Harmony handed out cookies to her favorite nieces. She watched as they raced back to the living room, Rachel's pigtails bobbing while Eleano… morer's loose curls flew past her face. They plopped on the rug, near the four baby-bouncers set up for her newborns. The babies were getting so big already, and Harmony was already beginning to miss how little they were at first.
"Oh, can you get the door?" Tim asked as he sat on the floor with the children, juggling between changing a diaper and entertaining the girls while Sesame Street played on the television. Harmony hadn't even realized the bell rang. She dodged a flying red ball and picked up a crying infant as she reached the other side of the room, careful not to step on any legos or markers on the way. She twisted the door handle and was actually surprised to see who it was.
"Mary," Her voice came out as quizzical. "I thought we were keeping the girls overnight?"
"Oh no, honey," Mary said,… [view original content]
Firstly, welcome! It's always nice to see another face (so to speak).
Secondly, what a very good tale! You've written it excellently and… more tied in the main points of 'Alice In Wonderland' to make it a believable alternative. Violla's story was entertaining to read, and I think what you've done with the characters is well thought out.
Also, you included one of my favourite quotes of all time, which is a plus. XD
Alice, curiouser and curiouser
And good pick with the cast!
Yes, another new storyteller! Welcome to the thread! This has all been very interesting so far and I look forward to the next installment of Violla's adventure. (if you are planning to do any more, that is)
Nice gif choices too!
A new face! And I think Lupine covered all of the necessary points so I'll just say awesome story as I always love Alice in Wonderland stories! My favorite being American McGees Alice Madness Returns
Thank you so much! I wish I could say that I've read the comics, but I haven't. Your comment made my day! It looks like I'll have to write more to her story...
This was so good! I LOVE your cast choices for the characters, and the way things are written were absolutely flawless! I can tell you that … moreViolla is becoming a favorite of mine, and the fact that Hatter is in love with her makes my heart melt I love it! I also love how the time changes, and so Alice will still be a young girl while her older sister is basically an adult. AND THEN THEO! You're killing me He seems like an awesome dude too and I just don't know :O
She imprisoned her son beside Violla, planning on executing the two along with the Hatter for turning her son into someone she no longer knew.
Right in the feels!
And then the love potion! I already hate the Queen >:(
Violla kissed the Hatter back
That's right! I agree with LupineNoir, that curioser and curioser part was definitely awesome!
This story was absolutely phenomenal. I'm so glad to see a new writer on here ^-^ Can't wait for more, if… [view original content]
Hey a new face with wonderful characters! Welcome to the board! Everyone beat me to what they liked about it, so to avoid repeating, Violla … morehas a wonderful personality and with the Alice in Wonderland characters behind her, this will be full of non-stop, kick ass detail and adventures!
I would definetly continue Violla's tale. We are all more than ready to see what happens next in this mysterious young woman's life. Again, welcome and looking forward to more.
I highly recommend them the story and soundtrack is amazing but the game actually shines visually, it is hands down the most beautiful game I've seen visually, you can screen capture at any point in the game and make it your wallpaper for anything which in fact is my laptop background XD
Hopefully for your sake, no school! Wish we had snow; bet you're sick of it and thinking 'Well here, pie...YOU can have all the snow ya' want!' XD
I adore Tim and Harmony, I adore their little (er, scratch that) family, and I'm loving their little mini vacation here in england. They are brave for getting on that Feriss Wheel. No no.....no no no! XD
Harmony had been meaning to make a visit to the UK, to meet some other British-accented people (There were only a handful between Fabletown and the Farm, and she really did fancy the sound of it.) and to see how things ran differently compared to the United States.
She and Lyla need to have a pow-wow and talk about the British. She'll have SO much to say. XD
And, her old Hello Kitty case would not fit it, so she got a new, much flashier one, with gems glued onto it and everything.
Damn Hello Kitty case! Taunting me! lol Even Harm is having trouble with her own! :P
Tim and Harmony's vacation: Day One.
It took approximately 8 hours for the plane to arrive in London's airport. Harmony had been meaning … moreto make a visit to the UK, to meet some other British-accented people (There were only a handful between Fabletown and the Farm, and she really did fancy the sound of it.) and to see how things ran differently compared to the United States.
Of course, she'd have to deal with her currently jet-lagged husband. She slept most of the ride peacefully, as Mary had gone so far as to buy them first class tickets. Harmony sincerely had to do something nice in return, like call Mary and ask her to join them through the mirrors or something. For now though, she was content with finding her hotel room and dragging her sleeping husband all over the place.
London was very picturesque, with it's lovely architecture and buzzing city life. Harmony never thought she would ride in a double-decker bus, but today was he… [view original content]
Ethan was this close to throwing a book at his now dancing brother, standing next to his desk and viewing files. He didn't mind the music or the fact that Peter felt the need to play it to the maximum but dancing while working was not professional in Ethan's eyes. Michelle didn't help either; every time the woman passed by Peter, her arms raised up and the two were fisting the air.
Peter, currently looking over a few files, sipped his soda and swung his buttocks around.
Ethan was repulsed by Peter's choice of song that morning. It wasn't the song itself. Just, perhaps the way his brother insisted on dancing like a cracked out person that just won the lottery. Ethan did his best to avoid his brother's 'bubble butt' and his twisting and dancing.
"Yes?" Peter drops the file on the desk. "You say something?"
Ethan sighs and taps his fingers against the desk rapidly. "Can you please stop with the music or turn it down a bit? Please?"
"Bothering you, Ethan?"
"Obviously, Peter."
Peter rolls his eyes, reaches over and turns the radio down. His brother needed to find someone and fast. The breakup was indeed devestating but ever since that day, the ugly side to Ethan was showing its head. Peter was trying his best to give Ethan 'time' and space; the boy was having a difficult time sleeping and was often caught awake late into the night, watching crappy soap operas.
"My bad, Ethan." Peter holds his hands up. "I'll stop...."
"Shouldn't you be in your office anyways?"
"Charming wants me to look over some of these old files. We need to do a 'spring cleaning'. Or, something like that."
Ethan pauses to glance at Peter. "I never received a memo about this spring cleaning session."
"Oh." Peter rips several papers in his hands. "Well, guess ask him or-"
"I will!" Ethan slams the desk shut. "I'm going to give Mayor Charming a piece of my mind. How dare he go to the SHERIFF before consulting in me?! I'm the Deputy Mayor! I should be handed this valid information BEFORE you!"
Ethan continued the conversation out the door; Peter could hear the mubles of frustration, even as the doors slammed and his brother walked down the hall. Peter refused to run after and continued about his business. Michelle, their assistant, walks around the corner. In her hands, she clutches a rather large book with an ancient apperance. All the books were old and wise with age but this one was different.
"Is....is he alright, sir?"
"Eh, he'll be alright." Peter sips his soda. "Been....been hard on him. The breakup."
"I hear he's got a new beau, sir. Perhaps this is why...."
"Maybe. With Ethan, you can never be too sure."
Michelle smiles and hands Peter the book. "Well, I better get back. I've got a lot of papers to look over. Stamp this, toss that. shred these. File those. you know how it goes. Oh-this is for Emily, sir."
"Emily?" Peter examines the book. "What is it?"
"A book about Grendels and their traditions. She said it was dire she recieve the book as soon as possible."
"Dire?" Peter opens the book and reads some of the pages. "This may have to do with Gren's father..."
"She didn't say, sir. I'd give it to Grendel but she asked me to give it to you."
"Thanks Michelle." Peter places the book near his desk lamp. "I'll, uh....I'll give it to her."
Michelle thanks the Sheriff and returns to her section of the office. Peter grabs the book, lights a cigarette and heads for his section. He stands before the door-Sheriff Peter Porgie-and opens it. He's instantly struck in the face with a musky odor and trash.
"I should REALLY take that out..." Peter taps the basket with his shoe. "Fuck. I'm a pig. No wonder Holly loves me."
Laughing, Peter sits in his seat and opens the book. His curiosity won over his state of mind and he flipped the pages with his finger. Pictures show cased what appeared to be a sacrafice; the removal of the markings, should the relationship turn sour and even bits of a battle the older males performed to gain their place in the clan. An entire page alone was the preperations and what would take place. Should one of the males fail and lose the battle, they would forever be labled as 'weak' and incapable of being a productive member in their tribe.
Peter automatically pictured his nephew Liam and RJ fighting. This must be why Thomas came back. Why she was worried about her son and brother's safety. The reason why Gren as anxious and determined to call every five minutes. He'd heard stories of the battle betweem male Grendels but it was never in 'full' detail. After reading the two pages alone, Peter was disgusted.
"My God....no wonder Gren has so many issues with his family. They HOPE for a male heir just for this purpose. To uphold the family name."
According to Gren's stories, that's the reason why Robert was beloved and praised more than the other brothers. Robert was the top ranking male. Gren was at the bottom. He felt no need to fight, therefore, was weak in both the community and father's eyes. But why hadn't Thomas showed up when Gren thought the twin boys were his? Did HE know something?
Peter continues to scan the chapter. His interest had peeked and was determined to absorb any information he felt could be usefull in the end. Emily and Gren were not fighting this alone. Peter was damned if Thomas thought he was going to step in and throw some Homeland bullshit in their direction. RJ and Liam were not weapons or a form of entertainment.
"Man....and I thought the Folkers were bad." Peter traces over a passage. "Shit...."
The battle was simple: the older males of rival clans fought to show dominance and remain the power in the group. The losers were banned from community and cast out into the woods at the time. They'd live there. Sometimes forever. The battle would continue for a week. If no other groupl stepped forward to challenge the winner, it was an automatic win for that clan. If no one stepped forward at all to fight, the males, usually brothers, were pinned against one another. To see who was indeed stronger, faster and capable of taking the alpha's place in society one day. This also determined mating and reproduction rights. The losers rarely mated or produced children.
"That asshole..." Peter's tolerance was short. "He's going to have one of them replace him before he dies....."
Peter slams the book shut. He'd seen enough. Rubbing his eyes, PEter places the book in his coat and heads for the lounge. He needed to see Gren for a minute or two. Peter enters the elevator, presses the button and waits. The thoughts in his head taking over. Why would someone do that, especially to their own children? It made sense why Gren was so secluded and refused to let anyone in.
When the elevator reached the lounge, the metal doors opened and Peter stepped out. He found Ethan outside, screaming at Charming. smiling and standing proud, Charming took Ethan's word vomit with a smile and nod. Gren, however, was bust examing the cameras and watching the Business Office. Peter clears his throat and leans on the desk.
"Easy work, huh?"
"Yeah, it is." Gren beams. "Hey, thanks again. You know, FlyCatcher came in here and seemed fuckin' surprised to see me. At least, not in line this time..."
"Well, no problem. Your family now. We look out for family in the Porgie Clan."
"Yeah. I noticed that."
Peter noticed the phone clutched in Gren's hand. He'd glare at the clock every souple of seconds.
"You, uh, expecting a call or-"
"No. Just...." Gren sighs. "Worried about the kids, especially with that fuckin' asshole walkin' around."
"You know my parents won't let anything bad happen. For heaven sakes, my mom has been known to tear a man in half for-"
"I know I know...." Gren rubs his neck. "It's just....I feel bad, you know? Emily can't even be home with the quads and we need your folks to fuckin' watch them. I mean...I don't know."
"You feel guilty, Gren?"
"Just feel like I can be doing more, Peter. I don't know..."
Peter takes a cigarette and hands it to Gren. "Here. Take a break. Let's go out and smoke."
Smiling, Gren takes the offer and follows Peter. Outside, Ethan continues to screech at Charming. The man never moves. Just takes it.
"AND another thing-YOU and ME are to work TOGETHER and I don't appreciat YOU only going to Peter when there is either trouble or something to do with the office!"
Peter chuckles. "You see him?"
"Ethan is something...always a firecracker. So, how is Holly?"
Peter exhales a cloud of smoke. "Pregnancy does not agree with her. She's always sick, can't stand for too long. We may have to hold off on the wedding until the baby is born. Swineheart has her in bed right now. Doctor's orders. Junior has been running the Trip Trap by himself for three weeks now."
"Man." Gren shakes his head. "That bad, huh?"
"According to her, all female Trolls go through this and she'll be fin. I hope so. She looks awful, poor thing..."
"Still a boy?"
Peter smiles. "Nope..."
Gren was taken back. "But...you said-"
"We have a little girl in there, Gren. Lily Faith Porgie."
Gren smiles at the time. "She pick that?"
"We both did. When we told my folks, they both fell into tears. Especially my father. I've never seen him and Holly hug one another like they did that day. Ever."
"Well, good for you two, Peter. Can't wait to meet my neice."
The men continued to smoke. They listened to the rants of Ethan, the honking of cars and screaming of walking mundies and Fables. Life was funny like that sometimes.
Peter dancing to bubble butt! XD Enough right there, man!Thw whole thing with the Grendels, too. Man. I'm not sure who to hate more: Folkers or them right now. I feel bad for Gren now....
AWWWW! A little girl!! I the name!! And that picture!!!!
Business Office; 9:30am
Ethan was this close to throwing a book at his now dancing brother, standing next to his desk and viewing files. … moreHe didn't mind the music or the fact that Peter felt the need to play it to the maximum but dancing while working was not professional in Ethan's eyes. Michelle didn't help either; every time the woman passed by Peter, her arms raised up and the two were fisting the air.
Peter, currently looking over a few files, sipped his soda and swung his buttocks around.
"Bubble butte, bubble butt bubble butt, Peter's got a bubble butt. Bubble butt, bubble bubble butt-"
Ethan was repulsed by Peter's choice of song that morning. It wasn't the song itself. Just, perhaps the way his brother insisted on dancing like a cracked out person that just won the lottery. Ethan did his best to avoid his brother's 'bubble butt' and his twisting and dancing.
Ethan looks over. "Peter." Nothing "Peter....Peter...PETER!!!"… [view original content]
Oh, we didn't have school And you're right about that, I would totally trade places XD I'm sure little Emily would enjoy a few snowball fights when she gets older.
Tim and Harmony are literally my favorite couple They and their big family are so adorable, and their little vacation is only going to get better as I write about it! I love Ferris Wheels, but Tim....not so much XD He got over it for his fear for the moment, to please his wife
I know XD They need to have a girls date or something, chilling at Lyla's house while the kids go berserk in the backyard and the boys have fun grilling some burgers and drinking some beers or something XD
I had to, Pie XD After JJ's story, she obviously had to get a new one. And since iPhone's are upgrading every few months, of course she had to get a new edition, which meant she needed a new case, and finding Hello Kitty cases are actually more challenging than you thing XD She had to order it special online, and the gems were definitely the thing that Harmony loved the most XD
Hopefully for your sake, no school! Wish we had snow; bet you're sick of it and thinking 'Well here, pie...YOU can have all the snow ya' wa… morent!' XD
I adore Tim and Harmony, I adore their little (er, scratch that) family, and I'm loving their little mini vacation here in england. They are brave for getting on that Feriss Wheel. No no.....no no no! XD
Harmony had been meaning to make a visit to the UK, to meet some other British-accented people (There were only a handful between Fabletown and the Farm, and she really did fancy the sound of it.) and to see how things ran differently compared to the United States.
She and Lyla need to have a pow-wow and talk about the British. She'll have SO much to say. XD
And, her old Hello Kitty case would not fit it, so she got a new, much flashier one, with gems glued onto it and everything.
Damn Hello Kitty case! Taunting me! lol Even Harm is having trouble with her own! :P
Thank you so much! I wish I could say that I've read the comics, but I haven't. Your comment made my day! It looks like I'll have to write more to her story...
Very romantic! Mary is so lovable because of her wise-ass comments and the fact that she cares in her own unique way. XD
The rest of the ride was short lived, as the apartment building crested over the horizon. Hans parked like a raving maniac on a curb, nearly running over a lady with her dog. Or, maybe that was a man with moobs and long greasy hair. And that might have looked like a rat, now that Ash thought about it.
Kind of an uncomfortable image but it is well written!
Harmony handed out cookies to her favorite nieces. She watched as they raced back to the living room, Rachel's pigtails bobbing while Eleano… morer's loose curls flew past her face. They plopped on the rug, near the four baby-bouncers set up for her newborns. The babies were getting so big already, and Harmony was already beginning to miss how little they were at first.
"Oh, can you get the door?" Tim asked as he sat on the floor with the children, juggling between changing a diaper and entertaining the girls while Sesame Street played on the television. Harmony hadn't even realized the bell rang. She dodged a flying red ball and picked up a crying infant as she reached the other side of the room, careful not to step on any legos or markers on the way. She twisted the door handle and was actually surprised to see who it was.
"Mary," Her voice came out as quizzical. "I thought we were keeping the girls overnight?"
"Oh no, honey," Mary said,… [view original content]
Well, for whichever reason it is, it's definitely positive. And if Georgie and/or Robert start getting into some crazy escapades we'll know where you're both getting the ideas from. XD
Indeed Lyla is too much like her mother; although she never gets DRUNK, the wine does help. XD AND if I had the ability to float, I'd be doi… moreng the same thing, too. Little Emily is chewing it more than anything but I think she liked it.
And I know! I didn't flip my finger off this time to Monday! Perhaps its because I had today off and was having a nice day with two of the most beautiful women in the world. OR, it may have to do with little Emily. Either way, I'll take it! JJ and I are the dynamic duo that never seem to stop or get bored with life. He's always getting into something these days. XD Nothing like THIS but its come close.
"Hey Celeste what happened to your stomach! Did you eat before you got here?" Mary sounded dissapointed.
Ahh, Mary XD Everything was going so nicely until Clara turned up; after the revelation of her true allegiances her mere presence is enough to arouse suspicion! :P
It's nice to know that there is a wedding to be had.
An Eternity...
Three Months before Makoto and Dewitt left to fight Luke....
"Dewitt C'mon wake up you lazy bum!" Mary said "You promis… moreed we'd hang out today!" She said
"Okay okay!" He laughed "Wanna call up Makoto and Celeste?" He asked
"Yeah sure!" Mary said with excitement.
Dewitt called Makoto and Celeste over to walk around with them... when Makoto and Celeste showed up Celeste showed signs of pregnancy. Mary was curious as she's never seen Celeste like this before.
"Hey Celeste what happened to your stomach! Did you eat before you got here?" Mary sounded dissapointed.
"No no no Mary, I'm having a child!" Celeste said
While Celeste explained things to Mary, Dewitt talked with Makoto.
"How did that happen Makoto?" Dewitt asked
"We'll we went out drinking one night and now I'm due for a little girl soon. Sadly I'll have to go to the homelands soon after." Makoto said
"Do you regret it? Wish you planned it ou… [view original content]
Robert did not hear the alarm go off. He'd spent all night at work. It was easy; being a mailroom clerk was nothing and the pay was pretty d… moreecent but the nights were long and by the end of his shift, robert was exhausted. He stopped at a diner, took home some food and ate while watching some shitty mundy television program. He bought an Omlete and toast for RJ when he woke up.
Robert turned to face the window. The curtains were pulled in, making his bedroom quiet and eerie. He could heard the residents below him and the radio being played upstairs in the other apartment. Looking over, he noticed the time. Nine thirty. RJ must have been up already but the apartment was still and noiseless.
"RJ?" Robert stood up and stretched his back. He was in true form. "RJ, kiddo....you up?"
Rober preferred to be in true form out of mundy eyes. It was expensive but well worth it. For the time he had to himself, Robert often stayed in Grendel form. … [view original content]
"Hey Celeste what happened to your stomach! Did you eat before you got here?" Mary sounded dissapointed.
Ahh, Mary XD Everything was… more going so nicely until Clara turned up; after the revelation of her true allegiances her mere presence is enough to arouse suspicion! :P
It's nice to know that there is a wedding to be had.
