That Russian ambush farce.
Does anyone else agree that this was probably the most embarrassing and poorest scene from the whole of TWDG series?
The Russians surround Clem's group pointing their guns at them from only yards away and it is the Russians who fire shots first. How the hell did everyone from Clem's group survive? Surely someone should have been shot dead! Then we come to notice that the two Russian guys have had their weapons swapped when the scene continues in the next episode, that for me is a shockingly bad mistake from the game makers, I mean seriously how can they miss stuff like that? Surely all they had to do was watch the end of episode 4 to remember which weapon each guy had.
Sorry to be so critical, but this is supposed to be game of the year quality is it not?
I agree the Russian shootout didn't make sense, I guess the writers of No Going Back didn't know what the writers of Amid the Ruins were doing and vice versa and it led to this mix up. Maybe the writers of Amid the Ruins didn't set it up like how Breckon and Shorette wanted it for the final episode, that's just my guess. Really though, that's the only thing I didn't like about the final episode, everything else I loved. But even with this, the shootout scene was still tense and nerve racking when I played it the first time.
Season 2 just defies all sense of realism and logic. Its so fucking ridiculous its unbelievable. Whether its the group having Teleporting powers, Clementine kicking down a door that Lee can't, Kenny miraculously being at the ski lodge, A new born being perfectly warm with a small blanket while everyone else with jackets are freezing. There are a lot of bull shit moments
Don't act like Season 1 didn't do those things as well. Walkers popping of nowhere, Kenny surviving a rifle shot to the hip and shrugging it off, all the bullshit in No Time Left. Season 1 and 2 have an equal amount of bullshit moments it's unbelievable.
Teleporting walkers are a consistent problem thats for sure. It was a shot gun though and you're right both do but many in Amid The Ruins, Starved For Help, No Going Back and Around Every Corner
It had promise... a lot. The first thing I thought was what the hell are Russians doing in the middle of buttfuck Michigan? Are they some militia or a band of foreign raiders, maybe a cult of some sort? It added a layer of intrigue and only helped to make a tense scenario more tense thanks to them primarily only speaking Russian (adding that language barrier). Mexican standoff's are already great in a literary sense to insight fear, tension, and paranoia.
Little had I known that it was just there as window dressing to give everyone motivation to be edgy and nothing else, no greater secret explained nor any kind of reason for them to exist. Also, they're all a bunch of punks who couldn't hit the broad side of a fucking barn if their lives depended on it cause literally no-one on our side had any damage. With the exception of Mike getting grazed on his shoulder and Luke catching a stray in his leg.
So, yes. The scene was ultimately fucking worthless just like No Going Back. A bunch of melodrama about a baby that should've died from the jump and Clem losing every bit of her character and agency in the story, making it about Jane "the dumbass" and Kenny "the shitheel."
Honestly, its really embarrassing how Telltale messed up the entire shootout. They're supposed to be professional but they goof up something like this, I'm not saying they're bad at what they do but its pretty stupid how they messed up something that's supposed to be climatic.
I just found it hilarious that a Russian Gang popped up in the middle of North Carolina or Michigan...
Wherever the hell they were at that stage.
Luke had some amazing teleporting powers.
He gets back to Howe's in about 24 hours on foot when everyone else was transported in a truck.
Season 1 had flaws just like every other story driven games out there, but they were more little in between and weren't as glaring in comparison, that's why some of us are willing to suspend our disbelief. They were forgivable.
Season 2 just banks on breaking as much logic and dumbing down many people as possible just to tell a story, which makes all the errors more apparent.
Something really went wrong with the writing for Season 2. EP3 and 4 had different writers who changed the flow of the story and made game choices meaningless. Also, earlier built ideas got abandoned. Like Sarah learning to use a gun, Carver remembering Clem's words at the cabin, the Kenny vs Luke situation, EP4's original story on the title slide, Clem finding bullets in EP4, and the Russian shootout's original aftermath. Nick Breckon should've just went ahead and wrote all of Season 2 by his original vision. Then Season 2 would've been as good as it was meant to be.
Eh theres loads of possibility
I think it was Tennessee as they came from Parker's Run and there's a place called Parker's Crossroads in real-life Tennessee.
Another problem that arises from this is that they can't really do this kind of cliffhanger again since they wasted it on this. No one will be drawn in if they do it again, they'll be like "oh they'll do the same shit they did with No Going Back"
I just get confused because the distance they travel in season 2 across several states would still be in the same state in my country.
so yeah... US has too many states
Well Season 1 had multiple writers as well, the problem was that those writers were fully devoted to TWD S1 and not writing for another game as well.
Ugh, somebody start a petition for the original plot; I want it back. The second half of Season 2 is so bad, it made me cry over how bad it is after the finale. I miss my feelings after Episode 2, when I considered Season 2 my favorite game of the year
it actually hurts looking back at them, because it feels like a completely different game.
