witty dialogue. XD Funny how Luk

  • JJwolf posted: »

    I love it. Please continue! I enjoy when you take these trips down memory lane: don't care if its Georgie, Gren, The smiths-I love it all! S

  • Been Rick-rolled so many times now that I like the song :P

    MasterStone posted: »

  • Freaking love this song. xD

    MasterStone posted: »

  • Robert is a major dick in this one or is it just me? I mean, we never did see their relationship in its true form. much hostility towards these two. And Robert needs to chill!

    I'm glad you are continuing this. :3 I love forward to more. Bigby is a big 'ol teddy bear.

    JJwolf posted: »

    ~Chapter 2~ Blame the rains in Fabletown Robert leaned near the door; the only couch Bigby had in his tiny apartment, was currently oc

  • Beginnings Part 2

    Catherine and Mikhail walked all night to the portal. Catherine had Mikhail fly high in the air so the darkness would camouflage him.

    "Catherine? How much longer? I'm really tired and it's tiring to fly" Mikhail complained

    You want to know what helps? She thought to Mikhail

    "What?" Mikhail asked

    Not being lazy and complaining. She thought to Mikhail

    "That's really mean Catherine..." Mikhail said

    That's why I care She thought in joyful mood

    After a few hours of walking they came up on a portal that she used to use with Luke when she was younger. He took her there when she was sad to play on the playgrounds or to meet certain people. Mikhail landed next to Catherine.

    Alright dumb ass when we go in there PLEASE stay in the skies the mundys see you and we're fucked. She thought to Mikhail

    "Gotcha don't worry I'll stay super quiet and high in the sky!" He said

    She nodded and walked into the portal. When they came out of the other side they appeared in a heavily snowy area. Catherine took off her armor and put on her casual clothes, she had a hoodie that she normally didn't zip up but kept the hood up at all times, a plain white t-shirt, and a pair of what Luke said "Skater sneakers" whatever that meant. She hopped on Mikhails back and they flew towards Fabletown. When they reached Fabletown Catherine jumped off his back onto a roof. She peered over to see that no Mundies saw her.

    Alright Mikhail you know what to do right? She thought

    "Yeah! Be super quiet and hide above the air!" He said loudly

    HEY DUMB ASS MIND SAYING THAT A LITTLE LOUDER!? She thought in an angry voice.

    "Oh right I'm really sorry Catherine" He whispered sounding upset.

    She sighed. It's okay just be careful dummy. She thought

    Mikhail nodded and flew away.

    She started going down the building and onto the streets. Now where can I find the woodlands... She thought. A fable passed by her but she couldn't talk so what would be the point? She walked on.... It took her a while to find it in fact the sun was rising and people seemed to be lively in the woodlands. She walked in and headed straight for Bigbys office. When she walked in Bigby wasn't there anymore though, A man with blue hair and different eye colors sat in his chair, he had headphones resting on his chest and he was professional...Catherine had the smart idea of slamming the door so she used most of her force just enough to not break the door.


    "What the hell!?" The man with blue hair looked like he pissed himself Catherine stood with a smirk.

    "How can I help you?" He asked

    She opened her mouth and made a cutting motion across her throat.

    "There was a murder?" He asked

    She shook her head, she then shook her head making any signal she could saying she couldn't talk.

    "I don't get it here let me get my wife." He said

    She sighed. He's sheriff and he can't even interpret what she was trying to say? What a dumbass. She placed her hand on her face. When the boy with the blue hair came back he brought a woman with blonde hair that covered her left eye.

    "Welcome to Fabletown miss?" She asked

    She then proceeded to shake her head making motions with her mouth that said "I can't talk you dumbass!"

    "Makoto she obviously can't talk." She said

    "How was I supposed to know!? The kids kept me up all night last night Celeste." Makoto said

    Are they really about to start an argument? Catherine thought. She slammed her hand on the desk. Which caught their attention. She made the motions of asking for pen and paper. Luckily Luke taught her to write but even to this day she had trouble writing. She tried writing that her dragon could hear what she thought.

    "Ah I was going to ask about him, where is he? Does he need a glamour?" Makoto asked

    She nodded

    "Okay we can do that just give us a second." Celeste said

    In the air

    Mikhail was singing to himself in the air.

