I hurt my sinus from snorting really loud at "REAAAALISM! Boat... boat".
Totally agree that Luke must've been scared of heights, probably had a bad experience when jumping rooftops.
I know they did it for story purposes but Nick calling out to the slow ass moving walkers instead of running with Clem is the same thing surrounding Travis's death in season 1.
Funny how they're both episode twos.
I hurt my sinus from snorting really loud at "REAAAALISM! Boat... boat".
Totally agree that Luke must've been scar… moreed of heights, probably had a bad experience when jumping rooftops.
I know they did it for story purposes but Nick calling out to the slow ass moving walkers instead of running with Clem is the same thing surrounding Travis's death in season 1.
Funny how they're both episode twos.
Taking a bullet wound to the chest, and being "fine" with no medical attention. The bullet "must have" passed through... Did anyone check???
This! "It must've passed through" doesn't cut it when we're talking about a hunting-round to the goddamn chest. I've seen the damage one of those suckers can do to a deer and it's not pretty.
When AJ was born he was completely clean, that isn't how babies look . It should of looked like a little blood soaked alien.
Walking acro… moress the ice in Ohio is just not realistic, if Wellington is supposed to be in Ohio or Michigan, the ice doesn't get cold enough to be frozen solid for grown adults to walk on.
When Jane leaves in episode four, regardless on your choice on whether you decide to leave early or not, She saves the day during the shootout.
Jane is willing to die/kill over a girl she just met. For someone who is emotionless cripple, LOL. What.
Clementine breaks down a door, turns off a windmill, is asked to be the savior for adults. Adults actually ask Clementine, what she thinks, and care about her opinion, they don't treat her as a kid. /rolls eyes.
Taking a bullet wound to the chest, and being "fine" with no medical attention. The bullet "must have" passed through... Did anyone check???
Clementine survivi… [view original content]
Hows this for realism?
Credits to BemBiann over on Deviant art. This is easily the best painting of a Walking Dead Character I've ever se… moreen.
Holy crap.
But in all honesty. It's a game. If people are looking for realism, they should have stopped at, the dead coming back to life.
If people are looking for realism, they should have stopped at, the dead coming back to life.
I tell people this all the time when they talk about how 'unrealistic' Clementine's character was or what should've been expected of her...if they can make the leap in logic that there are man eating corpses then they can make the concession of allowing for the things Clem did in S2
Hows this for realism?
Credits to BemBiann over on Deviant art. This is easily the best painting of a Walking Dead Character I've ever se… moreen.
Holy crap.
But in all honesty. It's a game. If people are looking for realism, they should have stopped at, the dead coming back to life.
It's interesting to think about how zombies are so ingrained in fiction for us that suspending our disbelief for the living dead is fully possible, but having a child doing some extraordinary feats is crossing a line
If people are looking for realism, they should have stopped at, the dead coming back to life.
I tell people this all the time when t… morehey talk about how 'unrealistic' Clementine's character was or what should've been expected of her...if they can make the leap in logic that there are man eating corpses then they can make the concession of allowing for the things Clem did in S2
It's interesting to think about how zombies are so ingrained in fiction for us that suspending our disbelief for the living dead is fully possible, but having a child doing some extraordinary feats is crossing a line
Hows this for realism?
Credits to BemBiann over on Deviant art. This is easily the best painting of a Walking Dead Character I've ever se… moreen.
Holy crap.
But in all honesty. It's a game. If people are looking for realism, they should have stopped at, the dead coming back to life.
Headshots a zombie police officer with a shotgun
"HEY! ARE U DED?!?!"
"Come on Sam. Let's go find some food!"
5 minutes later
"Go find your own food T_T."
Sees legs chopped off
"What happened to your legs man?" : o
Nope.avi after he shot old buddy with the shotgun, you get the look at option and Lee well say " Are you dead? HEY, ARE YOU DEAD?!" I found this weird because the walker had no head and was clearly dead.
Nope.avi after he shot old buddy with the shotgun, you get the look at option and Lee well say " Are you dead? HEY, ARE YOU DEAD?!" I found this weird because the walker had no head and was clearly dead.
When I was in elementary school many kids could climb the gym rope all the way to the top and do numerous pull-ups so Clem being able to lift her own weight is not crazy..using a weapon such as a pipe or screw driver not crazy....are walkers some how super human? They are still rotting corpses...bone becomes easier to break as it deteriorates....there were kids in my elementary school that could run the mile in about 6-7minutes...her being able to run to the cabin isn't hard to grasp..it was within a mile...suturing her own arm was shown to her by christa and what else is she going to do? Wait til morning when it could be too late? Everything she did was explainable and not some crazy jump in logic...oh yeah, with the trailor...it's easy to believe that the trailor was easy to break into...I wouldn't imagine it had very strong doors....there's a reason you don't see many fat ppl in the apocalypse
Well for her age, she has accomplished many things that are rather difference for the average preteen.
