I think Clementine is autistic



  • It's not. The joke had literally nothing to do with any sort of Kenny related arguments.

    J-Master posted: »

    It's similar. All I'm going to say.

  • Guys, the keyword here is "Headcanon" This is just her alternate take on Clem. Nothing bad about that.

  • You took the words right out of my mouth.

    Belan posted: »

    It kind of is. Whenever people start noting the many flaws of Kenny, it turns into a constant clusterfuck of trolls and assholes calling peo

  • edited March 2015

    A joke that has gotten incredibly annoying and stupid.

    That's just your opinion. What you think about it in that way doesn't make Gavinism right nor wrong. And if you don't like it so much then just ignore it. Simple as that.

    J-Master posted: »

    A joke that has gotten incredibly annoying and stupid.

  • Sometimes it's easy to forget that she's still a little kid.

  • I don't like them. All they do is divide us.

    Flog61 posted: »

    ...labels are pretty necessary scientifically.

  • IMO people take this game way too seriously.

    I don't see why telling a 14 year old girl that she is wrong. She could be right, who is to say... They gave Sarah PTSD, and doesn't share any of the symptoms of PTSD, but apparently she has that.

    Lahkesis posted: »

    I repeat, there is no harm, it just comes across as silly to others if no reason is given other than "because I say so." Like, okay, whatever keeps you going. This is why Tumblr is the safe haven for headcanons.

  • Villainous men are 'misunderstood' or 'badass', women are 'selfish bitches'.

    Bokor posted: »

    I'd say it's just much harder to make FEMALE characters (who aren't just 100% innocent/nice/'badass') likable. Nate and Carver are pretty v

  • Labels like 'good' and 'evil'? Yes.

    Labels like 'this person has cancer' or 'this person is autistic'? We need them medically.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I don't like them. All they do is divide us.

  • I love gavin hammon, he does a wonderful job at voicing kenny.

    I'm mad because HE HIMSELF has said he doesn't like it, but people continued to do it.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    you are just mad cause he is kenny's voice actor learn to take a joke

  • Check his ask.fm.

    He approved that video, not the whole thread.

    Actually, Gavin thought it was pretty funny. It was a joke the whole time. None of that was meant to be taken seriously. We needed somethi

  • Negan will remember you quoted him

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    Ewing posted: »

    Sometimes it's easy to forget that she's still a little kid.

  • As someone with Aspergers myself (albeit pretty low on the autism spectrum) I personally don't think Clem possesses enough of these traits to be considered autistic. One of my major things with my aspergers, is my inability to be social and openly talk to people. It's only in the past year or two i've actually been able to talk to people at the store and things, it just scared me at the thought of doing so (for literally no reason). On the other hand, Clementine is very open and social, as well as confident. Her naivety and such may just be down to her age and her being a little girl growing up in the ZA.

  • Sarah has PTSD and heavy anxiety, not autism.

    I can understand why but even if you believe that, please don't state it as fact. If there is any autistic character in TWD, it's Sarah. I just wanted to get my opinion about this out there. We're cool. As I stated before, Have a good day.

  • With so little left to speculate on, grasping at straws is pretty much all the community can do.

    Belan posted: »

    If Telltale wanted Clementine to be autistic they would have simply made her character actually autistic... and not have left you to blindly grasp at straws.

  • and where do he say this? unless you have proof you can't go around saying things like this and just expect people to believe you someone already posted proof that he didn't really care about it and either way i still think it all has to do with kenny but whatever not like you are gonna admit it anyway

    Flog61 posted: »

    I love gavin hammon, he does a wonderful job at voicing kenny. I'm mad because HE HIMSELF has said he doesn't like it, but people continued to do it.

  • ... just because? It still doesn't make any sense.

    With so little left to speculate on, grasping at straws is pretty much all the community can do.

  • I know that, I was stating if anyone has it then it would be Sarah.

    Sarah has PTSD and heavy anxiety, not autism.

