Is it wrong to be 'Team Lilly'?
Basically I just an argument/debate with some online friends about Kenny Vs Lilly, it was me (Lilly) vs 2 Kenny fans, and basically now I'm starting to wonder if it's wrong to like Lilly, since apperantly my logic (saving larry, taking Lilly with me in the RV) is the logic that will get everyone killed and will fuck us all over
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Everyone has their own opinion, No opinion is wrong, Personally I'm on the Kenny side but I'm not gonna tear at you for having your own insight on things, Don't let them get you
Thanks, it helps you saying that
I'm kinda upset over it, as sad as it is XD
No its your choice like its my choice to be in the Natetion
Chances are she is still alive and Kenny is well....dead in some play-throughs. If Lilly is smart, she would bolt/drive back to the motel, wait for them zombies to clear out, pick some guns up from the dead bandits, scavenge the remaining supplies and live the good life.
Are you trying to start a Kenny vs Lilly world war 2? OF COURSE BEING TEAM LILLY IS WRONG. SHE SHOT DOUG/CARLEY IN THE FKN FACE.
Could have sworn that ended the argument a few years ago.
Who needs team Lilly and team Kenny when you could be a true American Peteriot
I'm actually named Nate, so I'll join that cause.
I liked Lily more than Kenny, but the game does favor the Kenny's side.
but it's not wrong. you gotta go with what you feel is right in the moment
No, at first I hated Lilly but in Season 2 I was disappointed to see Kenny instead of Lilly. Everybody had different opinions and thoughts, you can't help it.
If your opinion doesn't match up with mine, its wrong... unfortunatly.
It's hard because as much as I don't like Kenny's impulsiveness, what Lily did was worse. Saving her wouldn't have mattered if her and Kenny are still around each other.
Nate is the only true choice.
Uh, not really. Carly being killed was bad, no doubt about it, but saying that being team Lilly is wrong because of it is also to ignore the fact that Kenny would have been perfectly willing to watch Lee die in episode three, if Lee decided not to kill a man. Honestly, that is far far worse than killing Doug or Carly, because she had reason to distrust Carly, and Doug was an accidental kill. The reason for which Lilly killed Doug and Carly is the exact same reason Kenny tried to kill Ben in episode 4. So yeah, that argument is over. In the Lilly corner.
How is what Lilly did worse? She did one wrong thing. She killed Doug/Carly. Other than that, the only negative traits she had were being kind of a bitch, and being paranoid after her father was killed by her own group. But think about that. Really think.
Why did she kill Doug/Carly? Because she thought that someone was responsible for the group being kicked out, and she took justice into her own hands, without considering the group's feelings on the matter. Kenny tried to do this twice. Once when Ben admitted to giving the meds to the bandits, and once in episode 3, if Lee refused to kill Larry. With Lee, Kenny just let Lee save himself, knowing full well that Lee could die. Then with Ben, Kenny had the exact same reasoning as Lilly killing Doug/Carly...
As for Lilly's bitchiness, don't forget Kenny's dickishness, showing itself fully in episode 3, again by not saving Larry, and that choice alone, as well as Kenny being a dick to Luke for absolutely no reason in S2E2. As for the paranoia, she was grieving over her father's murder. Give her some slack.
So yeah, Lilly overall was a better person in my eyes. Just because Kenny failed to kill Ben, and just because Lee lived through the door in episode 3, doesn't erase his actions, or make them any better.
You are wrong and you should feel wrong.
did Lilly really have reason to distrust Carley? Other than object to Lilly's rule, Carley didn't do anything anything that provoked Lilly's mistrust. Lilly just didn't Carley b/c Carley was vocal in her disagreement with how Lilly was trying to run things and called her out on it, which got her killed
Ok, killing Carly was a mistake. For damn sure. However, shouting, and getting up in the face of a paranoid fuck is not, repeat NOT a good idea. Carly was honestly playing with fire. At the same time, though, Carly was also the only other person with nothing to lose if the group were to die, aside from Lilly herself and Ben. Then, when Lilly was flustered and breaking down, Carly (rightfully) called Lilly a scared little girl. Although Carly was right, she should've known better than to piss Lilly off anymore than Lilly already was. In her broken state, Lilly took this as being defensive, and took the defensiveness as evidence that Carly may be the culprit.
Everybody else had familial connections within the group, and were automatically struck out from Lilly's list. Even though Lee and Clementine's relationship was adoptive at best, Lee still cared about Clementine, and would want as many meds as possible, in case Clem got sick.
If it couldn't be Lee, Kenny, Katjaa, or the kids, then it was either Ben, or Carly. So who does Lilly pick? Ben, the stupid teenager, or Carly, the defensive, hostile, insulting bitch? (Just from Lilly's perspective. Carly was totally right to do what she did, but you have to understand Lilly's point of view.)
Now what about Doug? The reason Doug was never on Lilly's list was because Doug was good at what he did, kept his head down, and helped the group when nobody else wanted to, or was able to, such as with the alarm, or the bandit attack (telling Lee where the bandits were), on top of his inability to survive on his own. Not to mention, his recent bought of depression also made it hard to pin blame on him.
This is my thoughts on Kenny overall, Most people forgive Kenny all because he tries to save Ben in episode 5 thats it, after all the times he tried to get the majority of players killed and he gest forgiven for it.