Glad to hear there was no school today. I often wonder what it would be like to LIVE in snowy conditions such as yourself. When little Emily is old enough, I'd love to take her to the mountains and understand WHY daddy loves the snow so much.
They have become one of my favorite couples here on the thread. I'm looking forward to what they have planned (well, Harmony has planned xD) for their vacation. That and their quickly growing family.
LOL getting the women together would not be such a bad idea; its the men I worry about because leaving Georgie alone with a grill and beer....no bueno. XD I MAY have to play around with that idea. I have yet to throw in other people's OC's and you, my dear, have given me a foundation to work on.
Ah yes, the forever changing iphone. I'm sure she'll need a new one. JJ's story nearly smashed it to pieces. (I'll blame Gren, since it WAS his fault) I can she her case being all sparkly and pretty.
Oh, we didn't have school And you're right about that, I would totally trade places XD I'm sure little Emily would enjoy a few snowball fig… morehts when she gets older.
Tim and Harmony are literally my favorite couple They and their big family are so adorable, and their little vacation is only going to get better as I write about it! I love Ferris Wheels, but Tim....not so much XD He got over it for his fear for the moment, to please his wife
I know XD They need to have a girls date or something, chilling at Lyla's house while the kids go berserk in the backyard and the boys have fun grilling some burgers and drinking some beers or something XD
I had to, Pie XD After JJ's story, she obviously had to get a new one. And since iPhone's are upgrading every few months, of course she had to get a new edition, which meant she needed a new case, and finding Hello Kitty cases are actually more challenging than you thing XD She had to order it special online, and the gems were definitely the thing that Harmony loved the most XD
On lunch and have a while before I return. Been in a writing kind of mood lately. Ugh. My damn head hurts, though. Long night....VERY long night...
Stoopid phone...Gren is saying 'my plants' there on the bottom...-.- Oh, these four. Adore them!
Gren jingled his keys, as he and Peter returned inside from thier smoking break. Ethan was soon to follow. His face was flushed and he continued to hold the conversation as if Charming was beside him listening. Peter and Gren both knew better than to laugh at Ethan's situation but it was amusing to say the least, watching a flustered Deputy Mayor enter the elevator, mumbling to himself.
"Bad day?"
Peter snorts. "It's been like that for awhile now, honestly..."
"Still holding out they'll get back together, huh?"
Peter leans in closer to Gren's ear. "From what Michelle tells me, Henry's moves on. Don't say anything just yet."
Gren nods. "I THOUGHT that was him at the Butchers the other day but...didn't look or say anything, so I didn't bother."
Peter leans against the security desk and scans the screens. A quiet one today in their little corner of Fabletown. The Woodlands were like this the majority of the time now. Lines continued outside the door, phone calls rolled in and complain letters never seemed to grow old. But it was quiet.
"So, like your new gig, Gren?"
"I do. I appreciate the offer again, Peter."
"Anything for you and my sis. She's always been good to me. Even as kids, she was always sticking up for me or protecting me from the others. Not so much Junior; he loved to hang out and play army men. No. I'm talking about..."
Gren automatically knew what Peter was referring to. Time heals all wounds and all the children got along now as adults. But Gren could recall a time when this was not the case. Peter was the black sheep. His older sister refused to acknowledge him as one of their own and would cast him into the shadows. RJ was the one to understand Peter's background but had empathy for his brother and the way Katie and Penelope treated him. What made it worse, Georgie and Lyla constantly punishing the girls. Gren honestly felt like it was fuel to the growing fire. But, in a way, it had to be done.
Peter from time to time goes back on his childhood and wonders why him. It was not his fault for the choices both his parents made; Lyla was foolish for jumping into the arms of the Sheriff when her world was crumbling around and Bigby for agreeing to heal her 'wounds' with a night cap in his apartment.
Lyla loved Peter, that much he and Gren could agree on. She never looked at him differently, neither did Georgie. Lyla never regrets the night she and Bigby Wolf slept with one another. Peter was a product of love in her eyes; the Sheriff watched Lyla grow up, was around for many of the milestones in her life and that was enough to say he was conceived with love. Peter thought this was foolish, rolled his eyes and allowed his mother to repeat the story for the millionth time. Somewhere deep in his mind, however, Peter felt that some of what his mother stated was the truth. Even when he asked Bigby, it was always the same.
Peter shakes his head. "Yeah. Emily was always so good to me growing up. Even now."
Gren leans beside Peter. His hands sit in his jean pockets, as he gently plays with his keys. "Emily likes to ACT tough. She has that mentality of being the strong one and never letting a single emotion show."
Peter sighs. "That's dad right there for you. We never understood why he rarely cried, or smiled or...anything. He WAS heppy; that much we knew because of his body language and his choice of words but it didn't match the face. As we got older, it made sense."
Gren sighs. "Emily looked alot up to Georgie. Guess we all missed her. We were all so worried about Junior being like him, we overlooked the little girl secretly playing with her father's clothes. Dreaming of owning that fuckin' strip club..."
"Does she talk about it? Any of it?"
Gren answers immediatly. "Sometimes. Not like she used to. I know she drives by and looks at the empty lot. From what I fuckin' know, its covered in weeds, trach and grafitti. There are days she's fine and others, you can see it bothers her."
"What about....Felicia?"
"No." Gren looks directly into Peter's eyes. "She tells me this ALL the time when I ask her: 'How can I bloody miss something, that was neva' there, Gren?' That wasn't love, Peter. That was a fuckin' way to cope with the world around them."
Peter agrees. "Yup. She's better now. I have you to thank for that, Gren."
"Peter, I-"
"Stop." Peter grabs Gren's arm and holds tightly. "I mean it. We ALL thank you for saving Emily. Making her see the world through your eyes. Showing her its not so bad and-"
Gren smiles. "You're wrong, Peter. SHE is the one that took me by the hand and showed me the world. I guess, in a way, we met half way and went from there. Fuck. I was so lost..."
"It's alright now, Gren." Peter pats him on the shoulder. "It'll be alright now. You both are clean, sober and have those four little rambunctious babies to look forward to and watch grow."
Gren beams. "I love those babies..."
"SPEAKING of, have you talked to Rosie or-"
"Rosie, yes. The boys....no." Gren looks at the floor. "I'll never see them again, Peter. None of you will. Just the way it is."
"Yeah. Guess so, Gren. Guess so."
Both men remaind silent for the time being. They had a mutual understanding and left the conversation end at that. Before long, Peter would return to his office and Gren would sit behind his desk and carry on until five. Peter clutches the book in his coat pocket and all the thoughts of his sister returned.
Emily was strong but for how long?
"I need a bloody mocha Frappacino at the front, Bambi! Let's fookin' go, love!"
The line in the drive-thru was insane. The cars stretched out into the curve of the road. Suddenly, every male in Fabletown wanted a freaking bloody coffee or chai something or other. The other girls blamed Emily's return. Although Emily thought it was foolish and absurd, it was true; the men found Emily Porgie appealing to look at and listen to as she made coffee. Her outfits left little to the imagination and if Gren ONLY knew what half these men were thinking, he'd drag Emily out, drive off and never look back.
Emily ignored the hoots and chanting. The money was wonderful and already, she made over three hundred dollars alone in tips. Bambi scurries beside Emily, adds the whipped topping and slides the drink over.
"Here you are, Emily! Right-"
"It's about bloody time!" Emily snatches the drink. "Girls, let's get a bloody move on 'ere, eh?"
Emily opens the window and hands the customer his drink. His eyes, however, glares at Emily's volumptious breasts nearly popping out of her top. He quickly grabs his wallet and slide a ten into the tip jar.
"Here ya' go, love. Sorry about the wait and-"
"Oh, no problem." The man winks. "I don't mind waiting, sugar tits."
The man immediatly pulls away and allows the next customer to drive up. Emily ignores his remarks and notices the woman in the front seat. Carla. Just what on earth was SHE doing here? Emily heads to the back and runs near the fridge.
"Get this one, Bambi." Emily tries to hide her face. "Can you just, fook's sake-"
"Why?" Bambi looks over. "Sweetie, is everything-"
"JUST, get her. Please. Bambi, I-I'll explain lata' just....."
"I got it." Bambi smiles. "Go, Emily. Go...."
Emily runs to the back, finds a bench and sits. She did not expect to see Carla. At all. The mere sight of her fake smile sent Emily into a world she had not been in since the inccident at the club. Her vile thoughts to 'rid' of Carla. The pain and hurt she caused not only to the family but Gren. Her taunting and name calling of her children. Labeling them as 'bastards' and 'parasites' to the city. Emily needed to relax, count to ten and remove Carla from her thoughts. Not going to happen today.
She parks in a vacant spot, steps out and walks towards Emily. In her hand, two coffees.
"Hello, Emily. May I join you?"
Emily looks up, her upper lip curled and teeth baring. "Get...the fook, away fom me. Please."
"Fair enough." Carla places Emily's coffee on the table. "I thought maybe you and I can chat. Catch up and-"
"No." Emily hissed, glaring up at Carla. "I don't WANT ta' talk ta' ya', Carla."
"No aunt, huh? I understand. None of you kids refer to me as 'aunt' Carla now."
"Can ya' BLAME either of us?"
Carla sips from her cup. "Now, that's not fair. No one turned their back on you when all that shit went down."
"I also didn't LIE to my husband about the true biological fookin' makeup of the children either."
"I had NO choice, Emily. Please. you need to-"
Emily stands up, knocking her drink to the ground. "DON'T! Don't ya' come around me, tellin' me ya' had no choice! Ya' could have TOLD him the truth the minute Rosie was conceived and-"
"Their father at the time wasn't READY for a baby, Emily! I had nothing! Nowhere to go! I couldn't raise her alone..."
"So, ya' lied ta' Gren JUST so someone could help you with Rosie? That it?"
"I know this sounds horrible but you need to understand! I had no one else! I didn't want to be alone with a newborn and-"
Emily stomps her foot. "Ya' had PLENTY of help, Carla! SO many people could have helped ya' with the baby! Ya' know that!"
"But I NEEDED her to have a father figure and know she was loved! I couldn't tell Rosie her father up and left because he wasn't 'ready' to be a parent! Gren was desperate to have a family and-"
Emily felt disgusted. "Ya' took advantage of a poor man's heart, used it and when it was no longer fookin' needed, ya' tossed him out."
Carla huffs. "YOU have no right to judge ME, Emily. Look at what you've done! Used that poor girl to the bitter end. And because of YOU, she's dead and-"
"I've dealt with me own demons, Carla." Emily stood nose to nose. She could see the fear in Carla's eyes. "I KNOW woot I've done. Don't ya' com 'round here, tellin' me my own fookin' life story! I was no saint. I neva' claimed ta' be one. But woot I did and you've done...those are two, VERY different things."
Carla flashes a smile. "You and Gren. I should have known. Saw the way he looked at you. Smiled, Touched...clung to you..."
"Stop." Emily pushes Carla back. "Gren has AWAYS loved me-"
"Sick bastard. Probably wanted that sweet, young thing before the fruit was right for pickin'. He always came off as a little girl toucher."
"Don't!" Emily steps forward. "He has NEVER touched me!"
"No, of course not. Daddy watching him like a Hawk. Even your own father was worried Gren would stick his sausage like fingers up there, get a little taste and want the whole pie. He was just DYING to get a taste of you, Emily Porgie Pudding n' Pie..."
"Fook ya', Carla." Emily throws her fist back and slams it into Carla's face. "Ya' have no fookin' idea about anything."
Carla spits blood onto the concrete walkway. "He's a sick fucker, you know that, Emily? Hey-means you inherited a step daughter, who is ALSO your cousin! Wow! and RJ...he's YOUR brother but is also cousin AND uncle to YOUR babies! Wow! Talk about fucked up but, I mean, its up his alley and you Porgies are notorious for fucked up shit! Your babies are going to grow up and be known as-"
Emily does not allow Carla to finish. Her right heel digs deep into Carla's gut, causing the red haired woman to tumble and roll towards her car. Still laughing, she stands up, looks over at Emily and smiles.
"FOOK ya', Carla! Don't YA' EVA' talk 'bout my children OR me family again! I have a damn good mother, wonderful father and loving siblings! GREN loves me! He fookn' LOVES those babies! He STILL loves Rosie and even the boys! You have no idea woot he's been through. The hurt. The anguish. But ya' don't care, Carla. Ya' neva' cared, did ya'?"
Carla's sinister laugh was proof enough. "Get out and neva' let me catch ya' here again."
Carla grabs her keys, enters the car and honks. Emily watches as she drives away and into the city. Emily wipes her knuckles clean and removes the blood from her shoe. From the corner of her eye, she notices Bambi.
"Emily, sweetie-I need ya' in here! We have a HUGE order and-"
"I'll be there in a minute, Bambi."
"You...you alright, Emily?"
"Oh, Bambi." Emily turns to face her co-worker. "I'm bloody fantastic, love. Meet ya' in a bit."
Bambi was unsure and returns to the counter. Emily heads back inside, kicks the spilled coffee and spits on the floor.
"Fook ya', bitch. I'm muthafookn' Emily Caitlynn Porgie. Ya' have NO idea woot ya' just done...."
Any questions, you know the drill. NEVER mess with a mama bear and her cubs. NEVER! >:0 Carla needs to watch her back....REALLY lock her doors at night...You don't mess with a Porgie, ESPECIALLY Emily.
Also, HUGE thanks to kinzikritzkrieg over at DA for this wonderful drawing of Georgie she had done for me. I just when people think of Pie, they know to draw Georgie. I adore it!!! Thanks again and check out her work!
Awww yay! You just made my day! I always pictured him just having his one son and the two inseperable. KIND of tried to base it on how Pie portrayed Georgie in his earlier writings. How he was towards his own children.
Ah yes. The mysterious gift. That shall be answered in time. And those little crushes are always a delight.
Robert and RJ are a great father-son duo; they're one of my favourites on the thread.
I'm also wondering what Gren had for Emily; RJ sounds like he's got his first (?) crush on someone charming, at least. XD
I freaking love that first picture! Cute overload, pie! Is...is Liam eating Worms? LOL Gren and the plants; Viviana floating like always and adorable Chloe with poor Puddles! XD XD
I loved this chapter and I'll tell you why: I enjoy when you go back and take a look at their childhood, especially Peter. You gave us some insight of what life was like for the child conceived by Bigby Wolf and Lyla Smith. I always forget it was PENNY and KATIE, not Emily; I know he and Ethan were very close growing up and even now, it shows.
I feel bad for Gren in the end. All that bullshit. Plus, Peter, too. At least he's managed to speak to Bigby and knows just how much he's loved by his family.
Although Emily thought it was foolish and absurd, it was true; the men found Emily Porgie appealing to look at and listen to as she made coffee. Her outfits left little to the imagination
Again, if I was straight, I'd so go after Emily Porgie. She's stunning; the new look you've given her really brings out her beauty. That body, too. Gren DOES need to watch it....
Ewww Carla!? Wow. That was all just bad. She has no right. And why would she accuse Gren of something so vile?? >:0 That's horrible; she of all people should know he'd never do anything like that! And how dare she call my little Gremily quads parasites and bastards! Carla has officially been placed in my 'hate you forever' list. She's gone too far. I'm glad Emily kicked her ass!! >:D
"Fook ya', bitch. I'm muthafookn' Emily Caitlynn Porgie. Ya' have NO idea woot ya' just done...."
I'd never mess with YOU, Emily!!!! And I love that image! That was nice of her! He looks so kawaii!!! It's true, even on TWAU thread: anything with Georgie, pudding_pie will be there! XD Great chap! Can't wait for more!
The afternoon ended with a bloody nose and scrapped knees. Although a trooper, Robert could detect the hurt in his son's eyes and the way he grasped at Robert's shirt. Weeping softly into Robert's chest, RJ buries his face. By the time Robert returns to the apartment, the upper part of his shirt is soaked and stained with tears and blood. RJ sits on the toilet, while Robert prepares the necessery items for the cleaning.
"Not that stuff, dad." RJ points to a black bottle. "That stuff stings..."
Robert opens the bottle. "I have to, kiddo." He dabs a few drops on a cotten ball. "It will help fight infection and-"
"But it HURSTS, dad!" RJ covers his nose. "I'll wash it REALLY good with soup and water!"
Robert grabs RJ's arm. "Son, I'm sorry. I need to REALLY clean this and disinfect the area. There was a lot of mud and that was one hell of a fall."
As Robert wraps his fingers around RJ's arm, a tiny growl escapes the boys mouth. Robert could sense his muscles tensing, the stiff silence all around. He noticed the change of skin color and little spikes growing along his spine and neck. A thick mucus emerges from his finger tips, as his eyes change and teeth become fangs.
"RJ..." Robert calmly tried to speak. "Just...listen....okay? Let dad clean the wound and wipe off the blood-"
"NOOO!" RJ snaps, lunges off the toilet and leaps onto the wall. "THAT HURTS! ERRRRAAAAAGH!"
RJ's hands stick to the wall; the mucus immediatly turns into a glue like substance and soon, the boy, on all fours, climbs the tiled walls. Robert inhales, grabs a nearby towel and is prepared to catch his son. A young Grendel boy's mucus lining along his fingers lasts for so long. After a few minutes, it wears off and the boy tumbles to the ground. RJ, still in a fit of rage, tosses bottles of shampoo an soap bars.
"RJ, that's enough." Robert holds out his towel. "Come down here so we can-"
Another soap bar is lodged at Robert. Ducking, it lands in the bathtub with a booming THUD! RJ continues to climb.
"That stuff hurts me!" RJ wipes his nose. "I'll wash it myself!"
"I NEED to get rid of the germs, RJ!" Robert's voice echos in the tiny bathroom. "I NEED to clean it properly! Please, come down and I promise we'll take it slow and-"
Before RJ could throw another item, his right hand loses grip and the boy, unable to grasp on, falls from the wall. Robert, ready and prepared, catches his son, now tumbling in his arms. Claws swing in various directions, growls linger in the air and another attempt to bite ends with RJ panting and Robert holding his son close.
"Are we done yet..." Robert fights to catch his breath. "Or, are we going to -"
"No.." Whimpering, RJ peeks through the towel. "I think I'm ready for my medicine now....." ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Robert and RJ sit at the table, a plate of Spagehtti in front of them both. RJ pushes a meatball across the mound of sauce and noodles.
Robert wipes his mouth with a napkin. "What do they do to calm you down?"
"Daddy Georgie holds me close and hums and mommy does the same but instead, talks to me and tells me its alright."
Robert was worried about that. Normally, Grendel males go through a transitioning period that go from cute and cuddly to massive and destructive. The poor boy couldn't control THAT part of his DNA; it happened to all male Grendels and was a part of growing up. Like mundy girls with periods and boys with facial hair and voice changes, male Grendels get a bit more agressive and dominating. Robert blames his ancestors and their need to be 'big' and 'powerful.'
"Does mom know what to do or-"
RJ nods. "She got a book. Swineheart came by the other day to talk to her about it."
"Why did you or her tell me?"
"Mom said you'd sense it, dad."
He had. Robert noticed it at the park when RJ began to sweat and he held his injured son in his arms. The smell of change. Destruction. Like fire, it bruned and ravaged in his little body. The burning desire to turn, destroy and conquer anything in his path. He assumed the Wolf in him would make it ten times worse but it appeared to be doing the opposite.
"I'll talk to mom later when she calls, alright?"
RJ swallows his food. "Am....am I in trouble? Don't get mad at mom! I-"
"RJ, I'm not." Robert laughs, adding Parmesean cheese to his noodles. "Its alright. I just need to make sure mom is safe and they know what to do. I'd hate for you to hurt yourself or the others..."
Knock Knock Knock! Three, loud bangs came from the front dor. Robert tosses his napkin to the side, while RJ continued to slurp up his noodles. Robert was not expecting anyone, especially at this hour. He was ready, however, for whatever was behind those doors.