  • edited March 2015

    Jewf chill a bit. Flog is cool. I don't want this to turn into a fight.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    and where do he say this? unless you have proof you can't go around saying things like this and just expect people to believe you someone al

  • I'm (relatively) new here so I've missed a lot a the fan feuds. is Becca really hated? I really liked her myself. that being said I also really like Carver and Nate, mostly because I find them interesting, and a world like TWD would definitely have those sorts of people.

    ps. Sarah is okay.

    Bokor posted: »

    It says a lot about the fan-base here that Becca and Sarah get so much hate... ...while guys like Nate and Carver get love. Hm...

  • I don't agree with the points you brought up.

    Ask the writers if Clementine is autistic, and you'll get a crystal clear answer.

  • I doubt (/hope) that it's not a gender issue. personally I think people are more willing to accept characters that are evil/bad (Carver, Nate) doing bad things as opposed to supposedly good characters acting in selfish ways(Becca, Bonnie, Mike). maybe it's because people don't hold villains to a moral standard where as "good guys" must retain good qualities. it's still insane how easily people will jump on the hate train, but I don't think it has to do with gender (in this case at least).

    Flog61 posted: »

    Villainous men are 'misunderstood' or 'badass', women are 'selfish bitches'.

  • The OP gave some reasoning in the thread. If they want to speculate about Clementine and her character, let them.

    Belan posted: »

    ... just because? It still doesn't make any sense.

  • Of course they can speculate, just as I can offer my opinion about their speculation.

    The OP gave some reasoning in the thread. If they want to speculate about Clementine and her character, let them.

  • i had a lecturer that called it something along the lines of "the wicked witch effect" because women manipulate men and take away there free will. Men dont know better because there mothers didnt teach them and women are conniving, manipulative, controlling man haters. Well thats what media would have you believe anyway

    Not my opinion btw. The lecturer was a feminist artist type and she hated Disney

    Flog61 posted: »

    Villainous men are 'misunderstood' or 'badass', women are 'selfish bitches'.

  • edited March 2015

    From someone who has Asperger's, I don't think Clem is autistic/ aspergic.

    She's just an 8 year old who lost her whole family.
    So she's obviously going to have comfort objects and be gullible because she hasn't had life experiences. (Not gone through puberty so hasn't matured).

    With my Asperger's, I prefer being alone and avoid social situations if I can. It's not that I'm scared, it's just really frustrating because I can't distinguish all the time how someone is feeling. Because of this, I'm prone to acting inappropriate in a situation and making someone upset. Unintentionally of course...

    Clem seemed pretty good at distinguishing other's feelings.

  • Why do you guys get so mad over something so trivial. More Love Less Isis.

    Jewf chill a bit. Flog is cool. I don't want this to turn into a fight.

  • Agreed.

    Belan posted: »

    Of course they can speculate, just as I can offer my opinion about their speculation.

  • upd8: i retook the test (and be4 anyone tells me im not really autistic and a 'special snowflake', i've been professionally diagnosed. read my original post jeez). it's pretty nice you should try it out http://rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php

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  • I really love this theory and your points that you make that you noticed about Clementine, does remind me of someone who had an form of autism, you mentioned you have Asperger's Syndrome and I wanted to let you know that I have AS too making me a fellow aspie. :) Most Aspies from what research I have done and books I have read focus on certain based interests or objects, so I can definitely see Clem using her interests in art, her drawings and coloring to focus on something else to cope with this world that she has been thrown into.

    Like you I feel like I relate to Clementine myself, she is also one of my favorite fictional characters in a video game.

  • Aspies

    Is that an actual term? Never heard it before

    I really love this theory and your points that you make that you noticed about Clementine, does remind me of someone who had an form of auti

  • One of my friends has a mild case of autism. I don't think Clem has it

  • edited March 2015

    Here's mine.

    I went through the survey pretty quick so that might've affected my results.

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    peachflower posted: »

    upd8: i retook the test (and be4 anyone tells me im not really autistic and a 'special snowflake', i've been professionally diagnosed. read my original post jeez). it's pretty nice you should try it out http://rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php

  • People can be autistic on so many levels.

    One of my friends has a mild case of autism. I don't think Clem has it

  • i'm glad to hear that :) thank you <333

    I really love this theory and your points that you make that you noticed about Clementine, does remind me of someone who had an form of auti

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