"No, you do it like this, cupcake," Tim says, holding the kite above his head. He leans on his crutch, his free hand grabbing on to the spool as the wind takes hold, tossing the kite high up into the sky. Charlotte watches was a huge smile across her little face, as her grandfather shows her how to fly a kite.
"Wow!" She says excitedly, nearly bobbing up and down. She reaches down on the ground for her own kite, decorated pink with white polka-dots, and tries to copy exactly what Tim did. Her little hand holds the kite as high above her head as possible, and she fumbles to grab her own spool, and she carefully unwinds it as the kite begins to ascend in the air.
"Now you got the hang of it. You're much funner than Jessie," Tim joked. He glanced over at the sandbox and the swingset in his backyard, where his quads all played contently in the mud. Yep, those were his kids. He patted Charlotte's head as she pranced around the yard, her eyes glued to her kite.
Charlotte was 4, and a most curious toddler. Eventually, she got tired of holding the spool, and so she sat stationary on a log, and watched as the kite slowed down and fell toward the earth. She managed to catch it, a feat even her grandfather had been incapable of doing.
"I think it's time I show you something," Tim tells her. "Take a walk with your old man?"
Charlotte giggles, and grabs her grandpa's hand. They walk away from the house, onto the path that lead through the woods. She loved walking back there, but normally the other kids would be with her too. Today it was just her and Grandpa, and she was especially excited.
"I come from a far away place," He began as they walked past the trees. Charlotte started skipping, tossing her head up toward the blue sky that escaped through the branches in the trees. She listened carefully as they walked, and asked questions when necessary.
"Is that place somewhere we can go? Are you taking me there?"
"Oh, boy, I wish," Tim said softly. The path curved as they walked on. "I lived there a long, long time ago, when I was....maybe your age."
"You used to be a kid too?" Charlotte was astonished. She never really wrapped her head around the fact that her parents and other adults had been children too, once. Eagerly, she looked up at him.
"Yes," Tim chuckled. He was taking a slow pace, leaning on his crutch greatly. "Everyone was a baby at some point in their life. Anyway, I came from a very poor family, and I had lots of brothers and sisters."
"I wish I had brothers and sisters," Charlotte said, almost in a whispered pout. She looked down at her feet, which adorned black Mary-Jane's and flowery white socks.
Tim just smiled. "Yeah, we all do at some point or another. My family might have been poor, but we were happy with what we could get. And, there was the best Christmas of my life, right before everything went bad."
"What happened?"
"Well, an old man who used to hate everything.....he must have had a change of heart. He got us a nice, big, turkey for Christmas dinner, and he paid my dad a lot of money for working for him."
"That sounds nice. But what happened after that?"
"A new bad guy came into town. He was big, and mean, and his army was just as mean as he was. They stole our....everything. They stole everything."
Charlotte could sense the emotion in her grandfather, and her heart hurt for him. She was bright enough to know that he must have had a bad memory associated with this story, and it was making him sad.
"Well, you have a lot now, right?" She asked him. Her hand squeezed reassuringly around Tim's fingers as they approached a clearing, that opened up to a sandy beach and a crystal lake. The mountains were huge and so close, and they reflected like a mirror on the surface of the water.
"I do," He said, smiling again. They rested on a log, near the trees.
"So you're happy now?" She asked.
"I am."
"Grandpa, it's okay. Lot's of bad things happen to lots of good people. I know, because I watch TV and bad things always happen. But in the end, the good people have good endings, and the bad people get what they deserve. Did the bad guy who took your things get what he deserved?"
Tim was astonished at how extremely thoughtful his granddaughter was being. He pulled her against his chest into a big loving hug, and felt a tear trickle across his cheek. The wind picked up again, blowing their hair all over the place.
"Yes," He said, ultimately. "Yes, he got what he deserved in the end."
Charlotte pulled away and smiled. "See? I told you. Plus, you have me, and I'm the nice thing that happened in the end, right?"
Tim chuckled again,"Of course, sweetheart. Who else would it be?"
They sat on the bench for a few minutes longer, watching the water lap against the shoreline. Charlotte liked having quiet times like this, and she constantly wished she had someone to share them with. She was glad she had her grandfather with her this time around.
Pain. Charlotte's head was pounding, her body was both freezing and hot at the same time. She peeled her eyes open for just one second...
Blinding light. Too bright. She winced in pain, squinted her eyes, her body stiffing under the covers.
"She's awake!" Someone's voice called out. It echoed against her head, making the pounding hurt one hundred times more.
She yelped out, in a croaky voice,"It hurts! It all hurts so much..."
"Administer some morphine, please," This sounded like the doctor. Swineheart, if she could recall his name correctly.
"The lights!" She moaned. "Turn them off..." Please, for the love of God, turn them off...
They dimmed. She opened her eyes, though everything still hurt. She saw a nurse messing with the IV, another one doing something to her arm...
"Where's my mom?" She managed to stutter. "My dad? How long...?"
Swineheart, a grey balding man, stood across the room, reading a clipboard, before attaching it to the end of her bed. He'd dimmed the lights, and was observing her carefully.
"You had a seizure," He explained softly. His hand rested on the bed's foot board. The nurses hurried away, as soon as they finished, and so it was just her and Swineheart alone.
"We have run extensive tests," Swineheart said, his lips pursed. "There was no findings on what triggered. You're not epileptic. There's really nothing. You're mother....she told me you tripped in your bedroom?"
"Uh..." Charlotte almost forgot what she'd said. "I think so?"
Swineheart eyed her down. He knew she was lying, no doubt, but he didn't accuse her of it. "Very well. I'll call your parents and family members in, one at a time. If you can handle, it, of course. I advise you to sleep as much as you can, to heal."
"Can you just send my mom and dad in?" She asked him. Her head pain was slowly numbing, from the recent administering of medication. She helped herself sit up some, but it was useless; She was profoundly dizzy from moving, and her body was far too weak for her to even lift an arm.
"Alright, I will. If it's too much, just beep a nurse, she or he will escort them out."
"That's fine..." She trailed off. She was actually considering that nap right now.
It only took a few minutes, before her dad walked in, her mother trailing behind. Their faces were worried and tear-streaked, but relieved to see their baby girl awake, at least.
"Does it hurt?" Scarlett said, wrapping her nimble fingers around Charlotte's hand. She pulled up an arm chair and was as close as possible, with out invading Charlotte's personal space. Her dad stood across from her, where Swineheart had been, and he was just smiling weakly at her.
"Yes," Charlotte said bluntly. She closed her eyes for a minute, and then opened them back up.
"You gave us quiet the scare," Jackson said softly. He was holding back his emotions, no doubt.
"Well, I'm sorry," Charlotte said, with as much sarcasm as she could handle. She felt totally drained. With the little energy she had left, she made note to make her trips to the past severely less frequent, because she knew it had been the absolute cause of her current issue. Which, admittedly, bummed her out.
Scar smiled, unable to cease staring at Charlotte's face. Charlotte couldn't take it, the silent stares at her face. She'd rather be alone, really, lying in the bed by herself, with the lights completely out, and her eyes resting. That nurses button was close enough to reach....
She couldn't. It would probably break their hearts to think that she'd rather not have them by her side, but she really didn't want their concern. She was an idiot for thinking her capabilities to go to the past were infinite, but that was just a mistake she'd learned from. They could never possibly understand. In fact, she believed the whole reason that this took an extra chunk out of her was because she took her uncle Isaac to see his mistakes. She hadn't really done that before, brought a person with her, and she remembered how light-headed she felt shortly after returning him to his place. She had to start logging this stuff or something. Coming up with a traveling pack, for emergencies. What if she suffered another seizure in the past? Who would take care of her?
She pushed all of this thought from her mind, because it only started to make her head throb again. She decided to close her eyes for good, and get that nap that Swineheart suggested over with. At some point, her parents would have to leave.
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask ^-^ My head hurts a little in real life, gonna take some medicines :P
-slaps forehead- Damn it, Pie. Get it together! :P I meant to say, Nancy and her family moved from Louisiana to Greenville when she was three. I need a Monster! XD
-slaps forehead- Damn it, Pie. Get it together! :P I meant to say, Nancy and her family moved from Louisiana to Greenville when she was three. I need a Monster! XD
The bell rang one last time before the high school was a desolate and quiet place for the moment. The mysterious man in the red truck, with his associate now eating a Twinkie, continued to sit parked on the side of the road. Several joggers waved at the tall and burly man leaning against his driver's door. Being convival, the man waves his prodigious hand and smiles.
His friend leans into the driver's seat. "Hey, John!" The man whistles. "Let's get a move on, man!"
John cocks his head and chuckles. "Malcom, just sit back there and eat your food. Give me five more minutes. You know the routine."
Malcom tears open another tasty snack. "Well, hurry up, man. I'm running out of food."
For a month now, John dragged Malcom and himself to this exact spot near the Greenvill high school parking lot and waited. John wanted to get a glimpse of the girl that stole not only his heart but according to Malcom, his sanity too. John, despite his magnificant stature, was reserved and terrible at conversations with the opposite sex. Malcom offered to be his 'wing man' and coax the girl to the truck and the pair could strike up a conversation. John attempted twice since noticing the gorgeous long-haired red head with the loud, energetic side kick.
Each time he tried, however, it failed. John continued to view this mysterious young woman from a distance until he found just enough courage to walk over and introduce himself. While Jonh contenplated his next move, Malcom fished underneath the seat and pulled out his collection of music. He skimmed through the cassettes and looked for the right tune. If he was forced to sit in this truck until John got his fix, Malcom was entitled to a little entertainment.
He found the perfect track and began playing it. Shaking the truck with his moves, Malcom looked for yet another Twinkie. His stomach rumbled. They'd have to stop somewhere and soon to eat.
"Hey, airhead-let's go! I'm getting hungry, man!"
"In a minute!" Barked John. "Just....wait, alright?"
"You owe me a soda, man." Malcom leans into his seat. "I don't know WHY you make me come out here. I don't want that bimbette!"
"Don't-" John points. "-Don't call her that. She's got class and taste. Just look at the way she presents herself, Malcom. Strutting up those stairs. She saw me today. Did you see her glance at me?"
Malcom snorts. "Uh, yes....her friend, too. I'm telling you, man, you're going to get the cops called and you know what happens if the cops are called on us."
John hides both hands in his pant pockets. "They'll never know. They can't. This is why I bring you. If you're with me, it must be business."
"Well, I'll help you as much as I can, dude but....if Decimus gets wind of this, like he did when you and the Sheriff became buddy-buddy-"
"That's not going to happen, Malcom."
Malcom takes the plastic containing his seventh Twinkie, pulls it off with his teeth and tosses the wrapper to the back. Malcom's pile of trash was taking form in the backseat of his best friend's truck.
John glared at the school one last time before fumbling with his keys. He began to picture his beautiful young woman; her radiant smile, shimmering teeth, bodacious body and hair that glistened in the sun. John could detect a faint hint of Bananas as she and her friend walked past his truck and towards the school. Jumping into his truck, John turns the keys and pulls away from the school.
"Same time tomorrow, John?" Malcom punches his friend in the arm. "I'm free all day-"
"This is lame, Malcom." John stops at a red light. "I should be able to talk to her..."
"Well, no offense, man but you look like a creep stalking teenaged girls. Like, remember that one time we were at the mall to get a gift for Shannon's birthday and that guy was totally looking at those girls at the food court?"
John taps the steering wheel with his index fingers. "This time is different. I'm not stalking or creeping, I'm just-"
"STALKING, John. Admit it....its what we do when we're interested in a girl. I mean, shoot-if it was allowed on our side of the tracks, I'm pretty sure every single male would take up on this opportunity. But its not."
The light turns green. John tried to ignore Malcom's ranting. The man had a habit of speaking the truth and not taking into consideration the feelings of others. Perhaps this is why Malcom was so well liked and respected in the community. He'd give you a straight answer. No hesitation. No bullshit. Then where did John stand? Sure his build was that of an Ox and was feared by nearly every single person he crossed. Believe it or not, John was brawns and Malcom some of the brains.
"Look, John. All I'm saying is, you gotta be careful, man, of this whole situtation. Have your fun. Stalk, or, whatever you're doing with this girl. And, once you've had your fill-BAM! Dump the broad and we'll go back to drinking Beers by the lake and chasing after-"
"This one is different, Malcom." John turns the volume up. "She's...different..."
"How? She's mundane. They all look and act the same. With their Valley girl impersonations. Everything is 'rad' or 'cool' or 'wow' to them. And look at us. Scumbags to them. Like we've been for centuries. That's how its been, John. And it'll always be that way."
The instrumental beginning of the song filled the truck. The friends sat back and enjoyed the music. John had nothing more to add to Malcom's ongoing rant. He'd never understand; Malcom was a 'player' and to him, boobs were boobs and it was all the same. He swore marriage, kids and settling down was for the whimps and men that had no voice. Everyone in the community knew this and tried to keep their daughters and female family members away from Malcom. Not John. He wanted all that. And he longed to have it with Nancy.
"I like this song." John turns the volume up a bit more. "Used to get on my nerves. Better than Madonna you've been playing lately."
"Hey, hey-don't you DARE talk aobut my girl, Madonna!"
John chuckles. "Your girl, huh? So, is YOUR jam that Material Girl, than?"
"That and Like a Virgin, John. You know me. I hear she's coming to concert. I'm stoked to grab me a pair of tickets!"
Toto's Africa continued to play. John noticed a hamburger joint, pulled into the parking lot and waited for the waitress to arrive to take their meals. John rolls his windows down; the cool, gentle wind caresses his face. He was getting anxious, which caused his body to sweat and turn a slight redish color. John turned to Malcom. His friend was slumped over, eyes closed and enjoying the stillness of the morning.
John taps Malcom's arm. "I hear we're getting a full moon tonight?"
"Oh yeah?" Malcom opens his left eye. "Wanna go for a run then, if that's the case?"
"Yeah. Going to need it after today."
Malcom was slightly confused. "Today? John, what are you-"
Malcom's question would have to wait; a slender, young woman on rollar skates, chewing her gun loudly, pulls out her pen and notpad. Her blonde hair was tightly pulled back and droped to the sides. Her makeup had the apperance of the teen girls both Malcom and John witnessed at the school. Bright blue eye shadow, heavy on the blush, pink lipstick and a dash of color choice under their eyes.
"Whata'll be, boys?" The chewing grows louder as she speaks.
"We'll take two large number fives, extra Bacon. No red onions on one. Two orders of fried Mushrooms, extra ranch cups, please. And two large Cokes. One with no ice."
The waitress scrambles the orders down and smiles up at John. "Anything else for ya', hun?"
"No. Thank you."
After paying the young woman, she rolls away and returns to the restaurant. Several more cars show up, park and wait for their orders.
"Okay, so what were you saying before the bimbette showed up?"
John rolls his eyes. "DON'T...stop, Malcom. What I was saying, was after today, I'll need that run. My need to have her is growing with each day I see her. I don't know how long I can avoid her..."
"Well, my good man, grow a pair. That's the first step. Second, IF what you say is true, talk to her after school. Don't, like, scare her off; you look like those creeps we see at the mall, dude."
"I won't, man. I'll be easy with this one..."
Malcom sighs. "Man. Mundane, huh? Decimus and the Council won't be happy to here this, man. You're on very thin ice because of The Sheriff and-"
John snorts. "I'll be fine, Malcom. Trust me....I'll be fine."
