Does anybody else feel like every decision they make is the wrong one? (Spoilers)

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So, basically what the title says. I just feel like I can never win haha.

Want to take a bag of gold? Oh look the Lost Legion caught up with you and there is a freaking dragon in the cave.

Stay loyal to your Lady? "Lol Rosa Parks get to the back of the wedding."

Tell Tyrion to bugger off? "I told you not to say one word to him. Sera, come braid my hair trolololol."

Want to maybe sign that royal decree later? Ha good luck the person trying to hook you up with that deal is a suspected murderer.

Planning to take your house back? Good try but there is a traitor in your house telling us your every move.

Trying to make it so everybody in your house/family doesn't get murdered by submitting? "Wow bro you just let them win."

Westeros you cray.



  • Everything we do is wrong and we should feel bad about ourselves.

  • Ha yeah I agree but make the opposite for all those choices and you will still fell the same way. Just the way westeros rolls.

  • Does anybody else feel like every decision they make is the wrong one?

    All the time for every game I play.

  • "When you play the game of thrones, you either win or regret every decision you make even after you've spent ten minutes contemplating in the pause screen."

    unseenclass posted: »

    Ha yeah I agree but make the opposite for all those choices and you will still fell the same way. Just the way westeros rolls.

  • edited March 2015

    Everything i did with Gared went right until that Britt guy.

    Told everybody i would be loyal to the night's watch, Make friends with Finn, Promise Jon Snow i won't kill that guy, Tell him i don't want to fight, Unwillingly fight him,Doesn't torture/kick him off thinking he will live.

    brb he dies now the night's watch wants my head and i'm on the run with a wildling most likely.

  • I hate that in episode 3 no matter what decision I make it feels like the choice I made was wrong and its going all to shit, the game I play king's landing is fucked because of Cersei, my efforts the wall is fucked all because of Britt and Finn, now the only place I can look is at Essos.

  • In mine, he 'fell' off the wall ;)

    Everything i did with Gared went right until that Britt guy. Told everybody i would be loyal to the night's watch, Make friends with Finn

  • Weirdly, I think I did best with Mira this time. I was nervous as shit, but I feel like I pulled it off. I'm pulling WAAAAAY back with her and playing her smarter than I did in the first two episodes.

  • Really? I feel like I'm in deep shit with Mira. I kept the letter and knife, and honestly there is so much stuff going on with Ironwood that I have no idea what I am doing. I think I'm doing best with Gared, despite ya know, killing Britt. I think that we're going to be running away from the wall soon anyway.

    Weirdly, I think I did best with Mira this time. I was nervous as shit, but I feel like I pulled it off. I'm pulling WAAAAAY back with her and playing her smarter than I did in the first two episodes.

  • From any TT game so far this is the only one where I constantly go "shit" almost every time a bigger choice comes up. You just can´t win with these people.

  • I actualy felt REALLY satisfied with most my choices in this episode.

  • I fucked up a lot with Margaery, and it came back to bite me in the ass. (I WANTED TO BRAID HER HAIR, DAMMIT! WHAT THE FUCK, TYRION?!) Though I did tell her that I would stay by her side, and I did. I'm working on building that trust back up. I have enough sleazy contacts (and Margaery's seal) to maneuver things from behind the scenes if my family needs me. I burned the letter and ditched the knife. I'm trying to give the Gold Cloaks' CSI as little on me as they can. If they ask me to testify against Tyrion, I'm doing it. I'm in full-blown Cersei/Varys/Littlefinger mode with her right now.

    I'm doing OK as Gared... I really, really tried not to kill Britt, but he forced my hand and I made it hurt. Though I just left him to rot at the end. Didn't expect he'd actually... rot.

    Team_Purple posted: »

    Really? I feel like I'm in deep shit with Mira. I kept the letter and knife, and honestly there is so much stuff going on with Ironwood that

  • This game is SUPER depressing! At least give me something to look forward to. At this rate my house will be wiped off the map by episode 5

  • Yes!! When she told Sera to help her with her hair and dress, I actually yelled "you bitch" out loud haha. I literally haven't asked for her help once, and didn't even forge the letter. And same, I've pretty much tried to gain influence by offering ironwood to everyone, but I feel like that's going to screw me over once people find out how liberally I'm giving it away. Hell I offered half of it just to marry the Glenmoore girl. As for the letter, I feel like it may help with my influence in King's Landing, and mean that I have business being there/secure money for my family. It may also bring me to court... but yolo amirite?

    And same with Gared also. I should have just kicked Britt off of the wall once I realized he wasn't going to make it haha. Damn my mercifulness!

