What is the most Agonizing Part of The Walking Dead Show and Game for you?

For me about the show, I've never seen anything More agonizing than Daryl and Beth's first bonding scene, and Tyreese's death. In the game, I feel so horrified when rebecca died, in that moment I froze up and i couldn't do shit. What was the worst part for you guys?


  • T.V. show: When Andrea is trying to escape from the chair as Milton is dying. I'm literally yelling at my T.V. "Shut the fuck up and get the hell out of there. Stop looking at him and pick up those fucking scissors and run." So glad she's dead.

    Game: Clem stitching up her arm, always so hard for me to play, it's excruciating and painful to watch (and I always have to lower the volume because I'm worried my parents will think I'm watching something else)

  • Watching Sarah get eaten after she fell off the balcony.

  • (and I always have to lower the volume because I'm worried my parents will think I'm watching something else)


    T.V. show: When Andrea is trying to escape from the chair as Milton is dying. I'm literally yelling at my T.V. "Shut the fuck up and get the

  • The show, Carol and Tyreese with the girls and the whole situation after the prison leading to the girls deaths. Those were great episodes but heart wrenching.

    The game, when Clementine was hit in the face with the gun I saw red, then when Arvo shot Clem I was lost for words. Its funny when I think back, its just a game. At the time though I was fucking mad.

  • Its funny when I think back, its just a game. At the time though I was fucking mad.

    Same, and yes it's just a game, but if something happens in a game, book, or show that causes you to have that much of a reaction, then the writers did a great job of getting you to care so much for the characters and getting you involved with the story.

    scraplust posted: »

    The show, Carol and Tyreese with the girls and the whole situation after the prison leading to the girls deaths. Those were great episodes b

  • edited February 2015

    I agree with you totally. It is why I am such a fan of TWD and Telltale

    Its funny when I think back, its just a game. At the time though I was fucking mad. Same, and yes it's just a game, but if something

  • With the show, it was Michonne wielding around a samurai sword killing zombies. I did not like it one bit (felt a bit anime), but her character warmed up to me a lot after the prison fell. Although the sword wielding thing is something I still frown upon from time to time, her character definitely makes up for it, especially her relationship with Carl.

    The game, most agonizing thing was the zombie attack on the bridge. lol I was trying so hard to get Clem not to curse from that freaking QTE, but it kept glitching on me and she would do it anyway. BUT I did manage to do it eventually.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited February 2015

    Waiting on TTG to actually start coming out on the episodes. Why are they treating this GAME LIKE MGS 5 Phantom Pain

    RELEASE TBH 4th quarter 2018

    COME ON SRSLY this is a fucking downloadable game. Contract it out for FFS

    TV show

    Sitting through a episode of them doing absolutely nothing, crying about things that already happened. I stopped watching the show after shane died.

  • TV Show-

    Dale's death. (Slow, agonizing, violent and a depressing death for my favourite character at the time).


    Clem's arm. (Sooooo hard to watch because of how real it is).

  • TV-Lori's death always gets to me. The speech she gives Carl starts the water works, then seeing Rick take the news, turns me into a crying little baby.

    Game-Putting Sam down is pretty agonizing. The way he kicks his legs while he's stuck, and his final noise. It's pretty brutal.

  • The worst part by far for me was Omid's death. That literally broke me. A quarter of the first episode was ruined on my first playthrough because I was just so... shocked.

  • TT throwing both Ben and Sarah under the bus. Disgusting.

  • seeing characters you've grown to care about get the boot

  • Show- Hmmmm maybe Carl getting shot and preforming surgery on him

    Game- Tough but i'll say- When Pete wouldn't go with us if you saved him in Episode 1, It wasn't the most goriest, it wasn't the most cringe-worthy moment, It wasn't the saddest But he was my 4th Favorite character and my Fav for ones introduced in Season 2 so I was like PETE NOOOOO!!!!!!! He was gonna die anyways but I just wished he could have somehow made it to at LEAST episode 3 or the latter of Episode 2 :(

  • The worst part of the show is when The Governor decapitates Hershel. I always crack up to Rick's pleading and Hershel's small yet hopeful smile, before Philip mumbles "Liar". And then boom, he's gone.
    The worst part in the game is actually the first season, when Lilly shoots Carley/Doug. When I'm playing that part, I'm always like "Oh shit! It's coming, it's coming, it's coming, it's" Lilly shoots "NOOOO! CARLEYYYYY! I SHIP CARLEE WHA?!!"

  • Everything except Lee ending is pretty bad in the game. I don't watch the show.

  • TV Show: The show itself.

    Game: Clem stitching her arm.

  • Ben's, Sarah's and Doug's deaths were just agonising. At least Doug's second death (which I got) was quick and Ben gets put out of his misery in his second death (which I also got) But for Sarah, you have to watch her get torn to shreds while screaming for Carlos, so that's by far the worst of the three.

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