Malcom leans over and changes the cassette. John already had an idea of the choice and would allow Malcom free reign THIS time around. Before he knew it, Madonna's Material Girl played while the men awaited for their meals.
Any questions, you know the drill. HAD more images but didn't have time to add. Will add for the next chapter. Can anyone guess what Pie listened to A LOT growing up? Yeah. Madonna. XD
I.....love....Charlotte and her ability to see the past. (Although its making her bleed and go into convulsions) The beginning was too damn sweet. Its nice to see Tim being a grandfather to little Charlotte and her eagerness to hear HIS tale from his time at the Homelands. Wondering how this will affect not only her but the family as well.
Get well soon, too, with those headaches. Those are no bueno, man!
"No, you do it like this, cupcake," Tim says, holding the kite above his head. He leans on his crutch, his free hand grabbing on to the spoo… morel as the wind takes hold, tossing the kite high up into the sky. Charlotte watches was a huge smile across her little face, as her grandfather shows her how to fly a kite.
"Wow!" She says excitedly, nearly bobbing up and down. She reaches down on the ground for her own kite, decorated pink with white polka-dots, and tries to copy exactly what Tim did. Her little hand holds the kite as high above her head as possible, and she fumbles to grab her own spool, and she carefully unwinds it as the kite begins to ascend in the air.
"Now you got the hang of it. You're much funner than Jessie," Tim joked. He glanced over at the sandbox and the swingset in his backyard, where his quads all played contently in the mud. Yep, those were his kids. He patted Charlotte's head as she pranced around the yard, her eyes… [view original content]
I'm really enjoying this, pie! A LOT, man! Just those images alone of John and Malcom during the 80's. I can't wait until you post more.
I noticed you're a huge Madonna fan. Can't blame you. She was pretty awesome. I'm curious, now, HOW John was able to keep his position as Council member. Apparently, being with 'mundanes' are not illegal but not looked at very well within the Folker community. Malcom with htose twinkies, though. And you got the slang down perfect, man! XD
Continuation of John & Nancy's tale
February 1985
The bell rang one last time before the high school was a desolate and quiet plac… moree for the moment. The mysterious man in the red truck, with his associate now eating a Twinkie, continued to sit parked on the side of the road. Several joggers waved at the tall and burly man leaning against his driver's door. Being convival, the man waves his prodigious hand and smiles.
His friend leans into the driver's seat. "Hey, John!" The man whistles. "Let's get a move on, man!"
John cocks his head and chuckles. "Malcom, just sit back there and eat your food. Give me five more minutes. You know the routine."
Malcom tears open another tasty snack. "Well, hurry up, man. I'm running out of food."
For a month now, John dragged Malcom and himself to this exact spot near the Greenvill high school parking lot and waited. John wanted to get a glimpse of the girl that stole not only his heart b… [view original content]
I love Charlotte too and her ability XD I like the way I'm approaching this, giving a scene from her childhood and sort of kind of connecting it to her present situation (Which is inexplicably in the future from where things officially stand as of late.) She was an extremely bright kid, and it may or may not have indirectly had to do with her time traveling abilities. She's very different from the quads, a lot more thoughtful, and very talented in certain things, such as drawing.
Yeah, it went away! I don't know, my head just started hurting when I got home, but I'm good now
I.....love....Charlotte and her ability to see the past. (Although its making her bleed and go into convulsions) The beginning was too damn… more sweet. Its nice to see Tim being a grandfather to little Charlotte and her eagerness to hear HIS tale from his time at the Homelands. Wondering how this will affect not only her but the family as well.
Get well soon, too, with those headaches. Those are no bueno, man!
The rumors flew. Word spread fast in this town but nobody knew how much he blames himself. For the years that would follow. Gren did his best to hide the whiskey on his breath; no one was going to stop him and he had a plan to mask the pain just long enough. Robert, however, was his breaking point. He figured drink the memories away; he was a Fable and several bottles, at that, was only a tiny amount. Plus, he was a towering beast with menacing features. He could handle his alcohol.
Gren stumbled through the dark streets and looked for a quiet place to rest. He hated the noise of the city. It made his head spin and severe headaches to return. Clinging to a bottle of Jack Daniels, Gren finds a empty spot near the dumpster. The neon light above his body created a glow to his skin. Gren was drunk; the colors ran together like spilled water on ink. Covering his body with a newspaper, the whiskey c\sang him their usual lullaby and Gren was alseep.
"Stupid Robert..." Gren wipes his nose. "Fucking idiot. Acts like I don't need him. Leaves me alone....to face this fucked up town alone."
Gren blamed Robert. He always managed to find a way to blame Robert for his behavior. As far as anyone was concerned, it was. Gren was incapable of tkaing responsibility. After all, Robert was supposed to watch over Gren the second the Exile took place. Somehow, the brothers seperated; Robert ended up down south and Gren was trasnfered over to the city of New York.
Gren tried on several different occasions to contact his brother. Gren had no one and he desperatly needed a comforting, familiar face. Robert's plans to remain on this earth were different and he refused to combine them with Gren's current state. He denied the request several times sent out by either Snow or Bigby. Every time, it would return to sender. Gren finally gave up. Alas, he was destined to jump from bar to bar. Getting wasted, as the mundies placed it, was the only way Gren could really forget about his troubles.
Just like it always did. Gren did not remember taking the sharp blade and striking his skin with it. Normally, the pain would have surged through his corpse, sending a message to his brain and like previous times, end up at Swinehearts. Not tonight. Gren, wrists sliced open like a Christmas Ham, laid in the filthy streets. Blood poured from his wounds, the life slowly, oh ever so slowly, fading from his eyes. It would take time. Only issue about being a Fable.
Even the most severe of wounds take their time. Unless your head was taken clean off. Or spells. Gren embraced for however long it took before his body was completly drained and death came to collect his end of the deal. No one would miss him; sure, Holly or Jack would send the Sheriff reports of Gren's disapperance but to be honest, it would get shoved to the side like it always did. No one cared. Not for him, at least.
Not even his own brother, the only family memeber that was alive, from what Gren knew. Robert refused to partake in anything related to Gren. He did not remember even coming to Bigby's apartment. Or the idea that Bigby was the one to save him.
Gren had his feelings for Bigby. It was not hate; he could not, despite everything that took place prior to tonight. Bigby was an alright guy but Gren ahd to keep up on apperances and what Fabletown felt at the moment. He'd hate to be the only one holding a 'Bigby is not such a bad guy' sign and a huge mob demanding the death of Gren. Gren also viewed Bigby in a way that caused the beast to drink at times. It wasn't always Robert that sent Gren towards the bottle. But Bigby, too.
After the apartment was quiet, Gren turns off the water, grabs a towel and exits the shower. Not a single sound. Nothing. Near the sink, a sticky note sat with several words in red ink. Robert's hand writing.
'Be back tomorrow. TRY and get some rest. You're an idiot.'
Gren crumbles up the paper and tosses it into the trash. Thanks for your support, thought Gren, as he dried his body. His arm was numb. The scar occasionally ached and required attention. Last he heard, Beowulf was working in a Cleaners. The other scars-both old and new-covered his body like a fine suit. He traced his fingers along the bumpy ones and winced in pain when his fingers pricked a fresh wound.
Gren was too busy examining his body to noticed Bigby. The Wolf stood behind the naked Fable. He was in awe of Gren at the moment, too busy to notice his presence behind him.
"Take a picture, Sheriff. Might need it for those lonely nights...." Guess not.
"You're a comedian, Gren. I came to check on you....you were taking a long time."
"Look, if Robert set you up to this whole 'pretending to care' act, just drop it now."
"Who is pretending?" Bigby leans against the doorway. "If I was pretending, I'd leave a note, too."
Gren pauses to grab his shirt. Robert had his own way of showing his 'love' for Gren. Holly used to tell him it was no fair and he deserved better. Gren took it however Robert dished it out. Any attention was good attention. Even the bad ones. Gren slides his head into the shirt's opening and pulls down. His jacket was tattered, dirty and reeked of alcohol. Gren remaind in his white shirt and blue jeans. The cold floor against his bare feet felt wonderful.
Bigby hands Gren a cigarette. "Hungry?"
Bigby exhales. "You'll have to eat. Am I going to need someone here at all times when I leave?"
"Trust me..." Gren inhales. "You've seen what I can do. The storm is fucking over with, Sheriff."
"Well, I'll see for myself, Gren." Bigby sits before Gren. "You had me worried there. You looked....well..."
Bigby scratches his chin. "Life THAT bad, Gren? Don't do that. Mundies do it."
"So..." Gren exhales a cloud of smoke that envelops his face. "Not like anyone would miss me."
"Robert would."
Gren titters. "Please. One less fucking burden on his perfect life."
Bigby laughs. "Robert's life isn't THAT good, Gren. He has his struggles like all of us-"
Gren narrows his glance at Bigby. "You have no fucking idea, Wolf."
Bigby bites his tongue. Gren was in no condition to argue. he'd have Flycatcher or someone-anyone-to make sure Gren was not attempting suicide while he was gone. It was true, in a sick way, what Gren said. Robert would not care, would he, if Bigby gave him the news of his brother's death? He knew so little of the Grendel brothers; Gren refused to speak and Robert was a closed book. All Bigby or anyone knew, were the stories they had heard. Again, stories. And nothing more.
Bigby watched Gren stuggle to lift himself up. The veins bulging from his arms. Gren grunts one time before collasping back into the couch. Panting, Gren attempts one last time. Bigby noticed the wounds leak some blood.
"Here-" Bigby stands and grabs Gren. "Let me fucking help you-"
Gren's strength is immediatly gone; he clings to Bigby for dear life, as his mighty arms catch Gren before falling to the ground. Gren peers up to his savior's eyes. Normally, the were a wild fire of Amber with a touch of mystery. Today, they were their usual 'normal' color. Brown. They, however, did not show anger. But concern.
"You really need to rest, Gren...."
Gren sighs. "I am a little hungry, Wolf."
Bigby smiles. "I'll order some Chinese. Anything you want or-"
Gren leans into the chair. "Pork. Sweet n' Sour Pork....."
While Bigby dials the number, he walks into the kitchen. Bigby leans an ear out, however, to watch Gren. He listens carefully and hears Gren mumble to himself. Like he always did. Little did Bigby really know what Gren was doing.
Clutching the cushions, Gren buried his face and cried. Alone. Like always. He couldn't tell Bigby the reason why. He couldn't lose him. Lose the only person that truly gave a damn.
~Chapter 3~
Whiskey Lullaby and Cigarette lights
The rumors flew. Word spread fast in this town but nobody knew how much he blames him… moreself. For the years that would follow. Gren did his best to hide the whiskey on his breath; no one was going to stop him and he had a plan to mask the pain just long enough. Robert, however, was his breaking point. He figured drink the memories away; he was a Fable and several bottles, at that, was only a tiny amount. Plus, he was a towering beast with menacing features. He could handle his alcohol.
Gren stumbled through the dark streets and looked for a quiet place to rest. He hated the noise of the city. It made his head spin and severe headaches to return. Clinging to a bottle of Jack Daniels, Gren finds a empty spot near the dumpster. The neon light above his body created a glow to his skin. Gren was drunk; the colors ran together like spilled water on ink. Covering his body with a newspaper, the w… [view original content]
"You think your dad ever fucked your mom when she was a Wolf?"
Mary's unusual questions sometimes left Emily astounded and unsure how to answer them. Emily and Lyla never discussed their sexual 'adventures' and were very careful when the children were home. Like any couple with older children, late at night (or in the back of the car. Ew.) was the only time they could really express their love without a tiny knock being heard ten minutes into it. As the children aged, they learned what sex was and knew their parents still engaged in it.
Emily shakes her head at the mere thought. Bloody Mary was just a sick, twisted individual; this is the same woman that used to sneak through the mirrors and watch Junior shower when he was a teen. The same woman that entered Gren's apartment when he and Emily first began dating. The SAME woman that, for some reason, just had to watch. Now, playing on the floor with the quads, was asking Emily if her father ever had sex while her mother was in wolf form.
"I fookin' don't know!" Emily dumps half a bag of potatoes into the sink. "Why don't ya' bloody ask them!"
Mary glances over. "I would have but no one told me Georgie was going to be here."
Emily begins the process of rinsing the vegetables. "Yeah, well, we needed ta' talk 'bout the wedding..."
Mary chuckles. "I'm very surprised you're doing this, Emily. I mean, marriage is a lot of work and-"
"I know what marriage is, Mary. You of all people have no fookin' right ta' talk to ME about the sanctity of marriage. I wanna have woot my mum and dad did. Even after all these bloody years and the bullshit they went through...they are still so fookin deep in love."
"You'll have it." Mary tosses Liam into the air and catches him. "Trust me. I see the way Gren looks at you. THAT'S love right there. Not like he used to be with your aunt. Ugh that woman. Does not know a thing about love."
Emily begins to peel the potatoes. It had been a year now since Emily last spoke to Carla. Carla rarely came around anymore; her own family turned their backs and the only two that still stuck by, loyal until the end, were the twin boys. Rosie refused to speak or interact with the woman. Carla's own parents rejected to communicate with her. Emily simply wanted nothing to do with the woman. Not after what she did to Gren or said about their children.
Emily places the peeled potatoes in a pot of boiling water. "Yeah, well, we don't hafta' worry 'bout her right now."
Mary tickles Chloes feet, causing the baby to kick and giggle. "Yeah. Guess you're right. So, any dates planned or-"
"Well, let's get Holly and Peter's wedding date out of the way. Gren and I don't wanna do it too close tagetha' and-"
Mary interupts. "YOU two should do like a fall or winter themed wedding. Like, September, October-ish. Fabletown is beautiful during that time."
Emily agrees. "I was actually thinkin' 'bout havin' it around that time, Mary."
"Got your back, Porgie. Or, soon-to-be Mrs. Grendel."
Emily replayed that in her head, while opening a can of mushroom soup. Mrs. Grendel. She pictured the entire ceremony in her head: music playing above, all her family in friends standing near the pews; her father, holding back the tears as he walksEmily down the aisle. All her Bride's Maids and the Groom's men. And there, standing tall and weeping like a child, is her beloved Gren. How handsome he apperaed in his formal attire. Georgie kisses Emily on the cheeks, shakes Gren's hand and returns beside her mother.
Emily smirks. "I'm lovin' woot I see, Mary."
Mary, remaining on the floor, claps. She attempts to make some very cheesy 70's porn style music. The babies, seeing as this is a game, climb all over her torso and legs.
"And we know what happens after the wedding....RAWR! I can see it now-you in this skimpy, see through nightie and him wearing these god awful red things but for some reason, you just LOVE it!"
Emily points. "See!? This is the fookin' bloody reason right there!"
"What is?"
"You're a fookin' pervert, Mary! Ya' talkin' 'bout me parents doing it and now, woot me and Gren will be doin'!"
Mary, now on her knees, playfully cup her breasts. "Oh yeah! You're going to be like, 'Oh Gren! Take this helpless young thing ta' bed...' And he's going to change into his TRUE form and WHA-PA! cue the baby making music, add a dash of some sexy moves and you got yourself one freaky fucking night starring Grendel and Emily Porgie, daughter of Georgie Porgie. RAWR!"
