Theories you Heard/Had in the past that sound stupid now

Before the episodes are released, there is speculation galore on the forums. Some of the speculation goes from reasonable such as Christa might be pregnant to bat shit crazy like Lee is in purgatory. This is one of the theories that I heard before Clem was revealed as the S2 PC. "Clementine definitely won't be the protagonists of Season 2 because TT won't want to show her getting killed every time you fuck up." Another one I heard was that Kenny was Carver(before they showed him). So, what about you guys?



  • edited February 2015

    That Sarah would be the sole survivor of the cabin group, but in the end, no one did.

    I wish people were right, they probably thought telltale wasnt heartless enough to do it

    EDIT: due to 2 comments below me, i got reminded of the time someone thought Kenny already knew Carver before episode 2, now THAT was a stupid theory

  • The predictions for who would be killed in the gun fight.

    Everyone wondering who would be dead just for everyone to be A-okay, after all the speculations

  • edited February 2015

    Imagine if Kenny was Carver...

  • No... what if Carver was... Kenny!

    Imagine if Kenny was Carver...

  • I think I saw somewhere that someone was trying to come up with a reason as to why Lee would come back in Season 2 because he wasn't really dead. Not like I wanted to admit it either, but at that point you're definitely in denial.

  • Kenny couldn't deal with the loss of his family so he changed his name to Carver

    Lee IS alive

    Lily would be at Carver's and be his second in command

  • There was a choice between Luke and Kenny.

  • We would go to the town in Episode 5.

    We could kill Arvo in or after the shootout.

  • That Eddie would be in Amid The Ruins.

    Lee is alive.

    You could name the baby.

    400 Days characters will have major role. (Nate, Eddie, everyone not Bonnie.)

  • That the 400 Days characters would play a major role in S2

    • Luke’s name is ‘Nick’
    • Nick is Kenny
    • Omid & Christa will live for a decent amount of time
    • Victor/Christa/Vernon/Lilly/Molly/Lee is the ‘I thought you were dead’ person
    • Pete will cut his leg off in Episode 2 and will survive
    • Walter and Matthew are with Carver’s group
    • Nate is Carver
    • Nick is Nate’s son
    • Luke is Carver’s son
    • Danny St John is Carver even though he’s dead
    • 'That woman' in the Ep2 trailer (Sarita) is Becca because their hair looks similar
    • They didn’t show the Pete instead of Nick version of the Episode 2 trailer because it would spoil his amputation
    • Matthew is Vince’s brother (wow)
    • Troy didn’t speak in Ep2 because we weren’t supposed to hear his voice, he’ll secretly help us escape in Ep3
    • Clementine will be beat down by Carver
    • Bonnie will be killed with a crowbar in Ep3
    • Nate is Carver’s second in command
    • Mike is Ralph
    • Mike is Russell (what.)
    • The 400 days group will help the escape
    • The 400 days group will do something
    • Reggie’s fate will be left ‘ambiguous’
    • Jane is Becca/Shel/Anna Correa
    • Carver will make it to Episode 4
    • Sarah will survive to Episode 5 if you rescue her
    • Nick will take a bullet for Luke in Episode 4 and that’s how he dies
    • Clem will lose her hat in Episode 4
    • Eddie will be in episode 4
    • Episode 4 will be good
    • Arvo’s group are trailer trash who kidnapped Sarah
    • Arvo is a middle aged drug addict
    • The baby will die
    • Rebecca dies during childbirth
    • Kenny/Mike/Luke will be killed in the shootout
    • There will be an amputation in Episode 5
    • Luke/Kenny choice
    • Mike dies
    • Jane doesn’t come back
    • Luke lives
    • Luke ending
  • edited February 2015
    • Jane was trying to screw over the group for whatever reason. Like, I honestly believed she was doing things like sleeping with Luke to distract him and trying to get Clem to rob Arvo on purpose so they'd come back. I laugh at myself every single time I think that I seriously thought of it.
    • Kenny vs. Luke (I wish.)
    • Sarita would live longer.
    • Bonnie would be determinant in the shootout and Mike would die no matter what.
    • Natasha wasn't really Arvo's sister.
    • Carver would live to the end of the season.
    • Christa would be found at Wellington.
    • Sarah wouldn't die in the same episode I saved her in.
    • If you save Sarah at the trailer then Jane would get grabbed instead.

      But my personal favorite is when I first saw Arvo limping towards the deck...

    I thought he was Christa.

  • That Nick was Kenny in the first trailer and that Season 2 would really focus on Clem and Sarah's relationship.

  • Someone in the group would die in the shootout.

