Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • kills u



  • no u

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    kills u rip

  • That moment where you see a comment from Pru and instinctively click on the thread to see a new part/him teasing us about our choices.

    Alt text

    Then remembering that the story's been over for awhile now.

    Alt text

  • I'll actually start that bonus part soon, also asked someone to help with it. It's going to be a very long part too.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    That moment where you see a comment from Pru and instinctively click on the thread to see a new part/him teasing us about our choices. Then remembering that the story's been over for awhile now.

  • pulls a kenny

    u fnkning shitbirdh

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    kills u rip

  • I cant

    Alt text

    This info is too much for my little heart to bear xP

    I'll actually start that bonus part soon, also asked someone to help with it. It's going to be a very long part too.

  • nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!

    go away ;-;

    pulls a kenny u fnkning shitbirdh

  • no u

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!! go away ;-;

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I cant This info is too much for my little heart to bear xP

  • u first fgt

    no u

  • Hey gustav have you seen Blueneon lately?

    omg jewf's shirt XD

  • Comes back to life

    My god pro those news were so awesome they just brought me back to life :D

    I'll actually start that bonus part soon, also asked someone to help with it. It's going to be a very long part too.

  • only in bed

    wink wink

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hey gustav have you seen Blueneon lately?

  • lul (dont worry i found her)

    only in bed wink wink

  • What are you doing in my bedroom

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    lul (dont worry i found her)

  • I don't know i kinda blacked out afther telling pro how awesome it was he was making another part soon. Then it gets fuzzy i think i talked to golden but thats it. Maybe i should ask Konni why im in your bedroom while shes in bed with you. I can imagine her response......

    What are you doing in my bedroom

  • no u

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    u first fgt

  • no tnt u

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • edited February 2015

    Bonus Part Preview with a new character's introduction: No Title Yet

    InfiniteDawn- Day one of the Apocalypse

    “Get up, Dawn! Time for school!” I heard my mother shouting while knocking on my door.

    I slowly opened my eyes and checked the time, it was already ten minutes past seven. I was tired and felt like shit. I had a headache and my nose was a bit stuffy. I stood up and looked around my room, everything was spinning and I wanted to puke. “Ugh… God. Is this what a hangover feels like? I hate being sick.” I said to myself. I was wondering how I got so sick out of nowhere, just yesterday I was feeling fine, but as soon as I woke up I felt like I was ready to die, I could feel the Grim Reaper stalking me, waiting for me to collapse on the floor so he can take my soul away.

    I got out of bed and made my way over to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, showered, did my hair and makeup and put on some fresh clothes. I was feeling a bit better, but my head was still pounding from one side. “Hurry it up, Dawn! You’re going to be late!” My mother yelled as I got out of my room and headed downstairs toward the kitchen.

    “I’m here, mom. Quit shouting so much, this headache is killing me.” I told her as I made my way over to the kitchen table, I pulled out a chair and sat down. I stared at the bowl of cereal in front of me, but I wasn’t even hungry.

    “Headache? Are you getting sick? You’re looking a bit pale.” She asked me while making her way over. She grasped my chin and raised my head up. “Your eyes are looking red, did you get any sleep last night?”

    “Maybe? I don’t know, I kept waking up but I wasn’t checking the time. Don’t really know if I got enough sleep… And this morning I just woke up feeling horrible.” I explained.

    My mother let go of my chin and crossed her arms, she raised one brow. “Hmm, maybe you should go see a doctor instead of going to school today.”

    “Um, nour,” I said. “I hate hospitals, I’d rather go to school, mom.”

    “But your dad isn’t working today, he’s out with your uncle Kunny though. He should be back home any moment now.”

    “This early?” I turned to look at the clock hanging on the wall. “It’s seven forty, what could they possibly be doing?”

    “Don’t know… All I heard was that they got a call about some sick prisoners, and they went in to help them relocate to another part of the jail. And with you being sick as well, I’m wondering if there’s some sort of flu going around... Hopefully nothing too serious though.” My mother told me.

    “Hmm…” I looked down at the bowl of cereal and started eating. “I don’t feel as badly as I did when I first woke up though...I should be fine at school.”

    “If you say so… are you ready?” She asked.

    I finished half of the cereal and got up to clean the bowl. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

    I saw my mother walking toward the front door. “Just leave the bowl in the sink, you’re already running late. I’ll take care of it after I drop you off, come on.” She told me.

    I placed the bowl in the sink and then followed her out the door. We got in her car and she started driving me to school. I kept my focus out the car window, watching the other cars pass by, watching some of the students walking to school. I spotted Wanderer7879 wandering about on his own, never really talked to him, but he seemed like a good kid. We finally reached the school and I got out of the car. I turned around and smiled. “Thanks, mom. I’ll see you after school.”