Emily tosses a towel over at her sister-in-law. No matter what Emily said, she adored Mary. Even as a child, she and Mary got along perfectly. The blossoming of a wonderful friendship to come. Plus, it gave Mary an excuse to be her nettlesome self. Vivian, however, did not understand Emily's need to be social with the woman. Yes, she was married to her brother but it didn't automatically give Mary the okay to continue being herself. If Vivian could, she'd remind Mary of her place. She also knew how happy Emily became when Mary came in through the glass.
Instead, the blonde haired woman sat near the window, arms folded and peered out the window. The storm was directly over the home; several shades of grays and blacks coated the skies. Near the mountains, flashes of light and booming thunder. Viviana cried out in terror, followed by Seraphina and Liam. Only little one not bothered by the noise was Chloe. Still in Wolf form, she continued to play with Mary's boot. Earlier, she managed to gum down Puddles he Dog while he attempted to eat. The shivering creature stood beside Emily now, avoiding any little fingers and eager mouths.
Vivian noticed Gren's truck pull into the driveway. The slooshing sounds of the rain and mud could be heard; Chloe's little furry ears pricked up, as her head turned to the door.
"Daddy must be home." Emily wipes her hands. "I'm gunna see if he needs help-"
Mary pushes Emily out of the way. "No, no, no-get your big ol' ghetto booty back in the kitchen and out of the rain."
Emily cocks her eyebrow. "Really, Mary. Ghetto fookn' booty?"
"You DO, Emily! DAMN! Can bounce quarters off of this thing! If I was into chicks, Gren would have to watch out...." Mary licks her lips. "I'd be looking at YOU through the mirrors."
Before long, Gren opens the door and enters the home. The rain pours from the sky; Emily takes the bags as Gren removes his jacket and hangs it up. The babies turn to face their father. All squeal and babble with delight.
Emily opens the bag. "Ya' got the Pork Chops, right?"
Gren plops on the floor, allowing the babies to crawl on him. "Yes. They are on the bottom of-"
"Found em'." Emily begins to season them. "And the mushrooms?"
"In there, too."
"And all the things needed fa' a salad and-"
Gren holds a thumbs up. "I got them all, Ems. Don't worry about that. Your husband-to-be has it covered."
Emily smiles and continues to season the meat. Adding butter to a pan, she prepares tonight's dinner. Pork Chops with applesauce, side salad and Brussle sprouts. Emily was surprised when Gren requested the little alien shapped vegetables. She recalled a time as a child when Gren made the comment of they 'looked like boogers' or 'Frog eggs.' This freaked ALL the children out; Lyla never allowed Gren access to the home during dinner after that.
"So Mary. You staying for dinner or-"
"Nah, Grendel. I'll be heading back here in a bit. I just wanted to say hello to Ems, congrats on the engagement and see these little rugrats."
"How's Junior and the kids?"
"Children difficult as ever and Junior is, well, Junior. We have plans tonight for dinner, so I'm having a dear friend of mine watch the kids for me."
Gren yawns. "Sounds wonderful."
Emily sitrs the pot. "Oh and I DID ask my dad. They would be more than happy ta' watch the kids on the days we both work."
Mary kisses the quads goodbye, tapping them each on the nose. Mary could sense Vivian as she walks past the window; the cool mist gathering on the glass made it easy to spot the ghostly woman. Waving in her direction, Mary smiles. Vivian refuses to acknowledge Mary. Emily may have enjoyed her presence but not Vivian. She never did, even when she was still alive.
Mary slaps Emily on the butt. "Well, I best be going, Ems. See you guys tomorrow!"
Mary whistle, touches the glass and within seconds, the portal opens in the mirror. Waving one last time, Mary enters the portal and disappears. Gren stands up; a line of quads do their best to follow their father into the kitchen. Gren snatches Emily's hips, pulls her close and kisses her pouty lips.
"My God you're beautiful."
"Gren, stop. The meat will burn-"
"I got time...so, what did Mary want?"
"The bloody usual." Emily flips the chop. "She was bein' her usual dirty self."
"What did she say?"
Emily chuckles. "It was about me mum and dad...if they had sex while she was....."
"A Wolf?"
Emily sticks her tongue out. "Bloody sick. Then, she goes on about OUR honeymoon and-"
Gren begins to kiss Emily's neck. "...THAT I can't wait to have with you. I have it all planned out..."
Emily returns to the Pork Chops, allows Gren one last kiss and watches him return to the living room. Gathering up his children, Gren sits on the couch and watches some random, silly mundy program. All the babies curl up against his chest and observe the silly man and woman on the screen.
Any questions, you know the drill. Feeling like crap. Bleh....
"You think your dad ever fucked your mom when she was a Wolf?"
XD XD I'm sorry but this had me ROFL when I read this. The VERY 1st thing you put! XD Sooooo....what IS the answer, Pie....?
I loved this so much! I adore when Emily and Mary get together; there is always that little humor and seriousness that is added when they are together. I hate Carla. There.....I said it. I hope she STAYS gone. Bitch.....
Mary is a HUGE pervert! XD
Bloody Mary was just a sick, twisted individual; this is the same woman that used to sneak through the mirrors and watch Junior shower when he was a teen. The same woman that entered Gren's apartment when he and Emily first began dating.
Mary, now on her knees, playfully cup her breasts. "Oh yeah! You're going to be like, 'Oh Gren! Take this helpless young thing ta' bed...' And he's going to change into his TRUE form and WHA-PA! cue the baby making music, add a dash of some sexy moves and you got yourself one freaky fucking night starring Grendel and Emily Porgie, daughter of Georgie Porgie. RAWR!"
^^^^All this. Right here! XD
Vivian refuses to acknowledge Mary. Emily may have enjoyed her presence but not Vivian. She never did, even when she was still alive.
Man, these two REALLY need to get along; Vivian is with Emily until death and Mary will NOT go anywhere. Hopefully they can come to SOME kind of agreement. I don't want to see my girls fight!
Gathering up his children, Gren sits on the couch and watches some random, silly mundy program. All the babies curl up against his chest and observe the silly man and woman on the screen.
Grendel is such a good, caring and devouted daddy to these babies.
OH!!!!! PIE!!!!
Have you read issue 10 of TWAO comic....I don't like the way Gren looks. You'll see what I mean.....:'(
"You think your dad ever fucked your mom when she was a Wolf?"
Mary's unusual questions sometimes left Emily astounded and unsure how to … moreanswer them. Emily and Lyla never discussed their sexual 'adventures' and were very careful when the children were home. Like any couple with older children, late at night (or in the back of the car. Ew.) was the only time they could really express their love without a tiny knock being heard ten minutes into it. As the children aged, they learned what sex was and knew their parents still engaged in it.
Emily shakes her head at the mere thought. Bloody Mary was just a sick, twisted individual; this is the same woman that used to sneak through the mirrors and watch Junior shower when he was a teen. The same woman that entered Gren's apartment when he and Emily first began dating. The SAME woman that, for some reason, just had to watch. Now, playing on the floor with the quads, was asking Emily if her fat… [view original content]
Robby and Meg arrived at the computer terminal in which Meg began to hack to find the location of the captive Fables. They manage to find the location of the Fables but set of a alarm, alerting Gargoth's minions.
“Shit, we gotta move now, Robby let's go.”
The two leave the room and is then stopped by Georgie who is holding his crowd control like a sword. He demands that Robby and, Meg take them with him so that he can rescue his precious Lyla.
“Hold on, take me wits you. They got me Lyla, now they're in for a world a Porgie Pain.”
Meg takes Geogies hand and then the trio rushes towards the destination which is on the third floor of the facility. They have NO idea what is waiting for them there, but they will find out eventually.
Back at the holding facility, Tez gets a bad feeling. He gets up and tries to break down the bars using his might dragon strength and succeeds. He was expecting to be shocked by the force field around the bars, but they seemed to be disabled.
The alarm continued to ring annoying the hell out of Tez so he hurled a fireball at it and silenced it for good.
“I feel like Michael Scofield” Tez said breaking all of the Fables out of their prisons. He walked over towards Mr. Weasel cell and waiting for him to crawl up on his shoulder.
“Ready for work Weasel?
“Of course Mr. Tezoth, it is time to kick gargoyle ass.”
And as soon as they walked to the exit, a HUGE gargoyle burst through the door letting off an intimidating roar and sending a terrible echo throughout the room. Tez and Mr. Weasel looked at each other wondering how the hell they we're getting to deal with this thing.
The gargoyle flew directing at them, determined to kill them bur suddenly, Draco burst through the roof and slammed his powerful dragon body onto the gargoyle, killing it.
“Well shit..” Tez said.
“Mr. Tezoth, I think we would have had our hands full...”
Draco returns back to his human form, and walks over towards Tez and Mr. Weasel.
“You guys alright?”
“Dandy, we're just about to get everyone here until that thing block our exit. Thanks by the way Draco.”
“Get these Fables out of here. I can sense Robby in this building. He should be able to lead you out of here.”
“Yeah, but what about you?”
“I'm need to find my son, and pay an old adversary one final visit..”
“And what if we run into one of those gargoyles again??” Mr. Weasel ask.
“You have a dragon with you Mr. Weasel, smoke em.” Draco as he flew off through the hole leaving Tez and Mr. Weasel to guide the captive fables to safety. Tez got everyone's attention and did so, leading them through the door when the gargoyles corpse laid.
Robby Meg, and Georgie was nearly on the third floor. All they had to do was walk across the large, spacey and empty room and they're home free.
“Something doesn't seem right..” Meg thought
“Oh? You think so you cheeky broad.” Georgie walking across the floor only to miss be nearly crushed by another gargoyle that Tez and Mr. Weasel encountered.
“We should of seen this coming from a mile awhile.” Meg said, reading her weapon. Georgie cocked his shotgun ready to level this gargoyle and be one step to save his Lyla.
Robby on the other hand wasn't nervous at all. He taken on many creatures twice the size as this one and way more aggressive too. This one was incredibly lazy and narcissistic, like it knew it have already one this battle.
“And cue the boss battle music..” Robby readying his bow..
"You think your dad ever fucked your mom when she was a Wolf?"
XD XD I'm sorry but this had me ROFL when I read this. The VERY 1st t… morehing you put! XD Sooooo....what IS the answer, Pie....?
I loved this so much! I adore when Emily and Mary get together; there is always that little humor and seriousness that is added when they are together. I hate Carla. There.....I said it. I hope she STAYS gone. Bitch.....
Mary is a HUGE pervert! XD
Bloody Mary was just a sick, twisted individual; this is the same woman that used to sneak through the mirrors and watch Junior shower when he was a teen. The same woman that entered Gren's apartment when he and Emily first began dating.
Mary, now on her knees, playfully cup her breasts. "Oh yeah! You're going to be like, 'Oh Gren! Take this helpless young thing ta' bed...' And he's going to change into his TRUE form and WHA-PA! cue the baby making music, add a dash of … [view original content]
Very interesting to learn more about that knife and to find out just a bit more about Georgie's past! Great chapter, too, for seeing the relationship between Georgie and Emily.
Maybe Emily now is the next Georgie Porgie of Fabletown, but she's the sort of Georgie Porgie that would have been if the Witch had been allowed to carry out her ritual. Maybe not though, just a thought!
Excellent pictures as ever! The top one is charming, and the side-view of Emily and Gren reminds me of some of the pages from the comics that had Beauty and Beast in the same place; somehow seems fitting. As for the pen challenge, that argument is amusing, and Georgie on the left of the top page kind of reminds me of Bradley Cooper! xD
Emily sat in her living room, cup of hot tea in her hands and a warm, thick blanket around her body. The weather outside was cool, windy and… more indicated a spring storm. The mountains were topped with dark clouds and all around, the stillness that could be sensed, even from the slowest of creatures.
Emily and Gren returned from the party to find discarded Chinese take-out, empty bottles of wine and the television blaring loudly. In his glamour, Nick sprawled out on the couch, with Vivian sleeping at the foot of the furniture. To be honest, Emily was surprised to know that ghosts could still participate in the consumption of alcohol. Good to know, Emily thought. Emily and Gren did not question either of them; to be honest, both were consumed with the recent events and the major plans that faced them for the wedding.
Everyone seemed eager to speak about it. All, except for her father. As Emily sipped her tea, Georgie sat directly in front of… [view original content]
Have to agree with Pie, that opening is very sweet. Charlotte is a very intelligent four year old, and other than the lovely image of their surroundings, hearing Tim tell some of his tale was engaging as I grew up with 'A Christmas Carol'.
Back to the future (^.^), Charlotte seems to have become very self-focused; wonder if it's a teenage thing or perhaps a burden she feels because of her abilities and not telling anyone. Either way, at least she's learning how much she can use her powers!
"No, you do it like this, cupcake," Tim says, holding the kite above his head. He leans on his crutch, his free hand grabbing on to the spoo… morel as the wind takes hold, tossing the kite high up into the sky. Charlotte watches was a huge smile across her little face, as her grandfather shows her how to fly a kite.
"Wow!" She says excitedly, nearly bobbing up and down. She reaches down on the ground for her own kite, decorated pink with white polka-dots, and tries to copy exactly what Tim did. Her little hand holds the kite as high above her head as possible, and she fumbles to grab her own spool, and she carefully unwinds it as the kite begins to ascend in the air.
"Now you got the hang of it. You're much funner than Jessie," Tim joked. He glanced over at the sandbox and the swingset in his backyard, where his quads all played contently in the mud. Yep, those were his kids. He patted Charlotte's head as she pranced around the yard, her eyes… [view original content]
Reading these 80's chapters is very fun, seeing how so much is different and knowing how a lot turns out in the end! Wondering if Bigby will turn up at some point; and seeing how The Council was in it's hey-day - perhaps a little before it seemingly became so totalitarian - is interesting, given that in JJ's tales where Robert and Lyla meet it's so controlling, and in your own tale with Ethan and Peter and the serial killer Mary we can see how run-down the once Council governed area is.
John could detect a faint hint of Bananas as she and her friend walked past his truck
This seems like a very 80's scent, for some reason. XD
tried to keep their daughters and female family members away from Malcom
'Lock up your daughters, Malcom's in town' isn't something I thought I'd say about the wolf given what happens in the future, but that's the past for you. :P
Continuation of John & Nancy's tale
February 1985
The bell rang one last time before the high school was a desolate and quiet plac… moree for the moment. The mysterious man in the red truck, with his associate now eating a Twinkie, continued to sit parked on the side of the road. Several joggers waved at the tall and burly man leaning against his driver's door. Being convival, the man waves his prodigious hand and smiles.
His friend leans into the driver's seat. "Hey, John!" The man whistles. "Let's get a move on, man!"
John cocks his head and chuckles. "Malcom, just sit back there and eat your food. Give me five more minutes. You know the routine."
Malcom tears open another tasty snack. "Well, hurry up, man. I'm running out of food."
For a month now, John dragged Malcom and himself to this exact spot near the Greenvill high school parking lot and waited. John wanted to get a glimpse of the girl that stole not only his heart b… [view original content]
You just don't mess with Georgie Porgie. XD And I'm loving Draco smashing through that roof into the gargoyle right in front of Tez and Mr. Weasel; you've made some great scenes in this tale so far!
Going by the music, I reckon it might be a bit epic between Robby, Meg and Georgie and the gargoyle!
Chapter 8, Prison Break Part 1
Robby and Meg arrived at the computer terminal in which Meg began to hack to find the location of the capt… moreive Fables. They manage to find the location of the Fables but set of a alarm, alerting Gargoth's minions.
