Scenes that are particularly hard for you to replay/rewatch?
As the title says. Are there any scenes that are hard for you to go through again?
It can be in any way, really.
Hard to play because you find it dumb? (Let's say, the frozen lake for some people)
Hard to play because it's emotional, or strikes a particular chord for you? (A certain death scene, conversation, etc.)
Hard because you just find it cringe-worthy? (In a good way. Like cutting off Lee's arm, the bear trap, etc.)
For me, one scene that I still find really hard to bear is Duck's death. That entire scene still unsettles me quite heavily when I replay or rewatch it. When I first played, that scene pretty much killed me for the rest of the episode, and even today I still get that same feeling from it.
How about you guys?
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Kenny's beat down is a little hard to watch for me. Since no matter what, he gets brutally beaten to near death and loses an eye. But I felt little better later cause I got revenge.
The Kenny V Jane fight and Lee's death
Sewing up Clem's arm.
This. I have to mute it until she's done.
Is this a joke... All you guys are wrong. Its watching Luke slowly go down a river and knowing you cant do anything.
Or When Arvo shoots Clem come on how can you guys just watch a little girl going through so much pain.
Seeing Nick die, there goes his potential.
I'm going to be honest and say I was very detached from Clementine this season. For one reason or another I couldn't bring myself to care at all for her character so to me she was just another member of the cast and they all go through a lot of pain.
Plus, I saw Arvo shooting Clementine from a mile away so I wasn't fazed at all.
... What about Luke and oh Omid slowly laying down.
(I know the death was lazy but still hard to watch)
Clem stitching her arm is always brutal for me to watch, but one scene I always hate replaying is the whole goddamn train scene from Long Road Ahead. I hate that whole thing, I know they were trying to put in a puzzle, but it brings the entire episode to a halt. And even though I know exactly how to get it to work, it still takes me over 20 minutes to finish it.
Thinking about this, the one scene that makes me cringe every time, when Troy hit's Clem with the butt of his AK.. That knockdown! Every time I see that I hate Troy more and so glad he suffered when Jane shot him and he got eaten alive.
Carlos's logic scenes.
Lakes are stupid and they suck.
Dumb: The lake scene, Arvo shooting Clementine, Kenny and Jane fight, Sarah's second death, Nick in the fucking fence.
Emotional: people crying/reacting to their dead ones, (Christa, Lilly, Arvo, Sarah, Rebecca if Alvin is killed at the lodge.) Sarah and Ben's death scenes, especially his Crawford one. (I hate watching anything where someone else is being left behind to die. The thought of Ben down in Crawford reanimated with his broken legs and shit just...I can't.) To this day though, a special mention to Katjaa and Duck and Kenny's reaction to them dying, no matter how many times I replay those scenes it still manages to pulverize my heart.
Gruesome: Troy getting shot in the dick no matter how much of a dick he was, Clementine's arm, Ben's deaths again, and finding Mark upstairs...
Luke's- uh, "swimming" scene.
Even though I've watched and played it a thousand times, Luke's death scene is always too much, most of the time I go on my phone so I don't have to watch.
Dumb: Anything with Arvo, The Kenny and Jane fight. Nick in the fence. Sarah's second death.
Emotional: Omid's Death, Lee's death, Nick in the fence, Pete's death.
Gruesome: Troy getting shot in his jingle jangles.
I'm an animal lover and i always find the Sam death scene hard.
The scene with the Russians because it was such a rubbish and poor scene which made episode 4 even more of a let down.
Whole season 2.
episode 1 of season 1 , it just takes forever with the pharmacy.
S1E4 when you have to go on your mission with Molly. Lee just starts complaining like a little kid when you are on the roof with her. It made me want to throw myself off it.
Telling Clementine her parents will be okay.
No matter how many times I watch it, it always gets me when Ben falls off the balcony in 105.
Tell Clementine to leave or shoots Lee.
Arm sewing scene
Kenny beating
Luke drowning
Lee dream scene
The whole "Kenny vs Jane" scene and SEASON 2 ENDING.