    “Take care, hon. If you’re feeling worse, go to the nurse’s office.” She said and then smiled back.

    I nodded and closed the car door. I watched as she drove away. I turned around and saw some of the students walking toward the school’s entrance. “Another shitty day to look forward too...oh boy.” I said sarcastically, it was only the second week of a new school year and I was only a freshmen. I started making my way over to the front of the school. As I was walking I noticed a rock on the grassy field with a little note taped onto it. I walked over to it and crouched down to read it. “Barry The Rock: From SimonElagamy. Hmm...that’s his name? I always thought it was Simon Eggplant for some reason.” I said to myself with a small giggle. I turned my head to the side and saw that written on the dirt it said ‘FOTD’ I looked up at the tree in front of me and a small piece of paper was taped onto it and it also read ‘FOTD’. “What does that mean?” I said to myself. BRIIING! Suddenly the bell rang. All the other students that were standing outside started making their way inside, I did the same.

    I entered the school and started walking down the halls to my first period class. I spotted Mr. Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy talking to Miss NoncyFlippledorp. I think they had a thing going on, I could tell by the way they flirted with each other. I glanced inside Noncy’s class and spotted AllThatRemains, she was a senior but she talked to me a few times during lunch. I had a class with her younger sister Dont_Look_Back. We barely talked but she told me one time about an argument she got in with ATR. I think I was probably the only one that knew they were sisters. DLB told me that she wouldn’t be surprised if ATR never mentioned her, they acted like they didn’t even know each other when they walked down the halls. I also spotted PaulKenneth, Belan, etitheking, and Jewfreeus. I didn’t really know them but I saw them hanging out with each other all the time.

    “Well, I gotta go. I need to show Cluke_is_Dumb around the school. He’s my best friend and I got him this job, so I have to make sure he doesn’t get lost.” I heard Tobi say as I was walking away. I always heard that he was a mean teacher, if I ever had a class with him I would already know to change it immediately.

    I spotted TDMshadowCP by my locker. He saw me and took out a sheet of paper out of his backpack. “Here you go,” he said while handing it over. “Thanks for letting me copy the homework.” He said with a smile.

    “You little shit, next time do your own homework,” I told him while grabbing the sheet of paper and putting it away. “I can’t keep letting you copy the homework all the time. Your lazy dumbass is going to need to start doing it on your own.”

    Shadow scratched the back of his head. “Nice to see you too, Dawn…”

    “Yeah, yeah. Just give me a hug before I go to class, I feel like shit today.” I told him while crossing my arms.

    “But you’re always grumpy,” He said and then hugged me. “You do look a bit sick today, though…”

    I hugged him back and then let go. “I know, I woke up this morning and all of a sudden I felt like I was about to die.”

    “Really? I saw some students lined up near the nurse’s office earlier. Must be some sort of flu going around.” Shadow told me.

    I looked down to the side. “Hmm, possibly… My mom told me something about sick prisoners, so maybe.” I looked back up and shrugged my shoulders. BRIIING! The bell rang again. “Shit, now I’m late. Thanks a lot, you cunt.” I told Shadow.

    Shadow sighed. “Well, bye, Dawny.”

    “Oh my God, how many times have I told you not to call me that?! Ugh, whatever, just move.” I shoved him out of the way and started walking.

    I could hear Shadow laughing. “Thanks again for letting me copy the homework!” I heard him say as I entered the classroom.

    “Alright, I see some of us tend to be late a lot.” Mr. Talimancer said as I sat down in my seat.

    “Sorry, something annoying was wasting my time.” I replied.

    “Right,” Tali said and then turned to look at the other students. “Okay, take out your textbooks and turn to page fifty.” He told us. Tali could be mean at times, even a total asshole but he was a good teacher, he knew what he was doing.

    “Hey, Dawn,” I heard Sxphyre next to me. “You’re not looking so good, are you getting sick too?” She asked.

    I looked up and saw that Tali had his back turned. I looked at Phyre. “Yeah, I’m sick. I feel like shit to be honest. How’s your sister Azlyn doing? Heard her birthday was coming up soon.” I said.

    “Damn, lots of people getting sick today, even DLB is absent. And yeah, you’re invited to her birthday party if you want to come.” She replied with a smile.

    “I rarely talk to DLB, but you two have talked a few times from what I’ve seen. I heard that there were a few students lined up at the nurse’s office and my mom said something about sick prisoners. Might be some sort of flu going around.” I told her and then started coughing uncontrollably. “Whoa…”

    Tali turned around. “You okay there?”