    "Got a mom who loves me! Gonna get a new home! Shoobie Doo!" He sang

    And in an instant he found himself smaller and in the room with Catherine and two people he's never seen before.

    "Gah!!! What happened to me!?" He shouted

    Dummy calm down they glamoured you to look like a falcon now come here and stand on my shoulder like you used to. She thought and smiled.

    Mikhail struggled to fly in his new body but managed to get to her shoulder. Catherine pet his head.

    "Now what do you guys need?" Makoto asked

    "Oh! I got this one Catherine! We need a room to stay in! We got run out our house by really mean villagers!" Mikhail said

    "Oh no! Well we got plenty of rooms right sweetie?" Celeste said

    "Of course." He smiled "But first we need you to go through procedure."

    Catherine and Mikhail walked into the business office. And started to sign the documents.

    "I wish Beauty and Beast were still here to help us." Makoto said

    "Yeah...." Celeste said looking down.

    Catherine handed the documents to the sheriff who in turn gave her a key.

    "Enjoy your stay in Fabletown Catherine!" Celeste said as Catherine waved and left the room.

    "A weird bunch huh?" Makoto said

    "Oh you're the one to talk!" She laughed

    In Catherine's new room.

    "Oh boy! I've never been in an actual room before!" Mikhail said really excited.

    Don't worry dummy you'll get sick of them, the only reason I stayed in one was because you smelled really bad. She thought

    "Well why didn't you say anything!? I would've washed in a waterfall or something!" Mikhail said

    Catherine laughed, Oh well you're in a room now aren't you? She thought.

    "That is true! How long are we staying here?" Mikhail asked

    Who knows Mikhail we may never be able to go back now that you're growing more and more. She thought stretching putting her bag down took off her hoodie, shoes and pants to lay down.

    "Um Catherine it's broad daylight out." Mikhail said

    Shut up dumbass I'm tired, I had to do a lot today at least let me take a nap. She thought.

    "Okay then I will take a nap too!" Mikhail said lying down next to Catherine.

    What do you think you're doing Mikhail? You'll get the bed dirty with all your feathers! She thought.

    "Aw well can I sleep on the bed one night at some point?" He asked flying to the window.

    Yeah just not today dummy. She thought.

    "Yes! Alright goodnight Catherine! I love you!" He said

    Love you too Mikhail. She thought slipping into sleep.

    That's it! I had to write at least one more with Catherine I apologize XD Also can Fables be glamoured as animals? If not I can just give him human appearance. Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • You have to understand why he's such a 'dick' right now; he's had nothing but issues with Gren and now he's with Bigby and all this BS has happened.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Robert is a major dick in this one or is it just me? I mean, we never did see their relationship in its true form. much hostility t

  • Thanks :)

    Welcome! I've always wondered whether you were actually interested in joining this thread or not - glad you joined us with this great start of a story so far. Hopefully, we'll see more from you in the future!

  • These two are excellent! XD Catherine's tough love is quite amusing, especially given that you know she really does care.

    Mikhail was singing to himself in the air.

    "Got a mom who loves me! Gonna get a new home! Shoobie Doo!" He sang

    And things like that make Mikhail endearing! Even though you mentioned that you wished you'd introduced them earlier they do fit very nicely now. :) And Makoto and Celeste have children! :3 Couldn't help but picture your headphones for Makoto's! :P

    Tetra posted: »

    Beginnings Part 2 Catherine and Mikhail walked all night to the portal. Catherine had Mikhail fly high in the air so the darkness would c

  • Charlotte's mom finds new recipes and knitting circles exciting? Scarlett! I thought you were better than that!

    Charlotte's a little wise-ass too, I like it.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Charlotte was sitting lazily on her dining room chair, pushing her peas across the plate. She was seven years old, and being the only child

  • Going back and forth is fun to read! Seeing the personalities change and the various interactions and how that might feed down to the modern day; entertaining to read! But just what is happening to poor Charlotte?! Time will tell.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Charlotte was sitting lazily on her dining room chair, pushing her peas across the plate. She was seven years old, and being the only child

  • Alright, time to post a REAL 80's song that Nancy and Tracy would totally dance to. None of that overplayed stuff. ;)

    I liked this chapter too, reminded me of the typical 80's flick or tv show of kids disobeying their parents and all that - even Twin Peaks as well, haha.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    No work OR school today. Our town is having their yearly Farm show and pretty much the entire town is taking this time off. Been there a few