“Shit, we gotta move now, Robby let's go.”
The two leave the room and is then stopped by Georgie who is holding his crowd control like a sword. He demands that Robby and, Meg take them with him so that he can rescue his precious Lyla.
“Hold on, take me wits you. They got me Lyla, now they're in for a world a Porgie Pain.”
Meg takes Geogies hand and then the trio rushes towards the destination which is on the third floor of the facility. They have NO idea what is waiting for them there, but they will find out eventually.
Back at the holding facility, Tez gets a bad feeling. He gets up and tries to break down the bars using his might dragon strength and succeeds. He was expecting to b… [view original content]
Chapter 8, Prison Break Part 1
Robby and Meg arrived at the computer terminal in which Meg began to hack to find the location of the capt… moreive Fables. They manage to find the location of the Fables but set of a alarm, alerting Gargoth's minions.
“Shit, we gotta move now, Robby let's go.”
The two leave the room and is then stopped by Georgie who is holding his crowd control like a sword. He demands that Robby and, Meg take them with him so that he can rescue his precious Lyla.
“Hold on, take me wits you. They got me Lyla, now they're in for a world a Porgie Pain.”
Meg takes Geogies hand and then the trio rushes towards the destination which is on the third floor of the facility. They have NO idea what is waiting for them there, but they will find out eventually.
Back at the holding facility, Tez gets a bad feeling. He gets up and tries to break down the bars using his might dragon strength and succeeds. He was expecting to b… [view original content]
Chapter 8, Prison Break Part 1
Robby and Meg arrived at the computer terminal in which Meg began to hack to find the location of the capt… moreive Fables. They manage to find the location of the Fables but set of a alarm, alerting Gargoth's minions.
“Shit, we gotta move now, Robby let's go.”
The two leave the room and is then stopped by Georgie who is holding his crowd control like a sword. He demands that Robby and, Meg take them with him so that he can rescue his precious Lyla.
“Hold on, take me wits you. They got me Lyla, now they're in for a world a Porgie Pain.”
Meg takes Geogies hand and then the trio rushes towards the destination which is on the third floor of the facility. They have NO idea what is waiting for them there, but they will find out eventually.
Back at the holding facility, Tez gets a bad feeling. He gets up and tries to break down the bars using his might dragon strength and succeeds. He was expecting to b… [view original content]
Porgie Pain
You just don't mess with Georgie Porgie. XD And I'm loving Draco smashing through that roof into the gargoyle right in f… moreront of Tez and Mr. Weasel; you've made some great scenes in this tale so far!
Going by the music, I reckon it might be a bit epic between Robby, Meg and Georgie and the gargoyle!
I'll cover more as the chapters go one in regards to the Knife of Conviction; Emily was on to something when she noticed the tree was the exact one Gren's mother was turned into for saving Gren's life. And when Thomas puts his two cents in.....:)
Maybe Emily now is the next Georgie Porgie of Fabletown, but she's the sort of Georgie Porgie that would have been if the Witch had been allowed to carry out her ritual
You (and kinda JJ) have figured it out. This was originally meant for Emily no matter what. Only SHE could figure that out. When Georgie and Lyla were told their daughter would be the next Georgie Porgie of Fabletown, no one stopped to think this. Funny thing about fates and witches....they won't tell you everything. YOU have to figure the rest.
I used that as a reference, actually. I loved how it was captured and it fits Grendel and Emily. And I couldn't pass up on the challenge! >:D LOL He does look like Bradley in that section! XD
Very interesting to learn more about that knife and to find out just a bit more about Georgie's past! Great chapter, too, for seeing the rel… moreationship between Georgie and Emily.
Maybe Emily now is the next Georgie Porgie of Fabletown, but she's the sort of Georgie Porgie that would have been if the Witch had been allowed to carry out her ritual. Maybe not though, just a thought!
Excellent pictures as ever! The top one is charming, and the side-view of Emily and Gren reminds me of some of the pages from the comics that had Beauty and Beast in the same place; somehow seems fitting. As for the pen challenge, that argument is amusing, and Georgie on the left of the top page kind of reminds me of Bradley Cooper! xD
I'm having a blast going back. Had to look up and ask my mom for question in regards to that time. XP I'm just a sucker for colors and quirky trends! I'm trying to show what the Wolf Council used to look like before they became so consumed with power and led to their demise, as we saw during Peter and Ethan's tale. JJ's story shows the tip of the iceberg, so to speak; they were beginning to fuel their power hungry appetite and eventually, we'd see them crumble and become nothing for the time being.
I agree. It was either that or Kiwi but Bananas seems more 80's. And yes-Malcom was indeed that 'lock your daughters' kind of guy. He'd eventually grow tired of this and become the Wolf we know and love today, especially when he finds out who he is meant to be with after all this time.
Reading these 80's chapters is very fun, seeing how so much is different and knowing how a lot turns out in the end! Wondering if Bigby will… more turn up at some point; and seeing how The Council was in it's hey-day - perhaps a little before it seemingly became so totalitarian - is interesting, given that in JJ's tales where Robert and Lyla meet it's so controlling, and in your own tale with Ethan and Peter and the serial killer Mary we can see how run-down the once Council governed area is.
John could detect a faint hint of Bananas as she and her friend walked past his truck
This seems like a very 80's scent, for some reason. XD
tried to keep their daughters and female family members away from Malcom
'Lock up your daughters, Malcom's in town' isn't something I thought I'd say about the wolf given what happens in the future, but that's the past for you. :P
Everyone had their take on the stories attatched to each Fable. The mundies had their version, the Fables had their own perspective and then there were those that actually went through it themselves. Those, however, were never taken into consideration. People heard what they wanted to hear; they took bits of the tale, ran with it and along the way, added a dash of lies and a teaspoon of uncertainty to the mix.
Emily knew the truth about her father's tale. For example, the mundies saw his silly little song as a way to keep young boys and girls seperated at a young age, so to avoid any issues down the road. The Fables, especially after the inccident YEARS ago, liked to remind Georgie of how 'vile' and 'disgusting' he truly was.
'He's a creep.' Emily heard this a lot growing up. 'What a fucking pervert! I bet he LOVES to rape women and little girls....keep him away!'
That was far from the truth but who would believe Emily, the daughter of Georgie or anyone associated with him? They were not there to really see the truth behind Georgie's song, however; not even Lyla, his own wife and mother to his children, knew the horrible truth behind Georgie's once destructive behavior. It wouldn't be until years later. Fables had their versions, as did the mundies.
No one would ever assume Georgie's behavior was due to the despicable actions that took place when her father was a boy. Because his parents refused to listen, he was destined for nothing but pain and suffering. And he received it during his young years; raped constatly by his own father, locked in closets for days and starved beyond recognition at one point. The song would come later, sadly.
Emily learned her father was not only the poorest but his looks were not appealing and saught after by the young women in town. He did, however, manage to catch the eye of a young beauty. Her father was wealthy and her apperance showcased this. She and Georgie saw one another; that was no secret, everyone knew of it. But the young woman feared her 'reputation' would become tattered in society, if anyone of higher class saw her with a sow like Georgie. So, she made up a lie....
A lie, unfortuantly, that would haunt her father to this very day. Georgie, according to the young woman, attempted to kiss her. When she begged him now and tried pushing him away, Georgie refused and made the effort to 'rape' her. When word got out, the boys and men would chase Georgie Porgie away. Ever since, it stuck to Georgie in his sad, pathetic life. Even in the mundane world. Fabletown. Everywhere he went.
The Fables made an oath centuries ago to never speak of anyone's past; it was meant to remain in the past and make a fresh start in Fabletown. Sometimes, though, its never enough. When you have the flapping gums and taunts of your society in your ear, the desire to better yourself fades like the sun in the evening. No one, not even her own mother, would truly understand Georgie's pain and what its done to him. But he was different now and some Fables, sadly, refused to acknowledge that people can change.
Same went with Gren. No one-not even those he'd been friends with for years-knew a damn thing about Gren's past. Recently, Robert appeared from the shadows. Even as a young girl, Emily was curious about the mysterious man that would come over and fix any broken appliance when needed. Emily knew of only the little things: his favorite sandwich, song to listen to, type of gel he used in his hair and favortie alcoholic drink. That was it. She desired to know more of peculiar man in his usual white tee shirt, brown jacket and blue jeans.
Now, years from that moment of trying to figure dear old Gren out, Emily sat before him, enjoying one of his favorite meals. Beside them, their four babies. Emily watched Gren devour his fourth Pork Chop. She could honestly say she was in love with him. Emily craved everytime he was in the room to be near him. Her silly little girl crushes all those years ago finally made sense.
Gren, too. He worried his views on Emily were dangerous and immoral. He'd never act out, however but the older she became, the more difficult it was to remain 'whole' and avoid the young woman. Gren often caught himself looking back. If he had acted out on these emotions, could he have saved Emily earlier in life? Would he have been able to prevent Emily from ever taking the club and spending those nights in the gutter, drunk and overdosing on cocaine for the third time?
"How is dinner, love?" Emily looks up from her plate. "Ya' have not said one word since ya' got the plate."
"Oh..." Gren places his fork and knife down. "I'm sorry, Ems. Its delicious...." Gren holds up an empty plate. "I mean..."
Emily smiles. "That is woot I wanna see."
"We'll have to buy ten times the meat and side dishes when these four are older. ESPECIALLY Liam and Seraphina."
"Chloe, too. Wolves have a mighty appetite for meat and anything that can run on all fours."
Gren chuckles. "Vivian is going to need to learn real fuckin' quick to get her food."
"Trust me. She's a spunky little fire cracker. She's too much like her bloody fookin' mother..."
Gren reaches over and grabs the last Pork Chop. He'd have to agree on that. So far, all four of the children had that 'Porgie' attitude about them. Chloe, in her human form, had 'the look' that Emily was notorious for creating when she was either mad or annoyed. It used to bother Gren when Georgie did it; the man always had the expression of smelling a really bad fart and Gren desperatly wanted to re-arrange every bit until a smile was left on his face. Strangely, Gren thought Emily's was too cute. THAT should have been the first sign...
While Gren chomps on the last scrumptious piece of meat, Emily takes this opportunity to place the dishes in the sink and feed the babies. She begins with Chloe and Viviana. She lifts her blouse up slightly and adjusts the babies until each have latched on and begin to suckle. Gren catches himself watching Emily nurse the girls. He was lost in that very moment.
Emily notices Gren's attention and smiles. "Woot, love?"
Gren shakes his head. "Nothing, sweetie. Just fucking beautiful right now."
Emily rocks the girls in her arms. "Gren, will you eva' tell me about ya' childhood? Will I eva' get ta' know about that? Stories 'bout ya' mother...family...anything?"
Gren is silent. Staring into the plate, all the memories come rushing to his mind. The Homelands. Inccident in the Mead Halls. Battle with Beowulf. Life in Fabletown. Centuries of grief, yet, at that moment, it was as if nothing like that happened. He only saw Emily and the quads. Perhaps she deserved to know. Perhaps it was time...
Gren wipes his mouth. "Let's feed the babies, clean up, put them to bed and we'll fuckin' head upstairs to talk...alright?"
Emily agrees, as Gren cleans the dishes and puts the leftovers away. Emily finishes feeding and burping the girls; taking Liam and Viviana, she repeats the process. She could recall, sitting there feeding her babies, being three years old on her father's knee and him clearly telling her she could be anything she wanted to be. Emily was the 'wild' one, running free through the fields and unable to be controlled. Little did she know, she'd meet a wild spirit in the fields one day.
He was currently washing the dishes. Emily wanted to know more about Gren. HIS stories. Not the ones she's heard or the mundane version but the one from his own soul. Mind. Heart. Something like that would take time. Like it did with her father. There was only so much a person or Fable, could take.
Time. But like her mother, Emily was willing to wait and listen.
I love that picture and I'm glad you are going back to cover the tales we all thought were real, especially Georgie's. That is just so sad and everytime you mention his childhood, I always think about that Rabbit he had....:(
It will be interesting to see Gren open up to Emily and finally come clean to the woman he loves.
Emily was the 'wild' one, running free through the fields and unable to be controlled. Little did she know, she'd meet a wild spirit in the fields one day.
I really loved this.
Time. But like her mother, Emily was willing to wait and listen.
And this, too. I adore these two; Gren does not need to fear anymore because he has emily.
Everyone had their take on the stories attatched to each Fable. The mundies had their version, the Fables had their own perspective and then… more there were those that actually went through it themselves. Those, however, were never taken into consideration. People heard what they wanted to hear; they took bits of the tale, ran with it and along the way, added a dash of lies and a teaspoon of uncertainty to the mix.
Emily knew the truth about her father's tale. For example, the mundies saw his silly little song as a way to keep young boys and girls seperated at a young age, so to avoid any issues down the road. The Fables, especially after the inccident YEARS ago, liked to remind Georgie of how 'vile' and 'disgusting' he truly was.
'He's a creep.' Emily heard this a lot growing up. 'What a fucking pervert! I bet he LOVES to rape women and little girls....keep him away!'
That was far from the truth but who would believe Emily, the daughter … [view original content]
Yeah, I always pictured her as this sweet and intelligent little girl, who grew up a lot between her house and her grandparents house, learning to share with her aunts and uncles and yet having the quiet personality that belongs to most only children. I figured Tim's story would be something he rarely shared, maybe only to his wife and his children when they were old enough, and watching her play and what not, he realized how much more mature his granddaughter was compared to his own children at the same age, so he knew he could trust her to at least understand some of his story, and she ended up lifting his own spirits in the end
Charlotte has the be self-focused in order to contain her abilities and move on with it. She might reveal it to someone some day, but its something she wants to keep a little more secret, so that no one can potentially manipulate her, or limit her. She wants to be in control of what she can do, and if it means testing her boundaries, so be it. She knows now to limit her use until she's strong enough to handle it at extended lengths of time.
Have to agree with Pie, that opening is very sweet. Charlotte is a very intelligent four year old, and other than the lovely image of their … moresurroundings, hearing Tim tell some of his tale was engaging as I grew up with 'A Christmas Carol'.
Back to the future (^.^), Charlotte seems to have become very self-focused; wonder if it's a teenage thing or perhaps a burden she feels because of her abilities and not telling anyone. Either way, at least she's learning how much she can use her powers!
"Soooooo, who's YOUR crush?" Ash's voice came from on top of Elora's bunk bed. Elora's room was decorated with light blue floral wallpaper, a neat bunk bed with stairs to the top, instead of a ladder, and a built-in bookcase on one side. There was a desk across the room with a red ikea swivel chair, and a laptop decorated with stickers. She had a closet on one side of the room and a vanity covered in make-up and hair products.
"What do you mean?" Elora's face reddened a little, because she knew her response was not convincing enough for her sister.
"Oh, you know EXACTLY what I mean," Ash responded. her head hung off the side of the bed upside down and she stared at Elora as her sister was putting away some laundry.
Elora sighed. She put away her socks and turned to face her older sister. "Do you really want to know?"
"Oh, I have a few guesses, actually," Ash responded, then blew a bubble with her gum. It got about as big as her lower face and popped around her mouth loudly.
"I would love to hear them," Elora said, slightly sarcastically. She was still putting away clothes as her sister rattled them off.
"The baker's son? Whats-his-face?"
