Were you happy about any deaths?
Throughout seasons 1 and 2 of TWD, were you glad to see anybody die/get killed off? For me it was Larry (first play through), Ben (first play through) < I hated them both my first go around. Bre (she really annoyed me each go around). Troy (he pissed me off more than Carver). Carver of course, but I just didn't like how soon it happened. Kenny (my first play through. Now I regret it but he grew to be too controlling for my liking).
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No one except Jane.
Scratch that, add Brenda St. John to that list. Son of a beach.
The St. Johns, especially Danny. "You ain't gonna kill me-aaarrrrgggghhh!" "O RLY?"
Glad to see Troy die as well.
Oh, and Roman. You split up Shel and Stephanie, you bastard.
Larry. Only Larry.
Troy and Kenny.
Troy, Carver and Stranger.
Your profile picture is amazing!
I see we won't have any problems then
(Look at my Profile name and you'll get it :P)
Jane was the only one where i got excited when it happened and cheered her death on
all other deaths made me sad or go "meh"
Jane and Brenda St. John.
I thought about Roman too.
This thread is pretty sadistic...
Kenny's was glorious. But knowing he is a frozen rotting corpse slowly decomposing into the mother earth is... I need a second.
Troy getting shot in the dick and balls and then torn limb from limb while screaming in agonizing pain was seriously one of the funniest moments of the entire series so far. LOL.
Sarita, Duck, and Katjaa. Just 'cause Kenny loved them and watching him in pain is great.
Kenny: I told you not to talk about my family!
I did more than "talk about."
Larry, The Stranger, Carver, Troy, and Jane.
Am I the only one who felt bad for everyone who died?
Although I had clem/Lee kill people, I can't say that I was happy about anyone dying.
I guess I would have to the bandits and the Crawford elite...well, I was happy that they died, but I was sad about it either
Watching him get his dick shot off just great, but hearing him get eaten afterwards. It's beautiful art, I tell you.
No one will get away with hurting Clem(Arvo, I'm looking at you) and beating Kenny. I never cheered Kenny to do something ruthless ever, I'm usually the good guy in these choice making games
The Stranger:
Like I said before, no hurts Clem and gets away with it. Plus, he got Lee bit.
So I hope you all suffer forever and ever in Hell.
Jane. Wasn't showing it on the outside, but I felt like cheering.
Bandits - although given no choice but to kill them, they were bad people and they had to go.
Troy - very weird dude the moment he began talking. When he hit Clem I knew he was good as dead. I'm glad it was Jane that got him, she probably had some bad history with that guy.
I say Brenda for me
I'm kinda conflicted about Carver's death he deserved it though
I loved Jane's death scene. I did not even bother picking up the gun, I just waited it out for Kenny to kill her.
The stranger, Danny St. John and Carver. And ofc, Troy.
Let's just hope I meet Arvo in season 3 so I can chop off his dick and make him eat it.
i waited it out too lol, i thought the game was forcing us to kill him tbh and i refused
Too many to list but I can try
Season 1 Clementine (does this count)?
Majority of the cabin group
Troy - pretty much an asshole.
The cop in the beg.of a new day - he needed to stfu and not comment about Lee's wife.
Hahaha Season 2 had some of the best deaths ever. Every single one was well written and perfectly put into place. In Harm's Way and Amid The Ruins had the best of this. Carlos' death was so fueled and so fast that you forgot it ever happened. Nick's death was soo... (gulps) great because you had to imagine how he died and it was soooo impactful to the story >.> and finally Sarah had one of the best death of the entire.... (twitches) franchise because Telltale had balls to straight up look the player in the eye and say "Fuck you we don't care what you want" that took balls....
It hurt to say that...
"Only a whip dog would speak this way"
-Ralph Kenning (Game of Thrones)
I was happy when Carver was killed, but not how violently he died. Troy's death was funny with that 'she shot my dick off' thing, but yeah, still painful to think about.
Luke's death certainly made me happy though; I was so overjoyed by it....[eye twitches] yup, I have absolutely NOTHING negative to say about that excellently written, well delivered death dealt on that beautifully plot handled lake, nothing at all...
Apparently so...
My point being... There were a lot of assholes I sang this to.
Carver and Brenda. I did feel bad watching them die (...only a little), but cannibals have always freaked the hell out of me, so the St. John's Dairy was pretty much something out of my nightmares, so I was seriously glad to see that over and done with. Carver was just an asshole, so that one's self-explanatory.