Biggest Player Regrets?
I am overwhelmed with post-game guilt- I have so many regrets!
For example: I avoided getting close to Luke due to loyalty related guilt from Lee; I unintentionally witnessed Carver's murder when trying to bargain with Kenny; I didn't reach out to Kenny enough because I was so disturbed by his behaviour and, seeing as I was traumatised by Matthew's murder, I chose to say nothing when Walter asked me if Nick was a good man or not (and wound up making Walter lose his faith in humanity). The list continues.
So... what are YOUR biggest player regrets?
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Stealing from the stranger
I'm going to tell you what I told Bonnie, I try not to have any regrets.
Leaving Lilly behind on the roadside. Everything happened too damn fast for me, and I wanted to kill her initially. Then after the choice she starts crying and talking about having nothing left. It tore me up to watch her virtually break down and to see her terrified running off into the woods only to have the darkness swallow her.
I blame Kenny. Fuck you Kenny for killing her father and sending her into a mentally unstable downward spiral of paranoia.
Killing Kenny
Leaving Lilly behind.
I based that decision off my emotion of rage and anger towards her for killing Carley, but come to think of it, leaving her on the side of the road is as good as killing her. That's basically the only decision I could say I sort of regretted.
Wow. A lot of people have commented this which I find very surprising. I too left Lily but never remotely regretted it- it's like Katja said. 'We have to have limits.'
Playing No Going Back, and getting a season pass for Season 2
those are my regrets.
It's funny though, in actual terms of player decisions within the game, there's nothing I really regret doing, and any I could consider is simply because the game didn't give me an option to choose against it, like to split the stranger's food rather take it all, etc, etc. I took the decisions that I could because they're what I thought were right to do
whether they were or not, I don't feel regret on those terms.
My regrets are NOT stealing from the stranger, he still blamed me like I was a bad guy who stole from him lol
Killing Kenny. Should've let Jane die.
Trying to think but I don't really have a regret, I mean I have all these save slots filled with different choices...
The game makes you get close to Luke.
I didn't like that, too pushy. So no regrets there.
My biggest regret was not killing Jane. I panicked and didn't really understand the [shoot Kenny] / [Look away] options. So I flipped and hit shoot Kenny. Then I cried cause he was crying in his death.
I initially didn't except Nick's apology and then I felt awful afterwards considering how much shit he got from Pete and everyone when he was trying to do the right thing.
When Carver had Alvin as a human shield, I told Kenny to take the shot. Felt kind of bad but it was satisfying to watch Carver drop down for a few seconds.
I don't really have any regrets in Season 1. I took season 1 a lot more seriously.
Actually! one regret. In ep 2 I was trying to fix the swing when they first arrive at the dairy and made the mistake of talking to Andy and telling him I was ready to check the perimeter. Then when we got back and he was all like "I fixed the swing" I felt really stupid having a plank of wood stored up my ass...
Biggest regret was shooting Kenny.
*Those didn't really bug me til the stranger brought it up and how Clem told him about it. Felt pretty shitty bout it then.
No regrets. I'm good with my choices.
my biggest regret...
ugh... wait why did I thought about this? it's standing up for Arvo of course. I didn't know why I did it in the first place after I saw his "evil" face towards Clem.
Stealing from the Stranger.
Leaving Clem at the mansion. It's actually a pretty stupid thing to do, if you think about it. Some guy (who ended up taking Clem later on) is following us and knows where we are because we saw him by the gate. With a very sick Omid and just Clem (especially if you don't give her the gun) at the mansion he easily could've taken her right then and there. At least I was smart enough to give her the gun. :P With Clem in Crawford you can at least keep an eye on her and know what's happening to her all the time.
Not accepting Nick's apology.
Not hugging Kenny when we first saw him. I chose "I thought you were dead" because that's what it was in the preview for the episode and I wanted to see how Clem actually ended up saying it. I hugged him in episode 3, though.