"You mean Cody?" Elora asked. "No."
"Crap. Uh...." Ash closed her eyes, digging her brain for names. "How about the butcher's boy? Or his girl? I don't know what you prefer."
"What?" Elora didn't even know the butcher had kids. "No, and I prefer men. I think."
"Oh. Okay, thanks for narrowing down my search, at least." Ash started humming, and sat up, nearly hitting her head on the ceiling beams. "Oh! I know! Is it that dude....um, what's his name, what's his name..."
"I like Anubis," Elora said, finally fed up with her sister's gallivanting.
"Who's Anubis? The sun God? What?"
"It's his nickname. He's a nurse at the hospital."
"Oooooooh is he that dude who helped Scar give birth to her baby?"
"Maybe..." Elora was finished putting away her laundry, and plopped down on her chair. "Please don't tell anyone?"
"Ha!" Ash spat. "I am the keeper of crushes. I know all of Robert's and Noah's, and obviously my own. Now I know yours!"
Elora rolled her eyes. "Good job, I guess."
Ash jumped down, shaking the room slightly. She had on red chucks, dark blue jeans, and an old T-shirt from her Aunt Mary. Her hair was short, as always. She proceeded to collapse on Elora's bottom bunk, crossed her legs, and put her hands behind her head to relax.
"You know, we're the only girls in this house who can talk about boys now. Since Scarlett is away most of the time. You know?"
"I know..." Elora said.
"So talk. I love to gossip. Gimme what you got."
"I'm sorry? I don't know what you mean." Elora was genuinely confused. Was this what teenagers did? She was only just getting used to doing her own make-up with out the help of her mother, picking out outfits that were flattering to her body, and learning to use feminine products. She thought she was dying that first month after the accident, until her mother came in the bathroom and saw what the issue was.
Ash rolled over and groaned into Elora's fuzzy throw-pillow. "You are so boring, Robert's easier to talk to. And I can't complain about my period to him, with out grossing him out. C'mon, Ellie!"
"I'm sorry!" Elora said, but she was giggling. Watching her sister complain was sometimes hilarious, and the bit about Robert was entertaining.
"Tell me how Anubis is," Ash said, rolling back onto her back. She was staring at the bottom of the top bunk.
"Well," Elora said, blushing again. "He's very slender and tall, and I think he might have abs, but I've only ever seen him in his hospital scrubs, really."
"Sounds like a keeper to me," Ash joked. "More, tell me more."
"His hair is dark and a bit curly, and his eyes are like a chocolate brownish....like dark chocolate."
"Oh please, now you're making me want to vomit," Ash laughed. She threw a small pillow at Elora, who narrowly ducked out of the way.
"Oh, really?" Elora said. She whipped it back at her, and clocked her in the head. "Why don't you tell me about YOU'RE crush!"
"You don't want to hear about that," Ash said, with a tinge of uncertainty to her voice. She sat up, leaning against the back wall with some of the covers haphazardly strewn across her legs.
"If you won't tell, I won't tell," Elora said firmly, staring at her sister, whose gaze seemed to drift to space.
"Are you sure?" She asked, still uncertain.
"I promise, cross my heart, hope to die."
"Franklin." Her voice was a lonely whisper. Elora was taken aback at first, confused. She couldn't actually remember who Franklin was, until she thought for a moment, and then it dawned on her. The little vampire boy. It was strange, how love worked. Elora shied away from Ash's face, opening her laptop absentmindedly.
"You like him?" She said, after a moment of silence, between the two.
"I love him. I can't explain it. He's a lot younger than me. And....I feel strange telling people, since we're so far apart in age. But I don't know... it makes sense, I guess. I'm totally not saying that I'll be dating him now. But.... I'll wait. You know?"
"I....understand. Sort of." Elora turned to face her sister again. She was curled on her side, her head against the same pillow she was hit with earlier. "It's alright, Ash."
"Not yet. But it will be, soon enough." Little did Elora know, the true meaning by Ashlyn's statement.
That's all for now ^-^ More later, and possibly a Valentine's Day 'special' tomorrow! Expect lots of gooey love-dove kissing and what-not!
That's a beautiful drawing. The roses look very realistic, and Emily and Gren's embraces always appear peaceful.
The truth of how Georgie acquired that lasting rhyme is sadly believable; I think you've done a good job with it, though, as it does fit with how things in his turned even lower down and the bearing it had on him.
Everyone had their take on the stories attatched to each Fable. The mundies had their version, the Fables had their own perspective and then… more there were those that actually went through it themselves. Those, however, were never taken into consideration. People heard what they wanted to hear; they took bits of the tale, ran with it and along the way, added a dash of lies and a teaspoon of uncertainty to the mix.
Emily knew the truth about her father's tale. For example, the mundies saw his silly little song as a way to keep young boys and girls seperated at a young age, so to avoid any issues down the road. The Fables, especially after the inccident YEARS ago, liked to remind Georgie of how 'vile' and 'disgusting' he truly was.
'He's a creep.' Emily heard this a lot growing up. 'What a fucking pervert! I bet he LOVES to rape women and little girls....keep him away!'
That was far from the truth but who would believe Emily, the daughter … [view original content]
Good ol' sister chats. XD Reading about Ash and Elora again makes me hope we get to see them in Charlotte's future; for various reasons they're excellent characters.
"Not yet. But it will be, soon enough." Little did Elora know, the true meaning by Ashlyn's statement.
Intriguing! Reckon I know about as much as Elora, though. XD
"Soooooo, who's YOUR crush?" Ash's voice came from on top of Elora's bunk bed. Elora's room was decorated with light blue floral wallpaper, … morea neat bunk bed with stairs to the top, instead of a ladder, and a built-in bookcase on one side. There was a desk across the room with a red ikea swivel chair, and a laptop decorated with stickers. She had a closet on one side of the room and a vanity covered in make-up and hair products.
"What do you mean?" Elora's face reddened a little, because she knew her response was not convincing enough for her sister.
"Oh, you know EXACTLY what I mean," Ash responded. her head hung off the side of the bed upside down and she stared at Elora as her sister was putting away some laundry.
Elora sighed. She put away her socks and turned to face her older sister. "Do you really want to know?"
"Oh, I have a few guesses, actually," Ash responded, then blew a bubble with her gum. It got about as big as her lo… [view original content]
Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I've made this picture just in time for the special occasion today. Again, enjoy the picture!
Rose Red's V-Day 'gift' to Tezoth.
"Haha, I still can't believe you actually got served by my cream pie! I thought you thieves were supposed to have quick reflexes?"
"Ah, you just simply... caught me off-guard, is all."
"Sure, Tezzy, sure. Well, here's to our first Valentine's Day together! Did you get me anything?"
"Of course I have, I wouldn't have come empty-handed. A nice big stuffed dragon on the couch and some roses in that jar over there."
"Oh, Tez, admit it. Did you steal these for me?"
"Yes, yes I have. Purchasing gifts with mere Mundy money is too boring for me."
"Ah, I agree. Regardless, I appreciate your amazing gifts to me. They're better than anything Jack has ever gotten me in the previous years. Now, get your dragon butt over here and cuddle with me."
"Yes ma'am." Tezoth grinned, and did rightly so.
Tezoth and Rose Red's Valentine's Day songs to each other:
"No, you do it like this, cupcake," Tim says, holding the kite above his head. He leans on his crutch, his free hand grabbing on to the spool as the wind takes hold, tossing the kite high up into the sky. Charlotte watches was a huge smile across her little face, as her grandfather shows her how to fly a kite.
"Wow!" She says excitedly, nearly bobbing up and down. She reaches down on the ground for her own kite, decorated pink with white polka-dots, and tries to copy exactly what Tim did. Her little hand holds the kite as high above her head as possible, and she fumbles to grab her own spool, and she carefully unwinds it as the kite begins to ascend in the air.
"Now you got the hang of it. You're much funner than Jessie," Tim joked. He glanced over at the sandbox and the swingset in his backyard, where his quads all played contently in the mud. Yep, those were his kids. He patted Charlotte's head as she pranced around the yard, her eyes glued to her kite.
Charlotte was 4, and a most curious toddler. Eventually, she got tired of holding the spool, and so she sat stationary on a log, and watched as the kite slowed down and fell toward the earth. She managed to catch it, a feat even her grandfather had been incapable of doing.
"I think it's time I show you something," Tim tells her. "Take a walk with your old man?"
Charlotte giggles, and grabs her grandpa's hand. They walk away from the house, onto the path that lead through the woods. She loved walking back there, but normally the other kids would be with her too. Today it was just her and Grandpa, and she was especially excited.
"I come from a far away place," He began as they walked past the trees. Charlotte started skipping, tossing her head up toward the blue sky that escaped through the branches in the trees. She listened carefully as they walked, and asked questions when necessary.
"Is that place somewhere we can go? Are you taking me there?"
"Oh, boy, I wish," Tim said softly. The path curved as they walked on. "I lived there a long, long time ago, when I was....maybe your age."
"You used to be a kid too?" Charlotte was astonished. She never really wrapped her head around the fact that her parents and other adults had been children too, once. Eagerly, she looked up at him.
"Yes," Tim chuckled. He was taking a slow pace, leaning on his crutch greatly. "Everyone was a baby at some point in their life. Anyway, I came from a very poor family, and I had lots of brothers and sisters."
"I wish I had brothers and sisters," Charlotte said, almost in a whispered pout. She looked down at her feet, which adorned black Mary-Jane's and flowery white socks.
Tim just smiled. "Yeah, we all do at some point or another. My family might have been poor, but we were happy with what we could get. And, there was the best Christmas of my life, right before everything went bad."
"What happened?"
"Well, an old man who used to hate everything.....he must have had a change of heart. He got us a nice, big, turkey for Christmas dinner, and he paid my dad a lot of money for working for him."
"That sounds nice. But what happened after that?"
"A new bad guy came into town. He was big, and mean, and his army was just as mean as he was. They stole our....everything. They stole everything."
Charlotte could sense the emotion in her grandfather, and her heart hurt for him. She was bright enough to know that he must have had a bad memory associated with this story, and it was making him sad.
"Well, you have a lot now, right?" She asked him. Her hand squeezed reassuringly around Tim's fingers as they approached a clearing, that opened up to a sandy beach and a crystal lake. The mountains were huge and so close, and they reflected like a mirror on the surface of the water.
"I do," He said, smiling again. They rested on a log, near the trees.
"So you're happy now?" She asked.
"I am."
"Grandpa, it's okay. Lot's of bad things happen to lots of good people. I know, because I watch TV and bad things always happen. But in the end, the good people have good endings, and the bad people get what they deserve. Did the bad guy who took your things get what he deserved?"
Tim was astonished at how extremely thoughtful his granddaughter was being. He pulled her against his chest into a big loving hug, and felt a tear trickle across his cheek. The wind picked up again, blowing their hair all over the place.
"Yes," He said, ultimately. "Yes, he got what he deserved in the end."
Charlotte pulled away and smiled. "See? I told you. Plus, you have me, and I'm the nice thing that happened in the end, right?"
Tim chuckled again,"Of course, sweetheart. Who else would it be?"
They sat on the bench for a few minutes longer, watching the water lap against the shoreline. Charlotte liked having quiet times like this, and she constantly wished she had someone to share them with. She was glad she had her grandfather with her this time around.
Pain. Charlotte's head was pounding, her body was both freezing and hot at the same time. She peeled her eyes open for just one second...
Blinding light. Too bright. She winced in pain, squinted her eyes, her body stiffing under the covers.
"She's awake!" Someone's voice called out. It echoed against her head, making the pounding hurt one hundred times more.
She yelped out, in a croaky voice,"It hurts! It all hurts so much..."
"Administer some morphine, please," This sounded like the doctor. Swineheart, if she could recall his name correctly.
"The lights!" She moaned. "Turn them off..." Please, for the love of God, turn them off...
They dimmed. She opened her eyes, though everything still hurt. She saw a nurse messing with the IV, another one doing something to her arm...
"Where's my mom?" She managed to stutter. "My dad? How long...?"
Swineheart, a grey balding man, stood across the room, reading a clipboard, before attaching it to the end of her bed. He'd dimmed the lights, and was observing her carefully.
"You had a seizure," He explained softly. His hand rested on the bed's foot board. The nurses hurried away, as soon as they finished, and so it was just her and Swineheart alone.
"We have run extensive tests," Swineheart said, his lips pursed. "There was no findings on what triggered. You're not epileptic. There's really nothing. You're mother....she told me you tripped in your bedroom?"
"Uh..." Charlotte almost forgot what she'd said. "I think so?"
Swineheart eyed her down. He knew she was lying, no doubt, but he didn't accuse her of it. "Very well. I'll call your parents and family members in, one at a time. If you can handle, it, of course. I advise you to sleep as much as you can, to heal."
"Can you just send my mom and dad in?" She asked him. Her head pain was slowly numbing, from the recent administering of medication. She helped herself sit up some, but it was useless; She was profoundly dizzy from moving, and her body was far too weak for her to even lift an arm.
"Alright, I will. If it's too much, just beep a nurse, she or he will escort them out."
"That's fine..." She trailed off. She was actually considering that nap right now.
It only took a few minutes, before her dad walked in, her mother trailing behind. Their faces were worried and tear-streaked, but relieved to see their baby girl awake, at least.
"Does it hurt?" Scarlett said, wrapping her nimble fingers around Charlotte's hand. She pulled up an arm chair and was as close as possible, with out invading Charlotte's personal space. Her dad stood across from her, where Swineheart had been, and he was just smiling weakly at her.
"Yes," Charlotte said bluntly. She closed her eyes for a minute, and then opened them back up.
"You gave us quiet the scare," Jackson said softly. He was holding back his emotions, no doubt.
"Well, I'm sorry," Charlotte said, with as much sarcasm as she could handle. She felt totally drained. With the little energy she had left, she made note to make her trips to the past severely less frequent, because she knew it had been the absolute cause of her current issue. Which, admittedly, bummed her out.
Scar smiled, unable to cease staring at Charlotte's face. Charlotte couldn't take it, the silent stares at her face. She'd rather be alone, really, lying in the bed by herself, with the lights completely out, and her eyes resting. That nurses button was close enough to reach....
She couldn't. It would probably break their hearts to think that she'd rather not have them by her side, but she really didn't want their concern. She was an idiot for thinking her capabilities to go to the past were infinite, but that was just a mistake she'd learned from. They could never possibly understand. In fact, she believed the whole reason that this took an extra chunk out of her was because she took her uncle Isaac to see his mistakes. She hadn't really done that before, brought a person with her, and she remembered how light-headed she felt shortly after returning him to his place. She had to start logging this stuff or something. Coming up with a traveling pack, for emergencies. What if she suffered another seizure in the past? Who would take care of her?
She pushed all of this thought from her mind, because it only started to make her head throb again. She decided to close her eyes for good, and get that nap that Swineheart suggested over with. At some point, her parents would have to leave.
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask ^-^ My head hurts a little in real life, gonna take some medicines :P
-slaps forehead- Damn it, Pie. Get it together! :P I meant to say, Nancy and her family moved from Louisiana to Greenville when she was three. I need a Monster! XD
I'm not that bad....>.>
That. Is. Amazing.
Boy, you deserve a slap upside your head! (jk, jk!)