The worst part for me on my first play through was poor little clem's face when she see's her parents in the street outside the marsh house. That broke my heart and does every time I play through. Any of Lee's death scenes are very touching too.
The attic scene with the kid who had starved to death, mainly because that is a very real scenario in my opinion, and not just for kids too.
Clementine watching you bury the kid who staved to death.
Any of Kenny's endings but mostly when you let Kenny leave and enter Wellington.
Also having to hurt the dog Sam, or having to kill him, that was brutal.
Hard to play because of how brutal it is would have to be sewing clem's arm up, and watching kenny beat carver, and vice versa watching carver beat kenny.
Nothing was particularly cringeworthy, mostly thanks to what I had seen of the tv show, but just plain dumb would have to be the lake scene, and i mean all of it.
I like to and have re-watched a lot of the scenes from both seasons of TWD. None of which I particularly hated, even the gruesome, gory, or emotional ones. In all honesty I really don't think any scene is weak or stupid, I guess that's why I enjoy this game so much. The only scene that I avoid watching for the most part is the Kenny/Wellington ending as it has made me cry and I don't want to watch so many times that I become desensitized to it.
Clem's arm, Sarah's death(s), Omid, Sam and Shooting Kenny in my second playthrough and then not inviting the family in.
No matter what, I cannot sit through Clem stitching her arm. I can't even look at it
I think it's Ironic and funny. You meet ben and His teacher is stuck and bleeding out in a sharp trap. Ben leaves us in the exact same situation.
My god so true, So much editing went into my let's play because of that BS
Not really funny, just metaphorical.
That too. although I hated ben so I thought it was funny
I suppose. I always felt sympathetic towards him, so I didn't think so as much.
LOL it sounded like she was having her first feel to me. I was laughing my ass off.
Dumb: Every time TellTale made Ben act like an idiot, Jane's "woe is me" backstory with her sister, Kenny vs. Jane
Emotional: Sam's death (plus having to hurt him to get him off Clementine), Carlos' death, both of Sarah's deaths, Carlos being forced to slap Sarah, Carver beating Kenny, Kenny's face after Duck is shot, the stay at Wellington ending. I will also never be able to watch the outcome of shooting Kenny ever again. That practically destroyed me. Completely incapable of watching Ben's death at the bell tower, too.
The stuff that makes me cringe?
Clem sewing herself up. (It's the effective kind of grotesquerie, where the player is forced to partake in hurting Clem rather than being a passive observer.)
Kenny's reaction to Sarita dying and subsequently yelling at Clem in Episode 4, and all of his scenes in Episode 5. (Sarita's death was so predictable it wasn't even funny, Clem being verbally abused left a bad taste in my mouth, and I honestly couldn't dredge up any sympathy for him in Episode 5)
Carver torturing Carlos in Episode 2. (The most brutal torture scene in the season - Arvo's beating comes close, but the kid never cries out in pain the way Sarah did.)
Carlos slapping Sarah in Episode 3. (A loving father being forced to hurt his kid? Carver was already a piece of shit, this only made me want to give him Troy's death.)
Sarah's deaths. (Even disregarding how utterly stupid her second death was, her voice actress did a disturbingly good job.)
Every interaction with Arvo in Episode 5. (At how lazy the devs were at forcing us to NOT interact with Arvo.)
Jane in Episode 4. (For some reason I feel like Episode 5 didn't try as hard to force us to pity Jane.)
Jane vs Kenny. (Why not Luke?)
I think one of the hardest ones to replay is, where Jolene mentions about what happened to her daughter.
Even though it is only a videogame, that part still makes me sad, as unfortunately the type of thing she speaks of happens all to often in the real world.
Not that cry when that scene is replayed, but it is still depressing, to say the least.
This makes me tear up for some reason.
Because according to the devs if you make something unpredictable its better.
Hard to play because it was stupid. No contest really, that honour falls to Sam. The whole scene was ridiculous.
Emotional for me was Lees death in Season One. I was an emotional wreck for weeks after.
Season Two emotional has to be Clementine sewing her arm, Kenny getting beaten and my ending. Kenny and Clementine walking off together.