Robert opens the door. "Hey, bud!" Gren. Never mind. ALMOST anything..."Can I come in our-"
"No no, come in. I was actually going to call you later..."
Gren walks inside, notices RJ and runs over, taking Robert's fork, he dips the front into the noodles, twirls and inhales the food. As he slurps, little bits of marinara sauce flies and drop on the table. RJ laughs.
"Hey, uncle Gren."
Gren plays with RJ's hair. "Hey little mini robert. Man! your face. What happened?"
"Football practice."
Robert closes the door. "He wasn't paying attention, slipped and fell. You hungry? Help yurself-we have enough for another plate and-"
"No no, I'm good." Gren takes his jacket off. "I just wanted to stop by. Hwy, kill two birds with one stone, eh? Me visit, you talk."
Robert smiles and grabs his cigarettes. "Finish your meal, RJ. When your done, wash up and head to the shower."
RJ salutes. "Yes sir!"
Opening the slidding glass door, the Grendel brothers step out into the moonlit night. Robert lights his cigarette; offering one to Gren, he declines and pulls out a flask of Whiskey instead. Concerned, Robert watches his brother drink half within seconds.
"Your drinking again?"
"Yeah and? I drink all the time-"
"You need to ease up on the alcohol, Gren. Its nothing but trouble."
"Yes MOTHER." Sarcastically, Gren places the flask into his back pocket. "So, what did you wanna fuckin' talk about?"
"How are things?"
"Alright." Gren rubs his hands. "Carla and I are fuckin' fighting again like dogs but what else is new?"
"She kick you out?"
"Yup." Gren burps. "I've been walking these mean streets for fucking three hours now."
"What was the fight about this time?"
"Money. The apartment. Work. The kids. Sex. When is Carla NEVER bitching about something fuckin' stupid?"
Robert nods. "Well, those Smith girls are-"
"No, no, no." Gren interupts Robert. "Its ONLY Carla. Georgie does not have this problem and neither does Hans with Gina. Mary is a fuckin' lesbo and their ALWAYS cheery and-"
"Calm down, Gren." They both notice RJ cleaning up and heading to the shower. "Relax, alright? You need a place to stay or-"
"No. Lyla is letting me crash in the guest room at her place."
"SPEAKING of Lyla-" Robert exhales. "What is this I hear you gave Emily something that sent 'ol Porgie pissed and seeing red?"
"RJ tell you?"
Gren looks up. "Artemis' bow."
"Excuse me?"
"You fuckin' heard me, Robert. The bow dad gave to you but you refused it. Then, to me. Well, its Emily's now."
"Okay but...why? What is a nine year old going to do with a bow made of our fallen leader's fang, moonlight, silver and wood? She can't use that thing. It's...it's too much and-"
"Don't fuckn' be dumb on me now." Gren stares out into the night. "That thing ain't just for fighting anf you know it..."
"But, if not for fighting, its meant for love. The arrows it comes with can either make a person love or hate. A single prick of their blood onto the arrow and shot at their target, will allow them to know the truth about their love..."
Gren did not say a word, as he opened the flask again and took a drink. "The very one..."
Robert stood under the moonlight, watching his brother stare out into nothing. His hands remained folded, his feet standing tall and shoulders hunched. Before Robert could speak, the back door opens. RJ stand sunder the porch light, holding the phone.
"Dad. Its mom."
"You already talk to her?"
"Yes sir."
Robert puts the cigarette out, takes the phone and answers. As he speaks, Gren grabs his jacket, kisses RJ goodbye and leaves. Robert looks over the edge and watches his brother walk in the darkness.
"Yeah, Lyla...he's on his way now...." ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,`
Any questions or comments, leave them below! Thanks to @pudding_pie for allowing me to use some of your ideas for this story.:3 Love all the detailvyou've given the Grendels.
I was wondering why you had my notebook and was taking notes. XD Glad it worked. got it down to a T, man.
RJ losing his marbles is freaky; what if he does it one day out in public? Hopefully they can figure that out. I just adore these two. They are too freakin' cute. Oh Gren....in his dark days....:(
The afternoon ended with a bloody nose and scrapped knees. Although a trooper, Robert could detect the hurt in his son's eyes and the way he… more grasped at Robert's shirt. Weeping softly into Robert's chest, RJ buries his face. By the time Robert returns to the apartment, the upper part of his shirt is soaked and stained with tears and blood. RJ sits on the toilet, while Robert prepares the necessery items for the cleaning.
"Not that stuff, dad." RJ points to a black bottle. "That stuff stings..."
Robert opens the bottle. "I have to, kiddo." He dabs a few drops on a cotten ball. "It will help fight infection and-"
"But it HURSTS, dad!" RJ covers his nose. "I'll wash it REALLY good with soup and water!"
Robert grabs RJ's arm. "Son, I'm sorry. I need to REALLY clean this and disinfect the area. There was a lot of mud and that was one hell of a fall."
As Robert wraps his fingers around RJ's arm, a tiny growl escapes the boys mouth. Ro… [view original content]
On lunch and have a while before I return. Been in a writing kind of mood lately. Ugh. My damn head hurts, though. Long night....VERY long … morenight...
Stoopid phone...Gren is saying 'my plants' there on the bottom...-.- Oh, these four. Adore them!
Gren jingled his keys, as he and Peter returned inside from thier smoking break. Ethan was soon to follow. His face was flushed and he continued to hold the conversation as if Charming was beside him listening. Peter and Gren both knew better than to laugh at Ethan's situation but it was amusing to say the least, watching a flustered Deputy Mayor enter the elevator, mumbling to himself.
"Bad day?"
Peter snorts. "It's been like that for awhile now, honestly..."
"Still holding out they'll get back together, huh?"
Peter leans in closer to Gren's ear. "From what Michelle tells me, Henry's moves on. Don't say anything just yet."
Gren nods. "I THOUGHT that was him at the Butchers t… [view original content]
It would seem that the Fable and Mundy violence have settled down over the passed few hours, but not entirely. The news have broken out across the globe and by now and people all over are already taking action in severally other countries.
Tokyo, Japan. Japanese Fables are seen attacking Mundies in the area. Japan military are no match for them.
Saint. Petersburg, Russia. A Dragon is seen terrorizing the city.
London, England. Hobgoblins ravaging through the streets attacking people.
Toronto, Canada. Wendigo's are going on a killing spree.
And more of this occurring throughout the globe.
What Gargoth have sent into play may not be able to be fixed by members of the Thirteenth Floor or anyone else of that matter. The damage done was cut deep and is possible, unrepeatable. This could be the begin of Armageddon, one might say.
Robby, Meg and Georgie have defeated the enormous gargoyle with effort. It was perhaps the laziest creature he has ever fought in his lifetime. With that gone, and the capture Fables freed. There was only one thing left to deal with , Gargoth.
“Meg, I think I can handle it from here. You take these two and get out of here as fast as possible.”
“You think, Robby? You can't take on this Gargoth by yourself? You are but one man.”
“You mean one Fable. Your work here is done. The streets are still under fire and the people need your guidance. You are the first step in stopping all of this, Meg.”
“How Robby?”
“You'll find out soon. Now go, get out of here before Gargoth-”
“Shows up..”
Gargoth crashes into the ceiling in a dark aura. His eyes glowing purple and his wings are showing while he appears be in his human form. He looked pissed, very. Especially since Mr. Weasel sent him on a wild goose chase.
“Well, I wasn't expect you this early. Then again, I assume your were hear for a long time, and you must be so bored taking down my little pet, Son of Robin Hood.”
Robby looks and Meg and tell her to leave now. She grabs Georgie and Lyla and leave out the way they enetered.
“Don't worry Lyla, ole Robby is goin to kick his arse. Come on, kids are waiting.”
As the three leave Robby and Gargoth are the only ones left in the room..
Meanwhile Tez after having a great advantage over Ominmaax is struggling to survive against the demon's devilish powers. The might dragon tries to avoid close encounters with him, so instead he stick with range attacks, which are moderately effective.
“Come down and face me Dragon. Earlier you were ready to tear my head off. Now you are worn out. Perhaps you are in need of some coal? To warm your fire?”
“Screw you Omnimaax!” Tez landing on a roof, taking a quick rest.
“If you insist..”
Omnimaax teleport onto the roof where Tez is resting on and quick slashes Tez shoulder. The dragon tries to smack him off of the roof but misses and catch Omnimaax with a fireball to the face. It was a direct hit, but..
“You have no idea what you are fucking with DRAGON! HAAAAAA!”
Omniimaax as he attempts to take Tezoth's life. He is stop in his tracks by Lydia whose blade crosses with his, creating a small surge of electric energy.
“Lydia...” Omniimaax surprised to see her.
“You're so blinded Omni, if only you knew why he brought you back.”
“What the hell are you talking about, Lydia?”
“Gargoth played you Omniimaax. And you are to clouded with revenge to understand that.”
“Of course I am! You killed my sister!”
“You murder my clan and stole my friends kingdoms!”
“BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!” Tez interrupting both the two argument.”
“Omniimaax, please listen to me. Gargoth wants your power.”
“What is this nonsense you speak of Lydia.”
“Not nonsense, this is what Draco's father told me a day before this all happened. He told me that Gargoth is no ordinary Fable. He is something, that is not suppose to exist.”
“What is that Lydia? Speak” Omnimaax putting down his sword then having a seat on a old crate.
“Gargoth was created when the evil of a Fable is met with a Gargoyle. Thus giving birth to him.”
“I still don't understand, Lydia.
“This evil, that Gargoth made contact with altered him. Then he basically became of sponge. Feeding and absorbing the evil of Fables over the many years. He was eventually defeated and 'boxed' by The Adversary. The same way they boxed your ancestor.”
“Mr. Dark...”
“Yes, Omnimaax.”
“Then, he was released and now wants to continuing feeding on the evil of Fables. That is why he captured the Fables and created a mass hysteria!”
“Correct Omnimaax. Now you understand why we must destroy him before it is too late. Will you stand will us in defeat this threat to all of us?”
“.... This dosent changes anything between us, Lydia. This alliance, is temporally.”
“Good, but before we go we are going to need the help of you Tezoth, and Omnimaax sister...”
“My sister?” Omnimaax getting up and witness his sister Argula materialize before him. He could not believe his dark eyes. Perhaps they are clouded with doubt and sorrow? Now, it was her. Standing there just as the last time he saw her.
“Argula wasn't dead Omni. The two of us just temporary merged. And now that we're both here, we can put at end of Gargoth once in for all. This ENDS now.”
I am back!!! After a month or so of no writing at all, I managed to find the inspiration to continue this story, I hope I don't disappoint :P
Devils and Demons Chapter 5 – A Turn For The Worst
Nick was furious before, but now he was ready to create Armageddon all over again like he had with the Mundane world. He had created a permanent eclipse, burned the land and tainted the water with blood and salt. His powers were vast, but Nick was a changed man now...
He continued to stare at Death; he couldn’t believe that he had sent Lyra to the Wolf family for safety. Nick spoke with as much suppression as he could muster for his anger “You idiot. I tried to kill Bigby Wolf, why would you send Lyra to him?”
Death wasn’t fazed “I know you tried to kill him, but that was over a decade ago; old hatreds are buried in time my son-“
Nick shook his head “Don’t call me that, I’m no more of a son to you than Bigby is to his Father”
Death interjected “But even the North Wind held love for Bigby... Great Powers like us can be deceiving in our affections”
Nick took in what Death was saying, but he was still in shock at the knowledge that his pride and joy, his reason-for-being, was currently in the care of a man that he had almost killed.
A house sits in a clearing in the middle of the woods. It is kept in a pristine condition both on the inside and the outside; with a truly in love couple living inside of it. The Big Bad Wolf; a reformed monster able to take the form of a man, married to the dainty and fair Snow White, happily married for years and sire’s to 7 wonderful children.
They aren’t a match made in heaven, but they work like clockwork. Their love is unmatched by the likes of Beauty and Beast... and right now they are still in bed at midday. Snow wakes up first, she runs a hand through her messy hair and rests the other on the chiselled chest of her beloved, she looks down at him and smiles. They really did just need each other to be happy; it was different when the Cubs started leaving home, but they visited often and Snow quickly adapted to having just Bigby in the house with her.
The Black Forest was connected to multiple towns and cities so the couple always had somewhere to go and something to do during the day. But today, 2 of their precious Cubs were coming home for dinner. Snow shook Bigby gently and he groaned in protest “C’mon honey, just a few more hours?”
Snow lets out a small giggle as she removes her naked form from the bed and sashays herself into the bathroom, knowing that her husband cannot keep his eyes off of her swaying hips. Bigby drags himself lazily to his feet and follows her into the bathroom... ready to start the day when it’s halfway over.
Meanwhile, Lyra had gotten to know her 2 new ‘friends’ quite well in the space of the last 30 minutes. She spoke “So, do you have any other siblings?”
Blossom looked down at her with a smile “Yeah we do, we have two other sisters called Winter and Therese, and another brother called Ambrose. We had a 3rd brother called Darien but... he passed away some time ago”
Lyra could see the sorrow in Blossom’s face, but it was a different kind of sorrow. It wasn’t a tear-jerking one as though Darien had been killed or died prematurely of something, it was a sorrow with ‘understanding’ almost as though his death was a noble one.
Lyra spoke softly “What happened to him?” Blossom didn’t look at her “He uh... he... did what he had to, to save Therese” Connor put his hand on Blossom’s shoulder “It’s ok sis, he looked out for us”
Blossom nodded as she patted her brother’s hand; Lyra felt bad at her actions “I’m sorry” Blossom ruffled her hair as she looked down at her “It’s ok Lyra, you weren’t to know”
Lyra smiled in response. Connor spoke up then “So, who are your parents, Lyra?” Lyra had to think hard about her answer. She knew of the hateful relationship her parents had with the Big Bad Wolf, but would Connor and Blossom really know who Nick and Mary were?
She spoke regardless “My Daddy is called Nick and my Mommy is called Mary” The two nodded in response, Blossom spoke “They must be good people to create someone like you” “You have no idea...” Lyra thought to herself.
Nick had started moving again after his talk with Death; he could only follow the trail in front of him and hope that it would lead him closer to his precious daughter and not to either of brothers... He had some time to contemplate what was happening in his life though.
He was turning back to his old ways that much was certain; the violence he had inflicted on Hans as well as Georgie and his impressively figured wife, his will to dominate his sister in combat, even his audacity to stand up to the Horsemen, the very beings that ensured chaos remained in the world. The Horsemen were always an interesting bunch; undying in spirit yet everywhere and nowhere at once.
The Horsemen could never be killed, to do so would to cause the destruction of the universe itself; the world needed chaos in order to function the way it did, the Horsemen were the ones that created that chaos. War, Famine, Pestilence and Death, to get rid of one would unbalance chaos itself...
But such a thing was impossible, no one could kill a Horseman; though their Harbinger’s could be killed if need be. Their spirits needed host bodies to take a physical form in the world, if a Harbinger displeased it’s Master then it could be ‘destroyed’ but a Horseman could only create one Harbinger.
They were like children, but also servants; the line between love and respect was blurred, except for Death. He had created Nick first, and he fell in love with his creation as a Father falls in love with its child upon its birth. He had always viewed Nick as a son first and foremost, never as a servant or even a simple piece of meat like War viewed Galen.
But when Nick had abandoned his siblings for a new family; Death had finally become proud of his son, he would never let it show of course. Death was not the sort of person to let his emotions show amongst his allies, he always had an air of ‘displease’ about him.
Nick eventually stopped and made short work of a large rabbit with his bow; as he finished cooking the meat however, he heard rustling and the slight snapping of twigs. He could make out the approaches of 3 people, both large and unhygienic, possibly scavengers living in the woods.
One took Nick by surprise (at least he thought he did) and held a blade to his throat as the other two sat down in front of Nick and picked away at his dinner.
Nick spoke anyway “That’s mine you know”
The men chuckled “Well, it’s ours now...”
Nick didn’t move, he wanted to see where this would go. He had nothing of value besides his weapons, and these men clearly didn’t need weapons.
The man behind Nick spoke into his ear “We’ve been following you, and we could use a man of your talents”
Nick chuckled “No thanks, I don’t play well with others”
The man tightened his grip “The choice here is very simple mate, either you join us or we kill you and take your stuff”
Nick glanced into the man’s eyes “Is that really what you do? If I don’t listen to you you’ll kill me? You really are pathetic”
The man nodded and slit Nick’s throat deep, his blood spurted out and he fell forwards limp. The other two men quickly shot up and crinkled their noses at the foul stench of Nick’s pure black blood “What the fuck is this guy? Was he a zombie or something?!”
The other man looked at him unimpressed and retaliated “No dipshit, a zombie is a walking corpse, this guy was fresh”
The man who had ‘killed’ Nick yelled “Enough! We can still cook the body; we’ll just have to drain out the blood first”
While the 3 men were talking, Nick slowly got to his feet and spoke with a gurgling noise as his neck healed up “Try harder next time, cannibals”
Nick drew his sword and clove one of the men’s heads in two; he kicked another down before grabbing the other by the hair and dragging him towards a tree before proceeding to repeatedly smash it into the wood until there was barely anything left of his face. Nick broke the man’s neck afterwards and turned his full attention to the man on the floor.
The man scurried backwards, but it was no use; Nick crouched in front of him as he backed up into another tree. The wicked grin on Nick’s face and the look in his eye was something no one had seen for years; it was a look of bloodthirsty slaughter and it was aimed completely at the grovelling cannibal.
Nick edged closer to the man’s face and growled “Is that all you have? Come on, get up and fight me! Prove your worth! Come on!”
The man yelled in Nick’s face as a single tear fell down his cheek “You’re a monster!”
Nick edged backwards “So... you’re no better than the shit on my boots, eh?”
The man couldn’t look at the monster before him; he was completely terrified of what would happen next. Nick picked the man up by his collar and forced him against the tree, scanning over the expression of terror on his face.
“Are you scared of me?” The man managed the weakest of nods and Nick chuckled “Good”
Nick forced the man’s mouth open and breathed a toxic green mist into it, the man sputtered and choked as he began coughing up blood and a disgusting mush that was once his insides. The man dropped dead shortly after wards and Nick staggered a little at the sight.
Why was he so vicious? He hadn't let the monster out like that for so many years, but these men had awakened the beast within. They were evil that much was certain, but even if they weren't and had simply been desperate would Nick have done the same thing to them?
He would need to reflect on his actions as he continued his search, but from now on he would need to exercise more control. Mary was the one who would berate Nick for stepping out of line, and although he found her to be sexy as hell when she was angry with him, he was like a dog to its master with her. She was the one who helped him stay in control with the monster inside, much to the irony of others who knew them for what they used to be...
So, any questions or comments then please them below
I may continue this later today or tomorrow, but I have 3 other fics going atm and I haven't touched them for nearly 2 months now (that's really bad in my book)
First of all, what a comeback! Death showing emotions is interesting. Nicks ferocity towards other people is interesting. He was looking for reform but with the loss of his daughter he snapped right back into his shoes, although old habits are hard to break. Wonder how Nick will go about Bigby taking care of Lyra. Keep up the good work Hazza!
I am back!!! After a month or so of no writing at all, I managed to find the inspiration to continue this story, I hope I don't disappoint :… moreP
Devils and Demons Chapter 5 – A Turn For The Worst
Nick was furious before, but now he was ready to create Armageddon all over again like he had with the Mundane world. He had created a permanent eclipse, burned the land and tainted the water with blood and salt. His powers were vast, but Nick was a changed man now...
He continued to stare at Death; he couldn’t believe that he had sent Lyra to the Wolf family for safety. Nick spoke with as much suppression as he could muster for his anger “You idiot. I tried to kill Bigby Wolf, why would you send Lyra to him?”