  • I have to agree that the tough love is amusing I find myself laughing sometimes when I write them XD Catherine cares a lot for Mikhail for the fact of what she's done to his family and she wants to at least give him at least be the mother that her mother was not. Yeah I'm glad I didn't scrap these two characters because they're seriously the best to write for me right now :D Yes! And the headphones Makoto uses are the ones that I have :3

    LupineNoir posted: »

    These two are excellent! XD Catherine's tough love is quite amusing, especially given that you know she really does care. Mikhail was

  • Alright, man! :D I shall continue this now! Oh the 80's. What a time to be alive; dancing in random places and streets. MIGHT make them do that, now. Loved this song, too. It is a Nancy and Tracy song. :)

    Alright, time to post a REAL 80's song that Nancy and Tracy would totally dance to. None of that overplayed stuff.

  • Alt text

    Emily sat in her living room, cup of hot tea in her hands and a warm, thick blanket around her body. The weather outside was cool, windy and indicated a spring storm. The mountains were topped with dark clouds and all around, the stillness that could be sensed, even from the slowest of creatures.

    Emily and Gren returned from the party to find discarded Chinese take-out, empty bottles of wine and the television blaring loudly. In his glamour, Nick sprawled out on the couch, with Vivian sleeping at the foot of the furniture. To be honest, Emily was surprised to know that ghosts could still participate in the consumption of alcohol. Good to know, Emily thought. Emily and Gren did not question either of them; to be honest, both were consumed with the recent events and the major plans that faced them for the wedding.

    Everyone seemed eager to speak about it. All, except for her father. As Emily sipped her tea, Georgie sat directly in front of his daughter. Gren was out running errands; he needed to stop by the Business Office anyways to pick up some much needed papers and measurements for his uniform. The quads were taking naps in their bassinet. Quiet as can be and in her usual spot, Vivian sits in the kitchen and observes the conversation. Lyla was pleased to hear her daughter's engagement. Not Georgie.

    The look of anguish in his eyes when Emily opened to door to invite him inside her home. Georgie was never much for talk but he was silent most of his visit; even as the two sat in the living room, Georgie refused to strike up anything that had to do with Emily's future wedding. Emily was shocked and a bit bothered by her father's sudden change of heart towards Gren.

    "How is ya' tea, dad?" The silence was making Emily nervous. "Do ya' need more or-"

    Georgie sighs. "I'm fine, love."

    "I got the English breakfast style tea this time 'round. I know how much ya' like-"

    Georgie finally speaks. "Why are ya' doin' this, love?"

    "Woot?" Emily was confused. "I don't know...woot do ya' mean-"

    "Grendel is not husband material, love."

    Emily firmly grips the cup. "And ya' were, dad?" The bitterness in her voice. "Ya' can't go off of woot he used ta' do."

    "I'm not." Georgie takes a sip. "I'd be a fookin' hypocrite if I did that."

    "Then woot is it, dad? We have FOUR babies, a home-I mean, woot more do ya' want from me?"

    Georgie could never tell his daughter the full truth that led to his sudden worries. She'd never believe him. Georgie, like most fathers, was very protective of his family; he was there from losing teeth, to scraping knees and even getting their hearts broken for the first time. He loved his children. Even the boys that were biologically not his. Many thought Georgie was a fool for raising those boys but he loved RJ and Peter, as if he made them himself. Georgie, however, was always protecting Emily. Always.

    He knew there was something 'special' about his Emily; holding his newborn daughter, he could sense disparity in Emily's touch. Something he had felt years ago. Back in the Homelands, as a young boy. Georgie wanted to shelter Emily from the world and take her little hand down a path Georgie seemed to have skipped over the years. The Witch's prophecy for his children was startling, to say the least. Emily was cursed with being the next Georgie Porgie of Fabletown. He could not except that.

    Grendel, like most of the Fables, was not a saint to say the least. He had his own demons and skeletons piling in his closet. However, Georgie was concerned for his daughter's safety. Gren was known for his 'violent tendencies' and had a horrible reputation for acting out on his anger. Georgie knew Gren would never hurt Emily but it crossed his mind from time to time. Expecially now, as Georgie looked at the ring nestled on his daughter's finger.

    "Ya' done good, love." Georgie tries to change the subject. "Ya' done real good..."

