Gryff Whitehill: A Rather Dashing Fellow



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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Every time I saw this guy it made me wanna go


    NEW SHIP Grylia It started here.

  • NO


    NEW SHIP Grylia It started here.

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    Pipas posted: »


  • pls make teh gif.

    den adopt meh.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    ok bby just maek teh gif

  • you forgot his cane for the scooter ;-;

  • Gryff kinda reminded me of Theon Greyjoy the moment he takes Winterfell. xD

  • ok u adpted

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    pls make teh gif. den adopt meh.

  • edited March 2015


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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    ok u adpted

  • Its there, just hard to see ;-;

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    you forgot his cane for the scooter ;-;

  • I just don't see it ;-;

    oh well I'll take your word for it.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Its there, just hard to see ;-;

  • I'll say it again, he looks like a bleached goblin.

  • He did kinda almost snap at the end already though

    Also, if you wish to discuss Gryff's surely just reasons of 'The Sword In The Darkness', please leave a note below In response to th

  • ur wlcm, do ur homewurk nao

    BlueShadiw posted: »


  • That arse

  • Harys, pretty much Gryff's 'bodyguard'. Or his best friend.

    But who is this guy, Forstfinger's Brother?

  • He needs to get a rat to gnaw those warts off his face.

  • He certainly does. It really is a testament to the Whitehills' dedication that they've kept that family tradition going so strong for so many generations.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    He looks like the result of incest.

  • I felt such a need to hit him on that pimple on the forehead. Disgusting

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited March 2015

    I have created a straw poll for you to voice your opinion.

    Also, here's Gryff's theme song:

    His beauty radiates through the lyrics.

  • Ludd is a saint compared to this shitstain

  • And I won't restrain him then. Screw this Gryff guy, I bet he'll do something evil, like killing Talia.

    Also, if you wish to discuss Gryff's surely just reasons of 'The Sword In The Darkness', please leave a note below In response to th

  • Gryff is understandable.

    He's the fourthborn son of Ludd Whitehill. This means he's worth nothing. Even less than nothing. He's never gonna heir anything from his father. All his older brothers will get a shot at lordship or riches in some way. He's the spare son.
    He's frustrated by this, because he's not going to achieve anything in his life. He'll always be "the lord's younger brother". He sees his task as Ironrath as the only opportunity he'll ever had to prove to his family that he's worth something.
    Why do you think Ludd sent his fourthborn, and not his firstborn, or his other brothers? Because he doesn't care about him. Even if the Forresters revolt and kill him, Gryff is nobody too important anyway. He's expendable.
    Gryff knows this, and he's trying his hardest to meet his father's expectations for the Forresters, he is a little, frustrated, worthless man that for the first time in his life has the chance to do something.

    That's why i understand Gryff

    That's not stopping me from slapping his shit, tho

  • I agree, and I think tt really succeeded in making him like that. It wasn't too obvious but there clearly were hints of him being desperate to prove himself worthy in this opportunity.

    Endrik posted: »

    Gryff is understandable. He's the fourthborn son of Ludd Whitehill. This means he's worth nothing. Even less than nothing. He's never gon

  • He looks like a bird

  • He so dashing you wanna slit gryff throat

  • He's kind of like Theon, in the major daddy issues way

    Endrik posted: »

    Gryff is understandable. He's the fourthborn son of Ludd Whitehill. This means he's worth nothing. Even less than nothing. He's never gon

  • Finally got around to playing. Man he gave an inspiring speech. We also got lovely close ups of his marvelous physique, I hope that continues. The Whitehills have a natural beauty amongst themselves, with Gryff taking after his charming sister Gwyn.

  • All bow to King Gryff Whitehill!

  • Already done.

    Have my babies Poogers

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    Already done.

  • Thinking about it, Gryff might help you killing his father and older brothers since he gets to be lord of Highpoint then.

  • I find him really ugly.

    I like the way Gared looks, Asher and Beshka :D

  • He looks weird and is a poor man's Joffery :P

  • edited March 2015

    The Ryon of his family. He's even in the enemy's house and everything.

  • I like Telltale's habit of giving facial marks and spots (other than scars because 'Scars = cooool!!!!) to their villainous characters and not to their protagonist. It's so hilariously childish.

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