Such as
* Kicking down doors.… more
* Lifting her own body weight
* Kill walkers with unconventional weapons such a pipe, screwdriver etc
* Running for long periods of time i.e during Nick's/Pete's prologue when she was running for the cabin.
* Lacing up her own arm.
I always believed that the wasteland helped condensation her body over the span of two years.
Be that as it may lad/lass, I myself never really seen children her age actually do some of the things she done in season 2 (me leaving in America could have played a hand in that.) Nevertheless, back in elementary school, the kids my age could never do any of the following listed ( apart from the zombie killing bit) but I guess you just had better experiences than me when it came to athletic children. : P
When I was in elementary school many kids could climb the gym rope all the way to the top and do numerous pull-ups so Clem being able to lif… moret her own weight is not crazy..using a weapon such as a pipe or screw driver not crazy....are walkers some how super human? They are still rotting corpses...bone becomes easier to break as it deteriorates....there were kids in my elementary school that could run the mile in about 6-7minutes...her being able to run to the cabin isn't hard to grasp..it was within a mile...suturing her own arm was shown to her by christa and what else is she going to do? Wait til morning when it could be too late? Everything she did was explainable and not some crazy jump in logic...oh yeah, with the trailor...it's easy to believe that the trailor was easy to break into...I wouldn't imagine it had very strong doors....there's a reason you don't see many fat ppl in the apocalypse
I hurt my sinus from snorting really loud at "REAAAALISM! Boat... boat"
Originally it was 'echo, echo' but then I realized dammit, this is Kenny, BOAT! And so the deed was done
Be that as it may lad/lass, I myself never really seen children her age actually do some of the things she done in season 2 (me leaving in A… moremerica could have played a hand in that.) Nevertheless, back in elementary school, the kids my age could never do any of the following listed ( apart from the zombie killing bit) but I guess you just had better experiences than me when it came to athletic children. : P
It is basically a fantasy game but when you have Russian's missing with AK's at close range then magically swapping guns between episodes it just looks like a big brain fart in the creativity department and takes you out of the story.
Either that or TTG just thinks their audience are really f@#%ing stupid and wouldn't notice things like that at all.
Hows this for realism?
Credits to BemBiann over on Deviant art. This is easily the best painting of a Walking Dead Character I've ever se… moreen.
Holy crap.
But in all honesty. It's a game. If people are looking for realism, they should have stopped at, the dead coming back to life.
My favorite genre of games is actually zombie games/survival horror, so I don't really hold that much on the realism expectations for my games. Yeah, some times they through me for a HUGE loop and all realism has left the room. But initially, I think the game was sooooo amazing, because it was something all of us zombie apocalypse fans have always wanted.
A truly gritty, survival horror game. Seriously, no other game to me comes close to how emotional involved and emotionally intense The Walking Dead is. Resident Evil romanticizes it. Dead Space actionizes it. But the Walking Dead, was gritty and IMO very good for it's many thought provoking and heartbreaking decisions.
If people are looking for realism, they should have stopped at, the dead coming back to life.
I tell people this all the time when t… morehey talk about how 'unrealistic' Clementine's character was or what should've been expected of her...if they can make the leap in logic that there are man eating corpses then they can make the concession of allowing for the things Clem did in S2
I agree, very questionable and downright appalling goofs did occur... but...
The best part of the series wasn't what was going on around us per say, but what decisions we had to make as a person in the situation. And I think that's where the realism really lies in the game. Our decisions as a player.
It is basically a fantasy game but when you have Russian's missing with AK's at close range then magically swapping guns between episodes it… more just looks like a big brain fart in the creativity department and takes you out of the story.
Either that or TTG just thinks their audience are really f@#%ing stupid and wouldn't notice things like that at all.
It is basically a fantasy game but when you have Russian's missing with AK's at close range then magically swapping guns between episodes it… more just looks like a big brain fart in the creativity department and takes you out of the story.
Either that or TTG just thinks their audience are really f@#%ing stupid and wouldn't notice things like that at all.
The walking realism "Season 2 edition" -complete set
Episode 1 "All that Realisms"
Episode 2 "A Realism Divided"
Episode 3 "In Realism's Way"
Episode 4 "Amid The Realisms"
Episode 5 "No Going Realism"
We for sure need it
These were even better than I imagined they would be.
"Because of realism Clementine."
Is it weird that I read that in Kenny's voice exactly?
Jane strikes a flint rock only 3 times and creates a full fire in a second or two. Realism...
I hurt my sinus from snorting really loud at "REAAAALISM! Boat... boat".
Totally agree that Luke must've been scared of heights, probably had a bad experience when jumping rooftops.
I know they did it for story purposes but Nick calling out to the slow ass moving walkers instead of running with Clem is the same thing surrounding Travis's death in season 1.
Funny how they're both episode twos.
Originally it was 'echo, echo' but then I realized dammit, this is Kenny, BOAT! And so the deed was done
I'm just looking at how sad Mike looks.
These are great. I really liked the Nick one.
This! "It must've passed through" doesn't cut it when we're talking about a hunting-round to the goddamn chest. I've seen the damage one of those suckers can do to a deer and it's not pretty.