    My head was pounding and I started to feel hot. “Dawn? You’re starting to sweat…” I heard Phyre say.

    What the fuck? One minute I was okay and then the next minute I’m almost coughing up a lung. I thought to myself. I was starting to breathe heavily, and I felt like I was about to throw up. “Mr. Tali, I should go to the nurse’s office…”

    “Uh, right,” He took out a note and started writing on it. “Here you go.” He said while handing it over.

    I got up and grabbed the note, I started making my way out the classroom. “Are you sure you should go alone? You think you’ll be okay?” I heard Phyre say.

    I opened the door and then turned around. “I’ll make it, don’t worry…” I closed the door and then started making my way over to the nurse’s office. “What the fuck was that? Holy shit…” I said to myself.

    I turned the corner and the security guard ToxicEmu was trying to break up a fight. “Come on! It’s too early for this shit!” He yelled while keeping two kids apart.

    I looked toward the nurse’s office and saw a long line of students waiting outside. “For fuck’s sake...this is going to take forever.” I said while shaking my head. While I waited in line, I stared blankly at the brick wall, it was starting to spin, I closed my eyes and shook my head, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and then tried to see how many students were in front of me. “Just two more…” I didn’t know how much time had gone by, but it felt like forever.

    “All of these kids are sick?!” I heard the principal behind me. I turned and saw him with another nurse, I think her name was okwhatever.

    “Yes! It’s crazy! Some sort of flu, the news was talking about it just a few minutes ago.” Ever told the principal.

    “Next!” The nurse in the office shouted. I looked in front of me and the line was finally moving.

    “Could you hurry it up in there! I feel like I could die any moment now!” I shouted.

    “Wait your turn like everyone else! We’re doing the best we can here!”

    “Well it’s not good enough! Get your shit together and do your job!” I retorted.

    “Young lady have you lost your mind?!” I heard the principal behind me.

    I turned around and saw him walking up to me. “Ugh, I’m sorry but she needs to hurry up in there, some of us are more sick than others.”

    “Let the nurse do her job, she’ll see you when she’s ready, but for now you’ve earned yourself a trip to my office,” He gave me an angry look and then pointed down the hall. “Now let’s go!”

    Just fucking great. I don’t feel good and now this jackass wants to talk to me. I thought to myself. I stayed quiet and proceeded to make my way over to his office and then I went in and sat down. The principal walked in and sat at his desk. “Okay…?” I said with one brow raised.

    “Young lady that was very rude and disrespectful.” He said to me.

    “So? Sue me, that lady needs to hurry up. As you can see, I’m not feeling too good.” I told him.

    “As you can see, lots of other students aren’t feeling good. You need to be patient and wait your turn. I’m going to have to call your parents and inform them about this. What is your name and house number?” He asked.

    I rolled my eyes and then sighed. “Dawn… and you might as well tell them to come pick me up. Like I said before, I feel like I’m about to die.” I told him and gave him the house number as well. I wiped the sweat off my forehead again and waited for the principal to finish talking to my mother on the phone.

    “All right, she said your father will come pick you up. They know what you did and are very disappointed in you.” The principal told me.

    “Yeah I know, I was sitting right here listening to the whole conversation, captain obvious.” I replied.

    “Easy now, you’re lucky I’m not going to punish you any further. Now get out of my office before I change my mind.” He said and then turned his chair around to stare out the window.

    I sighed and got up off of the seat. I walked out of the principal’s office and then started making my way out to the front exit. I opened the door and went outside, I looked around and everything was quiet, peaceful even. I made my way over to a bench and sat on it, waiting for my father to come pick me up. After about ten to fifteen minutes I saw his police car in the distance. “Finally!” I stood up and waved my hand. He parked up next to me, I saw uncle Kunny in the passenger seat. I smiled at them and got in the back passenger seat. “Hey, dad. Hey, uncle Kunny.”

    “Hey, Dawn, heard you were sick.” Kunny told me.

    “Yeah, but I’m actually feeling a bit better now. It comes and goes but it’s really weird, sometimes I could be perfectly normal but then the next minute I feel like I could die any second.” I told him.

    Kunny and my dad stared at each other. “Your mom told me what you did but I don’t care about that, I was more worried about you. And back at the police department a lot of the prisoners were having the same symptoms. It’s really strange… I was watching the news earlier and they said some sort of flu is spreading across the country.”

    “Really? How serious is it?” I asked them.

    “We have no clue… they have no clue. No one knows what’s going on, it just came out of nowhere.” Kunny told me.

    Suddenly the police radio came on. “All units please respond, we have a hit and run near Old Country Road. Any vehicles in the area?”