I blame Clem's cool jacket; that thing was cursed to doom the plot as soon as she put it on.
a 30 minute drive via the truck.
Not that far away.
I don't know. THere were many bad scenes imo. Season two was written by Fry from futurama.. IMO
Fry: Yes! I'm free! [He begins to climb a bookcase. He stands on the top of it with a book in one hand. He grabs a light with the other.] Alright, Brain. Get ready for some electroshock treatment!
[He smashes the bulbs and swings on the light towards the Brain. He misses it by a mile and slams into a bookcase on the other side of the room. He falls to the floor and the bookcase falls on him, crushing him. Leela is freed from the glow. She sees Fry choking and screams.]
Leela: Fry, don't die! Wake up! [He dies.] [screaming] Nooo!
[The Brain laughs. The bookcase and Fry's dead body fade away. Leela is kneeling in the middle of the room and the Brain is still laughing. She looks around and hears Fry's voice.
Fry: [writing] Leela cried for her lost love as Fry lay dead under the heavy bookcase. The Big Brain laughed in triumph... [He laughs.] Then, for no reason, he left Earth forever. The end. [He closes the book.] There! [He writes "Fry Trick The Brain" on the cover.] Now he's trapped in a book I wrote; a crummy world of plot holes and spelling errors.
Big Brain: The Big Brain am winning again. I am the greetest! [It laughs.] Now I am leaving Earth for no raeson!
I think the worst imo was how they decided to treat Nick and Especially Sarah. Saving her life was completely pointless, only for her to die a few minutes later a broken shell of a person.
Clementine not getting seen stealing the radio, thinking the radio plan would work.
Clementine playing spiderman on Carver.
Whatever LOL.
The damage has been done and we can only hope that Telltale listened to us and realize that we see this shit, people aren't idiots. Hopefully something like this won't happen again in their future episodes. It's not a game-breaking thing or a deal-breaker for me, but damn it was silly as hell.
i think they shouldve kept carver around, like at the end of episode 3 they shouldve made it so kenny just beats the crap out of him and leaving him for death but carver manages to escape, they couldve had the 400 days characters help carver track down clems group and ambush them
twd season 2 is like the black sheep of telltale games
I'd rather they do that than just kill our group in such a sudden way
It still baffles me how they could have let something so glaringly obvious as the two guys switching guns and positions just go unnoticed. No Going Back just defies all logic. .-.
Yeah. I'd like to contact Nick Breckon and ask about Season 2's story. But I don't know his email.
And i mean how did none of the group die by his ak-47 fire i mean at the end of episode 4 i figured we would have a few major injuries on luke and kenny or a few major injuries on anyone that was in the cross-fire and and a couple losses on clems side at the very least what happened is not what would of really happened what would of happened is a few major injuries and a couple losses
Actually it was Tennessee.
immigrants in a country with millions and millions of immigrants? NO WAY!!!
It was just weird, honestly if TellTale had no ideas how to get rid of the determinate characters, kill them in the gun fight, so there is realism. Dont fence them or just save them for 5 mins just for them to die anyway
Wait then how does it take five days to reach the ski lodge from the cabin on foot, but it only takes 30 minutes to reach the lodge from howe's via truck and vice versa? I'm pretty sure the cabin is a bit of a distance from howe's. Oh, and I'm not trying to be rude I'm just a bit confused.
or they could've had the some 400 days characters help them escape besides Bonnie...
I think it would've been a lot better if the Russian gang was swapped with survivors of Howe's and maybe if Kenny didn't kill Carver he would've tracked them down thus leading to the ending of episode 4. I guess a random group to do nothing in a story is a lot cooler though -_- Another big problem I had was how no one got hurt. I completely agree with the OP the Russian gang started firing first with AK's and shotguns. The end of episode 4 made me think that we were only gonna have a few group members left. I know all this has been said above but I just had to get my opinion out there. But don't even get me started on following Arvo after the gunfight...
They should have went to the town they were planning on going to rather then going with arvo who tried to get them killed about a couple minutes before and the gunfight and the gunfight climax was wasted
Gahh! It's always bothered me that they completely forgot about the town and followed him! When I put all of these issues out of my mind it makes the episode an enjoyable one at least.
well atleast we have forum walking dead story writing sections to imagine in our image what the town choice would of been like
My point exactly.
What are you trying to ask? I'm confused.
The cabin to the lodge obviously takes 5 days since they're walking on foot, then the lodge to Howe's is obviously 30 minutes since they're on a truck.
I have a feeling TTG just rushed it out when they should of took their time.
Luke wasn't in the truck though 0_0
And a 5 day walk doesn't equvilate to a 30 minute truck drive. It'd be a good few hours, 'tis why Sarah needed her wee break. And they're still in the truck by morning.
then the next day Luke is already there.
Which means he has a TARDIS or he's Usain Bolt.