    "Dad, stop." Emily leans forward. "Please. Talk ta' me. WOOT are ya' so worried about?"

    Georgie covers his face. Within seconds, Emily could hear the soft whimpers escaping Georgie's lips. He attempts to turn his face and peer outside. By this time, the rain was gently falling from the sky and trickling down the glass.

    "Dad, please...." Emily finally stand and sits by her father. "Woot is it, please? Gren is a wonderful man, dad..."

    "He is." Georgie nods as he speaks. "He's always loved ya', Emily. Always....always...."

    "Then why are ya'-"

    "I bloody kick meself every fookin' day fa' cursing ya', love. Ta' be SO much like me. Consumed by the darkness. Me mum and dad did not listen ta' the Witch back home..."

    Emily was muddled. She had heard her father speak just a few times of his parents. Emily knew so little about that side. They learned, however, over the years to leave it at that: the past. Georgie refused to speak; everytime it was brought up, Georgie became a wild, uncontrolable beast, blinded by rage. Emily carefully leans forward. He was ready to speak.

    "Dad-" Now was the time. "Does this have ta' do with the knife..."

    Georgie never spoke about the knife. The children knew of it but never questioned their father. They learned not to. Georgie had it locked away for years at the club until Emily took over; he placed it in a box, hidden in a safe and left it alone in the dark. Even Lyla knew never to touch or even consider bringing it out. Georgie felt like Emily deserved to know.

    Georgie places his cup down. "Its called the Knife of Conviction. Before I was born, a Witch paid a visit to me mum and dad. I was cursed with an enmity soul; I was doomed even before my birth to live a miserable life unless they fixed it."

    Emily's interest had peaked. "How?"

    "By takin' the blade and prickin' all me fingers and toes. My parents found this to be foolish and sent the pold hag away. She begged me mum and dad ta' listen but they refused..."

    Georgie paused to look out the window. Thunder could be heard, as the storm blew on and ravishly through the trees.

    "When I was born, me mum swore there was something differen about me. The curse blossomed inside as I aged. It must have worn off on me father....he used ta' do these things ta' me....."

    Emily flinched. She detested those stories and could not imagine the pain and suffering her father endured for years.


    Georgie grabs Emily's hand. "One night, after he 'abused' me, I took the knife and was determined ta' fookin' kill him. But when I held it...something in me changed. I was no longer afraid, Emily. So I ran off...and hid the knife unda' a Weeping Willow tree."

    Emily gasped. Could it have been the same tree Gren mentioned in his story? His mother?

    "My father was hung for his crimes. Me mother became sick. She needed someone ta' look afta' me. Me brothers were older and, she found a wealthy man that was capable of taking care of me. The Crooked Man...he allowed me to live a carefree life. During the Exile, we seperated fa' the time being. I made sure ta' take the knife, though. That tree, though...when I took it out, the bloody roots had grown around and entwined themselves within the blade."

    It was, thought Emily. Her father had placed the blade with Gren's mother. Suddenly, it made sense to her. Somehow, the roots of the tree gave the blade its true power. Gren's mother must have known about Georgie. Felt what he was capable of. Hie unborn daughter. The woman that would save her son.

    "No one knew what the knife was really meant for. I used it one night...ta' protect me and the club. So I fookin' stabbed him with the knife in the arm. Think it was were that scar is, too."

    Emily drank the remainder of her tea. It was the exact same knife Vivian mentioned. The one that made an invisible link between the two.

    "Dad...are ya' worried that Gren-"

    Georgie covers his face. "I was so worried 'bout ya', Emily Because of me-"

    Emily touches her father's face. Georgie knew he could no longer hide or pretend. Emily beams.

    "Because of ya', Gren and I are one. I don't hate ya' or blame ya' fa' anything, dad. He's good ta' me. He loves ME and those babies. He'd do anything....just like ya' said everyday ta' mom."

    Georgie wipes his eyes. "I did."

    "Please. I need ya' to except this. I love him, dad."

    Georgie was only looking out for his children. He had done the same to Junior. To Katie...even Penelope. He only wanted what was best for his children. But in a way, he'd be what occured to him years ago before the children were born. A time were he almost lost their mother because her father tried to 'protect' her. Georgie had nothing against Grendel now. He saw how much he adored Emily and the quads.

    Georgie kisses Emily's forehead. "I do, baby. Daddy was just worried..."