  • Nate is Carver

    Nick is Nate’s son

    Luke is Carver’s son


    JakeSt123 posted: »

    * Luke’s name is ‘Nick’ * Nick is Kenny * Omid & Christa will live for a decent amount of time * Victor/Christa/Vernon/Lilly/Molly/Le

  • Kenny dying

  • Arvo’s group are trailer trash who kidnapped Sarah

    Funny, I thought I was the only one who considered that possibility. Even so, I never posted it on account of it being so implausible.

    Speaking of which:

    • Amid The Ruins would introduce an entirely new society of 'rebels' hiding at Parker's Run.
    • Amid The Ruins would have been about a civil war between Carver's society and the Parker's Run rebels, with Clem's group caught in the epicenter.
    • The Russians would have been part of a larger community and their personalities would be revealed.
    • Christa would return in Episode 5 at Wellington.
    • The final 'fight' would have been Clem defending the baby against a group of bandits at the rest stop.

    Mind you, I still think these are better ideas than what Season 2 actually gave us!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    * Luke’s name is ‘Nick’ * Nick is Kenny * Omid & Christa will live for a decent amount of time * Victor/Christa/Vernon/Lilly/Molly/Le

  • Lee would be the, "I thought you were dead."

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Nick is Kenny

    I remember this when the season 2 trailer was released, people where comparing different pics of Kenny to a 1 second scene from the trailer CSI style :P.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    * Luke’s name is ‘Nick’ * Nick is Kenny * Omid & Christa will live for a decent amount of time * Victor/Christa/Vernon/Lilly/Molly/Le

  • that was stupid to begin with though

    noblue22 posted: »

    Lee would be the, "I thought you were dead."

  • edited February 2015

    Somebody thought that Andy St. John would have been the guy to return in Episode 2. Disregarding that, y'know, he died in virtually everyone's playthrough.

  • edited February 2015
    • When I saw the "In harm's way" trailer I thought Carver was gonna kill Kenny with the Walkie-Talkie at that point.

    • Also in the trailer, when I saw the herd coming I thought Carver was gonna teach Clem how to shoot an assualt rifle ......(I thought they were gonna develop a father/daughter relationship)

  • Remember when everyone thought Carver was Steve?

  • I thought it was him :(

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Nick is Kenny I remember this when the season 2 trailer was released, people where comparing different pics of Kenny to a 1 second scene from the trailer CSI style :P.

  • That's such an old theory, the nostalgia is coming back lol.

    Remember when everyone thought Carver was Steve?

  • Thinking back, I think the season might have been better if Carver was Steve.

    That's such an old theory, the nostalgia is coming back lol.

  • Exactly.

    colgato posted: »

    that was stupid to begin with though

  • ....That Telltale would explain how Kenny survived the herd in later episodes beyond just "I got lucky. Real lucky."

  • That was deliberate. Telltale talked about how "Kenny's fate will be explored" prior to the trailer's release, and deliberately included a shot of Nick from the back to evoke player memories of Kenny's initial appearance.

    Hell, I wonder if Nick was really intended to be a "sneak peek" of Kenny and if that was why he was tossed aside like trash once Kenny entered the picture.

    I thought it was him

  • There is significance in the fact that Carver introduces himself as looking for "seven people." Included in that group were "a teacher and his wife" and "a girl [around Russell's age] and her dad."

    Thinking back, I think the season might have been better if Carver was Steve.

  • Remember when the Season 2 trailer came out and we all thought Pete was Kenny?

  • edited February 2015

    that matthew actually survived the fall and bullet to the neck and was actually found and tortured by carver and that is how they knew the group was at the ski lodge omg that was bad

    oh and every theory about lee being alive

  • Not in mine...
    When he yelled for me to get back there and finish him.
    I wasn't giving him the satisfaction.

    Bokor posted: »

    Somebody thought that Andy St. John would have been the guy to return in Episode 2. Disregarding that, y'know, he died in virtually everyone's playthrough.

  • Maybe Pete used to tell everyone he was a cop...

    Bokor posted: »

    There is significance in the fact that Carver introduces himself as looking for "seven people." Included in that group were "a teacher and his wife" and "a girl [around Russell's age] and her dad."

  • Kenny is a good character.

  • honestly most of the returning character theories from episode 2 were stupid glenn, andy, danny, some even said lee and were dead serious about it

    Bokor posted: »

    Somebody thought that Andy St. John would have been the guy to return in Episode 2. Disregarding that, y'know, he died in virtually everyone's playthrough.

  • You know, I always thought Nick looked like Kenny.

    Bokor posted: »

    That was deliberate. Telltale talked about how "Kenny's fate will be explored" prior to the trailer's release, and deliberately included a

  • Spoiler

    Ummmmm, about that.......

    Clemenem posted: »

    Kenny dying

  • Glenn, really...

    Someone said that?

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    honestly most of the returning character theories from episode 2 were stupid glenn, andy, danny, some even said lee and were dead serious about it

  • oooooooo shots fired haha

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Kenny is a good character.

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