Episode Discussion 'Try'



  • edited March 2015

    I agree with you friend it was a good episode but haters gonna hate . I bet you love dthe part were Glenn owned Nicholas.

    My favorite part was the song at the beginning of the episode. ...When I first went on tumblr the post at the top of my dash claimed that

  • I bet you love dthe part were Glenn owned Nicholas.

    I did, but it wasn't my favorite of the whole episode. Rick fighting Pete was good (And seeing Sam run over to Carol I was like d'awww) and getting to hear more from that Enid girl makes me happy because there aren't enough teenagers in TWD so I'm like, yes. I like it.

    I am not very articulate because I have to know what compositions of functions are in the next hour because I have a test tomorrow I fucking hate math so much, bye!

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I agree with you friend it was a good episode but haters gonna hate . I bet you love dthe part were Glenn owned Nicholas.

  • Rick's speech at the end, how close was it to what Shane said back at the farm?

  • ahhh not gonna happen AMC is bitch lol

    Those walls are gonna be breached next week guaranteed and a certain someone may be losing an eye

  • rick sounded pretty sane to me considering its the ZA

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Well considering someone (probably Nicholas) was probably going to shot him she did'nt want to give him the excuse. Also she dosent know and Rick sounded crazy.

  • I think Shane possessed Rick... .-.

    Rick's speech at the end, how close was it to what Shane said back at the farm?

  • ^^^ pretty fucking close. a lot of the things is doing shane has done or said where rick was like "oh no we cant do that."

  • His words were the whole truth and he was being rational but he LOOKED and SOUNDED crazy

    jamex1223 posted: »

    rick sounded pretty sane to me considering its the ZA

  • Nah no probs i enjoy talking to my friends :D

    I bet you love dthe part were Glenn owned Nicholas. I did, but it wasn't my favorite of the whole episode. Rick fighting Pete was go

  • Rick had all the right intentions and what he was saying was 100% truth, but it came off as crazy because he was covered in blood, laughing and pointing a gun at everyone. Michonne knocked him out to stop things from escalating; she was protecting Rick. Although it kind of pissed me off, too, because Rick was finally saying what should have been said a long time ago.

    Also, am I the only one who is totally fed up with Sasha? She's so self-centered and uninteresting. She puts others lives at risk all the time because she thinks she's the only one who has ever lost someone. Fuck her.

  • Why does everyone think Rick is becoming Shane? Sure, they say and do many of the same things but their motives are totally different. Shane killed people out of his own self interests, Rick kills people to protect his family. Rick has never and will never be Shane.

  • Damn Michonne, nice falcon punch.

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  • Sasha is suffering from PTSD and has suffered the most out of everybody in the group this season. She lost Bob right when they were beginning to get romantically involved, very soon after lost her own brother, and now she is feeling immense guilt over what she said to Noah before he too died. She's thinking mainly of herself, sure, but she's pretty damn interesting to me.

    It's similar to Kenny in season 2. He arguably took the most pain and misery the whole season, and I never agreed with people who said that he sucked because "everyone else has lost someone too". What truly pissed me off the entire time was his propensity to fly right off the damn handle at every opportunity and start some shit with somebody. I understand grieving in one's own way. I don't respect looking for a fight.

    Sasha's not doing that though. The only time Sasha put people in danger was back in "Them", when her actions nearly got Rick bitten, and I didn't excuse her recklessness then. Now, however, she is not putting anyone at risk but herself, and that's her right. She only lashes out when the others make themselves a part of what she willingly brings upon herself. What others do to try and help her is a matter of them making their own choices.

    JonnyHaas posted: »

    Rick had all the right intentions and what he was saying was 100% truth, but it came off as crazy because he was covered in blood, laughing

  • Damn, that episode was awesome. I can imagine what the finale is gonna be like.

  • edited March 2015


    • Another fantastic episode for Sasha (oh wait)

    • The teenage love drama was okay I guess, its nice to have another kid thats not crazy (i'm gonna eat those words i'm guessing)

    • Glad the finale is longer than normal but wondering how and what they are going to do for it, For the point I want them to reach in the comics they've got quite a bit to go.

    • No Tara, No Eugene and most all no Maggie or Gabriel?. Even one scene with each could have let us know their thoughts about everything last week.

    • The fight was cool, though why any of ricks people (besides carl) just stood their I have no idea. Jessies response to the whole thing is weird even for someone facing trauma. So she doesnt want ricks help at first because she finds him creepy but then wants his help when hes even more creepy?

    • Rosita is such a non entitiy I dont know what to say. Literally no opinion of her whatsoever, good or bad, It could have been someone random from Alexandria in that scene.

  • "Aww yeah! The Ricktator... Aww shit."

    Good episode. Was completely thrown when Michonne Knocked Rick out. I mean I get why she did it, but fuck, I was really looking forward to Rick taking over.

  • He should've let his dad murder him.

    Not sure what he done was so wrong. :P

  • In all honesty, Rick is making some dumb choices. If he actually killed Pete then the situation would've been made far worse. I mean yeah, Pete is a dick, it would stop the beatings but that doesn't outweigh the consequences of killing him.

    He should've let his dad murder him.

  • Looks like we won't be getting 'No Way Out' adapted until next season. Damnit. Even in 90 minutes they can't stuff the rest in.