Continuation of John & Nancy's tale
February 1985
The bell rang one last time before the high school was a desolate and quiet place for the moment. The mysterious man in the red truck, with his associate now eating a Twinkie, continued to sit parked on the side of the road. Several joggers waved at the tall and burly man leaning against his driver's door. Being convival, the man waves his prodigious hand and smiles.
His friend leans into the driver's seat. "Hey, John!" The man whistles. "Let's get a move on, man!"
John cocks his head and chuckles. "Malcom, just sit back there and eat your food. Give me five more minutes. You know the routine."
Malcom tears open another tasty snack. "Well, hurry up, man. I'm running out of food."
For a month now, John dragged Malcom and himself to this exact spot near the Greenvill high school parking lot and waited. John wanted to get a glimpse of the girl that stole not only his heart but according to Malcom, his sanity too. John, despite his magnificant stature, was reserved and terrible at conversations with the opposite sex. Malcom offered to be his 'wing man' and coax the girl to the truck and the pair could strike up a conversation. John attempted twice since noticing the gorgeous long-haired red head with the loud, energetic side kick.
Each time he tried, however, it failed. John continued to view this mysterious young woman from a distance until he found just enough courage to walk over and introduce himself. While Jonh contenplated his next move, Malcom fished underneath the seat and pulled out his collection of music. He skimmed through the cassettes and looked for the right tune. If he was forced to sit in this truck until John got his fix, Malcom was entitled to a little entertainment.
He found the perfect track and began playing it. Shaking the truck with his moves, Malcom looked for yet another Twinkie. His stomach rumbled. They'd have to stop somewhere and soon to eat.
"Hey, airhead-let's go! I'm getting hungry, man!"
"In a minute!" Barked John. "Just....wait, alright?"
"You owe me a soda, man." Malcom leans into his seat. "I don't know WHY you make me come out here. I don't want that bimbette!"
"Don't-" John points. "-Don't call her that. She's got class and taste. Just look at the way she presents herself, Malcom. Strutting up those stairs. She saw me today. Did you see her glance at me?"
Malcom snorts. "Uh, yes....her friend, too. I'm telling you, man, you're going to get the cops called and you know what happens if the cops are called on us."
John hides both hands in his pant pockets. "They'll never know. They can't. This is why I bring you. If you're with me, it must be business."
"Well, I'll help you as much as I can, dude but....if Decimus gets wind of this, like he did when you and the Sheriff became buddy-buddy-"
"That's not going to happen, Malcom."
Malcom takes the plastic containing his seventh Twinkie, pulls it off with his teeth and tosses the wrapper to the back. Malcom's pile of trash was taking form in the backseat of his best friend's truck.
John glared at the school one last time before fumbling with his keys. He began to picture his beautiful young woman; her radiant smile, shimmering teeth, bodacious body and hair that glistened in the sun. John could detect a faint hint of Bananas as she and her friend walked past his truck and towards the school. Jumping into his truck, John turns the keys and pulls away from the school.
"Same time tomorrow, John?" Malcom punches his friend in the arm. "I'm free all day-"
"This is lame, Malcom." John stops at a red light. "I should be able to talk to her..."
"Well, no offense, man but you look like a creep stalking teenaged girls. Like, remember that one time we were at the mall to get a gift for Shannon's birthday and that guy was totally looking at those girls at the food court?"
John taps the steering wheel with his index fingers. "This time is different. I'm not stalking or creeping, I'm just-"
"STALKING, John. Admit it....its what we do when we're interested in a girl. I mean, shoot-if it was allowed on our side of the tracks, I'm pretty sure every single male would take up on this opportunity. But its not."
The light turns green. John tried to ignore Malcom's ranting. The man had a habit of speaking the truth and not taking into consideration the feelings of others. Perhaps this is why Malcom was so well liked and respected in the community. He'd give you a straight answer. No hesitation. No bullshit. Then where did John stand? Sure his build was that of an Ox and was feared by nearly every single person he crossed. Believe it or not, John was brawns and Malcom some of the brains.
"Look, John. All I'm saying is, you gotta be careful, man, of this whole situtation. Have your fun. Stalk, or, whatever you're doing with this girl. And, once you've had your fill-BAM! Dump the broad and we'll go back to drinking Beers by the lake and chasing after-"
"This one is different, Malcom." John turns the volume up. "She's...different..."
"How? She's mundane. They all look and act the same. With their Valley girl impersonations. Everything is 'rad' or 'cool' or 'wow' to them. And look at us. Scumbags to them. Like we've been for centuries. That's how its been, John. And it'll always be that way."
The instrumental beginning of the song filled the truck. The friends sat back and enjoyed the music. John had nothing more to add to Malcom's ongoing rant. He'd never understand; Malcom was a 'player' and to him, boobs were boobs and it was all the same. He swore marriage, kids and settling down was for the whimps and men that had no voice. Everyone in the community knew this and tried to keep their daughters and female family members away from Malcom. Not John. He wanted all that. And he longed to have it with Nancy.
"I like this song." John turns the volume up a bit more. "Used to get on my nerves. Better than Madonna you've been playing lately."
"Hey, hey-don't you DARE talk aobut my girl, Madonna!"
John chuckles. "Your girl, huh? So, is YOUR jam that Material Girl, than?"
"That and Like a Virgin, John. You know me. I hear she's coming to concert. I'm stoked to grab me a pair of tickets!"
Toto's Africa continued to play. John noticed a hamburger joint, pulled into the parking lot and waited for the waitress to arrive to take their meals. John rolls his windows down; the cool, gentle wind caresses his face. He was getting anxious, which caused his body to sweat and turn a slight redish color. John turned to Malcom. His friend was slumped over, eyes closed and enjoying the stillness of the morning.
John taps Malcom's arm. "I hear we're getting a full moon tonight?"
"Oh yeah?" Malcom opens his left eye. "Wanna go for a run then, if that's the case?"
"Yeah. Going to need it after today."
Malcom was slightly confused. "Today? John, what are you-"
Malcom's question would have to wait; a slender, young woman on rollar skates, chewing her gun loudly, pulls out her pen and notpad. Her blonde hair was tightly pulled back and droped to the sides. Her makeup had the apperance of the teen girls both Malcom and John witnessed at the school. Bright blue eye shadow, heavy on the blush, pink lipstick and a dash of color choice under their eyes.
"Whata'll be, boys?" The chewing grows louder as she speaks.
"We'll take two large number fives, extra Bacon. No red onions on one. Two orders of fried Mushrooms, extra ranch cups, please. And two large Cokes. One with no ice."
The waitress scrambles the orders down and smiles up at John. "Anything else for ya', hun?"
"No. Thank you."
After paying the young woman, she rolls away and returns to the restaurant. Several more cars show up, park and wait for their orders.
"Okay, so what were you saying before the bimbette showed up?"
John rolls his eyes. "DON'T...stop, Malcom. What I was saying, was after today, I'll need that run. My need to have her is growing with each day I see her. I don't know how long I can avoid her..."
"Well, my good man, grow a pair. That's the first step. Second, IF what you say is true, talk to her after school. Don't, like, scare her off; you look like those creeps we see at the mall, dude."
"I won't, man. I'll be easy with this one..."
Malcom sighs. "Man. Mundane, huh? Decimus and the Council won't be happy to here this, man. You're on very thin ice because of The Sheriff and-"
John snorts. "I'll be fine, Malcom. Trust me....I'll be fine."
Malcom leans over and changes the cassette. John already had an idea of the choice and would allow Malcom free reign THIS time around. Before he knew it, Madonna's Material Girl played while the men awaited for their meals.
Any questions, you know the drill.
HAD more images but didn't have time to add.
Will add for the next chapter. Can anyone guess what Pie listened to A LOT growing up? Yeah. Madonna. XD
I give you full permission to do so, Dragon! XD It might help me! lol
Thanks. BET we know the family Pie is playing at the moment for the Sims 3. 
I.....love....Charlotte and her ability to see the past. (Although its making her bleed and go into convulsions)
The beginning was too damn sweet. Its nice to see Tim being a grandfather to little Charlotte and her eagerness to hear HIS tale from his time at the Homelands.
Wondering how this will affect not only her but the family as well.
Get well soon, too, with those headaches. Those are no bueno, man!
I'm really enjoying this, pie! A LOT, man! Just those images alone of John and Malcom during the 80's. I can't wait until you post more.
I noticed you're a huge Madonna fan. Can't blame you. She was pretty awesome.
I'm curious, now, HOW John was able to keep his position as Council member. Apparently, being with 'mundanes' are not illegal but not looked at very well within the Folker community. Malcom with htose twinkies, though. And you got the slang down perfect, man! XD
I deman more 80's Nancy and John!!
I love Charlotte too and her ability XD I like the way I'm approaching this, giving a scene from her childhood and sort of kind of connecting it to her present situation (Which is inexplicably in the future from where things officially stand as of late.) She was an extremely bright kid, and it may or may not have indirectly had to do with her time traveling abilities. She's very different from the quads, a lot more thoughtful, and very talented in certain things, such as drawing.
Yeah, it went away! I don't know, my head just started hurting when I got home, but I'm good now
~Chapter 3~
Whiskey Lullaby and Cigarette lights
The rumors flew. Word spread fast in this town but nobody knew how much he blames himself. For the years that would follow. Gren did his best to hide the whiskey on his breath; no one was going to stop him and he had a plan to mask the pain just long enough. Robert, however, was his breaking point. He figured drink the memories away; he was a Fable and several bottles, at that, was only a tiny amount. Plus, he was a towering beast with menacing features. He could handle his alcohol.
Gren stumbled through the dark streets and looked for a quiet place to rest. He hated the noise of the city. It made his head spin and severe headaches to return. Clinging to a bottle of Jack Daniels, Gren finds a empty spot near the dumpster. The neon light above his body created a glow to his skin. Gren was drunk; the colors ran together like spilled water on ink. Covering his body with a newspaper, the whiskey c\sang him their usual lullaby and Gren was alseep.
"Stupid Robert..." Gren wipes his nose. "Fucking idiot. Acts like I don't need him. Leaves me alone....to face this fucked up town alone."
Gren blamed Robert. He always managed to find a way to blame Robert for his behavior. As far as anyone was concerned, it was. Gren was incapable of tkaing responsibility. After all, Robert was supposed to watch over Gren the second the Exile took place. Somehow, the brothers seperated; Robert ended up down south and Gren was trasnfered over to the city of New York.
Gren tried on several different occasions to contact his brother. Gren had no one and he desperatly needed a comforting, familiar face. Robert's plans to remain on this earth were different and he refused to combine them with Gren's current state. He denied the request several times sent out by either Snow or Bigby. Every time, it would return to sender. Gren finally gave up. Alas, he was destined to jump from bar to bar. Getting wasted, as the mundies placed it, was the only way Gren could really forget about his troubles.
Just like it always did. Gren did not remember taking the sharp blade and striking his skin with it. Normally, the pain would have surged through his corpse, sending a message to his brain and like previous times, end up at Swinehearts. Not tonight. Gren, wrists sliced open like a Christmas Ham, laid in the filthy streets. Blood poured from his wounds, the life slowly, oh ever so slowly, fading from his eyes. It would take time. Only issue about being a Fable.
Even the most severe of wounds take their time. Unless your head was taken clean off. Or spells. Gren embraced for however long it took before his body was completly drained and death came to collect his end of the deal. No one would miss him; sure, Holly or Jack would send the Sheriff reports of Gren's disapperance but to be honest, it would get shoved to the side like it always did. No one cared. Not for him, at least.
Not even his own brother, the only family memeber that was alive, from what Gren knew. Robert refused to partake in anything related to Gren. He did not remember even coming to Bigby's apartment. Or the idea that Bigby was the one to save him.
Gren had his feelings for Bigby. It was not hate; he could not, despite everything that took place prior to tonight. Bigby was an alright guy but Gren ahd to keep up on apperances and what Fabletown felt at the moment. He'd hate to be the only one holding a 'Bigby is not such a bad guy' sign and a huge mob demanding the death of Gren. Gren also viewed Bigby in a way that caused the beast to drink at times. It wasn't always Robert that sent Gren towards the bottle. But Bigby, too.
After the apartment was quiet, Gren turns off the water, grabs a towel and exits the shower. Not a single sound. Nothing. Near the sink, a sticky note sat with several words in red ink. Robert's hand writing.
'Be back tomorrow. TRY and get some rest. You're an idiot.'
Gren crumbles up the paper and tosses it into the trash. Thanks for your support, thought Gren, as he dried his body. His arm was numb. The scar occasionally ached and required attention. Last he heard, Beowulf was working in a Cleaners. The other scars-both old and new-covered his body like a fine suit. He traced his fingers along the bumpy ones and winced in pain when his fingers pricked a fresh wound.
Gren was too busy examining his body to noticed Bigby. The Wolf stood behind the naked Fable. He was in awe of Gren at the moment, too busy to notice his presence behind him.
"Take a picture, Sheriff. Might need it for those lonely nights...." Guess not.
"You're a comedian, Gren. I came to check on you....you were taking a long time."
"Look, if Robert set you up to this whole 'pretending to care' act, just drop it now."
"Who is pretending?" Bigby leans against the doorway. "If I was pretending, I'd leave a note, too."
Gren pauses to grab his shirt. Robert had his own way of showing his 'love' for Gren. Holly used to tell him it was no fair and he deserved better. Gren took it however Robert dished it out. Any attention was good attention. Even the bad ones. Gren slides his head into the shirt's opening and pulls down. His jacket was tattered, dirty and reeked of alcohol. Gren remaind in his white shirt and blue jeans. The cold floor against his bare feet felt wonderful.
Bigby hands Gren a cigarette. "Hungry?"
Bigby exhales. "You'll have to eat. Am I going to need someone here at all times when I leave?"
"Trust me..." Gren inhales. "You've seen what I can do. The storm is fucking over with, Sheriff."
"Well, I'll see for myself, Gren." Bigby sits before Gren. "You had me worried there. You looked....well..."
Bigby scratches his chin. "Life THAT bad, Gren? Don't do that. Mundies do it."
"So..." Gren exhales a cloud of smoke that envelops his face. "Not like anyone would miss me."
"Robert would."
Gren titters. "Please. One less fucking burden on his perfect life."
Bigby laughs. "Robert's life isn't THAT good, Gren. He has his struggles like all of us-"
Gren narrows his glance at Bigby. "You have no fucking idea, Wolf."
Bigby bites his tongue. Gren was in no condition to argue. he'd have Flycatcher or someone-anyone-to make sure Gren was not attempting suicide while he was gone. It was true, in a sick way, what Gren said. Robert would not care, would he, if Bigby gave him the news of his brother's death? He knew so little of the Grendel brothers; Gren refused to speak and Robert was a closed book. All Bigby or anyone knew, were the stories they had heard. Again, stories. And nothing more.
Bigby watched Gren stuggle to lift himself up. The veins bulging from his arms. Gren grunts one time before collasping back into the couch. Panting, Gren attempts one last time. Bigby noticed the wounds leak some blood.
"Here-" Bigby stands and grabs Gren. "Let me fucking help you-"
Gren's strength is immediatly gone; he clings to Bigby for dear life, as his mighty arms catch Gren before falling to the ground. Gren peers up to his savior's eyes. Normally, the were a wild fire of Amber with a touch of mystery. Today, they were their usual 'normal' color. Brown. They, however, did not show anger. But concern.
"You really need to rest, Gren...."
Gren sighs. "I am a little hungry, Wolf."