Hows this for realism?
Credits to BemBiann over on Deviant art. This is easily the best painting of a Walking Dead Character I've ever seen.
Holy crap.
But in all honesty. It's a game. If people are looking for realism, they should have stopped at, the dead coming back to life.
We really don't know, since Carver's guards actually seen them run away(No walker runs away), so they decided it was one of the people who escaped...
Hot damn, you know what's realism? Kenny's fixed taste for fashion. Wearing the same damn necklace, hat, and mustache for over 2 years in the ZA.
If he's in season 3 I betcha he'll not only keep the hat, necklace, and mustache, but the eye patch too.
TWD is actually a story about a man and his hat attempting to overcome impossible odds
Lee gets grabbed by a walker through the doggy door in ep. 4, but it can only be opened by the dog collar. :')
I tell people this all the time when they talk about how 'unrealistic' Clementine's character was or what should've been expected of her...if they can make the leap in logic that there are man eating corpses then they can make the concession of allowing for the things Clem did in S2
He's probably wishing he could cook some racoon.
It's interesting to think about how zombies are so ingrained in fiction for us that suspending our disbelief for the living dead is fully possible, but having a child doing some extraordinary feats is crossing a line
Headshots a zombie police officer with a shotgun
"HEY! ARE U DED?!?!"
"Come on Sam. Let's go find some food!"
5 minutes later
"Go find your own food T_T."
Sees legs chopped off
"What happened to your legs man?" : o
nothing Clem did was extraordinary
bad choice of words, but the point still stands
corpses reanimating and eating the living = disbelief is easily suspended
11 year old kicks down door = hell no this is where we draw the line this is an OUTRAGE
Well for her age, she has accomplished many things that are rather difference for the average preteen.
Such as
Kicking down doors.
Lifting her own body weight
Kill walkers with unconventional weapons such a pipe, screwdriver etc
Running for long periods of time i.e during Nick's/Pete's prologue when she was running for the cabin.
Lacing up her own arm.
I always believed that the wasteland helped condensation her body over the span of two years.
Today was a depressing day and this made me cheer up a little. Thank you!
That drawing....
"HEY! ARE U DED?!?!"
I thought Lee said that before he wakes up and attacks him
Nope.avi after he shot old buddy with the shotgun, you get the look at option and Lee well say " Are you dead? HEY, ARE YOU DEAD?!" I found this weird because the walker had no head and was clearly dead.
I guess he was scared stupid. lol
When I was in elementary school many kids could climb the gym rope all the way to the top and do numerous pull-ups so Clem being able to lift her own weight is not crazy..using a weapon such as a pipe or screw driver not crazy....are walkers some how super human? They are still rotting corpses...bone becomes easier to break as it deteriorates....there were kids in my elementary school that could run the mile in about 6-7minutes...her being able to run to the cabin isn't hard to grasp..it was within a mile...suturing her own arm was shown to her by christa and what else is she going to do? Wait til morning when it could be too late? Everything she did was explainable and not some crazy jump in logic...oh yeah, with the trailor...it's easy to believe that the trailor was easy to break into...I wouldn't imagine it had very strong doors....there's a reason you don't see many fat ppl in the apocalypse
Nope.avi it was just REALISM!!!
Be that as it may lad/lass, I myself never really seen children her age actually do some of the things she done in season 2 (me leaving in America could have played a hand in that.) Nevertheless, back in elementary school, the kids my age could never do any of the following listed ( apart from the zombie killing bit) but I guess you just had better experiences than me when it came to athletic children. : P
lass; but I live in the States too
It is basically a fantasy game but when you have Russian's missing with AK's at close range then magically swapping guns between episodes it just looks like a big brain fart in the creativity department and takes you out of the story.
Either that or TTG just thinks their audience are really f@#%ing stupid and wouldn't notice things like that at all.
My favorite genre of games is actually zombie games/survival horror, so I don't really hold that much on the realism expectations for my games. Yeah, some times they through me for a HUGE loop and all realism has left the room. But initially, I think the game was sooooo amazing, because it was something all of us zombie apocalypse fans have always wanted.
A truly gritty, survival horror game. Seriously, no other game to me comes close to how emotional involved and emotionally intense The Walking Dead is. Resident Evil romanticizes it. Dead Space actionizes it. But the Walking Dead, was gritty and IMO very good for it's many thought provoking and heartbreaking decisions.
I know, I love me some good Kenny fan art. XD
I agree, very questionable and downright appalling goofs did occur... but...
The best part of the series wasn't what was going on around us per say, but what decisions we had to make as a person in the situation. And I think that's where the realism really lies in the game. Our decisions as a player.
This fucking made my day.
The walking realism "Season 2 edition" -complete set
Episode 1 "All that Realisms"
Episode 2 "A Realism Divided"
Episode 3 "In Realism's Way"
Episode 4 "Amid The Realisms"
Episode 5 "No Going Realism"
We for sure need it
i never noticed the gun swapping until people on the forums pointed it out
HAHAHA No going realism...