There are scary parts of everywhere.
Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god, which he himself found intensely uncomfortable?
because i'm autistic and i cant relate to sarah... i dont think she is autistic, i just think she has severe anxiety.
edit: doesn't mean people cant see her as autistic tho, but personally i dont see it
There are scary parts of everywhere.
Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god, which he himself found intensely uncomfortable?
There are scary parts of everywhere.
Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god, which he himself found intensely uncomfortable?
Actually, Gavin thought it was pretty funny. It was a joke the whole time. None of that was meant to be taken seriously. We needed something to pass the time while waiting for the new epsodes, so we decided to just mess around.
If Gavin had said he was extremely umcomfortable, I would have asked a mod to remove the thread. Now I don't remember hime saying he did not like the thread, but if he did, id be delighted to be shown where he did say that.
Edit: he actually said this in reply to my Gavinism video that I made:
There are scary parts of everywhere.
Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god, which he himself found intensely uncomfortable?
Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god
You mean Gavinism?
not saying that all aspies are super geniuses, but sarah don't strike me as particularly intelligent... (srry) but that's just my opinion. im open to people thinking differently. who knows, maybe you're right
This is why people have a problem with psychiatry....socially undesirable traits are ascribed to a personality/mental disorder. Symptoms are so broad that everyone can be diagnosed with a personality/mental disorder. All these symptoms can be ascribed to everyone at some point in their's ridonkulous
not saying that all aspies are super geniuses, but sarah don't strike me as particularly intelligent... (srry) but that's just my opinion. im open to people thinking differently. who knows, maybe you're right
However let's look at this...
* Sarah loves reading which is established in Episode one
* she commonly stands by the rules,
* she is … morehappy in controlled environments,
* she seems smart although there were never any situations where that could've been proven
* Prone to depression
* Stims to sooth when sad- Episode 4's panic attack
* Crying meltdowns
* Prone to mutism
* Shy or mute
Now Clem's:
* Smart
Clem isn't shy, maybe in the first season but even then towards the end of S1 and all of S2 she isn't shy. Also, liking to read doesn't make you autistic, I like to read and I'm not.
Clem isn't shy, maybe in the first season but even then towards the end of S1 and all of S2 she isn't shy. Also, liking to read doesn't make you autistic, I like to read and I'm not.
I can understand why but even if you believe that, please don't state it as fact. If there is any autistic character in TWD, it's Sarah. I just wanted to get my opinion about this out there. We're cool.
He posted on a forum. Read the last sentence. "im going to bed now but id love to hear some feedback!!" not "im going to bed now but id love to hear some feedback but only if you agree with me! If he didn't want people disagreeing he should have specified in the post.
Y'all are going "but she can't be autistic because she's not stereotypically autistic!!" but I bet y'all's asses if Clementine showed stereo… moretypically autistic traits y'all be like "so ALL socially awkward characters are autistic now???"
Like Jesus don't be a dick to people for coping w/ their autism
i never stated it as a fact... it explicitly stated in my original post that it was just my personal opinion and i have tried my hardest in this threat to not come off as someone who states my opinions as facts. we're cool
I can understand why but even if you believe that, please don't state it as fact. If there is any autistic character in TWD, it's Sarah. I just wanted to get my opinion about this out there. We're cool.
As I stated before, Have a good day.
Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god, which he himself found intensely uncomfortable?
It really wasn't a big deal, even in the slightest. Anyone who took that seriously needs to relax a little. Obviously no one was legitimately worshiping him. It was clearly a joke. Gavin Hammon easily could have had the thread closed if for some reason he had actually been uncomfortable with it.
There are scary parts of everywhere.
Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god, which he himself found intensely uncomfortable?
He posted on a forum. Read the last sentence. "im going to bed now but id love to hear some feedback!!" not "im going to bed now but id love… more to hear some feedback but only if you agree with me! If he didn't want people disagreeing he should have specified in the post.
There are scary parts of everywhere.
Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god, which he himself found intensely uncomfortable?
