In Season 3, will A.J. still be a baby or will he be a toddler?



  • Well said its not that we're feeding off of a child dying

    It IS, actually.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Well said its not that we're feeding off of a child dying its that he only exists as a generic plot tool to ensue chaos. He'd just be better out of the story

  • Well, as long as time skips are avoided. I believe AJ will still be an infant.
    But, I don't want him to be treated as a distraction. Since his parents are long gone, I hope he will be brought up with whoever makes up Clementine's group.

  • Depends on whether you consider AJ a baby. I don't.

    Well said its not that we're feeding off of a child dying It IS, actually.

  • edited March 2015

    If AJ is still in the game, I'd like it if he was a toddler, because then he could talk at the very least. If he's still a baby, Telltale's gonna have to do some heavy retconning to salvage his character.

    Really though, I don’t understand why Telltale didn’t put more focus on AJ during the last episode, considering all the buildup we got in Amid the Ruins. Even a baby can be involved in the plot if the writers know what they’re doing.

    For example, AJ, due to the lack of food, is crying incessantly. With the group’s supplies dwindling and more and more walkers attacking them, the situation gets incredibly bleak and the player is faced with a dilemma. No one wants to let the baby get eaten of course, but Jane brings up the legitimate point that they could euthanize AJ, reasoning that this isn’t the time or place to raise a baby and no one would win if they all died trying to save AJ. Would the player agree to shoot AJ, knowing the risk of him dying from starvation and disease is high, and put the kid out of his misery to keep the group alive? Would the player refuse and risk everything to keep AJ safe for Alvin and Rebecca?

    But no. Instead, AJ’s contribution to the story can be succinctly summed up as “Sarita 2.0: Baby Edition”.

  • edited March 2015

    It's obvious you're not understanding what I'm saying. AJ was a plot point to force the progression of the story onwards and a half assed attempt to cover the writers' back so that they could make the final confrontation happen. His purpose is very similar to the AI child at the end of Mass Effect 3.

    No shit. But... a baby ruined the season for you? lol They won't get rid of him because you think they should.

    Nope. But the writing for the egregious No Going Back sure did, and he was definitely a culprit in the ever expanding case of why the season took such a bad turn. And I know they won't if I want them to, but they will if they want people to take their game seriously. Look around, a lot of people think season two was a joke, and not a good one. With characters that die very sloppy deaths that make no sense, writing that has no subtly, clunky development, plot babies, etc. There's no reason for AJ's existence, he would've died scientifically during child birth. And I almost thought TT were going to have AJ stillborn, but of course not. They needed to use him to bait people's emotional responses and further bastardize not only Kenny but stripping Clementine's character down to nil.

    Anyway, I'm going to fall back on this debate. Not that I don't enjoy arguing at a wall, but yeah... I don't enjoy arguing at a wall.

    I'm not talking about AJ as a baby. Because you just see AJ as a thing. He's a thinly disguised plot nuisance for Kenny's char

  • edited March 2015

    No I know where you're getting at. I just happen to disagree for the most of it. Ah, the shitty writing argument. I heard of this before.

    Are you entirely certain of that? Don't act like it's a fact. There's certainly those who enjoyed but just dont talk as much as those who shit on it all the time. The haters are quite usually the loudest.

    Agreed. I don't like dragged out arguments. I could say the same to you actually. There's one similarity we have. We're both stubborn bullheaded. Anyway, ciao.

    It's obvious you're not understanding what I'm saying. AJ was a plot point to force the progression of the story onwards and a half assed at

  • So, your argument is that they wont/cant kill him because he's still alive? Lol, if that were true they would never kill anyone.

    I don't think hey can kill him off, since the game ending currently revolves around him, plus every ending he was alive so hopefully he stays so. But you never know with Telltale.

  • I'd like to see AJ being taken care of Clementine the way that Lee did her, although it's highly unrealistic. The chances of him surviving with Clem that long are close to none, unfortunately.

  • he is a "survivor." not a baby.... LOL

    Depends on whether you consider AJ a baby. I don't.