    I fucked up a lot with Margaery, and it came back to bite me in the ass. (I WANTED TO BRAID HER HAIR, DAMMIT! WHAT THE FUCK, TYRION?!) Thoug

  • Yea, I was so done with Margaery this episode. She pretty much brings hellfire down on you either way, when she knows perfectly well that House Forrester is about to be wiped off the map and she's done squat to stop it. Mira's brother got cut down in his own house, the siuation is not trivial. When she was lecturing me about she had only been trying to help me, I wanted to shout at her "with what?!"

    That's what I get for not asking her to waste political capital and solve things on my own, a total shitfit. Margaery keeps acting like she can give us the world once she's queen if we stfu and carry her train, but she'd still be under the Lannister thumb. And she's not any better at navigating that than we are.

    Team_Purple posted: »

    Really? I feel like I'm in deep shit with Mira. I kept the letter and knife, and honestly there is so much stuff going on with Ironwood that

  • My scream at Margary moment came when she said she was going to send me home, Lol. I was like 'Bitch, i don't even know what the fuck I'm doing here! Send me home!'

    I intentionally played extremely loyal to Margary, just so i could get away with one little Ironwood deal. No dice, i get torn down in front of stupid Sara, and threatened with banishment. What a bitch.

    Team_Purple posted: »

    Yes!! When she told Sera to help her with her hair and dress, I actually yelled "you bitch" out loud haha. I literally haven't asked for her

  • I felt like the decisions for this episode were some of the hardest I'd faced in a single TellTale game. Pretty much after every scene I covered my face saying





  • Lol I made the exact same choices. Talia did come back and said I was right afterwards, though, so at least I did that right.

    I just think I'm really, really f*cked as Mira. There are like 3 guards very suspicious of me, Cersei hates me, Margaery told me I disappointed her (tried many times but she always said so) and didn't let me braid her damn hair, that merchant guy was all like 'yo girl you smart, let's make a Ironwood cartel!", but then "what? you have no paper? well, goodbye girly", and then more guards see me doing suspicious stuff. And I don't trust Sera a bit (and she always knows far too much about me. The moment she decides to betray me, I'm screwed)

  • This makes me feel way better about asking Margaery for help and then stealing her seal and forging the letter. At least I kind of deserve it.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    My scream at Margary moment came when she said she was going to send me home, Lol. I was like 'Bitch, i don't even know what the fuck I'm do

  • Yes and I think it needs to stop. If everything you do is wrong, people will eventually just stop caring.

  • Totally. It just feels like every Decession you can make is a Trap.
    I kinda felt like that in "The Wolf Among Us" but this is way worse.
    I wonder if there is even one "Good-ish" Ending. Probably not. :D

  • Yes.. I was on the edge the entire fucking time.. and so freaked out. The most important and defining episode so far IMO.

    I really have a bad feeling for all of this.

  • First time in my life I am confused after playing the game. You see, English is not my native language, but until 3 ep of GoT I never had any problems with understanding all the dialogues. Can anyone please explain me the purpose of the letter Mira found in Tyrion's box? Why to burn it, if this letter gives you the defence from the side of the crown? Or I misunderstood something? So, the question is: what is this letter about and why you might want to (or not to) burn it?

  • edited March 2015

    I think it is beacuse Tyrion is accused of murder, and the letter he has on his desk proves that he and Mira were working together (with the deal of Ironwood, I mean). If there's no letter, you won't be able to help your family, but Mira's safe. At least that's what I understood, English is not my native language either.

    First time in my life I am confused after playing the game. You see, English is not my native language, but until 3 ep of GoT I never had an

  • I didn't knock Britt off the wall, if only because we know what happens if you die north of it and don't have anyone to burn your corpse. I didn't want the trouble of having to kill him AGAIN.

    Team_Purple posted: »

    Yes!! When she told Sera to help her with her hair and dress, I actually yelled "you bitch" out loud haha. I literally haven't asked for her

  • edited March 2015

    Punishing the player, no matter their choice, is horrible, and has been noticed by the reviewers and gaming community at large.

    Having two saves in which I make opposite decisions it smacks of little more than horribly lazy design (and I feel having a BAFTA for a game I was Designer on, that I may say that without malice), and trying to 'shadow' the Stark storyline from the series.

    I hoped it was Mass Effect style storyboarding, but the flow diagram simply splits at the decision point, and converges immediately after for the same outcome (maybe a sentence difference if Telltale have pushed the boat out). This struck the most at the Royal Court, Margery and Sera are both getting on great with me, Margary counsels me, then suddenly snaps "Sera will help with my gown and hair". It plays out awfully, and the way the expressions switch from calm/polite to scowling disdain makes these two women look like utter fruit-loops. It's like your Dad punching you in the face after asking for a hug.

    Sadly as we carry on it only gets worse and worse. The decisions looked game changing, and it was exciting in Episode One, but it soon becomes apparent that it isn't.