I repeat, there is no harm, it just comes across as silly to others if no reason is given other than "because I say so." Like, okay, whatever keeps you going. This is why Tumblr is the safe haven for headcanons.
If Telltale wanted Clementine to be autistic they would have simply made her character actually autistic... and not have left you to blindly grasp at straws.
Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god, which he himself found intensely uncomfortable?
… more
It really wasn't a big deal, even in the slightest. Anyone who took that seriously needs to relax a little. Obviously no one was legitimately worshiping him. It was clearly a joke. Gavin Hammon easily could have had the thread closed if for some reason he had actually been uncomfortable with it.
It kind of is. Whenever people start noting the many flaws of Kenny, it turns into a constant clusterfuck of trolls and assholes calling people who don't like Kenny idiots and assholes. The whole Kenny vs Jane thing was probably the worst thing that ever happened to the forums and you don't know the amount of shit lets players were getting for choosing Jane over Kenny.
For example, when Cry chose Jane, they unsubscribed from his channel, called him names and called him a horrible person, even though that was barely even the case, it was despicable and disgusting and that's I hate this "joke", it turns people into assholes.
As if it was still an active running joke...
Seriously, no one talks about this anymore. And even if they did, is it really something worth getting upset about? Relax.
It kind of is. Whenever people start noting the many flaws of Kenny, it turns into a constant clusterfuck of trolls and assholes calling people who don't like Kenny idiots and assholes. The whole Kenny vs Jane thing was probably the worst thing that ever happened to the forums
This has absolutely nothing to do with "Gavinism".
you don't know the amount of shit lets players were getting for choosing Jane over Kenny. For example, when Cry chose Jane, they unsubscribed from his channel, called him names and called him a horrible person, even though that was barely even the case, it was despicable and disgusting and that's I hate this "joke", it turns people into assholes.
What happens in the Youtube community has nothing to do with these forums.
It kind of is. Whenever people start noting the many flaws of Kenny, it turns into a constant clusterfuck of trolls and assholes calling peo… moreple who don't like Kenny idiots and assholes. The whole Kenny vs Jane thing was probably the worst thing that ever happened to the forums and you don't know the amount of shit lets players were getting for choosing Jane over Kenny.
For example, when Cry chose Jane, they unsubscribed from his channel, called him names and called him a horrible person, even though that was barely even the case, it was despicable and disgusting and that's I hate this "joke", it turns people into assholes.
gavinism had nothing to do with kenny's character and haters at all and the only people that made arguments out of it were kenny's haters for the sole reason that gavin was his voice actor it literally has nothing to do with anything you just said you are getting that mixed with with the kenny is jesus stuff
It kind of is. Whenever people start noting the many flaws of Kenny, it turns into a constant clusterfuck of trolls and assholes calling peo… moreple who don't like Kenny idiots and assholes. The whole Kenny vs Jane thing was probably the worst thing that ever happened to the forums and you don't know the amount of shit lets players were getting for choosing Jane over Kenny.
For example, when Cry chose Jane, they unsubscribed from his channel, called him names and called him a horrible person, even though that was barely even the case, it was despicable and disgusting and that's I hate this "joke", it turns people into assholes.
It kind of is. Whenever people start noting the many flaws of Kenny, it turns into a constant clusterfuck of trolls and assholes calling peo… moreple who don't like Kenny idiots and assholes. The whole Kenny vs Jane thing was probably the worst thing that ever happened to the forums
This has absolutely nothing to do with "Gavinism".
you don't know the amount of shit lets players were getting for choosing Jane over Kenny. For example, when Cry chose Jane, they unsubscribed from his channel, called him names and called him a horrible person, even though that was barely even the case, it was despicable and disgusting and that's I hate this "joke", it turns people into assholes.
What happens in the Youtube community has nothing to do with these forums.
Well, that´s true. Tumblr admittedly opened a lot of eyes to social injustice which is more than you can say about...4chan, for example.
You mean Gavinism?
I'm not even going to argue about this, not worth it.
Have a good day.
have a nice day you too
@Dont_Look_Back won't like this lol.
You're too good with sarcasm to be autistic.