  • Remember episode 3 where Chuck said "You're not a kid, you're not a boy you're not a girl you're alive."

    Depends on whether you consider AJ a baby. I don't.

  • Telltale failed to convince players that AJ is a baby.

    lol what? You're silly.

    It really seems like you don’t understand why some people don’t care about AJ. The issue isn’t that people want a baby to die, the issue is

  • You know what would make him more interesting?

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Telltale failed to convince players that AJ is a baby. lol what? You're silly.

  • Lol yeah, never thought I'd say something as absurd as that. In all seriousness though, I really wasn't convinced AJ was a baby. Babies don't inexplicably fly 10 feet from their mother's laps and land completely unscathed.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Telltale failed to convince players that AJ is a baby. lol what? You're silly.

  • No, no. I just mean he won't die right off the bat, he'd at least stay an episode.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    So, your argument is that they wont/cant kill him because he's still alive? Lol, if that were true they would never kill anyone.

  • After reading all these comments I realized I don't have feelings for AJ. I don't hate him, but I never felt anything for him much at all. It's true he cries, but he doesn't act as much as a real baby would, and I feel like the only connection him and Clem have is that part where she first holds him. If they keep him in S3 they'd have to add more character to him as a baby in a cold world. Ya know hat thing where they used to slap babies when they were born and then studies showed that was bad for them. I feel like AJ would grow up this way, from walker guts and freezing temperatures, he'd grow up differently and that's what they should focus on. Sorry, I feel like I'm not explaining this right. Don't mind me :3

    First: Accusing a baby of having "no character" is a little low I'll just paste what I've responded below. And the whole "it's

  • I could see that, but i really think it depends on how long the break is after this past season. In game i mean.

    How much time has passed will affect how we start out S3, maybe if you ended in Wellington you and AJ will have a safe place so he will survive. But if you ended alone, there is no place, no food etc. And so AJ will not survive, or not be as likely too at least. Maybe, if you let the family in, they steal the baby? Who knows.

    No, no. I just mean he won't die right off the bat, he'd at least stay an episode.

  • edited March 2015

    It would be more interesting if he shit himself just to piss Clementine and Kenny off @DoubleJump

    Lol yeah, never thought I'd say something as absurd as that. In all seriousness though, I really wasn't convinced AJ was a baby. Babies don't inexplicably fly 10 feet from their mother's laps and land completely unscathed.

  • I guess we'll see where he ends up, dead or not,hopefully with an explanation. :)

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I could see that, but i really think it depends on how long the break is after this past season. In game i mean. How much time has passed

  • But no. Instead, AJ’s contribution to the story can be succinctly summed up as “Sarita 2.0: Baby Edition”.

    Dude, you need to start taking some serious medication for your Kenny fixation before you go around knifing innocent guys with moustaches.

    If AJ is still in the game, I'd like it if he was a toddler, because then he could talk at the very least. If he's still a baby, Telltale's

  • Does it matter? Toddlers and babies are the same crying, snooting, puking, disgusting little boo hoos.

  • edited March 2015

    By "Sarita 2.0", I was more referring to the fact that both Sarita & AJ are entirely passive characters that are little more than props/emotional crutches for other characters. In fact, I could easily add Natasha to that group as well, since she was little more than a prop for Arvo's absurd character arc. Sarita for Kenny, Natasha for Arvo, AJ for Kenny & Clem.

    I would accuse you of having a Kenny fixation since you jumped to that conclusion when I didn't even mention the guy in my post, but Sarita was such a non-entity outside of her relationship with Kenny that it's understandable you immediately associated any mention of her with Kenny.

    But no. Instead, AJ’s contribution to the story can be succinctly summed up as “Sarita 2.0: Baby Edition”. Dude, you need to start t

  • Spoiler

    Maybe if you choose kenny at the end of season 2 you will see him again but i don t know maybe AJ could be a new born baby in episode 1 then in episode 2 he could be a toddler then in episode 3 a kid episode 4 somewhere around 5 years old and episode 5 well i dont know but maybe tell tale will do what i said :D

  • that is what i am referring towards. I do not care about that plot device at all, i don't . I don't want anything to do with it.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Remember episode 3 where Chuck said "You're not a kid, you're not a boy you're not a girl you're alive."