I agree that I found killing Kenny excruciating but I doubt allowing a murder to happen (regardless of whether it was Jane) was a better option. And given the state that Kenny had gotten to, somehow his death seems like euthanasia to me.
My biggest regret is that in my first and original playthrough, I shot Kenny...of course, I rewinded and changed it, but the truth is still there...etched into stone. I also made Carver shoot Alvin in episode 2...which really tore me down.
That's why I killed him the first time round. In Episode 4 he seemed to want to die so I put him out of his misery so that he could be with his family.
Buying season 2.
Carley over Doug/ Doug over Carley. Dropping Ben from Crawford. Pete or Nick. Shooting Carver. Shooting Kenny.
Regret not letting Bonnie sticking her hand in that damn ticket booth.
After the whole season ended and replaying it again - it was indeed satisfying to let her go through that shit on her own
Not stealing from the car.
Not being nice to Kenny
Siding with Lilly
Episode 5 in general.
Letting Clementine smoke, now my Clementine can't even Remember Lee!! ;( (I'm kidding)
Killing Danny St. John in front of Clem. Cutting off Sarita's arm.
Dropping Ben is really the only thing I still question, but I don't regret it. In hindsight, saving Ben seems like a great idea because he redeems himself later on and stands up to Kenny. But in the heat of the moment we don't have the benefit of hindsight. My number one priority was being there for Clementine, and I wasn't sure I had enough time to pull Ben up before the walkers got there. It also didn't help that Ben practically begs you to drop him, so....
Bye Ben.
Okay I thought of a couple other ones...
I had all intentions on telling Walter the truth about Nick, but once I saw that knife in his hands I shat bricks and lied to protect the fam. Luckily I didn't destroy his faith in humanity and he still saved Nick from a walker later on. I've always told the truth in this game, but I really believed Walter was going to kill Nick had I been honest.
I watched Carver's death. I stayed because I wanted to make sure Carver was killed, to ensure Kenny would follow through. I didn't want to leave any loose ends. But in watching playthroughs, it's clear that Kenny kills Carver whether you watch him or not. So I made Clementine watch a man's skull get collapsed by a wrench for nothing, lol. And sure enough, Kenny makes a douchie remark about it several episodes later. I didn't watch because I was bloodthirsty, I watched for peace of mind, so I knew he was dead. Maybe I was overthinking it, but hey, what can ya do.
Killing Kenny. I never thought Clem would kill him with her shot, I honestly thought she would shoot him in the leg or something. But still, I couldn't just watch him kill Jane and witness a murder without doing something! Even though I now know that Jane deserved it, ugh.
Not stealing the watch
Nick was one of my favourite characters and so it broke my heart that I couldn't give him Pete's watch.
Trusting Bonnie. I always defended her, always, and for what? What a stupid bitch.
Trusting Bonnie...
I regret bringing 400 Days protagonists to Carver's community. They were completely useless in Season 2, just cameo appearances.
But Sarah should not be left behind like that, this really hurts me. You should not side with Jane.
Watching Carver's death and stealing from Arvo
Not finishing the juicebox.
Shooting Kenny. I rationalized in my mind that I couldn't let Jane die. Even if she did orchestrate the whole thing just to prove her point, Kenny had reached his breaking point and a part of me realized Aj and Clem may not be safe around him anymore after that. But I decided to take a look at the endings where you let Kenny kill Jane and the raw emotion in them after she dies is just so heartbreaking...I found myself wanting more interaction with Kenny afterwards--I wanted to talk with him and not Jane, how was I sure she wouldn't leave me again when times get tough? I maintained a close friendship with Kenny as Lee in Season 1, so I think a part of me feels obligated to see Kenny as family, or at least see a small part of Lee in him.
And as bad as it may sound, I regret saving Sarah in the trailers, especially when she just dies in the next episode after all the motivational talking and convincing you did to her.