Death wasn’t fazed “I know you tried to kill him, but that was over a decade ago; old hatreds are buried in time my son-“
Nick shook his head “Don’t call me that, I’m no more of a son to you than Bigby is to his Father”
Death int… [view original content]
First of all, what a comeback! Death showing emotions is interesting. Nicks ferocity towards other people is interesting. He was looking for… more reform but with the loss of his daughter he snapped right back into his shoes, although old habits are hard to break. Wonder how Nick will go about Bigby taking care of Lyra. Keep up the good work Hazza!
It took me a little longer to get through the events in the Smith household as expected. So for those that have been reading, you guys can look forward to the actual dinner in the next part of chapter 8!
Chapter 8, Part 2: Ambushed
"So, uh, Rose Red? Um, can I ask you a question?"
Rose continues on walking and nods her head. "What's on your mind, Carla?"
"Is our dad mad at you and Harmony? Because, me and Lyla started worrying when she started crying... And it made us cry, that's why we were hiding in the closet. I hope she's feeling alright..."
Rose sighed. "Just try and forget -whatever you heard or saw- ever happened, okay? Everything's fine. It's just been a little rough day for me, is all, and probably your dad too."
"Okay..." Carla said while she looked at Lyla.
Rose quickly changed the subject. "Besides us meeting Dragon Tez soon, do you two want to see a new 'friend' I've made today?"
Lyla's eyes widened. "Oooo, a new friend? Who is it, Rosey Red?"
Rose smiled. "Both of you are going to see soon enough. In fact, she should be waiting around the corner." Carla secretly became a little excited too.
Part of Rose had a feeling that Fayde was going to be long-gone. But, to her surprise, the Irish lady was still sitting there when she looked around the corner, still waiting like Rose told her to. She called out to Fayde.
"Hey, redhead! There are two little Munchkins I want you to meet."
Being caught off-guard, she gets up instantly. It made her heart melt when she looked down at them for the first time.
Lyla curiously observed Fayde. "Wow, she's soooo pretty, like me!"
Fayde looked at Rose, then kneeled to get a closer look at the wolfling before her. "What's your name, little one?"
"My name's Lyla, and I'm a wolf! Rawr!"
Fayde smiled and playfully conversed. "Oh my, I better stay clear of you then. Wouldn't want you hunting me for dinner when I'm not looking."
"Don't worry! I wouldn't wanna hunt any of Rosey Red's friends! Besides, my Mommy and Daddy tell me hunting Fables and Mundies for food are bad anyway!"
Fayde looked at Rose and mouthed, "Friend?" Rose nodded her head over to Lyla and mouthed that she wanted her to play along. Fayde quickly got the hint and looked back at Lyla. "Ah, I see. Glad to know your parents are setting you on the right path for life, little one - I mean, Lyla."
Lyla giggled and began playing with her hair curls. Carla then inched forward from behind Rose and smiled.
"H-hi, um, I'm Carla, and, it's nice to meet you."
Fayde kneeled in front of Carla and folded her hands. "Likewise, Carla. It's an honor."
Carla immediately looked at Rose. "Did I do good, Rose Red?"
Rose patted her head. "You did an awesome job, Carla."
"Now, 'friend' 'o mine, I think now's the time to introduce yourself to them."
She was surprised again. "Oh! Well, my name's Fayde, and yes, um, I am one of Rose Red's friends like she said."
Lyla attempted to sound out her name. "Fayde, Fayde, Faaaayde. I'm gonna call you... Faydey! Just like I did with your friend Rosey Red!"
Rose and Fayde laughed at the same time, which surprised them both at the moment. Rose put on her straight face and spoke up.
"Y'know, me and the girls were just about to go upstairs to visit Tezoth. I think you should join us."
Lyla and Carla nodded in approval of the idea, as Fayde rubbed her head nervously.
"Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't want to interrupt you or anything..."
"I'm positive, I think it'd be good for you. Plus, the girls agree with my idea, so... I'd say you have no choice in the matter." Rose smirked.
"Alright then, uh, lead the way."
Upstairs and toward the guest rooms...
"So, Lyla and Carla, where are Mary and Gina at? I swear I would've seen them in the house by now."
"Oh, well, you know... Mary's in her room like usual. I think she's playing with her toy soldiers again. And Gina, well..."
"Well, what?" Rose eyed Carla as if it were an interrogation.
"Gina told us that she was gonna go to the basement to get something - back when me and Lyla were hiding in the closet. She said it was her super secret and that she'll be back."
Rose arched an eyebrow. "I'm going to assume your mom or dad don't know about this?"
Carla and Lyla shook their heads simultaneously. Fayde cupped her hand over her mouth to prevent herself from giggling.
"Alright, your secret is safe with me. Just as long as that little rebel is fine."
Lyla almost yelled. "Don't worry, Rosey Red! She'll be back!"
She smiled. "Alright, alright. Let's go see Tez now. Hmmm."
"What's wrong, Rose?"
"It's the door, it looks dark in there. Hopefully nothing bad happened to my Tezzy while I was gone." Rose glared at Fayde again, making her uncomfortable. Lyla and Carla looked at each other confused.
"But whatever, I'm going in." Rose carefully traversed into the dark room, leaving the door open a crack behind her.
Lyla and Carla gasped as soon as they heard Rose making weird noises inside. Fayde felt the inclination to walk closer to the door and see what's up. She peeked inside.
Dripping water guns in hand, Gina and Harmony laugh hysterically when the lights turn on. "We got you good this time, Rose!" Gina exclaimed, snickering.
Rose made raspberry sounds to get the water out of her mouth. "Seriously, Harm? Phhfff, you teamed up with Gina to ambush me with toy water guns? Phhfff."
"It was either that, or I get sprayed with water in return. Gina had me at an impasse, Aunty Rose!"
"Ah, it's all good, Harm. I'm not mad at you, 'nor Gina. Even though I may have to get revenge on the both of you in the near future."
Gina grinned. "Bring it, Rose Red. I'll be ready."
Rose got up slowly, sighing. "Where's Tez? I don't see him on the bed now that the lights are on."
"Right behind you." The dragon thief wrapped his arms around Rose's waist, eventually kissing her on the cheek and on the neck before he presses his body against her back.
Gina made a disgusted face. "Ew, Tez! Why are you kissing her when she's all wet? Bleh!"
Tez laughed. "Maybe when you find someone to love, Gina, you'll end up doing the same thing. You'll probably understand once you get older."
"I honestly hope I don't. The lovey-dovey stuff you do with Rose sometimes is disgusting. Ugh!"
Rose grinned at her response and whispered back to Tez. "I was worried sick, you know. I thought you weren't going to make it after..."
"Hush, Rose Bud, not when the others are present. You can tell me the details later, privately. In the meantime," Tez let go of Rose. "I sense my other two favorite Smith's are somewhere in this vicinity. I wonder where they are?"
Infectious giggling was heard outside the door. "We're here, Dragon Tez!" Lyla exclaimed as she rushed through the entrance with Carla. Fayde crossed her arms and stayed in the hallway.
Tez playfully talks. "Well, it certainly looks like you two have grown a bit since I last saw you both!"
"Yeah, Dragon Tez! Um, are you and Rose going to stay longer this time?"
"You forgot her friend, Lyla. The girl with the leprechaun-ish voice."
"Oh yeah, I forgot! I thought she sounded like Georgie, though..."
Gina and Tez were confused, while Harmony got the idea of whom Carla was talking about.
Rose sighed. "You can come in, Fayde, it's all right."
The Irishwoman walked in, keeping a safe distance away from the thief. "Hello, Tezoth."
"You... Why is she here, Rose?"
She leaned on Tez. "It's kind of a long story to tell, and while I'm sure some of you have questions right now. We'll talk more about it at the dinner table, since Nancy-" She eyed the Smith girls. "Your mom, is in the process of cooking dinner at the moment."
Gina got excited. "Dinner? Sweet! Let's go, Harmony!" Harmony was going to say something, but was unexpectedly pulled out of the room by her sudden wolf strength.
"Can we go with Gina and Harmony, Rosey Red?"
"Yes you can, Lyla. Me, Tez, and Fayde will be with you guys shortly. Also, make sure you tell Mary about dinner!"
"Yay! C'mon Carla! Let's go and tell Mary!" And out they went.
Fayde grinned awkwardly. "Um, yeah, so I'm here. What are the chances, eh?"
"You sure have a lot of explaining to do, Fayde-leaf-clover. Then again, as do I." Rose looked at Tez.
Tez growled and nearly pushed Fayde out of the way, he left the room without saying anything.
"I hope he'll understand things once I explain."
"I hope so too, Fayde. Don't make me regret bringing you in here."
"I, I promise I won't. Rose Red. Well, I have yet to see the owners of the house."
"Walk with me."
END, of Chapter 8 part 2.
Yeah, if you guys are somewhat confused on what's going on - let me know! Also, I can give you guys the page of the previous part too, if any of you forgot what happened beforehand!
It took me a little longer to get through the events in the Smith household as expected. So for those that have been reading, you guys can l… moreook forward to the actual dinner in the next part of chapter 8!
Chapter 8, Part 2: Ambushed
"So, uh, Rose Red? Um, can I ask you a question?"
Rose continues on walking and nods her head. "What's on your mind, Carla?"
"Is our dad mad at you and Harmony? Because, me and Lyla started worrying when she started crying... And it made us cry, that's why we were hiding in the closet. I hope she's feeling alright..."
Rose sighed. "Just try and forget -whatever you heard or saw- ever happened, okay? Everything's fine. It's just been a little rough day for me, is all, and probably your dad too."
"Okay..." Carla said while she looked at Lyla.
Rose quickly changed the subject. "Besides us meeting Dragon Tez soon, do you two want to see a new 'friend' I've made today?"
Lyla's eyes widened. "Oooo… [view original content]
If they'd have said school was open, I imagine you might have met that with a frosty reception. Hehhehheh.... Anyway! It's nice to see Harmony and Tim holiday in the UK, and having such a lovely time in London!
and they danced, beneath the twilight sky, the shimmering, frozen stars, the sun that only gently peaked the horizon.
Tim and Harmony's vacation: Day One.
It took approximately 8 hours for the plane to arrive in London's airport. Harmony had been meaning … moreto make a visit to the UK, to meet some other British-accented people (There were only a handful between Fabletown and the Farm, and she really did fancy the sound of it.) and to see how things ran differently compared to the United States.
Of course, she'd have to deal with her currently jet-lagged husband. She slept most of the ride peacefully, as Mary had gone so far as to buy them first class tickets. Harmony sincerely had to do something nice in return, like call Mary and ask her to join them through the mirrors or something. For now though, she was content with finding her hotel room and dragging her sleeping husband all over the place.
London was very picturesque, with it's lovely architecture and buzzing city life. Harmony never thought she would ride in a double-decker bus, but today was he… [view original content]
That opening conversation between Peter and Gren was good to read; gives insight into how their relationship is on a personal level, and how they talk to each other. Reminds me of the one Georgie and Gren had on the rooftop. They're good to read.
As for everything with Carla - the apple fell very far from that tree. Couldn't imagine Nancy or John taking advantage of someone the way Carla has, nor her sisters doing so (though Mary is sort of unto herself anyway). Loving Emily giving her what for! Also:
Carla needs to watch her back....REALLY lock her doors at night...You don't mess with a Porgie, ESPECIALLY Emily.
I think that's made more sinister because you're the writer and so it's up to you what happens XD Emily all the way though!
And the pictures! The first one is adorable; there is never going to be a dull minute in their household. XD And that's a great picture by Kinzi! Can definitely see your Georgie there.
On lunch and have a while before I return. Been in a writing kind of mood lately. Ugh. My damn head hurts, though. Long night....VERY long … morenight...
Stoopid phone...Gren is saying 'my plants' there on the bottom...-.- Oh, these four. Adore them!
Gren jingled his keys, as he and Peter returned inside from thier smoking break. Ethan was soon to follow. His face was flushed and he continued to hold the conversation as if Charming was beside him listening. Peter and Gren both knew better than to laugh at Ethan's situation but it was amusing to say the least, watching a flustered Deputy Mayor enter the elevator, mumbling to himself.
"Bad day?"
Peter snorts. "It's been like that for awhile now, honestly..."
"Still holding out they'll get back together, huh?"
Peter leans in closer to Gren's ear. "From what Michelle tells me, Henry's moves on. Don't say anything just yet."
Gren nods. "I THOUGHT that was him at the Butchers t… [view original content]
OMG this was well worth the wait. You make all the cute little stories and they are fun to read! I adore the Smith girls to no end. Rose's interactions are priceless and its neat to know they refer to her as 'aunt' Rose and welcome her with such big, wide open arms. Another play thing to them, I suppose.
Fayde with Carla. How precious. Nice to see Fayde up and walking around, too. I just love how worried litte Lylsa is. 'Is our dad mad at you and Harmony...' That is so her.
I also love how Gina's secret weapon is water guns; the water fight scene was precious and so Rose! Watch out, T man...that water may not mix very well with the fire! :0 I just loved picturing that!
Gina made a disgusted face. "Ew, Tez! Why are you kissing her when she's all wet? Bleh!"
Tez laughed. "Maybe when you find someone to love, Gina, you'll end up doing the same thing. You'll probably understand once you get older."
"I honestly hope I don't. The lovey-dovey stuff you do with Rose sometimes is disgusting. Ugh!"
OMG! Cuteness overload!!! GAH! Oh Gina...if you only knew.
"You forgot her friend, Lyla. The girl with the leprechaun-ish voice."
"Oh yeah, I forgot! I thought she sounded like Georgie, though..."
Okay, seriously. Cute. Also....:D Georgie!! Oh man! Pie will love that little section! I can't wait you have in stock for him!
"You sure have a lot of explaining to do, Fayde-leaf-clover. Then again, as do I." Rose looked at Tez.
Tez growled and nearly pushed Fayde out of the way, he left the room without saying anything.
OOOOH man! WTF just happened and WHY is T man so angry!? Was it because of what took place at the club? Rose? Harmony!?
Sorry for all the quotes but I adored this! WELL worth the wait, man! Can't wait for more!!!
It took me a little longer to get through the events in the Smith household as expected. So for those that have been reading, you guys can l… moreook forward to the actual dinner in the next part of chapter 8!
Chapter 8, Part 2: Ambushed
"So, uh, Rose Red? Um, can I ask you a question?"
Rose continues on walking and nods her head. "What's on your mind, Carla?"
"Is our dad mad at you and Harmony? Because, me and Lyla started worrying when she started crying... And it made us cry, that's why we were hiding in the closet. I hope she's feeling alright..."
Rose sighed. "Just try and forget -whatever you heard or saw- ever happened, okay? Everything's fine. It's just been a little rough day for me, is all, and probably your dad too."
"Okay..." Carla said while she looked at Lyla.
Rose quickly changed the subject. "Besides us meeting Dragon Tez soon, do you two want to see a new 'friend' I've made today?"
Lyla's eyes widened. "Oooo… [view original content]
It took me a little longer to get through the events in the Smith household as expected. So for those that have been reading, you guys can l… moreook forward to the actual dinner in the next part of chapter 8!
Chapter 8, Part 2: Ambushed
"So, uh, Rose Red? Um, can I ask you a question?"
Rose continues on walking and nods her head. "What's on your mind, Carla?"
"Is our dad mad at you and Harmony? Because, me and Lyla started worrying when she started crying... And it made us cry, that's why we were hiding in the closet. I hope she's feeling alright..."
Rose sighed. "Just try and forget -whatever you heard or saw- ever happened, okay? Everything's fine. It's just been a little rough day for me, is all, and probably your dad too."
"Okay..." Carla said while she looked at Lyla.
Rose quickly changed the subject. "Besides us meeting Dragon Tez soon, do you two want to see a new 'friend' I've made today?"
Lyla's eyes widened. "Oooo… [view original content]
I enjoy showing the relationship the Porgie clan kids have with their other family members. Peter has always been able to talk to Gren like they've known eachother for centuries; also, it gives a bit of insight into Peter's mind and all that did take place when he was a boy. I feel like I didn't really cover much of Peter's childhood in the past. I'll be doing that more in thise section.
Maary, sadly, fell into the typical Folker mentality. Nothing but power and greed took her over. Carla is just a bitch. Excuse the language but she turned into a real royal pain in the ass as an adult. To her, its 'funny' how much pain she's managed to cause Gren and with it bothering Emily, it seems to please Carla, too.
Coming from the person in control of Emily, I'm glad she's giving you and the others that 'Oh shit' feeling. Like I've stated before, Carla has no idea what she's gotten herself into. NO ONE messes with Emily Porgie....no one....
I did appreciate the gift from her. I love how kawaii he is! ^-^ And its never a dull moment, indeed. But they wouldn't have it any other way.....:)
That opening conversation between Peter and Gren was good to read; gives insight into how their relationship is on a personal level, and how… more they talk to each other. Reminds me of the one Georgie and Gren had on the rooftop. They're good to read.
As for everything with Carla - the apple fell very far from that tree. Couldn't imagine Nancy or John taking advantage of someone the way Carla has, nor her sisters doing so (though Mary is sort of unto herself anyway). Loving Emily giving her what for! Also:
Carla needs to watch her back....REALLY lock her doors at night...You don't mess with a Porgie, ESPECIALLY Emily.
I think that's made more sinister because you're the writer and so it's up to you what happens XD Emily all the way though!
And the pictures! The first one is adorable; there is never going to be a dull minute in their household. XD And that's a great picture by Kinzi! Can definitely see your Georgie there.
Carla immediately looked at Rose. "Did I do good, Rose Red?"
Rose patted her head. "You did an awesome job, Carla."
Oh my sweet, sweet Carla...what happened to you? It's times like these I'm sad to know what a real (excuse the language) bitch she's become as an adult.
Fayde looked at Rose, then kneeled to get a closer look at the wolfling before her. "What's your name, little one?"
"My name's Lyla, and I'm a wolf! Rawr!"
That is so my little Lyla. How precious is she in your stories. I appreciate the adorableness you managed to capture of the girls on what information I've given you and from past reads.
Rosey Red. ^.^ That just made my freakin' day, man!
Rose made raspberry sounds to get the water out of her mouth. "Seriously, Harm? Phhfff, you teamed up with Gina to ambush me with toy water guns? Phhfff."
Team Wolf, baby! Love that; I adore how Harm, although an adult woman, can still have fun with the youth and make a game out of getting her aunt Rose wet with a water gun and playing alongside Gina and the others. This was fun to picture. I loved it!
Gina made a disgusted face. "Ew, Tez! Why are you kissing her when she's all wet? Bleh!"
Tez laughed. "Maybe when you find someone to love, Gina, you'll end up doing the same thing. You'll probably understand once you get older."
"I honestly hope I don't. The lovey-dovey stuff you do with Rose sometimes is disgusting. Ugh!"
CoughHans and you do this in the futurecough Oh man....excuse me...XD
"You forgot her friend, Lyla. The girl with the leprechaun-ish voice."
"Oh yeah, I forgot! I thought she sounded like Georgie, though..."
I'm glad you addressed this because I WAS wondering if Fayde DID sound like the Lucky Charms guy. I'm glad this proved me right. Gotta love those Irish. AND Georgie!! I'm looking forward to what you have for him; you mentioned you had an idea and I can't wait to see it!
Tez growled and nearly pushed Fayde out of the way, he left the room without saying anything.
Oh what the hell.....what happened? T man....no....why, T man! WHY!!!??
I just turned into JJ with all the quoting but like everyone else, well worth the wait and looking forward to more. Great work, man. I love where all this is going.
It took me a little longer to get through the events in the Smith household as expected. So for those that have been reading, you guys can l… moreook forward to the actual dinner in the next part of chapter 8!
