Is Kenny a sociopath ?


  • Boy, you're gonna wish you didn't post that. You're about to start a war...

  • Boy, I'm just wishin' for the war to enrage

  • You're gonna need this:

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    Frenchwolf posted: »

    Boy, I'm just wishin' for the war to enrage

  • Eh he might have a few traits of that state but I dont think he's a socio path,. Jane also has evidence of that state.Though both have been through heavy trauma.

  • Great, good to know.

  • edited February 2015

    I actually think the writers consulted the sociopath check-list when writing Carver:

    • Superficial Charm

    • Pathological Lying

    -Shallow Affect

    • Lack of Remorse

    • Grandiose Self-Worth

    -Callousness/Lack of Empathy

    • Shallow Affect/Emotions

    • Parasitic Lifestyle

    • Poor Behavioral Control

    • Promiscuous Behavior

    • Impulsivity

    • Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

    • Criminal versatility

    Troy is Carver minus the intelligence and charisma.

    Kenny? No, he's definitely not a sociopath. Impulsive, hyper-aggressive, abusive? Yes. But he's capable of remorse. He's capable of love.

    Jane fits that label a little more snugly, what with that hair-brained attempt to murder AJ and all...

  • Is that an anti-stacheist tank ?

  • Actually, Kenny is Jesus :

  • Well, in case a war breaks out between the stacheists and anti-stacheists. You could use it o make them both stop.

    There is a reply button, you know.

    Frenchwolf posted: »

    Is that an anti-stacheist tank ?

  • edited February 2015

    I used to read a lot about sociopathy, I remember going on that website a few times.

    " the sociopath will be extremely loyal."

    That just sounds like blatant lies. Sociopaths are only loyal if there's something in it for them, the closest definition of love for a sociopath would be that they see others as prized possessions. For example, a laptop is useful and it would suck if it were destroyed, but that's as far as it goes. That is how a sociopath sees other human beings, they 'love' the people they can make use of and the only loss they feel from the death of another is that they have now lost the benefits that person provided them.

    Kenny was deeply effected by the loss of his family to the point of where he developed suicidal tendencies, (At least, that's what the end of his arc in S1 was implying for me.) that is the farthest thing from a sociopath as one can get in my opinion. Kenny can love and the loss of his loved ones caused him to break down. If there was one sociopathic trait that fits Kenny, his impulsiveness would be it but other than that, no, I don't think he is one.

    As Bokor said, Carver is a much closer example of a sociopath. Troy on the other hand, I would say that he's a sadist, and while sociopaths can be sadistic, not all sadistic people are sociopaths. (I'll have to check and make sure, it's been a while...)But then again we never really got much of an in-depth look at Troy to begin with so I can't say with certainty what he is, other than a one dimensional asshole.

  • Spoiler

    I don't know why I filled a game file with Lee always agreeing with Kenny. He wanted Larry dead at the meat locker after saying " We know Duck wasn't bitten " , even if that fact was not 100% obvious and Larry wasn't bitten either. Hypocrite Godly Mustache is hypocrite.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited February 2015

    He shows sociopathic traits/tendencies at times (although, given that it's the apocalypse, doesn't everyone?), but he's definitely not an actual sociopath.

  • The only good racist psychotic violent sociopath redneck is a dead one.

    Alt text

    Ahhhh, what a relief.

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited February 2015



    a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

  • edited February 2015

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    Gee, I wonder what direction this thread is gonna go in.

  • Christa and Omid don't show sociopathic traits, for example.

    Deltino posted: »

    He shows sociopathic traits/tendencies at times (although, given that it's the apocalypse, doesn't everyone?), but he's definitely not an actual sociopath.

  • [Insert Jane Comment Here]

  • Uh, yeah, let's not start all this again.

This discussion has been closed.