Episode Discussion 'Try'
So here we are. Last week we lost Aiden and Noah. (I miss you man) and Tara got injured. Eugene grew a pair, Nicholas is a coward, Gabriel is a traitor, Abraham is the construction guy now, blah blah blah.
As always, comment while you watch, and for all you comic readers. No Way Out is coming.
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Rick gonna kill Pete this episode... hype increases
And it's about to start....
High stake cooking with Carol.
Deanna doesn't give a shit
Jeez this song sucks.. lol
Anyone else thinking that Daryl and Aaron will find Negan? Then Negan will take them hostage and then him and his guys will over throw Alexandria.
The Wolves aka The D.C. Scavengers
Nicholas getting destroyed by Glenn in this episode I'm calling it now.
Still way too early for Negan, probably next season though.
I liked it
Now Glenn and the Pussy are telling their sides of the story.....
If Deanna is as good as reading people as she says then she will see that Nicholas is obviously lying.
All these motherfuckers framing Rick's crew to save their own asses.
Season 6 Midseason finale. I'm calling it.
Fuck you Nick.
lol different strokes for different blokes.
Insight into Pete story?
Fuck You Luke
(I know what you mean, I couldn't resist though)
lol Rick... do it
That was great, really. I was covering my mouth to stop myself from grinning at Rick.
"Keep walking..." I love how they didn't show his eye to symbolism his "governor" like attitude.
Could be Morgan tho
Now it's the sneak peak
Did anyone else think that Michonne was in bed with Rick at first? Turns out it was just her jacket......
I love how we still haven't actually seen proof that Pete has done anything wrong lol they just assume.
This little tombstone scene is an adaptation of a comic scene.
Carl and Enid frolic through the forest lol
Yep, very similar to that scene
Guys sorry i missed it but what was in between The opening scene and Carol talking to Rick?
Damnit Carl go back to the house before you get someone killed again.
No he quickly must make his moves on a girl first lol
Carl and Lydia... I mean Enid
Carol giving Deanna's family casserole with a letter, and Deanna leaving the casserole and then burning the letter. Then Nicholas tries to lame Noah and Aidan's deaths on Glenn and Eugene
And that is why Glenn is my favorite lol
You mean Sophia.
We'll see how this plays out, do you know Lydia btw?
Those Carl and (insert whatever the girl's name is here) are cringeworthy. Though i despise Carl so thats probably why. Lol