Chapter 8, Part 2: Ambushed
"So, uh, Rose Red? Um, can I ask you a question?"
Rose continues on walking and nods her head. "What's on your mind, Carla?"
"Is our dad mad at you and Harmony? Because, me and Lyla started worrying when she started crying... And it made us cry, that's why we were hiding in the closet. I hope she's feeling alright..."
Rose sighed. "Just try and forget -whatever you heard or saw- ever happened, okay? Everything's fine. It's just been a little rough day for me, is all, and probably your dad too."
"Okay..." Carla said while she looked at Lyla.
Rose quickly changed the subject. "Besides us meeting Dragon Tez soon, do you two want to see a new 'friend' I've made today?"
Lyla's eyes widened. "Oooo… [view original content]
"Did you have lots of adventures before I was born?" Charlotte's head rested in the crook of Harmony's shoulder as they read a bedtime story together. The other children were being corralled by Tim in the room next door, but it was nice and quiet in this one, and Charlotte took this time to ask her favorite grandmother some questions that boggled her little mind.
"Oh," Harmony said, in that same, motherly cooing voice. "Of course I've been on lots of adventures."
"What kinds?" The girl's voice chirped, as she pulled her blankie over her feet. It was chilly from the terrible wind storm outside. It only served to make Charlotte curl closer to Harmony's body.
Harmony chuckled softly, the kind of tired chuckle most parents have at the end of the day. She ran her hands over Charlotte's hair and began rattling a few off. "Well, it was an adventure in itself to find Fabletown," She told her granddaughter. "And there was the time me and Aunty Rose went on a road trip.... The time me and Grandpa met, at Remembrance Day."
"How was that like?" Her voice sounded strangely firm, as if she were proud to be asking the right questions. "Was it love like the movies?"
Harmony smiled brightly, shifting Charlotte over her knee. She closed the book they'd been reading, and she pressed Charlotte's fair head against her chest, willing the little girl to drift slowly to sleep. "Well," she continued. "When I saw him that day, I was certainly dumbstruck."
"What's a dumbstruck?" Charlotte's voice grew tireder, but she kept asking. A very curious and intelligent girl.
"It means.....I didn't know what to think. I saw him, and I felt....electricity in my heart. It was the scariest yet most....amazing feeling."
"Was it love?" Charlotte asked, yawning quietly.
"Yes," Harmony replied, surely. "Yes, I think it was."
"Did Grampa love you back?"
"Yes, he did."
"Did you get married?"
"Did we? We did, but not for a couple more years after that. We didn't start dating until a year after we met."
Charlotte yawned again, pressing her eyes closed. She spoke once more. "Did you have lots of adventures with him?"
Harmony chuckled again. "Yes, we had so many of them."
Charlotte lifted her head to meet Harmony's eyes. Her little brain clicked; It was almost as if she'd just seen the past, the memories, in one little snapshot. It shocked the girl, and she hadn't known how to respond, so she just laid her head back down on Harmony's bosom, listening to her grandmother hum her to sleep. The last thing she remembered before waking up in her own bed at her own home was the images that flooded her mind in that millisecond that she'd looked into Harmony's eyes.
It was the first sign of her natural powers taking hold of her small, fragile mind.
"She needs to take her medication twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Make sure there's no strenuous activity...." Swineheart's voice droned on to Charlotte's mother and father. She was dressed in a loose shirt and ugly sweatpants, but they were the most comfortable goddamn pair of sweatpants she owned, and so she would wear them proudly as they left the hospital. Her parents wouldn't stop holding her hands and comforting her. She didn't really want it, but that's not something you tell your mom or your dad when they've been through a sudden traumatic experience involving...well, you. So she accepted their gazes and their soft voices and the treatment they gave her, despite her wish to just go home and browse the internet for a while. But, the doctor said not too much TV or videogames, which was a big downer.
"I feel fine, Mom," Charlotte groaned. "You don't have to get a wheelchair. I can walk."
"Are you sure? The doctor said that you should get one in case you faint."
"She's fine," Jackson told his wife. "She's a trooper, our girl. Right baby?"
Charlotte rolled her eyes. She did feel a little lightheaded, and so she leaned into her father as they descended in the elevator. She couldn't get her mind off of the cause of her situation. The past. She still had so much work to do, and now she was set back in her schedule. Not that she wouldn't be anyway, she had needed a break for some time. She just wished she hadn't had to spend most of it in a hospital bed and listening to the constant drum of machines behind her head.
The car was new; She hadn't expected her parents to ditch the old pick-up truck for a family sized vehicle this soon. Then again, they were all about having what was best for them and their family. If another child was to be brought into the world, surely they would need to make room for it. And, with the seemingly genetic amount of multiples born to each of her mother's siblings, they would probably have to over estimate on the amount of seats they needed. They were extremely lucky that Charlotte was the only baby born to them, so far.
"Some of your aunts and uncles are at home," Scar began talking as the car headed north.
"Really?" Charlotte didn't actually feel like talking, but she was interested in the prospect of other people being in her house. Her Dad drove the car into the underground parking, under Fabletown's mighty looking castle. They took the elevator up from there, to her grandmother's floor.
"They're excited to see you better," Scarlett continued. It wasn't like the last time they'd seen Charlotte was in the hospital. In fact, only a handful of her billions of relatives came to see her, as most lived in exotic locations or in different worlds altogether. They might have seen photos on the internet (Her mother was still an avid 'snapchat' user.) But she supposed most wouldn't notice much of a difference about her now than they would have before-hand.
The apartment door opened to a lavishly decorated home in some remote location in another universe or something totally cool like that. It was her grandparent's house, the home of her childhood, the place where she spent most of her days catching fireflies with her aunts and uncles who were the same age as she was. They, of course, were all in their rebellious teenage stages (A stage that Charlotte thankfully hit much shallower than they did.) and she marveled at seeing who was in trouble for what this time. It was, of course, Jason and Jessamine. The two of them in the same room together was a nasty combination.
The both seemed to be sulking, and it was obvious they were only downstairs because they had to be. Otherwise, Gabriel looked pretty excited to see her, and Adeline always had an aura of self control that surrounded her pretty face. She had her arms folded and a benign smirk over her lips.
"Glad to see your still kicking."
Charlotte smiled back, nodding softly, because her headache was still very much present. She was more excited to see her older aunts and uncles, and her little cousins (All of whom were much younger than she was.)
Uncle Franklin sat at the kitchen bar with Aunt Ash on his lap, barely. She was giggling at whatever he'd said, and his hand rubbed over her enormous belly. She was about to pop, compared to the little belly her own mother seemed to be sporting.
"She lives!" Ash said excitedly, but lowered her voice when Charlotte winced in pain. "Oops. Sorry Charlie."
"S'okay," Charlotte said, slurred. She was at the point that normal words made her head pound. She had to stay out at least for a few minutes, to say hi to everyone.
The next person she was was her Uncle Noah. He was strong and tall, much taller than her, and her arms nearly popped her head off. It didn't help much with the pain, but she let it pass some.
"My favorite niece," He said proudly.
"Hey!" A little feminine voice came from the corner. Charlotte's little cousins were all getting into trouble opening the cabinets in the kitchen and pulling out pots and pans. Julie was 3 and her brother Carmichael was 1 and a half. Elora hastily walked over, pulling the utensils from their hands.
"Sunflower," Her uncle Anubis said softly. "Let the children be children."
"Not when they're about to ruin my mother's favorite whisks, I won't." Her voice was both jovial and serious. She lived the boy in her arms and simultaneously gave Charlotte a side-hug. "Love you, Char."
"Love you too," Charlotte replied. She took a seat at the kitchen table, to gather her bearings. Everyone was considerate enough to talk softly, but they all beamed with happiness to see that she was doing well enough.
"Alright," Charlotte's father spoke up. "She needs to get some much needed rest. I'm taking her home, guys." Thank. God. Her head was beginning to throb insistently.
"We'll be back, though," Scarlett added to Jackson's comment. "And Charlotte should be fine tomorrow, so we'll have a nice little get together then. Bye!"
The next moments were blurrier than Charlotte would like to admit. She just remembered getting home, crashing on the couch, watching television on mute (which is considerably less enjoyable.) and then going to bed. She ate somewhere in between, and took her meds, and probably had a conversation with Bella before passing out, though she's sure Bella will ask her some questions when she wakes up and she won't know the answer to a single one of them. She was a bitch like that, sometimes. Rest... Her body felt like it was in a coma. But it was a comfortable coma, with her fuzzy pillows and her warm blankies and the silence of the room. She snuggled against one blanket especially, the one she'd had since she was a wee toddler. That one was held close to her face, the bundle of old rags it was, and she smelled it deeply. It brought reassurance and infant memories back to her. And somehow, it brought other people's memories, too. Her grandmother's memories, and her grandfather's, and many, many others.
Soon, her mind was travelling unconsciously into the past.
Hope you liked that bit. More on Harmony's vacation later! I wanted to get a Charlotte chapter in, today.
I am back!!! After a month or so of no writing at all, I managed to find the inspiration to continue this story, I hope I don't disappoint :… moreP
Devils and Demons Chapter 5 – A Turn For The Worst
Nick was furious before, but now he was ready to create Armageddon all over again like he had with the Mundane world. He had created a permanent eclipse, burned the land and tainted the water with blood and salt. His powers were vast, but Nick was a changed man now...
He continued to stare at Death; he couldn’t believe that he had sent Lyra to the Wolf family for safety. Nick spoke with as much suppression as he could muster for his anger “You idiot. I tried to kill Bigby Wolf, why would you send Lyra to him?”
Death wasn’t fazed “I know you tried to kill him, but that was over a decade ago; old hatreds are buried in time my son-“
Nick shook his head “Don’t call me that, I’m no more of a son to you than Bigby is to his Father”
Death int… [view original content]
It took me a little longer to get through the events in the Smith household as expected. So for those that have been reading, you guys can l… moreook forward to the actual dinner in the next part of chapter 8!
Chapter 8, Part 2: Ambushed
"So, uh, Rose Red? Um, can I ask you a question?"
Rose continues on walking and nods her head. "What's on your mind, Carla?"
"Is our dad mad at you and Harmony? Because, me and Lyla started worrying when she started crying... And it made us cry, that's why we were hiding in the closet. I hope she's feeling alright..."
Rose sighed. "Just try and forget -whatever you heard or saw- ever happened, okay? Everything's fine. It's just been a little rough day for me, is all, and probably your dad too."
"Okay..." Carla said while she looked at Lyla.
Rose quickly changed the subject. "Besides us meeting Dragon Tez soon, do you two want to see a new 'friend' I've made today?"
Lyla's eyes widened. "Oooo… [view original content]
Oh Mary...sweet, sweet Mary. Maybe THIS is why she wants another baby. :P
I just love Franklin and Ash! UGH!!!!
I ship them so hard!!
Thank you so much!
I'd love to write more, if people are wanting more.
And thank you very much!
I know a lot about those games, but I've never played them. I LOVE Alice in Wonderland, so I thought I'd give it a go.
Thanks so much!
Thank you so much! I wish I could say that I've read the comics, but I haven't.
Your comment made my day! It looks like I'll have to write more to her story...
Thank you SO much! I'm definitely going to write more, seeing as there are people who are interested in her story. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I would definetly continue Violla's tale.
We are all more than ready to see what happens next in this mysterious young woman's life. Again, welcome and looking forward to more.
I highly recommend them the story and soundtrack is amazing but the game actually shines visually, it is hands down the most beautiful game I've seen visually, you can screen capture at any point in the game and make it your wallpaper for anything which in fact is my laptop background XD
Hopefully for your sake, no school!
Wish we had snow; bet you're sick of it and thinking 'Well here, pie...YOU can have all the snow ya' want!' XD
I adore Tim and Harmony, I adore their little (er, scratch that) family, and I'm loving their little mini vacation here in england.
They are brave for getting on that Feriss Wheel. No no.....no no no! XD
She and Lyla need to have a pow-wow and talk about the British. She'll have SO much to say. XD
Damn Hello Kitty case! Taunting me! lol Even Harm is having trouble with her own! :P
Business Office; 9:30am
Ethan was this close to throwing a book at his now dancing brother, standing next to his desk and viewing files. He didn't mind the music or the fact that Peter felt the need to play it to the maximum but dancing while working was not professional in Ethan's eyes. Michelle didn't help either; every time the woman passed by Peter, her arms raised up and the two were fisting the air.
Peter, currently looking over a few files, sipped his soda and swung his buttocks around.
"Bubble butte, bubble butt bubble butt, Peter's got a bubble butt. Bubble butt, bubble bubble butt-"
Ethan was repulsed by Peter's choice of song that morning. It wasn't the song itself. Just, perhaps the way his brother insisted on dancing like a cracked out person that just won the lottery. Ethan did his best to avoid his brother's 'bubble butt' and his twisting and dancing.
Ethan looks over. "Peter." Nothing "Peter....Peter...PETER!!!"
"Yes?" Peter drops the file on the desk. "You say something?"
Ethan sighs and taps his fingers against the desk rapidly. "Can you please stop with the music or turn it down a bit? Please?"
"Bothering you, Ethan?"
"Obviously, Peter."
Peter rolls his eyes, reaches over and turns the radio down. His brother needed to find someone and fast. The breakup was indeed devestating but ever since that day, the ugly side to Ethan was showing its head. Peter was trying his best to give Ethan 'time' and space; the boy was having a difficult time sleeping and was often caught awake late into the night, watching crappy soap operas.
"My bad, Ethan." Peter holds his hands up. "I'll stop...."
"Shouldn't you be in your office anyways?"
"Charming wants me to look over some of these old files. We need to do a 'spring cleaning'. Or, something like that."
Ethan pauses to glance at Peter. "I never received a memo about this spring cleaning session."
"Oh." Peter rips several papers in his hands. "Well, guess ask him or-"
"I will!" Ethan slams the desk shut. "I'm going to give Mayor Charming a piece of my mind. How dare he go to the SHERIFF before consulting in me?! I'm the Deputy Mayor! I should be handed this valid information BEFORE you!"
Ethan continued the conversation out the door; Peter could hear the mubles of frustration, even as the doors slammed and his brother walked down the hall. Peter refused to run after and continued about his business. Michelle, their assistant, walks around the corner. In her hands, she clutches a rather large book with an ancient apperance. All the books were old and wise with age but this one was different.
"Is....is he alright, sir?"
"Eh, he'll be alright." Peter sips his soda. "Been....been hard on him. The breakup."
"I hear he's got a new beau, sir. Perhaps this is why...."
"Maybe. With Ethan, you can never be too sure."
Michelle smiles and hands Peter the book. "Well, I better get back. I've got a lot of papers to look over. Stamp this, toss that. shred these. File those. you know how it goes. Oh-this is for Emily, sir."
"Emily?" Peter examines the book. "What is it?"
"A book about Grendels and their traditions. She said it was dire she recieve the book as soon as possible."
"Dire?" Peter opens the book and reads some of the pages. "This may have to do with Gren's father..."
"She didn't say, sir. I'd give it to Grendel but she asked me to give it to you."
"Thanks Michelle." Peter places the book near his desk lamp. "I'll, uh....I'll give it to her."
Michelle thanks the Sheriff and returns to her section of the office. Peter grabs the book, lights a cigarette and heads for his section. He stands before the door-Sheriff Peter Porgie-and opens it. He's instantly struck in the face with a musky odor and trash.
"I should REALLY take that out..." Peter taps the basket with his shoe. "Fuck. I'm a pig. No wonder Holly loves me."
Laughing, Peter sits in his seat and opens the book. His curiosity won over his state of mind and he flipped the pages with his finger. Pictures show cased what appeared to be a sacrafice; the removal of the markings, should the relationship turn sour and even bits of a battle the older males performed to gain their place in the clan. An entire page alone was the preperations and what would take place. Should one of the males fail and lose the battle, they would forever be labled as 'weak' and incapable of being a productive member in their tribe.
Peter automatically pictured his nephew Liam and RJ fighting. This must be why Thomas came back. Why she was worried about her son and brother's safety. The reason why Gren as anxious and determined to call every five minutes. He'd heard stories of the battle betweem male Grendels but it was never in 'full' detail. After reading the two pages alone, Peter was disgusted.
"My God....no wonder Gren has so many issues with his family. They HOPE for a male heir just for this purpose. To uphold the family name."
According to Gren's stories, that's the reason why Robert was beloved and praised more than the other brothers. Robert was the top ranking male. Gren was at the bottom. He felt no need to fight, therefore, was weak in both the community and father's eyes. But why hadn't Thomas showed up when Gren thought the twin boys were his? Did HE know something?
Peter continues to scan the chapter. His interest had peeked and was determined to absorb any information he felt could be usefull in the end. Emily and Gren were not fighting this alone. Peter was damned if Thomas thought he was going to step in and throw some Homeland bullshit in their direction. RJ and Liam were not weapons or a form of entertainment.
"Man....and I thought the Folkers were bad." Peter traces over a passage. "Shit...."
The battle was simple: the older males of rival clans fought to show dominance and remain the power in the group. The losers were banned from community and cast out into the woods at the time. They'd live there. Sometimes forever. The battle would continue for a week. If no other groupl stepped forward to challenge the winner, it was an automatic win for that clan. If no one stepped forward at all to fight, the males, usually brothers, were pinned against one another. To see who was indeed stronger, faster and capable of taking the alpha's place in society one day. This also determined mating and reproduction rights. The losers rarely mated or produced children.
"That asshole..." Peter's tolerance was short. "He's going to have one of them replace him before he dies....."
Peter slams the book shut. He'd seen enough. Rubbing his eyes, PEter places the book in his coat and heads for the lounge. He needed to see Gren for a minute or two. Peter enters the elevator, presses the button and waits. The thoughts in his head taking over. Why would someone do that, especially to their own children? It made sense why Gren was so secluded and refused to let anyone in.
When the elevator reached the lounge, the metal doors opened and Peter stepped out. He found Ethan outside, screaming at Charming. smiling and standing proud, Charming took Ethan's word vomit with a smile and nod. Gren, however, was bust examing the cameras and watching the Business Office. Peter clears his throat and leans on the desk.
"Easy work, huh?"
"Yeah, it is." Gren beams. "Hey, thanks again. You know, FlyCatcher came in here and seemed fuckin' surprised to see me. At least, not in line this time..."
"Well, no problem. Your family now. We look out for family in the Porgie Clan."
"Yeah. I noticed that."
Peter noticed the phone clutched in Gren's hand. He'd glare at the clock every souple of seconds.
"You, uh, expecting a call or-"
"No. Just...." Gren sighs. "Worried about the kids, especially with that fuckin' asshole walkin' around."
"You know my parents won't let anything bad happen. For heaven sakes, my mom has been known to tear a man in half for-"
"I know I know...." Gren rubs his neck. "It's just....I feel bad, you know? Emily can't even be home with the quads and we need your folks to fuckin' watch them. I mean...I don't know."
"You feel guilty, Gren?"
"Just feel like I can be doing more, Peter. I don't know..."
Peter takes a cigarette and hands it to Gren. "Here. Take a break. Let's go out and smoke."
Smiling, Gren takes the offer and follows Peter. Outside, Ethan continues to screech at Charming. The man never moves. Just takes it.
"AND another thing-YOU and ME are to work TOGETHER and I don't appreciat YOU only going to Peter when there is either trouble or something to do with the office!"
Peter chuckles. "You see him?"
"Ethan is something...always a firecracker. So, how is Holly?"
Peter exhales a cloud of smoke. "Pregnancy does not agree with her. She's always sick, can't stand for too long. We may have to hold off on the wedding until the baby is born. Swineheart has her in bed right now. Doctor's orders. Junior has been running the Trip Trap by himself for three weeks now."
"Man." Gren shakes his head. "That bad, huh?"