Bigby smiles. "I'll order some Chinese. Anything you want or-"
Gren leans into the chair. "Pork. Sweet n' Sour Pork....."
While Bigby dials the number, he walks into the kitchen. Bigby leans an ear out, however, to watch Gren. He listens carefully and hears Gren mumble to himself. Like he always did. Little did Bigby really know what Gren was doing.
Clutching the cushions, Gren buried his face and cried. Alone. Like always. He couldn't tell Bigby the reason why. He couldn't lose him. Lose the only person that truly gave a damn.
,`,Any questions or comments, please leave below!
@pudding_pie did you get my PM about the picture? Hope you don't mind drawing that.
Let me know.
I see what you did there.....XD
And yes, I got it. Check your PM when you can.
For you, Pie.
Feel better, man.
Love ya!
That's pretty good!! XD
"You think your dad ever fucked your mom when she was a Wolf?"
Mary's unusual questions sometimes left Emily astounded and unsure how to answer them. Emily and Lyla never discussed their sexual 'adventures' and were very careful when the children were home. Like any couple with older children, late at night (or in the back of the car. Ew.) was the only time they could really express their love without a tiny knock being heard ten minutes into it. As the children aged, they learned what sex was and knew their parents still engaged in it.
Emily shakes her head at the mere thought. Bloody Mary was just a sick, twisted individual; this is the same woman that used to sneak through the mirrors and watch Junior shower when he was a teen. The same woman that entered Gren's apartment when he and Emily first began dating. The SAME woman that, for some reason, just had to watch. Now, playing on the floor with the quads, was asking Emily if her father ever had sex while her mother was in wolf form.
"I fookin' don't know!" Emily dumps half a bag of potatoes into the sink. "Why don't ya' bloody ask them!"
Mary glances over. "I would have but no one told me Georgie was going to be here."
Emily begins the process of rinsing the vegetables. "Yeah, well, we needed ta' talk 'bout the wedding..."
Mary chuckles. "I'm very surprised you're doing this, Emily. I mean, marriage is a lot of work and-"
"I know what marriage is, Mary. You of all people have no fookin' right ta' talk to ME about the sanctity of marriage. I wanna have woot my mum and dad did. Even after all these bloody years and the bullshit they went through...they are still so fookin deep in love."
"You'll have it." Mary tosses Liam into the air and catches him. "Trust me. I see the way Gren looks at you. THAT'S love right there. Not like he used to be with your aunt. Ugh that woman. Does not know a thing about love."
Emily begins to peel the potatoes. It had been a year now since Emily last spoke to Carla. Carla rarely came around anymore; her own family turned their backs and the only two that still stuck by, loyal until the end, were the twin boys. Rosie refused to speak or interact with the woman. Carla's own parents rejected to communicate with her. Emily simply wanted nothing to do with the woman. Not after what she did to Gren or said about their children.
Emily places the peeled potatoes in a pot of boiling water. "Yeah, well, we don't hafta' worry 'bout her right now."
Mary tickles Chloes feet, causing the baby to kick and giggle. "Yeah. Guess you're right. So, any dates planned or-"
"Well, let's get Holly and Peter's wedding date out of the way. Gren and I don't wanna do it too close tagetha' and-"
Mary interupts. "YOU two should do like a fall or winter themed wedding. Like, September, October-ish. Fabletown is beautiful during that time."
Emily agrees. "I was actually thinkin' 'bout havin' it around that time, Mary."
"Got your back, Porgie. Or, soon-to-be Mrs. Grendel."
Emily replayed that in her head, while opening a can of mushroom soup. Mrs. Grendel. She pictured the entire ceremony in her head: music playing above, all her family in friends standing near the pews; her father, holding back the tears as he walksEmily down the aisle. All her Bride's Maids and the Groom's men. And there, standing tall and weeping like a child, is her beloved Gren. How handsome he apperaed in his formal attire. Georgie kisses Emily on the cheeks, shakes Gren's hand and returns beside her mother.
Emily smirks. "I'm lovin' woot I see, Mary."
Mary, remaining on the floor, claps. She attempts to make some very cheesy 70's porn style music. The babies, seeing as this is a game, climb all over her torso and legs.
"And we know what happens after the wedding....RAWR! I can see it now-you in this skimpy, see through nightie and him wearing these god awful red things but for some reason, you just LOVE it!"
Emily points. "See!? This is the fookin' bloody reason right there!"
"What is?"
"You're a fookin' pervert, Mary! Ya' talkin' 'bout me parents doing it and now, woot me and Gren will be doin'!"
Mary, now on her knees, playfully cup her breasts. "Oh yeah! You're going to be like, 'Oh Gren! Take this helpless young thing ta' bed...' And he's going to change into his TRUE form and WHA-PA! cue the baby making music, add a dash of some sexy moves and you got yourself one freaky fucking night starring Grendel and Emily Porgie, daughter of Georgie Porgie. RAWR!"
Emily tosses a towel over at her sister-in-law. No matter what Emily said, she adored Mary. Even as a child, she and Mary got along perfectly. The blossoming of a wonderful friendship to come. Plus, it gave Mary an excuse to be her nettlesome self. Vivian, however, did not understand Emily's need to be social with the woman. Yes, she was married to her brother but it didn't automatically give Mary the okay to continue being herself. If Vivian could, she'd remind Mary of her place. She also knew how happy Emily became when Mary came in through the glass.
Instead, the blonde haired woman sat near the window, arms folded and peered out the window. The storm was directly over the home; several shades of grays and blacks coated the skies. Near the mountains, flashes of light and booming thunder. Viviana cried out in terror, followed by Seraphina and Liam. Only little one not bothered by the noise was Chloe. Still in Wolf form, she continued to play with Mary's boot. Earlier, she managed to gum down Puddles he Dog while he attempted to eat. The shivering creature stood beside Emily now, avoiding any little fingers and eager mouths.
Vivian noticed Gren's truck pull into the driveway. The slooshing sounds of the rain and mud could be heard; Chloe's little furry ears pricked up, as her head turned to the door.
"Daddy must be home." Emily wipes her hands. "I'm gunna see if he needs help-"
Mary pushes Emily out of the way. "No, no, no-get your big ol' ghetto booty back in the kitchen and out of the rain."
Emily cocks her eyebrow. "Really, Mary. Ghetto fookn' booty?"
"You DO, Emily! DAMN! Can bounce quarters off of this thing! If I was into chicks, Gren would have to watch out...." Mary licks her lips. "I'd be looking at YOU through the mirrors."
Before long, Gren opens the door and enters the home. The rain pours from the sky; Emily takes the bags as Gren removes his jacket and hangs it up. The babies turn to face their father. All squeal and babble with delight.
Emily opens the bag. "Ya' got the Pork Chops, right?"
Gren plops on the floor, allowing the babies to crawl on him. "Yes. They are on the bottom of-"
"Found em'." Emily begins to season them. "And the mushrooms?"
"In there, too."
"And all the things needed fa' a salad and-"
Gren holds a thumbs up. "I got them all, Ems. Don't worry about that. Your husband-to-be has it covered."
Emily smiles and continues to season the meat. Adding butter to a pan, she prepares tonight's dinner. Pork Chops with applesauce, side salad and Brussle sprouts. Emily was surprised when Gren requested the little alien shapped vegetables. She recalled a time as a child when Gren made the comment of they 'looked like boogers' or 'Frog eggs.' This freaked ALL the children out; Lyla never allowed Gren access to the home during dinner after that.
"So Mary. You staying for dinner or-"
"Nah, Grendel. I'll be heading back here in a bit. I just wanted to say hello to Ems, congrats on the engagement and see these little rugrats."
"How's Junior and the kids?"
"Children difficult as ever and Junior is, well, Junior. We have plans tonight for dinner, so I'm having a dear friend of mine watch the kids for me."
Gren yawns. "Sounds wonderful."
Emily sitrs the pot. "Oh and I DID ask my dad. They would be more than happy ta' watch the kids on the days we both work."
Mary kisses the quads goodbye, tapping them each on the nose. Mary could sense Vivian as she walks past the window; the cool mist gathering on the glass made it easy to spot the ghostly woman. Waving in her direction, Mary smiles. Vivian refuses to acknowledge Mary. Emily may have enjoyed her presence but not Vivian. She never did, even when she was still alive.
Mary slaps Emily on the butt. "Well, I best be going, Ems. See you guys tomorrow!"
Mary whistle, touches the glass and within seconds, the portal opens in the mirror. Waving one last time, Mary enters the portal and disappears. Gren stands up; a line of quads do their best to follow their father into the kitchen. Gren snatches Emily's hips, pulls her close and kisses her pouty lips.
"My God you're beautiful."
"Gren, stop. The meat will burn-"
"I got time...so, what did Mary want?"
"The bloody usual." Emily flips the chop. "She was bein' her usual dirty self."
"What did she say?"
Emily chuckles. "It was about me mum and dad...if they had sex while she was....."
"A Wolf?"
Emily sticks her tongue out. "Bloody sick. Then, she goes on about OUR honeymoon and-"
Gren begins to kiss Emily's neck. "...THAT I can't wait to have with you. I have it all planned out..."
Emily returns to the Pork Chops, allows Gren one last kiss and watches him return to the living room. Gathering up his children, Gren sits on the couch and watches some random, silly mundy program. All the babies curl up against his chest and observe the silly man and woman on the screen.
Any questions, you know the drill. Feeling like crap.
XD XD I'm sorry but this had me ROFL when I read this. The VERY 1st thing you put! XD Sooooo....what IS the answer, Pie....?
I loved this so much! I adore when Emily and Mary get together; there is always that little humor and seriousness that is added when they are together. I hate Carla. There.....I said it. I hope she STAYS gone. Bitch.....
Mary is a HUGE pervert! XD
^^^^All this. Right here! XD
Man, these two REALLY need to get along; Vivian is with Emily until death and Mary will NOT go anywhere. Hopefully they can come to SOME kind of agreement. I don't want to see my girls fight!
Grendel is such a good, caring and devouted daddy to these babies.
OH!!!!! PIE!!!!
Have you read issue 10 of TWAO comic....I don't like the way Gren looks. You'll see what I mean.....:'(
Chapter 8, Prison Break Part 1
Robby and Meg arrived at the computer terminal in which Meg began to hack to find the location of the captive Fables. They manage to find the location of the Fables but set of a alarm, alerting Gargoth's minions.
“Shit, we gotta move now, Robby let's go.”
The two leave the room and is then stopped by Georgie who is holding his crowd control like a sword. He demands that Robby and, Meg take them with him so that he can rescue his precious Lyla.
“Hold on, take me wits you. They got me Lyla, now they're in for a world a Porgie Pain.”
Meg takes Geogies hand and then the trio rushes towards the destination which is on the third floor of the facility. They have NO idea what is waiting for them there, but they will find out eventually.
Back at the holding facility, Tez gets a bad feeling. He gets up and tries to break down the bars using his might dragon strength and succeeds. He was expecting to be shocked by the force field around the bars, but they seemed to be disabled.
The alarm continued to ring annoying the hell out of Tez so he hurled a fireball at it and silenced it for good.
“I feel like Michael Scofield” Tez said breaking all of the Fables out of their prisons. He walked over towards Mr. Weasel cell and waiting for him to crawl up on his shoulder.
“Ready for work Weasel?
“Of course Mr. Tezoth, it is time to kick gargoyle ass.”
And as soon as they walked to the exit, a HUGE gargoyle burst through the door letting off an intimidating roar and sending a terrible echo throughout the room. Tez and Mr. Weasel looked at each other wondering how the hell they we're getting to deal with this thing.
The gargoyle flew directing at them, determined to kill them bur suddenly, Draco burst through the roof and slammed his powerful dragon body onto the gargoyle, killing it.
“Well shit..” Tez said.
“Mr. Tezoth, I think we would have had our hands full...”
Draco returns back to his human form, and walks over towards Tez and Mr. Weasel.
“You guys alright?”
“Dandy, we're just about to get everyone here until that thing block our exit. Thanks by the way Draco.”
“Get these Fables out of here. I can sense Robby in this building. He should be able to lead you out of here.”
“Yeah, but what about you?”
“I'm need to find my son, and pay an old adversary one final visit..”
“And what if we run into one of those gargoyles again??” Mr. Weasel ask.
“You have a dragon with you Mr. Weasel, smoke em.” Draco as he flew off through the hole leaving Tez and Mr. Weasel to guide the captive fables to safety. Tez got everyone's attention and did so, leading them through the door when the gargoyles corpse laid.
Robby Meg, and Georgie was nearly on the third floor. All they had to do was walk across the large, spacey and empty room and they're home free.
“Something doesn't seem right..” Meg thought
“Oh? You think so you cheeky broad.” Georgie walking across the floor only to miss be nearly crushed by another gargoyle that Tez and Mr. Weasel encountered.
“We should of seen this coming from a mile awhile.” Meg said, reading her weapon. Georgie cocked his shotgun ready to level this gargoyle and be one step to save his Lyla.
Robby on the other hand wasn't nervous at all. He taken on many creatures twice the size as this one and way more aggressive too. This one was incredibly lazy and narcissistic, like it knew it have already one this battle.
“And cue the boss battle music..” Robby readying his bow..
Gren adores Emily and those babies.
Yes; Georgie and Lyla have sex when she was in Wolf form. (how the quads were conceived) Not all the time but enough.
And yes, I have read the 10th edition. I'm not liking the way Gren's true form looks.
Very interesting to learn more about that knife and to find out just a bit more about Georgie's past! Great chapter, too, for seeing the relationship between Georgie and Emily.
Maybe Emily now is the next Georgie Porgie of Fabletown, but she's the sort of Georgie Porgie that would have been if the Witch had been allowed to carry out her ritual. Maybe not though, just a thought!
Excellent pictures as ever! The top one is charming, and the side-view of Emily and Gren reminds me of some of the pages from the comics that had Beauty and Beast in the same place; somehow seems fitting. As for the pen challenge, that argument is amusing, and Georgie on the left of the top page kind of reminds me of Bradley Cooper! xD
Have to agree with Pie, that opening is very sweet. Charlotte is a very intelligent four year old, and other than the lovely image of their surroundings, hearing Tim tell some of his tale was engaging as I grew up with 'A Christmas Carol'.
Back to the future (^.^), Charlotte seems to have become very self-focused; wonder if it's a teenage thing or perhaps a burden she feels because of her abilities and not telling anyone. Either way, at least she's learning how much she can use her powers!
Reading these 80's chapters is very fun, seeing how so much is different and knowing how a lot turns out in the end! Wondering if Bigby will turn up at some point; and seeing how The Council was in it's hey-day - perhaps a little before it seemingly became so totalitarian - is interesting, given that in JJ's tales where Robert and Lyla meet it's so controlling, and in your own tale with Ethan and Peter and the serial killer Mary we can see how run-down the once Council governed area is.
This seems like a very 80's scent, for some reason. XD
'Lock up your daughters, Malcom's in town' isn't something I thought I'd say about the wolf given what happens in the future, but that's the past for you. :P
You just don't mess with Georgie Porgie. XD And I'm loving Draco smashing through that roof into the gargoyle right in front of Tez and Mr. Weasel; you've made some great scenes in this tale so far!
Going by the music, I reckon it might be a bit epic between Robby, Meg and Georgie and the gargoyle!