    I only hope this is why George sent his man to 'advise' Telltale, as it could do really well, but while such drastically different decisions arrive at the same end game it's little more than on-rails movie like Rebel Assault, which is a 1993 game.

    This latest episode left me feeling punished, choiceless and thouraghly undecided about getting the next episode, which until this point was a dead-cert.

    I sincerely hope Telltale get back on track, as in Game design 101 punishing the player is rule Number One on the large list that GoT is slowly ticking off titled "How not to make a game".

    Sorry, but I write this in the hope that it gets read (along with the echoed sentiments in reviews, and the gaming community) so Telltale can make the series as excellent as possible.

  • I admit, I was disappointed with the fight with Britt near the end. I'd promised to Snow and everyone I wouldn't fight him, and the game basically forces you to fight and kill him. At one point when Britt had the spear, I opted not to pick up my sword and what happens? He kills you, game over. I felt that Telltale really could have implemented some kind of pacifistic option there, although I guess that would screw with the plot of Ep. 4.

    As for submitting to the Whitehills at the end, I only have five words to say about that:

    I don't submit to Whitehills. (Plus, it makes Rodrick look like even more of a badass.) <--- This doesn't count!

  • why is everyone ditching the letter? This ensures the forrestor's have the right to sell their iron wood the crown and only them. This letter also provides the money they need for the merc army later to come why would u burn this? This was her letter in the first place to have the only person that can change it now is the new master of coin but why would he? I kept the letter to make money for the family so ashar can keep his promise.

  • Yes I feel constantly bad about every decision I make

    It feels strangely real

  • edited March 2015

    Yeah that's how I feel too, especially now that I feel like the Forresters have nothing to lose (other than their lives that is) I'm actually YOLOing most choices...Margaery doesn't want me to talk to Tyrion? YOLO I talked to him, it's not like I can tell Tyrion "No" when freaking Margaery can't do it herself. The guy wants me to do business with him and make the letter disappear? YOLO I didn't burn it, maybe juuust maybe I can use it for something, if I can't who cares I don't trust that guy anyway. Duncan tells me to desert The Night's Watch and run to the North Grove? YOLO I'll probably die outside anyway might as well do something for my house (or at least you know, die trying)

    The more I play the more I can't help but feel like whatever I do it's not going to help me in any way because everyone is always mad at the characters for some reason or another. That said hopefully it'll change at least a bit in the next episodes.

  • edited March 2015

    My purpose is to maintain the honour of House Forrester at all cost, including death. I already decided that I'd prefer everyone in my house to die standing than to live on their knees.

    This leads all my decisions, so I'm extremely satisfied with them since I don't fear the death of any character, not even the ultimate fall of House Forrester.

    *To every man upon this earth

    Death cometh soon or late.

    And how can a man die better

    Than facing fearful odds,

    For the ashes of his fathers,

    And the temples of his Gods.*

    "Everybody dies, Sally. The thing is to die well... Fuck you, Sally."

  • All decrees signed by a condemned traitor are retroactively nullified unless they still suit the ones in charge.

    Every regime ever.

    madgar posted: »

    why is everyone ditching the letter? This ensures the forrestor's have the right to sell their iron wood the crown and only them. This lett

  • Well maybe. I don't see there being a sequel of this game anytime soon, so maybe the game will diverge at the end more?

  • Word to that! If you're gonna have to do the time anyways, you may as well do the crime!

    This makes me feel way better about asking Margaery for help and then stealing her seal and forging the letter. At least I kind of deserve it.

  • I agree Chocoholic, i spent more time with the pause screen than i ever have with a Telltale game. Just sitting there going. 'What the fuck am i going to do? What the fuck am i going to do?!'

    Great episode!

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    I felt like the decisions for this episode were some of the hardest I'd faced in a single TellTale game. Pretty much after every scene I covered my face saying O. M. F. G.

  • After finishing episode three I feel like I managed to piss off every person you should not.

  • edited March 2015

    The only decision I feel like I did "wrong" was keeping that damn royal decree from Tyrion. For some reason, my judgement lapsed at that moment and I decided to keep it. A pretty stupid move considering it could implicate me in Joffrey's death.

  • Kudos to Telltale for this. They've captured the essence of Game of Thrones so perfectly that every decision I make gets me nervous and afterwards I feel like it was a wrong one and its gonna fuck me over eventually.

  • Well I kept the murder weapon AND the decree so my future (and my family's) is now probably dim to dark. However, the decisions in episode 3 were easier for me than in Ep. 2 for some reason.

    I made what I thought were good decisions in ep. 1 and THAT BAD THING still happened! So maybe bad decisions will work out somehow in the end... /wishful thinking

  • edited March 2015

    Unless that traitor is proven innocent. I for one have faith in him and kept the letter in case I neeed it.

    All decrees signed by a condemned traitor are retroactively nullified unless they still suit the ones in charge. Every regime ever.

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