"According to her, all female Trolls go through this and she'll be fin. I hope so. She looks awful, poor thing..."
"Still a boy?"
Peter smiles. "Nope..."
Gren was taken back. "But...you said-"
"We have a little girl in there, Gren. Lily Faith Porgie."
Gren smiles at the time. "She pick that?"
"We both did. When we told my folks, they both fell into tears. Especially my father. I've never seen him and Holly hug one another like they did that day. Ever."
"Well, good for you two, Peter. Can't wait to meet my neice."
The men continued to smoke. They listened to the rants of Ethan, the honking of cars and screaming of walking mundies and Fables. Life was funny like that sometimes.
But well worth the ride.
Any questions, you know the drill.
Peter dancing to bubble butt! XD Enough right there, man!Thw whole thing with the Grendels, too. Man. I'm not sure who to hate more: Folkers or them right now.
I feel bad for Gren now....
AWWWW! A little girl!! I
the name!!
And that picture!!!!

Oh, we didn't have school
And you're right about that, I would totally trade places XD I'm sure little Emily would enjoy a few snowball fights when she gets older.
Tim and Harmony are literally my favorite couple
They and their big family are so adorable, and their little vacation is only going to get better as I write about it! I love Ferris Wheels, but Tim....not so much XD He got over it for his fear for the moment, to please his wife 
I know XD They need to have a girls date or something, chilling at Lyla's house while the kids go berserk in the backyard and the boys have fun grilling some burgers and drinking some beers or something XD
I had to, Pie XD After JJ's story, she obviously had to get a new one. And since iPhone's are upgrading every few months, of course she had to get a new edition, which meant she needed a new case, and finding Hello Kitty cases are actually more challenging than you thing XD She had to order it special online, and the gems were definitely the thing that Harmony loved the most XD
Really? Well you did a superb job with your writing! I'd love to see more
Very romantic! Mary is so lovable because of her wise-ass comments and the fact that she cares in her own unique way. XD
Kind of an uncomfortable image but it is well written!
And Ash and Franklin! Ahh, wonderful!
Well, for whichever reason it is, it's definitely positive.
And if Georgie and/or Robert start getting into some crazy escapades we'll know where you're both getting the ideas from. XD
Ahh, Mary XD Everything was going so nicely until Clara turned up; after the revelation of her true allegiances her mere presence is enough to arouse suspicion! :P
It's nice to know that there is a wedding to be had.
Robert and RJ are a great father-son duo; they're one of my favourites on the thread.
I'm also wondering what Gren had for Emily; RJ sounds like he's got his first (?) crush on someone charming, at least. XD
Hahaha she is an interesting one! Yes Clara is a tricky one what does she want from the group?
And yes there will be a wedding!
Glad to hear there was no school today.
I often wonder what it would be like to LIVE in snowy conditions such as yourself. When little Emily is old enough, I'd love to take her to the mountains and understand WHY daddy loves the snow so much. 
They have become one of my favorite couples here on the thread. I'm looking forward to what they have planned (well, Harmony has planned xD) for their vacation. That and their quickly growing family.
LOL getting the women together would not be such a bad idea; its the men I worry about because leaving Georgie alone with a grill and beer....no bueno. XD I MAY have to play around with that idea. I have yet to throw in other people's OC's and you, my dear, have given me a foundation to work on.
Ah yes, the forever changing iphone. I'm sure she'll need a new one. JJ's story nearly smashed it to pieces. (I'll blame Gren, since it WAS his fault) I can she her case being all sparkly and pretty.
On lunch and have a while before I return. Been in a writing kind of mood lately.
Ugh. My damn head hurts, though. Long night....VERY long night...
Stoopid phone...Gren is saying 'my plants' there on the bottom...-.- Oh, these four.
Adore them!
Gren jingled his keys, as he and Peter returned inside from thier smoking break. Ethan was soon to follow. His face was flushed and he continued to hold the conversation as if Charming was beside him listening. Peter and Gren both knew better than to laugh at Ethan's situation but it was amusing to say the least, watching a flustered Deputy Mayor enter the elevator, mumbling to himself.
"Bad day?"
Peter snorts. "It's been like that for awhile now, honestly..."
"Still holding out they'll get back together, huh?"
Peter leans in closer to Gren's ear. "From what Michelle tells me, Henry's moves on. Don't say anything just yet."
Gren nods. "I THOUGHT that was him at the Butchers the other day but...didn't look or say anything, so I didn't bother."
Peter leans against the security desk and scans the screens. A quiet one today in their little corner of Fabletown. The Woodlands were like this the majority of the time now. Lines continued outside the door, phone calls rolled in and complain letters never seemed to grow old. But it was quiet.
"So, like your new gig, Gren?"
"I do. I appreciate the offer again, Peter."
"Anything for you and my sis. She's always been good to me. Even as kids, she was always sticking up for me or protecting me from the others. Not so much Junior; he loved to hang out and play army men. No. I'm talking about..."
Gren automatically knew what Peter was referring to. Time heals all wounds and all the children got along now as adults. But Gren could recall a time when this was not the case. Peter was the black sheep. His older sister refused to acknowledge him as one of their own and would cast him into the shadows. RJ was the one to understand Peter's background but had empathy for his brother and the way Katie and Penelope treated him. What made it worse, Georgie and Lyla constantly punishing the girls. Gren honestly felt like it was fuel to the growing fire. But, in a way, it had to be done.
Peter from time to time goes back on his childhood and wonders why him. It was not his fault for the choices both his parents made; Lyla was foolish for jumping into the arms of the Sheriff when her world was crumbling around and Bigby for agreeing to heal her 'wounds' with a night cap in his apartment.
Lyla loved Peter, that much he and Gren could agree on. She never looked at him differently, neither did Georgie. Lyla never regrets the night she and Bigby Wolf slept with one another. Peter was a product of love in her eyes; the Sheriff watched Lyla grow up, was around for many of the milestones in her life and that was enough to say he was conceived with love. Peter thought this was foolish, rolled his eyes and allowed his mother to repeat the story for the millionth time. Somewhere deep in his mind, however, Peter felt that some of what his mother stated was the truth. Even when he asked Bigby, it was always the same.
Peter shakes his head. "Yeah. Emily was always so good to me growing up. Even now."
Gren leans beside Peter. His hands sit in his jean pockets, as he gently plays with his keys. "Emily likes to ACT tough. She has that mentality of being the strong one and never letting a single emotion show."
Peter sighs. "That's dad right there for you. We never understood why he rarely cried, or smiled or...anything. He WAS heppy; that much we knew because of his body language and his choice of words but it didn't match the face. As we got older, it made sense."
Gren sighs. "Emily looked alot up to Georgie. Guess we all missed her. We were all so worried about Junior being like him, we overlooked the little girl secretly playing with her father's clothes. Dreaming of owning that fuckin' strip club..."
"Does she talk about it? Any of it?"
Gren answers immediatly. "Sometimes. Not like she used to. I know she drives by and looks at the empty lot. From what I fuckin' know, its covered in weeds, trach and grafitti. There are days she's fine and others, you can see it bothers her."
"What about....Felicia?"
"No." Gren looks directly into Peter's eyes. "She tells me this ALL the time when I ask her: 'How can I bloody miss something, that was neva' there, Gren?' That wasn't love, Peter. That was a fuckin' way to cope with the world around them."
Peter agrees. "Yup. She's better now. I have you to thank for that, Gren."
"Peter, I-"
"Stop." Peter grabs Gren's arm and holds tightly. "I mean it. We ALL thank you for saving Emily. Making her see the world through your eyes. Showing her its not so bad and-"
Gren smiles. "You're wrong, Peter. SHE is the one that took me by the hand and showed me the world. I guess, in a way, we met half way and went from there. Fuck. I was so lost..."
"It's alright now, Gren." Peter pats him on the shoulder. "It'll be alright now. You both are clean, sober and have those four little rambunctious babies to look forward to and watch grow."
Gren beams. "I love those babies..."
"SPEAKING of, have you talked to Rosie or-"
"Rosie, yes. The boys....no." Gren looks at the floor. "I'll never see them again, Peter. None of you will. Just the way it is."
"Yeah. Guess so, Gren. Guess so."
Both men remaind silent for the time being. They had a mutual understanding and left the conversation end at that. Before long, Peter would return to his office and Gren would sit behind his desk and carry on until five. Peter clutches the book in his coat pocket and all the thoughts of his sister returned.
Emily was strong but for how long?
"I need a bloody mocha Frappacino at the front, Bambi! Let's fookin' go, love!"
The line in the drive-thru was insane. The cars stretched out into the curve of the road. Suddenly, every male in Fabletown wanted a freaking bloody coffee or chai something or other. The other girls blamed Emily's return. Although Emily thought it was foolish and absurd, it was true; the men found Emily Porgie appealing to look at and listen to as she made coffee. Her outfits left little to the imagination and if Gren ONLY knew what half these men were thinking, he'd drag Emily out, drive off and never look back.
Emily ignored the hoots and chanting. The money was wonderful and already, she made over three hundred dollars alone in tips. Bambi scurries beside Emily, adds the whipped topping and slides the drink over.
"Here you are, Emily! Right-"
"It's about bloody time!" Emily snatches the drink. "Girls, let's get a bloody move on 'ere, eh?"
Emily opens the window and hands the customer his drink. His eyes, however, glares at Emily's volumptious breasts nearly popping out of her top. He quickly grabs his wallet and slide a ten into the tip jar.
"Here ya' go, love. Sorry about the wait and-"
"Oh, no problem." The man winks. "I don't mind waiting, sugar tits."
The man immediatly pulls away and allows the next customer to drive up. Emily ignores his remarks and notices the woman in the front seat. Carla. Just what on earth was SHE doing here? Emily heads to the back and runs near the fridge.
"Get this one, Bambi." Emily tries to hide her face. "Can you just, fook's sake-"
"Why?" Bambi looks over. "Sweetie, is everything-"
"JUST, get her. Please. Bambi, I-I'll explain lata' just....."
"I got it." Bambi smiles. "Go, Emily. Go...."
Emily runs to the back, finds a bench and sits. She did not expect to see Carla. At all. The mere sight of her fake smile sent Emily into a world she had not been in since the inccident at the club. Her vile thoughts to 'rid' of Carla. The pain and hurt she caused not only to the family but Gren. Her taunting and name calling of her children. Labeling them as 'bastards' and 'parasites' to the city. Emily needed to relax, count to ten and remove Carla from her thoughts. Not going to happen today.
She parks in a vacant spot, steps out and walks towards Emily. In her hand, two coffees.
"Hello, Emily. May I join you?"
Emily looks up, her upper lip curled and teeth baring. "Get...the fook, away fom me. Please."
"Fair enough." Carla places Emily's coffee on the table. "I thought maybe you and I can chat. Catch up and-"
"No." Emily hissed, glaring up at Carla. "I don't WANT ta' talk ta' ya', Carla."
"No aunt, huh? I understand. None of you kids refer to me as 'aunt' Carla now."
"Can ya' BLAME either of us?"
Carla sips from her cup. "Now, that's not fair. No one turned their back on you when all that shit went down."
"I also didn't LIE to my husband about the true biological fookin' makeup of the children either."
"I had NO choice, Emily. Please. you need to-"
Emily stands up, knocking her drink to the ground. "DON'T! Don't ya' come around me, tellin' me ya' had no choice! Ya' could have TOLD him the truth the minute Rosie was conceived and-"
"Their father at the time wasn't READY for a baby, Emily! I had nothing! Nowhere to go! I couldn't raise her alone..."
"So, ya' lied ta' Gren JUST so someone could help you with Rosie? That it?"
"I know this sounds horrible but you need to understand! I had no one else! I didn't want to be alone with a newborn and-"
Emily stomps her foot. "Ya' had PLENTY of help, Carla! SO many people could have helped ya' with the baby! Ya' know that!"
"But I NEEDED her to have a father figure and know she was loved! I couldn't tell Rosie her father up and left because he wasn't 'ready' to be a parent! Gren was desperate to have a family and-"
Emily felt disgusted. "Ya' took advantage of a poor man's heart, used it and when it was no longer fookin' needed, ya' tossed him out."
Carla huffs. "YOU have no right to judge ME, Emily. Look at what you've done! Used that poor girl to the bitter end. And because of YOU, she's dead and-"
"I've dealt with me own demons, Carla." Emily stood nose to nose. She could see the fear in Carla's eyes. "I KNOW woot I've done. Don't ya' com 'round here, tellin' me my own fookin' life story! I was no saint. I neva' claimed ta' be one. But woot I did and you've done...those are two, VERY different things."
Carla flashes a smile. "You and Gren. I should have known. Saw the way he looked at you. Smiled, Touched...clung to you..."
"Stop." Emily pushes Carla back. "Gren has AWAYS loved me-"
"Sick bastard. Probably wanted that sweet, young thing before the fruit was right for pickin'. He always came off as a little girl toucher."
"Don't!" Emily steps forward. "He has NEVER touched me!"
"No, of course not. Daddy watching him like a Hawk. Even your own father was worried Gren would stick his sausage like fingers up there, get a little taste and want the whole pie. He was just DYING to get a taste of you, Emily Porgie Pudding n' Pie..."
"Fook ya', Carla." Emily throws her fist back and slams it into Carla's face. "Ya' have no fookin' idea about anything."
Carla spits blood onto the concrete walkway. "He's a sick fucker, you know that, Emily? Hey-means you inherited a step daughter, who is ALSO your cousin! Wow! and RJ...he's YOUR brother but is also cousin AND uncle to YOUR babies! Wow! Talk about fucked up but, I mean, its up his alley and you Porgies are notorious for fucked up shit! Your babies are going to grow up and be known as-"
Emily does not allow Carla to finish. Her right heel digs deep into Carla's gut, causing the red haired woman to tumble and roll towards her car. Still laughing, she stands up, looks over at Emily and smiles.
"FOOK ya', Carla! Don't YA' EVA' talk 'bout my children OR me family again! I have a damn good mother, wonderful father and loving siblings! GREN loves me! He fookn' LOVES those babies! He STILL loves Rosie and even the boys! You have no idea woot he's been through. The hurt. The anguish. But ya' don't care, Carla. Ya' neva' cared, did ya'?"
Carla's sinister laugh was proof enough. "Get out and neva' let me catch ya' here again."
Carla grabs her keys, enters the car and honks. Emily watches as she drives away and into the city. Emily wipes her knuckles clean and removes the blood from her shoe. From the corner of her eye, she notices Bambi.
"Emily, sweetie-I need ya' in here! We have a HUGE order and-"
"I'll be there in a minute, Bambi."
"You...you alright, Emily?"
"Oh, Bambi." Emily turns to face her co-worker. "I'm bloody fantastic, love. Meet ya' in a bit."
Bambi was unsure and returns to the counter. Emily heads back inside, kicks the spilled coffee and spits on the floor.
"Fook ya', bitch. I'm muthafookn' Emily Caitlynn Porgie. Ya' have NO idea woot ya' just done...."
Any questions, you know the drill.
NEVER mess with a mama bear and her cubs. NEVER! >:0 Carla needs to watch her back....REALLY lock her doors at night...You don't mess with a Porgie, ESPECIALLY Emily. 
Also, HUGE thanks to kinzikritzkrieg over at DA for this wonderful drawing of Georgie she had done for me. I just
when people think of Pie, they know to draw Georgie.
I adore it!!!
Thanks again and check out her work! 
Awww yay! You just made my day! I always pictured him just having his one son and the two inseperable. KIND of tried to base it on how Pie portrayed Georgie in his earlier writings. How he was towards his own children.
Ah yes. The mysterious gift. That shall be answered in time.
And those little crushes are always a delight. 
I freaking love that first picture!
Cute overload, pie! Is...is Liam eating Worms? LOL Gren and the plants; Viviana floating like always and adorable Chloe with poor Puddles! XD XD
I loved this chapter and I'll tell you why: I enjoy when you go back and take a look at their childhood, especially Peter. You gave us some insight of what life was like for the child conceived by Bigby Wolf and Lyla Smith. I always forget it was PENNY and KATIE, not Emily; I know he and Ethan were very close growing up and even now, it shows.
I feel bad for Gren in the end. All that bullshit. Plus, Peter, too. At least he's managed to speak to Bigby and knows just how much he's loved by his family.
Again, if I was straight, I'd so go after Emily Porgie. She's stunning; the new look you've given her really brings out her beauty. That body, too.
Gren DOES need to watch it....
Ewww Carla!? Wow. That was all just bad. She has no right. And why would she accuse Gren of something so vile?? >:0 That's horrible; she of all people should know he'd never do anything like that! And how dare she call my little Gremily quads parasites and bastards! Carla has officially been placed in my 'hate you forever' list. She's gone too far. I'm glad Emily kicked her ass!! >:D
I'd never mess with YOU, Emily!!!! And I love that image! That was nice of her!
He looks so kawaii!!!
It's true, even on TWAU thread: anything with Georgie, pudding_pie will be there! XD Great chap! Can't wait for more!
The afternoon ended with a bloody nose and scrapped knees. Although a trooper, Robert could detect the hurt in his son's eyes and the way he grasped at Robert's shirt. Weeping softly into Robert's chest, RJ buries his face. By the time Robert returns to the apartment, the upper part of his shirt is soaked and stained with tears and blood. RJ sits on the toilet, while Robert prepares the necessery items for the cleaning.
"Not that stuff, dad." RJ points to a black bottle. "That stuff stings..."
Robert opens the bottle. "I have to, kiddo." He dabs a few drops on a cotten ball. "It will help fight infection and-"
"But it HURSTS, dad!" RJ covers his nose. "I'll wash it REALLY good with soup and water!"
Robert grabs RJ's arm. "Son, I'm sorry. I need to REALLY clean this and disinfect the area. There was a lot of mud and that was one hell of a fall."
As Robert wraps his fingers around RJ's arm, a tiny growl escapes the boys mouth. Robert could sense his muscles tensing, the stiff silence all around. He noticed the change of skin color and little spikes growing along his spine and neck. A thick mucus emerges from his finger tips, as his eyes change and teeth become fangs.
"RJ..." Robert calmly tried to speak. "Just...listen....okay? Let dad clean the wound and wipe off the blood-"
"NOOO!" RJ snaps, lunges off the toilet and leaps onto the wall. "THAT HURTS! ERRRRAAAAAGH!"
RJ's hands stick to the wall; the mucus immediatly turns into a glue like substance and soon, the boy, on all fours, climbs the tiled walls. Robert inhales, grabs a nearby towel and is prepared to catch his son. A young Grendel boy's mucus lining along his fingers lasts for so long. After a few minutes, it wears off and the boy tumbles to the ground. RJ, still in a fit of rage, tosses bottles of shampoo an soap bars.
"RJ, that's enough." Robert holds out his towel. "Come down here so we can-"
Another soap bar is lodged at Robert. Ducking, it lands in the bathtub with a booming THUD! RJ continues to climb.
"That stuff hurts me!" RJ wipes his nose. "I'll wash it myself!"
"I NEED to get rid of the germs, RJ!" Robert's voice echos in the tiny bathroom. "I NEED to clean it properly! Please, come down and I promise we'll take it slow and-"
Before RJ could throw another item, his right hand loses grip and the boy, unable to grasp on, falls from the wall. Robert, ready and prepared, catches his son, now tumbling in his arms. Claws swing in various directions, growls linger in the air and another attempt to bite ends with RJ panting and Robert holding his son close.
"Are we done yet..." Robert fights to catch his breath. "Or, are we going to -"
"No.." Whimpering, RJ peeks through the towel. "I think I'm ready for my medicine now....."
,Robert and RJ sit at the table, a plate of Spagehtti in front of them both. RJ pushes a meatball across the mound of sauce and noodles.
"Something wrong, kiddo?"
