I just don't get how the f*ck those walkers snuck up on them when they're on an isolated farm..Shawn must've had a huge ball of earwax clogged in both his ears cuz there's no way that those walkers woulda gone unnoticed
this moment defines Kenny: Although Jane was constantly trying to change my opinion on Kenny,i never budged and stayed Loyal to the end,Kenny is the true succesor to Lee,he would do anything for her,when he was sat on his own with the baby talking about Duck i felt his pain,in the past he would of reached for the bottle but not now,Jane said Kenny was beyond changing and was getting worse,she couldn't of been more wrong.Kenny was reborn this episode and when it came time to reach Wellington with Kenny,Clems speech about not leaving him behind really hit me,it was remeniscent of what Clem said about Ben,even though Kenny wanted to leave him behind at every oppurtunity in the end Kenny was in the Ben position of having to lose everything he ever cared about,so when Clem turned round and said no to Wellington My Kenny finally understood in the very end,'we don't leave friends behind'...it was extrodinary beautiful and moving....these 2 characters who have come together and are totally different yet you could not get a tighter bond.
The Wellington ending. Everyone talks hot shit about how selfish Kenny is and how his obsession with family is self serving. Kenny's willingness to sacrifice his emotional security for the lives of Clem and AJ proves what a good man he is.
When Lee asks him to come with him to find Clementine. This scene shows that Kenny would do anything for someone he loves but is a fucking asshole if you're not his friend.
When Kenny decided not to go with the rest of the group to find Clementine, I was heart-broken. I decided never to trust him again, even goi… moreng so far as to disagreeing with him every single scene onward. When he reappeared in season 2, to my own surprise, I couldn't have been more happy. After spending the entire first episode with this hostile group, seeing a familiar face felt like a welcome change. We sat down, had a talk. For the first time in season 2 I felt a genuine sense of happiness. But something was off. This wasn't the Kenny that had supposedly sacrificed himself for the last wish of some kid that had gotten his family killed. The rest of the season I decided to just roll with it. I was playing Clementine now, a blank slate. Episodes later, I found myself aiming a gun at his head, trying to make the tough choice between a good friend and a pragmatic survivalist who had taken a liking to me. It wasn't easy, but in the end, I didn't… [view original content]
Saving Lee from walkers in the drugstore, guaranteeing Lee and Clem a spot on the RV, putting Ben out of his misery, and absolutely refusing to let me go search for Clem without his help.
"You've always been there for me, Lee. Always had my back when it mattered, what kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? Bitten or not, I'm with you till the end. You can count on me."
This one.
Two words Meat Locker. Over all impulsive, stubborn but good intentions with sometimes horribly bad results. That's Kenny
The moment that defines Kenny? I have to choose? There are so many...
I just don't get how the f*ck those walkers snuck up on them when they're on an isolated farm..Shawn must've had a huge ball of earwax clogged in both his ears cuz there's no way that those walkers woulda gone unnoticed
when the hell does he say this? I've played every option...at least i thought i did
It's not real.
But that doesn't mean it isn't true
he was probably thinking it.
For me, he has two scenes that come to mind.
Abandoning Lee in the drugstore in episode 3.
His sacrifice for Ben, where he surely died.
When he became the most overrated character of all time.
I think "controversial" is a more appropriate word. Seriously, I've never seen a VG character polarize a fandom to this extent.
A few; Saving Lee in episode one, sacrificing himself to put Ben out of his misery, taking the blame for the radio and Wellington
Every single dialogue option in Starved for Help after leaving the farm, if Lee didn't help kill Larry.
1.Lee: You're no hero. You destroyed two lives in that meat locker... You're not a bad man Kenny, but fuck, what the hell are we supposed to do now?
2.Lee: You destroyed this group Kenny. There's no coming back.
Kenny: I did what no one else would.
Lee: Everything is gonna be different now.
3.Lee: I saved your wife and kid-
Kenny: No, I did, by making sure Larry didn't kill us!
4.Lee: ...
Kenny: Fine then, fine... you keep doing what you need to. I'll keep doing what needs to be done.
Kenny read the comics
this moment defines Kenny: Although Jane was constantly trying to change my opinion on Kenny,i never budged and stayed Loyal to the end,Kenny is the true succesor to Lee,he would do anything for her,when he was sat on his own with the baby talking about Duck i felt his pain,in the past he would of reached for the bottle but not now,Jane said Kenny was beyond changing and was getting worse,she couldn't of been more wrong.Kenny was reborn this episode and when it came time to reach Wellington with Kenny,Clems speech about not leaving him behind really hit me,it was remeniscent of what Clem said about Ben,even though Kenny wanted to leave him behind at every oppurtunity in the end Kenny was in the Ben position of having to lose everything he ever cared about,so when Clem turned round and said no to Wellington My Kenny finally understood in the very end,'we don't leave friends behind'...it was extrodinary beautiful and moving....these 2 characters who have come together and are totally different yet you could not get a tighter bond.
The Wellington ending. Everyone talks hot shit about how selfish Kenny is and how his obsession with family is self serving. Kenny's willingness to sacrifice his emotional security for the lives of Clem and AJ proves what a good man he is.
When Lee asks him to come with him to find Clementine. This scene shows that Kenny would do anything for someone he loves but is a fucking asshole if you're not his friend.
I think I already commented but when he sacrifices himself for Ben. So good.
Two pretty big moments that really swayed me were:
In S1 EP3 when he leaves you under the door
In S1 EP5 when he decided to come with you to save Clementine (determinant)
Every time he yelled at, accused, blamed, looked at, pointed at, or even thought about Lilly.
Saving Lee from walkers in the drugstore, guaranteeing Lee and Clem a spot on the RV, putting Ben out of his misery, and absolutely refusing to let me go search for Clem without his help.
"You've always been there for me, Lee. Always had my back when it mattered, what kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? Bitten or not, I'm with you till the end. You can count on me."