Lilly and lets say Mike or Vernon do mainly good during their appearances but they end on a negative so people hate them. Its kind of funny how people are judged on their last actions so heavily.
Man, you should've been here last year. So many people vehemently hated Lilly supporters. Jesus Christ, it was a jungle.
Ok, overall, I GENERALLY forgive Mike. He's still worse than Lilly, leaving an 11 year old girl and a baby with two psychopaths, but I can kinda understand his logic. In a way. But Vernon is possibly the worst person that the group has ever encountered, aside from Jane and Carver. The group in 400 Days revealed that as soon as he learned about the boat he was scheming to steal it from Lee's group, which included a nine year old girl. He stole their only means of escape, beating down anyone in his way, and tried to abandon Lee's group in the middle of the most infested city ever seen in The Walking Dead, apart from maybe the comic's Washington DC, which, even DC was inhabitable, as that one group who tried to rob Alexandria lived there for a short while, and 5 out of a group of 6 people ended up escaping DC, whereas only 8 people (possibly 9, as Molly is unknown) escaped Savannah out of 12. Vernon abandoned a 9 year old girl there. That's worse than Mike leaving Clem with the two psychopaths, and without food, because those psychos never wanted to hurt Clem, just each other and everyone else.
Oh I was here, I just read things during season 1. Lilly was considered satan. Season 1 episode 3 got more hate than any episode i've ever seen for killing lee's love and revealing how little choice was going to mattter, it was the first string of "IM GONNABOYCOTT THE GAME IT SUUCKS #bringbackcarley; simaler to Kenny the fan obsession is one of the reasons I dont really like Carley
Honestly, I didn't even give a shit when Carly died. I was just crying for the ultimate sacrifice that Doug made
For real though, the Duck scene in that episode was probably my favorite scene in the whole game. I never came so close to crying for a video game. Even the finale seemed tame in comparison.
Episode 3 was my second favourite of season 1. And thats only because of the extremely long train scene on replays. Thinking back apart from Ben I feel the duck death was the most I felt in season 1 at a character death. Dougs was more shock and everyone else was not even close
No, of course not.
It's your opinion. If you want to be in TeamLilly, then don't let anyone stop you. It's your choice. There is no right or wrong choice. At least, that's what I like to think.
I am team Lilly too. Not that I support what she did, but while replaying Season 1 I saw her good side and how much of a great person she could be (better than Kenny), and she did something terrible, although I have forgiven her. Also, don't let other people tell you your opinion is wrong because it's unpopular, as it's natural people have different opinions and they should respect yours too.
No its not wrong. Everyone has their own opinion. Still... Lilly is a bitch...
In your opinion.
I think Kenny's a bitch.
It's not 'wrong to be team Kenny either.
THere are just different opinions. Don't feel bad for having one which lots of people here will fuck you for.
Well at least Kenny didn't kill anyone for no fucking reason...
Kenny tries to leave Lilly to die in the motel for no reason.
In my game he left Lee to die under a door for no reason.
Kenny wants to kill Arvo for no practical reason.
Kenny kills Carver in an unnecessarily long way, limiting the time the group had to escape, for no reason.
Lilly also killed Carley because she had extreme mental healthy problems, caused in no small part by Kenny bullying her, not because she herself was a 'bitch'.
Also, what you're saying here doesn't really stack up with you saying 'no it's not wrong' to like Lilly. You clearly think it is wrong.
I'm not saying its wrong to like her. I liked her a lot until episode 3. I'm just angry because Carley was of my favorite characters.
Nope. I would not consider myself team Lilly but I will say I did not leave her on the side of the road and I am glad I didn't. At least that way she has the R.V. that we did not need anymore.
I liked both Lilly and Kenny. Both were cool characters, and i don't see why people can't like either.
THIS REALLY pissed me off too. I remember thinking why didn't they all just go back to the motel, the next day loot all their stuff, and go. PLOT HOLE Numba 1
Carley shouldn't of argued with Lilly. You know she is unstable. I MEAN COOOOOOOME ON
1.'Leave that crazy bitch to die'
3.Why is that a reason to kill him afterwards? He's now harmless. Mindless vengeance is't a good reason.
4.Considering Kenny dictates what the group does (as per episode 5, where everyone else wants to go back to Howe's and he says no), that doesn't really mean much.
In terms of morals, whether you like the character they try to kill is irrelevant. A crime is a crime if it's not in self defence.
Yeah right Arvo is harmless... The harmless Arvo almost killed Clem. Yeah he's realy harmless... If the group would have let Kenny to put him down Clem would never get shot...
He starts a fight with Jane and kills her for no practical reason. You also said in that other thread killing and murder was no big deal in the apocalypse so I don't know why you would bring this up.
He though she killed AJ. Lilly killed Carley just because she said she was a bitch (witch is the truth). Yeah killing is no big deal but she killed my favorite character and that's why I hate her.
Key word: Thought
I think that guy over there on the bench stole my watch, so I am going to murder him. This is not a valid reason to murder someone.
Can you genuinely say to me that murder is no big deal. Because killing is not what they did and I've already gone over the differences with you.
LOL so in your mind murder is okay as long as it's not someone you like being murdered. Hypocrite.