"I'm sorry." RJ sighs, looking up. "I...I got mad and-"
"You do that alot with mommy or daddy Georgie?"
Robert wipes his mouth with a napkin. "What do they do to calm you down?"
"Daddy Georgie holds me close and hums and mommy does the same but instead, talks to me and tells me its alright."
Robert was worried about that. Normally, Grendel males go through a transitioning period that go from cute and cuddly to massive and destructive. The poor boy couldn't control THAT part of his DNA; it happened to all male Grendels and was a part of growing up. Like mundy girls with periods and boys with facial hair and voice changes, male Grendels get a bit more agressive and dominating. Robert blames his ancestors and their need to be 'big' and 'powerful.'
"Does mom know what to do or-"
RJ nods. "She got a book. Swineheart came by the other day to talk to her about it."
"Why did you or her tell me?"
"Mom said you'd sense it, dad."
He had. Robert noticed it at the park when RJ began to sweat and he held his injured son in his arms. The smell of change. Destruction. Like fire, it bruned and ravaged in his little body. The burning desire to turn, destroy and conquer anything in his path. He assumed the Wolf in him would make it ten times worse but it appeared to be doing the opposite.
"I'll talk to mom later when she calls, alright?"
RJ swallows his food. "Am....am I in trouble? Don't get mad at mom! I-"
"RJ, I'm not." Robert laughs, adding Parmesean cheese to his noodles. "Its alright. I just need to make sure mom is safe and they know what to do. I'd hate for you to hurt yourself or the others..."
Knock Knock Knock! Three, loud bangs came from the front dor. Robert tosses his napkin to the side, while RJ continued to slurp up his noodles. Robert was not expecting anyone, especially at this hour. He was ready, however, for whatever was behind those doors.
Robert opens the door. "Hey, bud!" Gren. Never mind. ALMOST anything..."Can I come in our-"
"No no, come in. I was actually going to call you later..."
Gren walks inside, notices RJ and runs over, taking Robert's fork, he dips the front into the noodles, twirls and inhales the food. As he slurps, little bits of marinara sauce flies and drop on the table. RJ laughs.
"Hey, uncle Gren."
Gren plays with RJ's hair. "Hey little mini robert. Man! your face. What happened?"
"Football practice."
Robert closes the door. "He wasn't paying attention, slipped and fell. You hungry? Help yurself-we have enough for another plate and-"
"No no, I'm good." Gren takes his jacket off. "I just wanted to stop by. Hwy, kill two birds with one stone, eh? Me visit, you talk."
Robert smiles and grabs his cigarettes. "Finish your meal, RJ. When your done, wash up and head to the shower."
RJ salutes. "Yes sir!"
Opening the slidding glass door, the Grendel brothers step out into the moonlit night. Robert lights his cigarette; offering one to Gren, he declines and pulls out a flask of Whiskey instead. Concerned, Robert watches his brother drink half within seconds.
"Your drinking again?"
"Yeah and? I drink all the time-"
"You need to ease up on the alcohol, Gren. Its nothing but trouble."
"Yes MOTHER." Sarcastically, Gren places the flask into his back pocket. "So, what did you wanna fuckin' talk about?"
"How are things?"
"Alright." Gren rubs his hands. "Carla and I are fuckin' fighting again like dogs but what else is new?"
"She kick you out?"
"Yup." Gren burps. "I've been walking these mean streets for fucking three hours now."
"What was the fight about this time?"
"Money. The apartment. Work. The kids. Sex. When is Carla NEVER bitching about something fuckin' stupid?"
Robert nods. "Well, those Smith girls are-"
"No, no, no." Gren interupts Robert. "Its ONLY Carla. Georgie does not have this problem and neither does Hans with Gina. Mary is a fuckin' lesbo and their ALWAYS cheery and-"
"Calm down, Gren." They both notice RJ cleaning up and heading to the shower. "Relax, alright? You need a place to stay or-"
"No. Lyla is letting me crash in the guest room at her place."
"SPEAKING of Lyla-" Robert exhales. "What is this I hear you gave Emily something that sent 'ol Porgie pissed and seeing red?"
"RJ tell you?"
Gren looks up. "Artemis' bow."
"Excuse me?"
"You fuckin' heard me, Robert. The bow dad gave to you but you refused it. Then, to me. Well, its Emily's now."
"Okay but...why? What is a nine year old going to do with a bow made of our fallen leader's fang, moonlight, silver and wood? She can't use that thing. It's...it's too much and-"
"Don't fuckn' be dumb on me now." Gren stares out into the night. "That thing ain't just for fighting anf you know it..."
"But, if not for fighting, its meant for love. The arrows it comes with can either make a person love or hate. A single prick of their blood onto the arrow and shot at their target, will allow them to know the truth about their love..."
Gren did not say a word, as he opened the flask again and took a drink. "The very one..."
Robert stood under the moonlight, watching his brother stare out into nothing. His hands remained folded, his feet standing tall and shoulders hunched. Before Robert could speak, the back door opens. RJ stand sunder the porch light, holding the phone.
"Dad. Its mom."
"You already talk to her?"
"Yes sir."
Robert puts the cigarette out, takes the phone and answers. As he speaks, Gren grabs his jacket, kisses RJ goodbye and leaves. Robert looks over the edge and watches his brother walk in the darkness.
"Yeah, Lyla...he's on his way now...."
,`Any questions or comments, leave them below!
Thanks to @pudding_pie for allowing me to use some of your ideas for this story.:3 Love all the detailvyou've given the Grendels.
I was wondering why you had my notebook and was taking notes. XD Glad it worked.
got it down to a T, man.
RJ losing his marbles is freaky; what if he does it one day out in public?
Hopefully they can figure that out. I just adore these two.
They are too freakin' cute. Oh Gren....in his dark days....:(
Neat picture!
A lot of dialogue, enjoy.
Chapter 10, Alliance
It would seem that the Fable and Mundy violence have settled down over the passed few hours, but not entirely. The news have broken out across the globe and by now and people all over are already taking action in severally other countries.
Tokyo, Japan. Japanese Fables are seen attacking Mundies in the area. Japan military are no match for them.
Saint. Petersburg, Russia. A Dragon is seen terrorizing the city.
London, England. Hobgoblins ravaging through the streets attacking people.
Toronto, Canada. Wendigo's are going on a killing spree.
And more of this occurring throughout the globe.
What Gargoth have sent into play may not be able to be fixed by members of the Thirteenth Floor or anyone else of that matter. The damage done was cut deep and is possible, unrepeatable. This could be the begin of Armageddon, one might say.
Robby, Meg and Georgie have defeated the enormous gargoyle with effort. It was perhaps the laziest creature he has ever fought in his lifetime. With that gone, and the capture Fables freed. There was only one thing left to deal with , Gargoth.
“Meg, I think I can handle it from here. You take these two and get out of here as fast as possible.”
“You think, Robby? You can't take on this Gargoth by yourself? You are but one man.”
“You mean one Fable. Your work here is done. The streets are still under fire and the people need your guidance. You are the first step in stopping all of this, Meg.”
“How Robby?”
“You'll find out soon. Now go, get out of here before Gargoth-”
“Shows up..”
Gargoth crashes into the ceiling in a dark aura. His eyes glowing purple and his wings are showing while he appears be in his human form. He looked pissed, very. Especially since Mr. Weasel sent him on a wild goose chase.
“Well, I wasn't expect you this early. Then again, I assume your were hear for a long time, and you must be so bored taking down my little pet, Son of Robin Hood.”
Robby looks and Meg and tell her to leave now. She grabs Georgie and Lyla and leave out the way they enetered.
“Don't worry Lyla, ole Robby is goin to kick his arse. Come on, kids are waiting.”
As the three leave Robby and Gargoth are the only ones left in the room..
Meanwhile Tez after having a great advantage over Ominmaax is struggling to survive against the demon's devilish powers. The might dragon tries to avoid close encounters with him, so instead he stick with range attacks, which are moderately effective.
“Come down and face me Dragon. Earlier you were ready to tear my head off. Now you are worn out. Perhaps you are in need of some coal? To warm your fire?”
“Screw you Omnimaax!” Tez landing on a roof, taking a quick rest.
“If you insist..”
Omnimaax teleport onto the roof where Tez is resting on and quick slashes Tez shoulder. The dragon tries to smack him off of the roof but misses and catch Omnimaax with a fireball to the face. It was a direct hit, but..
“You have no idea what you are fucking with DRAGON! HAAAAAA!”
Omniimaax as he attempts to take Tezoth's life. He is stop in his tracks by Lydia whose blade crosses with his, creating a small surge of electric energy.
“Lydia...” Omniimaax surprised to see her.
“You're so blinded Omni, if only you knew why he brought you back.”
“What the hell are you talking about, Lydia?”
“Gargoth played you Omniimaax. And you are to clouded with revenge to understand that.”
“Of course I am! You killed my sister!”
“You murder my clan and stole my friends kingdoms!”
“BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!” Tez interrupting both the two argument.”
“Omniimaax, please listen to me. Gargoth wants your power.”
“What is this nonsense you speak of Lydia.”
“Not nonsense, this is what Draco's father told me a day before this all happened. He told me that Gargoth is no ordinary Fable. He is something, that is not suppose to exist.”
“What is that Lydia? Speak” Omnimaax putting down his sword then having a seat on a old crate.
“Gargoth was created when the evil of a Fable is met with a Gargoyle. Thus giving birth to him.”
“I still don't understand, Lydia.
“This evil, that Gargoth made contact with altered him. Then he basically became of sponge. Feeding and absorbing the evil of Fables over the many years. He was eventually defeated and 'boxed' by The Adversary. The same way they boxed your ancestor.”
“Mr. Dark...”
“Yes, Omnimaax.”
“Then, he was released and now wants to continuing feeding on the evil of Fables. That is why he captured the Fables and created a mass hysteria!”
“Correct Omnimaax. Now you understand why we must destroy him before it is too late. Will you stand will us in defeat this threat to all of us?”
“.... This dosent changes anything between us, Lydia. This alliance, is temporally.”
“Good, but before we go we are going to need the help of you Tezoth, and Omnimaax sister...”
“My sister?” Omnimaax getting up and witness his sister Argula materialize before him. He could not believe his dark eyes. Perhaps they are clouded with doubt and sorrow? Now, it was her. Standing there just as the last time he saw her.
“Argula wasn't dead Omni. The two of us just temporary merged. And now that we're both here, we can put at end of Gargoth once in for all. This ENDS now.”
To be continued
Halfway done!
I am back!!! After a month or so of no writing at all, I managed to find the inspiration to continue this story, I hope I don't disappoint :P
Devils and Demons Chapter 5 – A Turn For The Worst
Nick was furious before, but now he was ready to create Armageddon all over again like he had with the Mundane world. He had created a permanent eclipse, burned the land and tainted the water with blood and salt. His powers were vast, but Nick was a changed man now...
He continued to stare at Death; he couldn’t believe that he had sent Lyra to the Wolf family for safety. Nick spoke with as much suppression as he could muster for his anger “You idiot. I tried to kill Bigby Wolf, why would you send Lyra to him?”
Death wasn’t fazed “I know you tried to kill him, but that was over a decade ago; old hatreds are buried in time my son-“
Nick shook his head “Don’t call me that, I’m no more of a son to you than Bigby is to his Father”
Death interjected “But even the North Wind held love for Bigby... Great Powers like us can be deceiving in our affections”
Nick took in what Death was saying, but he was still in shock at the knowledge that his pride and joy, his reason-for-being, was currently in the care of a man that he had almost killed.
A house sits in a clearing in the middle of the woods. It is kept in a pristine condition both on the inside and the outside; with a truly in love couple living inside of it. The Big Bad Wolf; a reformed monster able to take the form of a man, married to the dainty and fair Snow White, happily married for years and sire’s to 7 wonderful children.
They aren’t a match made in heaven, but they work like clockwork. Their love is unmatched by the likes of Beauty and Beast... and right now they are still in bed at midday. Snow wakes up first, she runs a hand through her messy hair and rests the other on the chiselled chest of her beloved, she looks down at him and smiles. They really did just need each other to be happy; it was different when the Cubs started leaving home, but they visited often and Snow quickly adapted to having just Bigby in the house with her.
The Black Forest was connected to multiple towns and cities so the couple always had somewhere to go and something to do during the day. But today, 2 of their precious Cubs were coming home for dinner. Snow shook Bigby gently and he groaned in protest “C’mon honey, just a few more hours?”
Snow lets out a small giggle as she removes her naked form from the bed and sashays herself into the bathroom, knowing that her husband cannot keep his eyes off of her swaying hips. Bigby drags himself lazily to his feet and follows her into the bathroom... ready to start the day when it’s halfway over.
Meanwhile, Lyra had gotten to know her 2 new ‘friends’ quite well in the space of the last 30 minutes. She spoke “So, do you have any other siblings?”
Blossom looked down at her with a smile “Yeah we do, we have two other sisters called Winter and Therese, and another brother called Ambrose. We had a 3rd brother called Darien but... he passed away some time ago”
Lyra could see the sorrow in Blossom’s face, but it was a different kind of sorrow. It wasn’t a tear-jerking one as though Darien had been killed or died prematurely of something, it was a sorrow with ‘understanding’ almost as though his death was a noble one.
Lyra spoke softly “What happened to him?” Blossom didn’t look at her “He uh... he... did what he had to, to save Therese” Connor put his hand on Blossom’s shoulder “It’s ok sis, he looked out for us”
Blossom nodded as she patted her brother’s hand; Lyra felt bad at her actions “I’m sorry” Blossom ruffled her hair as she looked down at her “It’s ok Lyra, you weren’t to know”
Lyra smiled in response. Connor spoke up then “So, who are your parents, Lyra?” Lyra had to think hard about her answer. She knew of the hateful relationship her parents had with the Big Bad Wolf, but would Connor and Blossom really know who Nick and Mary were?
She spoke regardless “My Daddy is called Nick and my Mommy is called Mary” The two nodded in response, Blossom spoke “They must be good people to create someone like you” “You have no idea...” Lyra thought to herself.
Nick had started moving again after his talk with Death; he could only follow the trail in front of him and hope that it would lead him closer to his precious daughter and not to either of brothers... He had some time to contemplate what was happening in his life though.
He was turning back to his old ways that much was certain; the violence he had inflicted on Hans as well as Georgie and his impressively figured wife, his will to dominate his sister in combat, even his audacity to stand up to the Horsemen, the very beings that ensured chaos remained in the world. The Horsemen were always an interesting bunch; undying in spirit yet everywhere and nowhere at once.
The Horsemen could never be killed, to do so would to cause the destruction of the universe itself; the world needed chaos in order to function the way it did, the Horsemen were the ones that created that chaos. War, Famine, Pestilence and Death, to get rid of one would unbalance chaos itself...
But such a thing was impossible, no one could kill a Horseman; though their Harbinger’s could be killed if need be. Their spirits needed host bodies to take a physical form in the world, if a Harbinger displeased it’s Master then it could be ‘destroyed’ but a Horseman could only create one Harbinger.
They were like children, but also servants; the line between love and respect was blurred, except for Death. He had created Nick first, and he fell in love with his creation as a Father falls in love with its child upon its birth. He had always viewed Nick as a son first and foremost, never as a servant or even a simple piece of meat like War viewed Galen.
But when Nick had abandoned his siblings for a new family; Death had finally become proud of his son, he would never let it show of course. Death was not the sort of person to let his emotions show amongst his allies, he always had an air of ‘displease’ about him.
Nick eventually stopped and made short work of a large rabbit with his bow; as he finished cooking the meat however, he heard rustling and the slight snapping of twigs. He could make out the approaches of 3 people, both large and unhygienic, possibly scavengers living in the woods.
One took Nick by surprise (at least he thought he did) and held a blade to his throat as the other two sat down in front of Nick and picked away at his dinner.
Nick spoke anyway “That’s mine you know”
The men chuckled “Well, it’s ours now...”
Nick didn’t move, he wanted to see where this would go. He had nothing of value besides his weapons, and these men clearly didn’t need weapons.
The man behind Nick spoke into his ear “We’ve been following you, and we could use a man of your talents”
Nick chuckled “No thanks, I don’t play well with others”
The man tightened his grip “The choice here is very simple mate, either you join us or we kill you and take your stuff”
Nick glanced into the man’s eyes “Is that really what you do? If I don’t listen to you you’ll kill me? You really are pathetic”
The man nodded and slit Nick’s throat deep, his blood spurted out and he fell forwards limp. The other two men quickly shot up and crinkled their noses at the foul stench of Nick’s pure black blood “What the fuck is this guy? Was he a zombie or something?!”
The other man looked at him unimpressed and retaliated “No dipshit, a zombie is a walking corpse, this guy was fresh”
The man who had ‘killed’ Nick yelled “Enough! We can still cook the body; we’ll just have to drain out the blood first”
While the 3 men were talking, Nick slowly got to his feet and spoke with a gurgling noise as his neck healed up “Try harder next time, cannibals”
Nick drew his sword and clove one of the men’s heads in two; he kicked another down before grabbing the other by the hair and dragging him towards a tree before proceeding to repeatedly smash it into the wood until there was barely anything left of his face. Nick broke the man’s neck afterwards and turned his full attention to the man on the floor.
The man scurried backwards, but it was no use; Nick crouched in front of him as he backed up into another tree. The wicked grin on Nick’s face and the look in his eye was something no one had seen for years; it was a look of bloodthirsty slaughter and it was aimed completely at the grovelling cannibal.
Nick edged closer to the man’s face and growled “Is that all you have? Come on, get up and fight me! Prove your worth! Come on!”
The man yelled in Nick’s face as a single tear fell down his cheek “You’re a monster!”
Nick edged backwards “So... you’re no better than the shit on my boots, eh?”
The man couldn’t look at the monster before him; he was completely terrified of what would happen next. Nick picked the man up by his collar and forced him against the tree, scanning over the expression of terror on his face.
“Are you scared of me?” The man managed the weakest of nods and Nick chuckled “Good”
Nick forced the man’s mouth open and breathed a toxic green mist into it, the man sputtered and choked as he began coughing up blood and a disgusting mush that was once his insides. The man dropped dead shortly after wards and Nick staggered a little at the sight.
Why was he so vicious? He hadn't let the monster out like that for so many years, but these men had awakened the beast within. They were evil that much was certain, but even if they weren't and had simply been desperate would Nick have done the same thing to them?
He would need to reflect on his actions as he continued his search, but from now on he would need to exercise more control. Mary was the one who would berate Nick for stepping out of line, and although he found her to be sexy as hell when she was angry with him, he was like a dog to its master with her. She was the one who helped him stay in control with the monster inside, much to the irony of others who knew them for what they used to be...
So, any questions or comments then please them below
I may continue this later today or tomorrow, but I have 3 other fics going atm and I haven't touched them for nearly 2 months now (that's really bad in my book)
First of all, what a comeback! Death showing emotions is interesting. Nicks ferocity towards other people is interesting. He was looking for reform but with the loss of his daughter he snapped right back into his shoes, although old habits are hard to break. Wonder how Nick will go about Bigby taking care of Lyra. Keep up the good work Hazza!
Bigby has his part to play in all of this...
Thnx man!
It took me a little longer to get through the events in the Smith household as expected. So for those that have been reading, you guys can look forward to the actual dinner in the next part of chapter 8!
Chapter 8, Part 2: Ambushed
"So, uh, Rose Red? Um, can I ask you a question?"
Rose continues on walking and nods her head. "What's on your mind, Carla?"
"Is our dad mad at you and Harmony? Because, me and Lyla started worrying when she started crying... And it made us cry, that's why we were hiding in the closet. I hope she's feeling alright..."
Rose sighed. "Just try and forget -whatever you heard or saw- ever happened, okay? Everything's fine. It's just been a little rough day for me, is all, and probably your dad too."