    My dad stared at the radio and then back at the road. “Ah, I’m off duty right now…I need to head to the bank to deposit some money as well.”

    Kunny chuckled. “I’ll take it, drop me off at the station so I can get my car,” He grabbed the police radio and started talking through it...

    “Alright, we’re nearly there anyway,” My dad said. “How are you feeling? Think you wouldn’t mind heading to the bank with me?” My dad asked me while looking at me through the rear view mirror.

    I smiled. “Not at all.”

    “Excellent,” He smiled back. “Alright, Kunny. Here’s the station, be careful out there.”

    Kunny got out of the car. “Will do, take care of yourselves. See you, Dawn.” He said with a smile.

    “Bye, uncle Kunny! See you next week at the barbeque!” I told him while waving him goodbye.

    He closed the car door and then my dad started driving to the bank. “Alright, I’ll be quick, just need to deposit some money and then we can head home.” He told me.

    “As long as I get to sleep when we get home I don’t mind.” I said with a smile.

    My dad chuckled. “Hopefully your mom will go easy on you. She sounded a bit angry, but it wasn’t that serious from what I heard.”

    “I felt like I was about to collapse and the nurse was very slow, I probably could have died like twenty times and I still would have been waiting in line.” I said and then crossed my arms.

    My dad started laughing. “Well don’t worry about it, at least you’re feeling better now,” My dad said with a smile. “Ah, here we are…” He said as he drove into the bank’s parking lot.

    “Yeah, I don’t feel too sick now.” I said with a smile.

    My dad parked the car and then we got out. We headed inside the bank and it was a bit busy. “Oh, man. Thought it would be emptier than this…” My dad said.

    “Well hopefully they don’t take as long as that nurse did.” I said jokingly and then we both started laughing a bit.

    Several minutes went by and we were almost next. I was getting bored and tired, I just wanted to head home already and lay in my bed so I could sleep. “May I help the next customer?” One of the bankers said and waved at us.

    “Ah, finally.” My dad said as we started making our way over.

    “Ahhh!” Suddenly people started screaming and running around.

    “Everybody get down! Get the fuck down right now!” I spotted four men wearing ski masks and suits holding machine gun rifles and aiming them at everyone, I saw two of them knocking out the security guards that were standing around.

    “What the fuck?!” I said out loud. “Dad?!” My heart started pounding.

    “Get down, honey. Do what they say...” He told me.

    “Everybody down on your stomach’s and don’t you dare move a fucking muscle!” One of the robbers shouted...

    To Be Continued

  • So many ded characters ;-;

    Noncy, Tobi, everyone...

    Bonus Part Preview with a new character's introduction: No Title Yet InfiniteDawn- Day one of the Apocalypse “Get up, Dawn! Time for s

  • edited February 2015

    RIP People.

    Next time in this bonus part:

    RIP Dawn´s dad

    Bonus Part Preview with a new character's introduction: No Title Yet InfiniteDawn- Day one of the Apocalypse “Get up, Dawn! Time for s

  • Yaaaas! Thanks so much, Pro.

    But holy shit, am I actually that much of a bitch to Elian?

    Alt text

    Bonus Part Preview with a new character's introduction: No Title Yet InfiniteDawn- Day one of the Apocalypse “Get up, Dawn! Time for s

  • Alt text

    supersagig posted: »

    RIP People. Next time in this bonus part: . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RIP Dawn´s dad

  • rip daddy

    whoever you are lmao

    supersagig posted: »

    RIP People. Next time in this bonus part: . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RIP Dawn´s dad

  • Who cares? It's funny...

    Alt text


    Yaaaas! Thanks so much, Pro. But holy shit, am I actually that much of a bitch to Elian?

  • Yes.

    Yaaaas! Thanks so much, Pro. But holy shit, am I actually that much of a bitch to Elian?

  • “Yeah, yeah. Just give me a hug before I go to class, I feel like shit today.” I told him while crossing my arms.

    “But you’re always grumpy,” He said and then hugged me. “You do look a bit sick today, though…”

    I hugged him back and then let go. “I know, I woke up this morning and all of a sudden I felt like I was about to die.”


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Bonus Part Preview with a new character's introduction: No Title Yet InfiniteDawn- Day one of the Apocalypse “Get up, Dawn! Time for s

  • Once again, good writing, Pror.

    Bonus Part Preview with a new character's introduction: No Title Yet InfiniteDawn- Day one of the Apocalypse “Get up, Dawn! Time for s

  • nour yuu

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    no u

  • leef mi alourne

    nour yuu

  • Thanks, Jour!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Once again, good writing, Pror.

  • fark yuu

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    leef mi alourne

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