Great music!! Love SSB Brawl and Melee
Yes, I love boss battles! Hopefully Tez and Weasel can join in on the fun too, but, however you want to write it, Stone.
The music fit in well with scene, especially since the gargoyle is close to the size of a collossi
They will! Very soon.
I'll cover more as the chapters go one in regards to the Knife of Conviction; Emily was on to something when she noticed the tree was the exact one Gren's mother was turned into for saving Gren's life.
And when Thomas puts his two cents in.....:)
I used that as a reference, actually. I loved how it was captured and it fits Grendel and Emily.
And I couldn't pass up on the challenge! >:D LOL He does look like Bradley in that section! XD
I'm having a blast going back. Had to look up and ask my mom for question in regards to that time. XP I'm just a sucker for colors and quirky trends! I'm trying to show what the Wolf Council used to look like before they became so consumed with power and led to their demise, as we saw during Peter and Ethan's tale. JJ's story shows the tip of the iceberg, so to speak; they were beginning to fuel their power hungry appetite and eventually, we'd see them crumble and become nothing for the time being.
I agree.
It was either that or Kiwi but Bananas seems more 80's.
And yes-Malcom was indeed that 'lock your daughters' kind of guy. He'd eventually grow tired of this and become the Wolf we know and love today, especially when he finds out who he is meant to be with after all this time. 
Everyone had their take on the stories attatched to each Fable. The mundies had their version, the Fables had their own perspective and then there were those that actually went through it themselves. Those, however, were never taken into consideration. People heard what they wanted to hear; they took bits of the tale, ran with it and along the way, added a dash of lies and a teaspoon of uncertainty to the mix.
Emily knew the truth about her father's tale. For example, the mundies saw his silly little song as a way to keep young boys and girls seperated at a young age, so to avoid any issues down the road. The Fables, especially after the inccident YEARS ago, liked to remind Georgie of how 'vile' and 'disgusting' he truly was.
'He's a creep.' Emily heard this a lot growing up. 'What a fucking pervert! I bet he LOVES to rape women and little girls....keep him away!'
That was far from the truth but who would believe Emily, the daughter of Georgie or anyone associated with him? They were not there to really see the truth behind Georgie's song, however; not even Lyla, his own wife and mother to his children, knew the horrible truth behind Georgie's once destructive behavior. It wouldn't be until years later. Fables had their versions, as did the mundies.
No one would ever assume Georgie's behavior was due to the despicable actions that took place when her father was a boy. Because his parents refused to listen, he was destined for nothing but pain and suffering. And he received it during his young years; raped constatly by his own father, locked in closets for days and starved beyond recognition at one point. The song would come later, sadly.
Emily learned her father was not only the poorest but his looks were not appealing and saught after by the young women in town. He did, however, manage to catch the eye of a young beauty. Her father was wealthy and her apperance showcased this. She and Georgie saw one another; that was no secret, everyone knew of it. But the young woman feared her 'reputation' would become tattered in society, if anyone of higher class saw her with a sow like Georgie. So, she made up a lie....
A lie, unfortuantly, that would haunt her father to this very day. Georgie, according to the young woman, attempted to kiss her. When she begged him now and tried pushing him away, Georgie refused and made the effort to 'rape' her. When word got out, the boys and men would chase Georgie Porgie away. Ever since, it stuck to Georgie in his sad, pathetic life. Even in the mundane world. Fabletown. Everywhere he went.
The Fables made an oath centuries ago to never speak of anyone's past; it was meant to remain in the past and make a fresh start in Fabletown. Sometimes, though, its never enough. When you have the flapping gums and taunts of your society in your ear, the desire to better yourself fades like the sun in the evening. No one, not even her own mother, would truly understand Georgie's pain and what its done to him. But he was different now and some Fables, sadly, refused to acknowledge that people can change.
Same went with Gren. No one-not even those he'd been friends with for years-knew a damn thing about Gren's past. Recently, Robert appeared from the shadows. Even as a young girl, Emily was curious about the mysterious man that would come over and fix any broken appliance when needed. Emily knew of only the little things: his favorite sandwich, song to listen to, type of gel he used in his hair and favortie alcoholic drink. That was it. She desired to know more of peculiar man in his usual white tee shirt, brown jacket and blue jeans.
Now, years from that moment of trying to figure dear old Gren out, Emily sat before him, enjoying one of his favorite meals. Beside them, their four babies. Emily watched Gren devour his fourth Pork Chop. She could honestly say she was in love with him. Emily craved everytime he was in the room to be near him. Her silly little girl crushes all those years ago finally made sense.
Gren, too. He worried his views on Emily were dangerous and immoral. He'd never act out, however but the older she became, the more difficult it was to remain 'whole' and avoid the young woman. Gren often caught himself looking back. If he had acted out on these emotions, could he have saved Emily earlier in life? Would he have been able to prevent Emily from ever taking the club and spending those nights in the gutter, drunk and overdosing on cocaine for the third time?
"How is dinner, love?" Emily looks up from her plate. "Ya' have not said one word since ya' got the plate."
"Oh..." Gren places his fork and knife down. "I'm sorry, Ems. Its delicious...." Gren holds up an empty plate. "I mean..."
Emily smiles. "That is woot I wanna see."
"We'll have to buy ten times the meat and side dishes when these four are older. ESPECIALLY Liam and Seraphina."
"Chloe, too. Wolves have a mighty appetite for meat and anything that can run on all fours."
Gren chuckles. "Vivian is going to need to learn real fuckin' quick to get her food."
"Trust me. She's a spunky little fire cracker. She's too much like her bloody fookin' mother..."
Gren reaches over and grabs the last Pork Chop. He'd have to agree on that. So far, all four of the children had that 'Porgie' attitude about them. Chloe, in her human form, had 'the look' that Emily was notorious for creating when she was either mad or annoyed. It used to bother Gren when Georgie did it; the man always had the expression of smelling a really bad fart and Gren desperatly wanted to re-arrange every bit until a smile was left on his face. Strangely, Gren thought Emily's was too cute. THAT should have been the first sign...
While Gren chomps on the last scrumptious piece of meat, Emily takes this opportunity to place the dishes in the sink and feed the babies. She begins with Chloe and Viviana. She lifts her blouse up slightly and adjusts the babies until each have latched on and begin to suckle. Gren catches himself watching Emily nurse the girls. He was lost in that very moment.
Emily notices Gren's attention and smiles. "Woot, love?"
Gren shakes his head. "Nothing, sweetie. Just fucking beautiful right now."
Emily rocks the girls in her arms. "Gren, will you eva' tell me about ya' childhood? Will I eva' get ta' know about that? Stories 'bout ya' mother...family...anything?"
Gren is silent. Staring into the plate, all the memories come rushing to his mind. The Homelands. Inccident in the Mead Halls. Battle with Beowulf. Life in Fabletown. Centuries of grief, yet, at that moment, it was as if nothing like that happened. He only saw Emily and the quads. Perhaps she deserved to know. Perhaps it was time...
Gren wipes his mouth. "Let's feed the babies, clean up, put them to bed and we'll fuckin' head upstairs to talk...alright?"
Emily agrees, as Gren cleans the dishes and puts the leftovers away. Emily finishes feeding and burping the girls; taking Liam and Viviana, she repeats the process. She could recall, sitting there feeding her babies, being three years old on her father's knee and him clearly telling her she could be anything she wanted to be. Emily was the 'wild' one, running free through the fields and unable to be controlled. Little did she know, she'd meet a wild spirit in the fields one day.
He was currently washing the dishes. Emily wanted to know more about Gren. HIS stories. Not the ones she's heard or the mundane version but the one from his own soul. Mind. Heart. Something like that would take time. Like it did with her father. There was only so much a person or Fable, could take.
Time. But like her mother, Emily was willing to wait and listen.
Any questions, you know the drill.
I love that picture and I'm glad you are going back to cover the tales we all thought were real, especially Georgie's. That is just so sad and everytime you mention his childhood, I always think about that Rabbit he had....:(
It will be interesting to see Gren open up to Emily and finally come clean to the woman he loves.
And this, too.
I adore these two; Gren does not need to fear anymore because he has emily.
Yeah, I always pictured her as this sweet and intelligent little girl, who grew up a lot between her house and her grandparents house, learning to share with her aunts and uncles and yet having the quiet personality that belongs to most only children. I figured Tim's story would be something he rarely shared, maybe only to his wife and his children when they were old enough, and watching her play and what not, he realized how much more mature his granddaughter was compared to his own children at the same age, so he knew he could trust her to at least understand some of his story, and she ended up lifting his own spirits in the end
Charlotte has the be self-focused in order to contain her abilities and move on with it. She might reveal it to someone some day, but its something she wants to keep a little more secret, so that no one can potentially manipulate her, or limit her. She wants to be in control of what she can do, and if it means testing her boundaries, so be it. She knows now to limit her use until she's strong enough to handle it at extended lengths of time.
"Soooooo, who's YOUR crush?" Ash's voice came from on top of Elora's bunk bed. Elora's room was decorated with light blue floral wallpaper, a neat bunk bed with stairs to the top, instead of a ladder, and a built-in bookcase on one side. There was a desk across the room with a red ikea swivel chair, and a laptop decorated with stickers. She had a closet on one side of the room and a vanity covered in make-up and hair products.
"What do you mean?" Elora's face reddened a little, because she knew her response was not convincing enough for her sister.
"Oh, you know EXACTLY what I mean," Ash responded. her head hung off the side of the bed upside down and she stared at Elora as her sister was putting away some laundry.
Elora sighed. She put away her socks and turned to face her older sister. "Do you really want to know?"
"Oh, I have a few guesses, actually," Ash responded, then blew a bubble with her gum. It got about as big as her lower face and popped around her mouth loudly.
"I would love to hear them," Elora said, slightly sarcastically. She was still putting away clothes as her sister rattled them off.
"The baker's son? Whats-his-face?"
"You mean Cody?" Elora asked. "No."
"Crap. Uh...." Ash closed her eyes, digging her brain for names. "How about the butcher's boy? Or his girl? I don't know what you prefer."
"What?" Elora didn't even know the butcher had kids. "No, and I prefer men. I think."
"Oh. Okay, thanks for narrowing down my search, at least." Ash started humming, and sat up, nearly hitting her head on the ceiling beams. "Oh! I know! Is it that dude....um, what's his name, what's his name..."
"I like Anubis," Elora said, finally fed up with her sister's gallivanting.
"Who's Anubis? The sun God? What?"
"It's his nickname. He's a nurse at the hospital."
"Oooooooh is he that dude who helped Scar give birth to her baby?"
"Maybe..." Elora was finished putting away her laundry, and plopped down on her chair. "Please don't tell anyone?"
"Ha!" Ash spat. "I am the keeper of crushes. I know all of Robert's and Noah's, and obviously my own. Now I know yours!"
Elora rolled her eyes. "Good job, I guess."
Ash jumped down, shaking the room slightly. She had on red chucks, dark blue jeans, and an old T-shirt from her Aunt Mary. Her hair was short, as always. She proceeded to collapse on Elora's bottom bunk, crossed her legs, and put her hands behind her head to relax.
"You know, we're the only girls in this house who can talk about boys now. Since Scarlett is away most of the time. You know?"
"I know..." Elora said.
"So talk. I love to gossip. Gimme what you got."
"I'm sorry? I don't know what you mean." Elora was genuinely confused. Was this what teenagers did? She was only just getting used to doing her own make-up with out the help of her mother, picking out outfits that were flattering to her body, and learning to use feminine products. She thought she was dying that first month after the accident, until her mother came in the bathroom and saw what the issue was.
Ash rolled over and groaned into Elora's fuzzy throw-pillow. "You are so boring, Robert's easier to talk to. And I can't complain about my period to him, with out grossing him out. C'mon, Ellie!"
"I'm sorry!" Elora said, but she was giggling. Watching her sister complain was sometimes hilarious, and the bit about Robert was entertaining.
"Tell me how Anubis is," Ash said, rolling back onto her back. She was staring at the bottom of the top bunk.
"Well," Elora said, blushing again. "He's very slender and tall, and I think he might have abs, but I've only ever seen him in his hospital scrubs, really."
"Sounds like a keeper to me," Ash joked. "More, tell me more."
"His hair is dark and a bit curly, and his eyes are like a chocolate brownish....like dark chocolate."
"Oh please, now you're making me want to vomit," Ash laughed. She threw a small pillow at Elora, who narrowly ducked out of the way.
"Oh, really?" Elora said. She whipped it back at her, and clocked her in the head. "Why don't you tell me about YOU'RE crush!"
"You don't want to hear about that," Ash said, with a tinge of uncertainty to her voice. She sat up, leaning against the back wall with some of the covers haphazardly strewn across her legs.
"If you won't tell, I won't tell," Elora said firmly, staring at her sister, whose gaze seemed to drift to space.
"Are you sure?" She asked, still uncertain.
"I promise, cross my heart, hope to die."
"Franklin." Her voice was a lonely whisper. Elora was taken aback at first, confused. She couldn't actually remember who Franklin was, until she thought for a moment, and then it dawned on her. The little vampire boy. It was strange, how love worked. Elora shied away from Ash's face, opening her laptop absentmindedly.
"You like him?" She said, after a moment of silence, between the two.
"I love him. I can't explain it. He's a lot younger than me. And....I feel strange telling people, since we're so far apart in age. But I don't know... it makes sense, I guess. I'm totally not saying that I'll be dating him now. But.... I'll wait. You know?"
"I....understand. Sort of." Elora turned to face her sister again. She was curled on her side, her head against the same pillow she was hit with earlier. "It's alright, Ash."
"Not yet. But it will be, soon enough." Little did Elora know, the true meaning by Ashlyn's statement.
That's all for now ^-^ More later, and possibly a Valentine's Day 'special' tomorrow! Expect lots of gooey love-dove kissing and what-not!
Thank goodness there are some dragons on the good side also, then!
That's a beautiful drawing.
The roses look very realistic, and Emily and Gren's embraces always appear peaceful.
The truth of how Georgie acquired that lasting rhyme is sadly believable; I think you've done a good job with it, though, as it does fit with how things in his turned even lower down and the bearing it had on him.
I also like the quotes JJ picked out!
Good ol' sister chats. XD Reading about Ash and Elora again makes me hope we get to see them in Charlotte's future; for various reasons they're excellent characters.
Intriguing! Reckon I know about as much as Elora, though. XD
Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I've made this picture just in time for the special occasion today. Again, enjoy the picture!
Rose Red's V-Day 'gift' to Tezoth.
"Haha, I still can't believe you actually got served by my cream pie! I thought you thieves were supposed to have quick reflexes?"
"Ah, you just simply... caught me off-guard, is all."
"Sure, Tezzy, sure. Well, here's to our first Valentine's Day together! Did you get me anything?"
"Of course I have, I wouldn't have come empty-handed. A nice big stuffed dragon on the couch and some roses in that jar over there."
"Oh, Tez, admit it. Did you steal these for me?"
"Yes, yes I have. Purchasing gifts with mere Mundy money is too boring for me."
"Ah, I agree. Regardless, I appreciate your amazing gifts to me. They're better than anything Jack has ever gotten me in the previous years. Now, get your dragon butt over here and cuddle with me."
"Yes ma'am." Tezoth grinned, and did rightly so.
Tezoth and Rose Red's Valentine's Day songs to each other:
Tezoth's song to Rose Red
Rose Red's song to Tezoth