"Okay..." Carla said while she looked at Lyla.
Rose quickly changed the subject. "Besides us meeting Dragon Tez soon, do you two want to see a new 'friend' I've made today?"
Lyla's eyes widened. "Oooo, a new friend? Who is it, Rosey Red?"
Rose smiled. "Both of you are going to see soon enough. In fact, she should be waiting around the corner." Carla secretly became a little excited too.
Part of Rose had a feeling that Fayde was going to be long-gone. But, to her surprise, the Irish lady was still sitting there when she looked around the corner, still waiting like Rose told her to. She called out to Fayde.
"Hey, redhead! There are two little Munchkins I want you to meet."
Being caught off-guard, she gets up instantly. It made her heart melt when she looked down at them for the first time.
Lyla curiously observed Fayde. "Wow, she's soooo pretty, like me!"
Fayde looked at Rose, then kneeled to get a closer look at the wolfling before her. "What's your name, little one?"
"My name's Lyla, and I'm a wolf! Rawr!"
Fayde smiled and playfully conversed. "Oh my, I better stay clear of you then. Wouldn't want you hunting me for dinner when I'm not looking."
"Don't worry! I wouldn't wanna hunt any of Rosey Red's friends! Besides, my Mommy and Daddy tell me hunting Fables and Mundies for food are bad anyway!"
Fayde looked at Rose and mouthed, "Friend?" Rose nodded her head over to Lyla and mouthed that she wanted her to play along. Fayde quickly got the hint and looked back at Lyla. "Ah, I see. Glad to know your parents are setting you on the right path for life, little one - I mean, Lyla."
Lyla giggled and began playing with her hair curls. Carla then inched forward from behind Rose and smiled.
"H-hi, um, I'm Carla, and, it's nice to meet you."
Fayde kneeled in front of Carla and folded her hands. "Likewise, Carla. It's an honor."
Carla immediately looked at Rose. "Did I do good, Rose Red?"
Rose patted her head. "You did an awesome job, Carla."
"Now, 'friend' 'o mine, I think now's the time to introduce yourself to them."
She was surprised again. "Oh! Well, my name's Fayde, and yes, um, I am one of Rose Red's friends like she said."
Lyla attempted to sound out her name. "Fayde, Fayde, Faaaayde. I'm gonna call you... Faydey! Just like I did with your friend Rosey Red!"
Rose and Fayde laughed at the same time, which surprised them both at the moment. Rose put on her straight face and spoke up.
"Y'know, me and the girls were just about to go upstairs to visit Tezoth. I think you should join us."
Lyla and Carla nodded in approval of the idea, as Fayde rubbed her head nervously.
"Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't want to interrupt you or anything..."
"I'm positive, I think it'd be good for you. Plus, the girls agree with my idea, so... I'd say you have no choice in the matter." Rose smirked.
"Alright then, uh, lead the way."
Upstairs and toward the guest rooms...
"So, Lyla and Carla, where are Mary and Gina at? I swear I would've seen them in the house by now."
"Oh, well, you know... Mary's in her room like usual. I think she's playing with her toy soldiers again. And Gina, well..."
"Well, what?" Rose eyed Carla as if it were an interrogation.
"Gina told us that she was gonna go to the basement to get something - back when me and Lyla were hiding in the closet. She said it was her super secret and that she'll be back."
Rose arched an eyebrow. "I'm going to assume your mom or dad don't know about this?"
Carla and Lyla shook their heads simultaneously. Fayde cupped her hand over her mouth to prevent herself from giggling.
"Alright, your secret is safe with me. Just as long as that little rebel is fine."
Lyla almost yelled. "Don't worry, Rosey Red! She'll be back!"
She smiled. "Alright, alright. Let's go see Tez now. Hmmm."
"What's wrong, Rose?"
"It's the door, it looks dark in there. Hopefully nothing bad happened to my Tezzy while I was gone." Rose glared at Fayde again, making her uncomfortable. Lyla and Carla looked at each other confused.
"But whatever, I'm going in." Rose carefully traversed into the dark room, leaving the door open a crack behind her.
Lyla and Carla gasped as soon as they heard Rose making weird noises inside. Fayde felt the inclination to walk closer to the door and see what's up. She peeked inside.
Dripping water guns in hand, Gina and Harmony laugh hysterically when the lights turn on. "We got you good this time, Rose!" Gina exclaimed, snickering.
Rose made raspberry sounds to get the water out of her mouth. "Seriously, Harm? Phhfff, you teamed up with Gina to ambush me with toy water guns? Phhfff."
"It was either that, or I get sprayed with water in return. Gina had me at an impasse, Aunty Rose!"
"Ah, it's all good, Harm. I'm not mad at you, 'nor Gina. Even though I may have to get revenge on the both of you in the near future."
Gina grinned. "Bring it, Rose Red. I'll be ready."
Rose got up slowly, sighing. "Where's Tez? I don't see him on the bed now that the lights are on."
"Right behind you." The dragon thief wrapped his arms around Rose's waist, eventually kissing her on the cheek and on the neck before he presses his body against her back.
Gina made a disgusted face. "Ew, Tez! Why are you kissing her when she's all wet? Bleh!"
Tez laughed. "Maybe when you find someone to love, Gina, you'll end up doing the same thing. You'll probably understand once you get older."
"I honestly hope I don't. The lovey-dovey stuff you do with Rose sometimes is disgusting. Ugh!"
Rose grinned at her response and whispered back to Tez. "I was worried sick, you know. I thought you weren't going to make it after..."
"Hush, Rose Bud, not when the others are present. You can tell me the details later, privately. In the meantime," Tez let go of Rose. "I sense my other two favorite Smith's are somewhere in this vicinity. I wonder where they are?"
Infectious giggling was heard outside the door. "We're here, Dragon Tez!" Lyla exclaimed as she rushed through the entrance with Carla. Fayde crossed her arms and stayed in the hallway.
Tez playfully talks. "Well, it certainly looks like you two have grown a bit since I last saw you both!"
"Yeah, Dragon Tez! Um, are you and Rose going to stay longer this time?"
"You forgot her friend, Lyla. The girl with the leprechaun-ish voice."
"Oh yeah, I forgot! I thought she sounded like Georgie, though..."
Gina and Tez were confused, while Harmony got the idea of whom Carla was talking about.
Rose sighed. "You can come in, Fayde, it's all right."
The Irishwoman walked in, keeping a safe distance away from the thief. "Hello, Tezoth."
"You... Why is she here, Rose?"
She leaned on Tez. "It's kind of a long story to tell, and while I'm sure some of you have questions right now. We'll talk more about it at the dinner table, since Nancy-" She eyed the Smith girls. "Your mom, is in the process of cooking dinner at the moment."
Gina got excited. "Dinner? Sweet! Let's go, Harmony!" Harmony was going to say something, but was unexpectedly pulled out of the room by her sudden wolf strength.
"Can we go with Gina and Harmony, Rosey Red?"
"Yes you can, Lyla. Me, Tez, and Fayde will be with you guys shortly. Also, make sure you tell Mary about dinner!"
"Yay! C'mon Carla! Let's go and tell Mary!" And out they went.
Fayde grinned awkwardly. "Um, yeah, so I'm here. What are the chances, eh?"
"You sure have a lot of explaining to do, Fayde-leaf-clover. Then again, as do I." Rose looked at Tez.
Tez growled and nearly pushed Fayde out of the way, he left the room without saying anything.
"I hope he'll understand things once I explain."
"I hope so too, Fayde. Don't make me regret bringing you in here."
"I, I promise I won't. Rose Red. Well, I have yet to see the owners of the house."
"Walk with me."
END, of Chapter 8 part 2.
Yeah, if you guys are somewhat confused on what's going on - let me know! Also, I can give you guys the page of the previous part too, if any of you forgot what happened beforehand!
This chapter was awesome! Well worth the wait!
Keep up the awesome work Dragon! 
If they'd have said school was open, I imagine you might have met that with a frosty reception. Hehhehheh.... Anyway! It's nice to see Harmony and Tim holiday in the UK, and having such a lovely time in London!
That's a great description.
That opening conversation between Peter and Gren was good to read; gives insight into how their relationship is on a personal level, and how they talk to each other. Reminds me of the one Georgie and Gren had on the rooftop. They're good to read.
As for everything with Carla - the apple fell very far from that tree. Couldn't imagine Nancy or John taking advantage of someone the way Carla has, nor her sisters doing so (though Mary is sort of unto herself anyway). Loving Emily giving her what for! Also:
I think that's made more sinister because you're the writer and so it's up to you what happens XD Emily all the way though!
And the pictures! The first one is adorable; there is never going to be a dull minute in their household. XD And that's a great picture by Kinzi! Can definitely see your Georgie there.
OMG this was well worth the wait. You make all the cute little stories and they are fun to read!
I adore the Smith girls to no end. Rose's interactions are priceless and its neat to know they refer to her as 'aunt' Rose and welcome her with such big, wide open arms. Another play thing to them, I suppose. 
Fayde with Carla.
How precious. Nice to see Fayde up and walking around, too.
I just love how worried litte Lylsa is. 'Is our dad mad at you and Harmony...' That is so her. 
I also love how Gina's secret weapon is water guns; the water fight scene was precious and so Rose! Watch out, T man...that water may not mix very well with the fire! :0 I just loved picturing that!
Okay, seriously. Cute. Also....:D
Georgie!! Oh man! Pie will love that little section! I can't wait you have in stock for him!
OOOOH man! WTF just happened and WHY is T man so angry!? Was it because of what took place at the club? Rose? Harmony!?
Sorry for all the quotes but I adored this! WELL worth the wait, man!
Can't wait for more!!!
I must have missed part one T-T I will totes go back and read that ASAP!
I enjoy showing the relationship the Porgie clan kids have with their other family members. Peter has always been able to talk to Gren like they've known eachother for centuries; also, it gives a bit of insight into Peter's mind and all that did take place when he was a boy. I feel like I didn't really cover much of Peter's childhood in the past. I'll be doing that more in thise section.
Maary, sadly, fell into the typical Folker mentality. Nothing but power and greed took her over. Carla is just a bitch. Excuse the language but she turned into a real royal pain in the ass as an adult. To her, its 'funny' how much pain she's managed to cause Gren and with it bothering Emily, it seems to please Carla, too.
Coming from the person in control of Emily, I'm glad she's giving you and the others that 'Oh shit' feeling. Like I've stated before, Carla has no idea what she's gotten herself into. NO ONE messes with Emily Porgie....no one....
I did appreciate the gift from her.
I love how kawaii he is! ^-^ And its never a dull moment, indeed.
But they wouldn't have it any other way.....:)
Oh my sweet, sweet Carla...what happened to you?
It's times like these I'm sad to know what a real (excuse the language) bitch she's become as an adult.
That is so my little Lyla.
How precious is she in your stories. I appreciate the adorableness you managed to capture of the girls on what information I've given you and from past reads. 
Rosey Red. ^.^ That just made my freakin' day, man!
Team Wolf, baby!
Love that; I adore how Harm, although an adult woman, can still have fun with the youth and make a game out of getting her aunt Rose wet with a water gun and playing alongside Gina and the others. This was fun to picture. I loved it!
CoughHans and you do this in the futurecough Oh man....excuse me...XD
I'm glad you addressed this because I WAS wondering if Fayde DID sound like the Lucky Charms guy. I'm glad this proved me right.
Gotta love those Irish. AND Georgie!!
I'm looking forward to what you have for him; you mentioned you had an idea and I can't wait to see it!
Oh what the hell.....what happened? T man....no....why, T man! WHY!!!??
I just turned into JJ with all the quoting but like everyone else, well worth the wait and looking forward to more. Great work, man. I love where all this is going.
"Did you have lots of adventures before I was born?" Charlotte's head rested in the crook of Harmony's shoulder as they read a bedtime story together. The other children were being corralled by Tim in the room next door, but it was nice and quiet in this one, and Charlotte took this time to ask her favorite grandmother some questions that boggled her little mind.
"Oh," Harmony said, in that same, motherly cooing voice. "Of course I've been on lots of adventures."
"What kinds?" The girl's voice chirped, as she pulled her blankie over her feet. It was chilly from the terrible wind storm outside. It only served to make Charlotte curl closer to Harmony's body.
Harmony chuckled softly, the kind of tired chuckle most parents have at the end of the day. She ran her hands over Charlotte's hair and began rattling a few off. "Well, it was an adventure in itself to find Fabletown," She told her granddaughter. "And there was the time me and Aunty Rose went on a road trip.... The time me and Grandpa met, at Remembrance Day."
"How was that like?" Her voice sounded strangely firm, as if she were proud to be asking the right questions. "Was it love like the movies?"
Harmony smiled brightly, shifting Charlotte over her knee. She closed the book they'd been reading, and she pressed Charlotte's fair head against her chest, willing the little girl to drift slowly to sleep. "Well," she continued. "When I saw him that day, I was certainly dumbstruck."
"What's a dumbstruck?" Charlotte's voice grew tireder, but she kept asking. A very curious and intelligent girl.
"It means.....I didn't know what to think. I saw him, and I felt....electricity in my heart. It was the scariest yet most....amazing feeling."
"Was it love?" Charlotte asked, yawning quietly.
"Yes," Harmony replied, surely. "Yes, I think it was."
"Did Grampa love you back?"
"Yes, he did."
"Did you get married?"
"Did we? We did, but not for a couple more years after that. We didn't start dating until a year after we met."
Charlotte yawned again, pressing her eyes closed. She spoke once more. "Did you have lots of adventures with him?"
Harmony chuckled again. "Yes, we had so many of them."
Charlotte lifted her head to meet Harmony's eyes. Her little brain clicked; It was almost as if she'd just seen the past, the memories, in one little snapshot. It shocked the girl, and she hadn't known how to respond, so she just laid her head back down on Harmony's bosom, listening to her grandmother hum her to sleep. The last thing she remembered before waking up in her own bed at her own home was the images that flooded her mind in that millisecond that she'd looked into Harmony's eyes.
It was the first sign of her natural powers taking hold of her small, fragile mind.
"She needs to take her medication twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Make sure there's no strenuous activity...." Swineheart's voice droned on to Charlotte's mother and father. She was dressed in a loose shirt and ugly sweatpants, but they were the most comfortable goddamn pair of sweatpants she owned, and so she would wear them proudly as they left the hospital. Her parents wouldn't stop holding her hands and comforting her. She didn't really want it, but that's not something you tell your mom or your dad when they've been through a sudden traumatic experience involving...well, you. So she accepted their gazes and their soft voices and the treatment they gave her, despite her wish to just go home and browse the internet for a while. But, the doctor said not too much TV or videogames, which was a big downer.
"I feel fine, Mom," Charlotte groaned. "You don't have to get a wheelchair. I can walk."
"Are you sure? The doctor said that you should get one in case you faint."
"She's fine," Jackson told his wife. "She's a trooper, our girl. Right baby?"
Charlotte rolled her eyes. She did feel a little lightheaded, and so she leaned into her father as they descended in the elevator. She couldn't get her mind off of the cause of her situation. The past. She still had so much work to do, and now she was set back in her schedule. Not that she wouldn't be anyway, she had needed a break for some time. She just wished she hadn't had to spend most of it in a hospital bed and listening to the constant drum of machines behind her head.
The car was new; She hadn't expected her parents to ditch the old pick-up truck for a family sized vehicle this soon. Then again, they were all about having what was best for them and their family. If another child was to be brought into the world, surely they would need to make room for it. And, with the seemingly genetic amount of multiples born to each of her mother's siblings, they would probably have to over estimate on the amount of seats they needed. They were extremely lucky that Charlotte was the only baby born to them, so far.
"Some of your aunts and uncles are at home," Scar began talking as the car headed north.
"Really?" Charlotte didn't actually feel like talking, but she was interested in the prospect of other people being in her house. Her Dad drove the car into the underground parking, under Fabletown's mighty looking castle. They took the elevator up from there, to her grandmother's floor.
"They're excited to see you better," Scarlett continued. It wasn't like the last time they'd seen Charlotte was in the hospital. In fact, only a handful of her billions of relatives came to see her, as most lived in exotic locations or in different worlds altogether. They might have seen photos on the internet (Her mother was still an avid 'snapchat' user.) But she supposed most wouldn't notice much of a difference about her now than they would have before-hand.
The apartment door opened to a lavishly decorated home in some remote location in another universe or something totally cool like that. It was her grandparent's house, the home of her childhood, the place where she spent most of her days catching fireflies with her aunts and uncles who were the same age as she was. They, of course, were all in their rebellious teenage stages (A stage that Charlotte thankfully hit much shallower than they did.) and she marveled at seeing who was in trouble for what this time. It was, of course, Jason and Jessamine. The two of them in the same room together was a nasty combination.
The both seemed to be sulking, and it was obvious they were only downstairs because they had to be. Otherwise, Gabriel looked pretty excited to see her, and Adeline always had an aura of self control that surrounded her pretty face. She had her arms folded and a benign smirk over her lips.
"Glad to see your still kicking."
Charlotte smiled back, nodding softly, because her headache was still very much present. She was more excited to see her older aunts and uncles, and her little cousins (All of whom were much younger than she was.)
Uncle Franklin sat at the kitchen bar with Aunt Ash on his lap, barely. She was giggling at whatever he'd said, and his hand rubbed over her enormous belly. She was about to pop, compared to the little belly her own mother seemed to be sporting.
"She lives!" Ash said excitedly, but lowered her voice when Charlotte winced in pain. "Oops. Sorry Charlie."
"S'okay," Charlotte said, slurred. She was at the point that normal words made her head pound. She had to stay out at least for a few minutes, to say hi to everyone.
The next person she was was her Uncle Noah. He was strong and tall, much taller than her, and her arms nearly popped her head off. It didn't help much with the pain, but she let it pass some.
"My favorite niece," He said proudly.
"Hey!" A little feminine voice came from the corner. Charlotte's little cousins were all getting into trouble opening the cabinets in the kitchen and pulling out pots and pans. Julie was 3 and her brother Carmichael was 1 and a half. Elora hastily walked over, pulling the utensils from their hands.
"Sunflower," Her uncle Anubis said softly. "Let the children be children."
"Not when they're about to ruin my mother's favorite whisks, I won't." Her voice was both jovial and serious. She lived the boy in her arms and simultaneously gave Charlotte a side-hug. "Love you, Char."
"Love you too," Charlotte replied. She took a seat at the kitchen table, to gather her bearings. Everyone was considerate enough to talk softly, but they all beamed with happiness to see that she was doing well enough.
"Alright," Charlotte's father spoke up. "She needs to get some much needed rest. I'm taking her home, guys." Thank. God. Her head was beginning to throb insistently.
"We'll be back, though," Scarlett added to Jackson's comment. "And Charlotte should be fine tomorrow, so we'll have a nice little get together then. Bye!"
The next moments were blurrier than Charlotte would like to admit. She just remembered getting home, crashing on the couch, watching television on mute (which is considerably less enjoyable.) and then going to bed. She ate somewhere in between, and took her meds, and probably had a conversation with Bella before passing out, though she's sure Bella will ask her some questions when she wakes up and she won't know the answer to a single one of them. She was a bitch like that, sometimes. Rest... Her body felt like it was in a coma. But it was a comfortable coma, with her fuzzy pillows and her warm blankies and the silence of the room. She snuggled against one blanket especially, the one she'd had since she was a wee toddler. That one was held close to her face, the bundle of old rags it was, and she smelled it deeply. It brought reassurance and infant memories back to her. And somehow, it brought other people's memories, too. Her grandmother's memories, and her grandfather's, and many, many others.
Soon, her mind was travelling unconsciously into the past.
This is very intriguing. Death showing emotion got to me.
Does Rose and Tez have any babies on the way?