  • I like your analysis, and agree with you 100 percent.

    By "Sarita 2.0", I was more referring to the fact that both Sarita & AJ are entirely passive characters that are little more than props/

  • edited March 2015

    since she was little more than a prop for Arvo's absurd character arc

    Natasha had it pretty bad; she was a prop for a prop. Calling Arvo's role in the story a 'character arc' is too generous, he was there to get abused by Kenny and then shoot Clem to make Kenny look like this all-knowing hero who was 'right all along' about that eeeeeeeevil Russkie.

    By "Sarita 2.0", I was more referring to the fact that both Sarita & AJ are entirely passive characters that are little more than props/

  • The beginning of true evil.

    Clemenem posted: »

    It would be more interesting if he shit himself just to piss Clementine and Kenny off @DoubleJump

  • So every episode would be a couple of Years long? Just to age up a baby? Makes no sense, and can guarantee it will never happen. The game follows the Canon of the comic books, which means they have to stay within the timelines.

    Sorry to burst your bubble.

  • Does it matter? Toddlers and babies are the same crying, snooting, puking, disgusting little boo hoos.

    I get the impression you were a "crying, snooting, puking, disgusting little boo hoo" yourself.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Does it matter? Toddlers and babies are the same crying, snooting, puking, disgusting little boo hoos.

  • I think he'll still be a baby

  • I gotta say, as someone who was once dogged on for his opinion of AJ being the a horrible plot device, it's great that more people are catching on the obvious problems AJ created.

    Just 'cause AJ is a baby doesn't make it right for his character to be such a large focus that he eclipses even the protagonist. And I wouldn't even be so aggravated by that if AJ was more than a mundane plot element to further build up Kenny and sloppily and predictably be a center piece for a clunky final confrontation.

  • Alt text

    Does it matter? Toddlers and babies are the same crying, snooting, puking, disgusting little boo hoos. I get the impression you were a "crying, snooting, puking, disgusting little boo hoo" yourself.

  • edited March 2015

    Considering you've probably starved to death by now, I can't bring myself to care.

  • Seriously, he's just a plot device.


    I wanna see what they can do with him if he were a toddler. I know he's just a fictional character that doesn't actually exist, but I can't believe the boiling, burning, steaming hatred some people have for him. Seriously, he's just a baby.


    WE NEED AJ, Sarita, and ARVO for season 3 IMO.

    since she was little more than a prop for Arvo's absurd character arc Natasha had it pretty bad; she was a prop for a prop. Calling

  • although it's highly unrealistic.

    Realistic and TWDG: don't go together in the same sentence. IMO they should just screw realism and give CLementine anti zombie super powers where she can control them with her mind or something.

    choircorgis posted: »

    I'd like to see AJ being taken care of Clementine the way that Lee did her, although it's highly unrealistic. The chances of him surviving with Clem that long are close to none, unfortunately.

  • I remember,

    I agreed with you from day one.

    Having a unpopular opinion can be hard at times, but we must press on, and inform the masses.

    Viva La Revolution

    I gotta say, as someone who was once dogged on for his opinion of AJ being the a horrible plot device, it's great that more people are catch

  • Fixed what? You're right. He is a plot device, but he's not a bad one.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Seriously, he's just a plot device. fixed.

  • Guys, please try to behave and keep conversation civil. Thanks.

  • The timeline is around 2 years behind the comics.

  • What will A.J. be in Season Three you ask. Baby or Toddler. Well in my opinion he should be between two slices of bread, maybe some barbecue sauce, ready for Walker bait.
    It's Clementine that's the antagonist in the game, not a baby. Wish we could have left him before really. I mean, the ending where she's on her own and there's a few Walkers about, she could have thrown him in the middle, they would have all been drawn to him crying. She would have escaped, job done.

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