    "I'll be fine, dad. I'm a Porgie."

    Suddenly, both could hear the babies cry for their feeding. Dropping the blanket, Emily excuses herself to get the babies. To her surprise, Georgie follows and as she attempts to feed two at once, Georgie calms Viviana and Liam. The rain outside continued. They'd have a deeper conversation about the wedding once the babies were fed.

    Emily was content for the time being. As was Georgie.

    Any questions, let me know. :3 Guess who was procrastinating last night? :D THIS guy! XD Does not help your fiancee requests you to doodle something in pen (no redo's she said) Challenge accepted! >:D

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  • edited February 2015

    Okay, sweet! Can't wait to see! Is the rural town that they're in a real one as well? Or is it just a random one you made up for the story? And what state is Nancy from? I don't think I've seen it this chapter if you stated the name somewhere.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Alright, man! I shall continue this now! Oh the 80's. What a time to be alive; dancing in random places and streets. MIGHT make them do that, now. Loved this song, too. It is a Nancy and Tracy song.

  • Actually no, its real this time. :) Not too far from NY City; a quiet, typical little wholesome town. Nancy's family is originally from Louisiana. Her mother moved to Greenville after graduating high school when she was engaged to Daniel.

    Okay, sweet! Can't wait to see! Is the rural town that they're in a real one as well? Or is it just a random one you made up for the story? And what state is Nancy from? I don't think I've seen it this chapter if you stated the name somewhere.

  • Got it, so Nancy herself isn't from Louisiana, just only her parents. Makes sense, makes sense. :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Actually no, its real this time. Not too far from NY City; a quiet, typical little wholesome town. Nancy's family is originally from Louisiana. Her mother moved to Greenville after graduating high school when she was engaged to Daniel.

  • Drawing in pen, I see. Feeling confident today?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Emily sat in her living room, cup of hot tea in her hands and a warm, thick blanket around her body. The weather outside was cool, windy and

  • Lol, that's just what Charlotte ASSUMES Scarlett likes XD

    Charlotte has her moments XD With the power she has to travel, and to see the outcomes and possibilities, she sometimes looses focus on her true personality and says things she doesn't realize are a bit harsh or blunt. She has to fight with it every now and again. She didn't know she had this power until she was about 15, and only started using it extensively now that she's 16. She's still kind of experimenting with it, and now she knows that extensive use can lead to things. Like seizures.

    Charlotte's mom finds new recipes and knitting circles exciting? Scarlett! I thought you were better than that! Charlotte's a little wise-ass too, I like it.

  • It's fun to write, if I'll be honest with you! Her interactions back and forth affect the attitude of certain family members, which I will cover soon enough. Charlotte is overstepping her boundaries with the travelling, and she's just experiencing the side-effects of over use. She's still learning it all, since it's still sort of new to her. You'll see in the next chapter what happens.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Going back and forth is fun to read! Seeing the personalities change and the various interactions and how that might feed down to the modern day; entertaining to read! But just what is happening to poor Charlotte?! Time will tell.

  • Ah okay, had me worried there for a second! Wouldn't want another Frau Totenkinder in Fabletown. XD

    Thanks for clarifying, now I know the reasons why she fainted. I should've known you would've done something like this anyway due to Bioshock. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Lol, that's just what Charlotte ASSUMES Scarlett likes XD Charlotte has her moments XD With the power she has to travel, and to see the o

  • I love those pictures, especially the 1st one. Emily is gorgeous like this. I'm glad you changed her look.

    Anyways, I loved this. Gave me an insight on that knife and its true origins. Why it connected Gren and Georgie. At first, I was like 'oh Georgie. No....don be an ass NOW!' :( but I get where he is coming from, too. At least he admits he's being unfair.

    Cant wait for the wedding!! Btw have you read issue 9 or 10 for TWAU comic?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Emily sat in her living room, cup of hot tea in her hands and a warm, thick blanket around her body. The weather outside was cool, windy and

  • Nah think its the lack of sleep. :P finally lost it.... -plays violin- XD

    Drawing in pen, I see. Feeling confident today?

  • RIP Georgie Fan

    2014 - 2015

    JJwolf posted: »

    Nah think its the lack of sleep. :P finally lost it.... -plays violin- XD

  • He will be missed

    RIP Georgie Fan 2014 - 2015

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