Still, this discussion does happen in the game. Ryon put Rodrik's name on the sword and you can have Ethan ask about Asher. The only thing I changed was Ryon's response to this question, to add a little foreshadowing .
Wouldn't it still be two...?
Epi1 = Ethan + Ryon + Asher
Epi2 = Ryon + Asher + Rodrik
... Yeah...
Also why would Ethan say three when he thought Rodrik is dead?
I'm a little surprised GoT actually has blooper reels. I always thought any slip-up on the set would be punished with a punch to the face to keep the atmosphere appropriately miserable and oppressive.
The Local Pub near my house:
"This house needs a leader!"
Still, this discussion does happen in the game. Ryon put Rodrik's name on the sword and you can have Ethan ask about Asher. The only thing I changed was Ryon's response to this question, to add a little foreshadowing
"Where is Gared?"
"I have a son, you have a son, we'll join houses"
goddammit bran, ur like george rr martin
this is a candidate for my fav thread of all time
Wow, Bran is a great shot.
Pipas! You got fat.
Look at this idiot.
Game of Thrones Blooper Reel
"She needs to learn how to swing a sword!"
You need to learn how to walk.
"He needs to learn how to swing a sword, how to fuck..."
Baelish priorities
Shouldn't be hard for Baelish to arrange that, worked for Pod.
Drink. BLOOD.
Yes m'lord?
Fuck off.
Eh, that was funny that - Sean Bean
finerally find it here is the other video.
here it is
thanks mate
Everyone knows this feel...
Game of Thrones (MLG Edition) when you thought the MLG vid phase was over.
Wait, so...
I'd say Belgium is Joffrey and Poland Tyrion
this is literally my favorite post of all time omg
your welcome. this was really hard to find.
I don't actually suport Stannis, but I'm proud that my country stars as him.
I'm a little surprised GoT actually has blooper reels. I always thought any slip-up on the set would be punished with a punch to the face to keep the atmosphere appropriately miserable and oppressive.
Not sure I can say the same about Melisandre...
Haha! I certainly never liked Melisandre. I mean, she's hot, but still...