  • Gotta admit it was a bit of a bitch move for michonne to just coward punch rick like that.. I mean he's basically put his whole life on the line multiple times to protect the group, I mean I think he deserves a little better treatment than that from Michonne. But I can see why she did it, he looked crazy in front of everyone and she de escalated the situation, by the time rick wakes up he should be calm again.

  • You're right hes not becoming Shane. But hes not thinking things through. And that entire scene at the end made him look insane.

    JonnyHaas posted: »

    Why does everyone think Rick is becoming Shane? Sure, they say and do many of the same things but their motives are totally different. Sha

  • Ricks people trust Rick and thats why they did'nt intervene. Carl is Rick son and he knows his dad needs to stop because hes becoming the Alexandrian boggieman. And Jessie has to decide between her husband who beats her or the cop whose vowed to protect her who she barely knows (that reaction was preatty legit). Rosita gets more interasting later.

    Thoughts * Another fantastic episode for Sasha (oh wait) * The teenage love drama was okay I guess, its nice to have another kid tha

  • Well to be honest Rick was probably gonna get shot if he kept talking. I don't think there was any way for that to end possitively for Rick and he was DEFINANTLY not taking over during that (like i said Alexandrians were probably gonna make an exeption for crazyhusbandbeatingcopman)

    GiantKiller posted: »

    "Aww yeah! The Ricktator... Aww shit." Good episode. Was completely thrown when Michonne Knocked Rick out. I mean I get why she did it, but fuck, I was really looking forward to Rick taking over.

  • I HOPE they can

    Looks like we won't be getting 'No Way Out' adapted until next season. Damnit. Even in 90 minutes they can't stuff the rest in.

  • Well when you consider that Rick wouldn't stop when Carl tried to calm him down, punching him was really the last resort. If Michonne didn't, I can imagine things would've gotten much more out of hand. For the time being anyway.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Gotta admit it was a bit of a bitch move for michonne to just coward punch rick like that.. I mean he's basically put his whole life on the

  • Maybe Season 6 finale. I'm putting Jesus' entrance at the midseason finale.

    Season 6 Midseason finale. I'm calling it.

  • Golden if he killed Pete Nicholas would have shot him in the best case scenario in the worst that would have lead to a war that would have insanely heavy casualties for both sides. Killing him was the WORST thing he dould have done.

    He should've let his dad murder him.

  • edited March 2015

    Next ep this quote NEEDS to happen:

    "What can you do for me?! Why don't you all kill Rick right now... So I don't have to. That'd be a good start."
    —Peter Anderson.

  • Ricks group probably would a went apeshit on ASZ if they killed rick

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Well to be honest Rick was probably gonna get shot if he kept talking. I don't think there was any way for that to end possitively for Rick

  • Yeah A TON of people would have died on BOTH sides (Alxeandrians have more guns) i was better to just knock him out

    zeke10 posted: »

    Ricks group probably would a went apeshit on ASZ if they killed rick

  • o_o damn, was that gif from a show or real life?

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Damn Michonne, nice falcon punch.

  • So how did you guys like it? Yay or nay?

  • I liked it though besides that episode in the barn its my least favourite of this half

    Note: Sasha has reached a new level of annoying: Andrea

    So how did you guys like it? Yay or nay?

  • To be fair, if Andrea wasn't so bad Sasha might have been better since Sasha has been taking a lot of comic Andrea's roles on.

    I liked it though besides that episode in the barn its my least favourite of this half Note: Sasha has reached a new level of annoying: Andrea

  • I don't care. My bloodlust must be satisfied!


    In all honesty, Rick is making some dumb choices. If he actually killed Pete then the situation would've been made far worse. I mean yeah, Pete is a dick, it would stop the beatings but that doesn't outweigh the consequences of killing him.

  • Hey,can you post their speeches or something?I really need to compare them :P

    I think Shane possessed Rick... .-.

  • I must say, yet another great episode. It truly was, and it only helps to further the atmosphere and suspense for the finale; which, hopefully, is going to be fantastic.

    The Rick and Pete part would have to top the best moments for me this episode, and especially Rick's speech at the end. I loved how he didn't care anymore - He just told the Alexandria citizens how it is, how it should be and the reality of the situation.
    It seemed like he was taking a stand, and a much needed one at that; if the citizens of the safe zone want to live.

    I was loving that speech, until I was absolutely shocked with the hit from Michonne - something I never would have expected. I guess it was for the best, but nonetheless, I would have loved for Rick to go on for a little longer.

    Also, I can see they are trying to do something with Rosita, which I appreciate, but they might need to go a little further than just walking and zombie killing, something that every other character does.

    Personally, I am starting to see the Sasha scenes as slightly repetitive. I understand what is trying to happen, but with her upset and angry episode, before killing some more walkers. I guess we'll have to see what they continue to do with her.

    Overall what can I say? Another fantastic episode. Only the finale stands left now. And I for one, cannot wait.

  • ASZ has worse problems on the horizon Wolves not far. Hopefully the little pigs won't let them in

  • edited March 2015

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    And neither do I.

    EDIT: I see an MTV logo in the bottom. This explains it.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    o_o damn, was that gif from a show or real life?

  • GoldenPaladin is going Negan mode before my eyes. o.o

    I don't care. My bloodlust must be satisfied! @Lord_EAA

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