Lol, sorry but nothing here fits Clem.
Praise Gavin
None of these fit Clem...You know who they do fit, Sarah.
Praise Papai.
Praise CreepingCake
its cool lol
maybe, but according to my therapists im still autistic
Actually, Gavin thought it was pretty funny. It was a joke the whole time. None of that was meant to be taken seriously. We needed something to pass the time while waiting for the new epsodes, so we decided to just mess around.
If Gavin had said he was extremely umcomfortable, I would have asked a mod to remove the thread. Now I don't remember hime saying he did not like the thread, but if he did, id be delighted to be shown where he did say that.
Edit: he actually said this in reply to my Gavinism video that I made:
He doesn't look too uncomfortable if you ask me.
^ thanks bb. I apreciate it.
Ehh... I'm not really mad. Just surprised that some people would think it's serious when it was all just a joke.
not saying that all aspies are super geniuses, but sarah don't strike me as particularly intelligent... (srry) but that's just my opinion. im open to people thinking differently. who knows, maybe you're right
This is why people have a problem with psychiatry....socially undesirable traits are ascribed to a personality/mental disorder. Symptoms are so broad that everyone can be diagnosed with a personality/mental disorder. All these symptoms can be ascribed to everyone at some point in their's ridonkulous
However let's look at this...
Now Clem's:
clem states that she loves reading and is quite shy as well, but idk you could be right
Clem isn't shy, maybe in the first season but even then towards the end of S1 and all of S2 she isn't shy. Also, liking to read doesn't make you autistic, I like to read and I'm not.
i know, but even if clem isn't autistic i'd still like to believe she is even if know its fake/just pretend. we cool?
I can understand why but even if you believe that, please don't state it as fact. If there is any autistic character in TWD, it's Sarah. I just wanted to get my opinion about this out there. We're cool.
As I stated before, Have a good day.
He posted on a forum. Read the last sentence. "im going to bed now but id love to hear some feedback!!" not "im going to bed now but id love to hear some feedback but only if you agree with me! If he didn't want people disagreeing he should have specified in the post.
i never stated it as a fact... it explicitly stated in my original post that it was just my personal opinion and i have tried my hardest in this threat to not come off as someone who states my opinions as facts. we're cool
you too
It really wasn't a big deal, even in the slightest. Anyone who took that seriously needs to relax a little. Obviously no one was legitimately worshiping him. It was clearly a joke. Gavin Hammon easily could have had the thread closed if for some reason he had actually been uncomfortable with it.
i have no problem with people disagreeing with me tho..
Anything for the founder of Gavinism.
Praise bloop
you are just mad cause he is kenny's voice actor learn to take a joke
I repeat, there is no harm, it just comes across as silly to others if no reason is given other than "because I say so." Like, okay, whatever keeps you going. This is why Tumblr is the safe haven for headcanons.
If Telltale wanted Clementine to be autistic they would have simply made her character actually autistic... and not have left you to blindly grasp at straws.
A joke that has gotten incredibly annoying and stupid.
As if it was still an active running joke...
Seriously, no one talks about this anymore. And even if they did, is it really something worth getting upset about? Relax.
It kind of is. Whenever people start noting the many flaws of Kenny, it turns into a constant clusterfuck of trolls and assholes calling people who don't like Kenny idiots and assholes. The whole Kenny vs Jane thing was probably the worst thing that ever happened to the forums and you don't know the amount of shit lets players were getting for choosing Jane over Kenny.
For example, when Cry chose Jane, they unsubscribed from his channel, called him names and called him a horrible person, even though that was barely even the case, it was despicable and disgusting and that's I hate this "joke", it turns people into assholes.
This has absolutely nothing to do with "Gavinism".
What happens in the Youtube community has nothing to do with these forums.
gavinism had nothing to do with kenny's character and haters at all and the only people that made arguments out of it were kenny's haters for the sole reason that gavin was his voice actor it literally has nothing to do with anything you just said you are getting that mixed with with the kenny is jesus stuff
It's similar. All I'm going to say.