Who struck the soldier?

For mocking Ethan's death?? I did seeing them cower like bitches was awesome.



  • Me.

    I figured Gwyn was right and I should give them mock complacency, but no way I was letting that slide.

  • Punched that bastard as hard as I could and seeing his blood pour out of the cut on his lips made me feel so good I had to pause and get a change of pants.

    And I'd do it again.

  • Me too... It felt pretty fecking good too :-)

  • I did. For a second, I thought about listening to Gwyn's advice and tried to stay calm, but then I thought, "Fuck it," and hit him right in the face.

  • edited March 2015

    I gobleted the smirk off his ugly mutton-chopped face. It was incredibly satisfying. Kissing Lord Whitehill's ring to ensure Ryon was at his brother and father's funeral was one thing. Letting common soldiers mock the death of 'my' little brother in 'my' own hall was another thing entirely.

    Hopefully, he'll think twice before pulling something like that again (attempting assassinations may be a different matter!) and it seemed to let Gryff's right-hand man know that the Forresters, loyalists to House Stark, still had some lupine fangs to bare even when wounded.

    I grew tired of bending the knee after episode 2.

  • I did..and I'll do it again.

  • I did. I promised Gwyn I would let Lord Fourthborn feel like he was in charge, but he wasn't there, so I figure until he says otherswise, I could get away with striking the soldier.

  • I did. It was epic and satisfying

  • I did and it was satisfying. No way in hell I was going to let them mock Ethan's death

  • Well damn, now I feel like a little punk. As much as I wanted to punch his disrespectful ass I chose not to. Figured I can let them think they're in control for now and strike when I have the manpower.

  • edited March 2015

    I didn't. Rodrik is a lord and he's much above lashing out like an angry child over some soldiers who aren't worth it, especially if it could damage his goals of rescuing his brother and driving the Whitehills out. The Whitehills will get theirs, and Rodrik told those soldiers as much too. That was enough for me.

  • I did. I knew it was stupid but dammit that guy was a little bitch.

  • Im getting sick of the Whitehills for now on if there is a choice to do something they dont want I will do it. I also smacked him with the cup <3

  • I was worried that something bad would happen, but a lannister always pays his debts so he will suffer eventually.

  • I did.

    I went against what Gwyn said when the Whitehills mocked Ethan's death. I WOULD NOT let that go unpunished. I stayed down though later.

  • I didn't like that whole scene, I felt like something bad was going to happen to Rodrik + He didn't have anything to defend himself with. But I guess I was thinking about it too much haha.

  • I had Rodrik agree with Gwyn that there needed to be peace, but the bit where the soldiers mocked Ethan, I thought, would break anyone's resolve.

    So I gave the soldier a cup to the mutton-chops, and also stood up to Gryff later on and psyched him out. Pretty sick of the Whitehills winning everything tbh, nice to be able to fight back in some way.

  • edited March 2015

    The first time I played I did not hit him. I did on another game , and boy I loved how it just became silent and you would get to shout: ''who's next?''

    Am I the only one that waited before going to the soldiers to hear all they had to say and to see how far they would go into mocking Ethan's death?

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    I hit him with the goblet right in his big stupid face!!! Ooh, you guys killed a little boy, you must be so tough.

    I'm sure that there will be consequences, and maybe I just doomed my whole family, but... screw it. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees, RARRRGHGH!

  • It is better to live one day as a lion than hundred years a sheep. (c) Italian proverb.

  • I wanted to, but it didn't seem necessary, and that would have only been giving them what they wanted.

  • I did. It felt good.

  • Ooh, you guys killed a little boy, you must be so tough.

    I really wish that would have been a line.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    I hit him with the goblet right in his big stupid face!!! Ooh, you guys killed a little boy, you must be so tough. I'm sure that there wi

  • Yeah there was no way I was letting anyone mock the death of my brother but especially not some random lowly solider. My Rodrik is turning out to be almost to prideful heh.

  • Nope, I'm gonna let all the disrespectful little shits play around. It'll be all that more satisfying when we get revenge.

  • I would've been more inclined to if Harys hadn't been lurking around. That big guy concerns me - he definitely exists for a reason otherwise the writers would've just used a random garrison member to fill his role.

  • I'd promised Gwyn to appease Gryff, not his minions.

    And as a fan of prestige stage productions, Rodrik could simply not stand for the atrocious butchering of the scene they were putting on!

    The line has to be drawn somewhere.

  • I did. I've said it before but i'm daring Telltale to do something about it. I've done nothing but disrespect the Whitehills while i have no real power. If they fail to deliver consequences to my actions than they will overall fail the Game of Thrones world. I still have hope for them since it's only episode 3.

  • I absolutely struck that bitch.

    Best part was seeing the soldiers go quiet and cower. Even as a cripple armed with nothing but a cane and a goblet, Rodrik still struck fear into them.

  • Wrong game.

    I was worried that something bad would happen, but a lannister always pays his debts so he will suffer eventually.

  • I played cautiosly at first and didn't do anything to stop the Whitehills.

    But I have to make a hardcore playthrough.

    Mintery posted: »

    The first time I played I did not hit him. I did on another game , and boy I loved how it just became silent and you would get to shout: ''w

  • I punched him the second I had the option. He needs to learn some respect, nobody talks shit about my dead brother.

  • I don't see why anyone wouldn't. There hasn't been any consequences for standing up for yourself through 3 episodes. All the bad stuff that happens, happens anyway. hopefully that changes in the next episodes.

  • I struck him. The fucker deserved it.

  • Nope. Showed restraint because I didn't want to incite any more violence against us from the Whitehills. I played it defiantly through Episodes 1 and 2, and a good deal of Episode 3, but decided to back off in this instance with a possible traitor on the council and Whitehill looking for any excuse to wipe us out. Rodrik even manages to be a badass then though, when restraint is only threatening to murder them all later and saying that he hopes their little skit was worth it to them in the end.

  • Yes I always play more cautiosly on my first playtrhough, I try to play it safe

    but making another game just to be an ass to people and try the more defiant choices is really cool and a lot of the time funnier , like being mean to Sera and the coal boy, I would do the same in the walking dead ahah!

    I played cautiosly at first and didn't do anything to stop the Whitehills. But I have to make a hardcore playthrough.

  • Felt damn good.

    Gwyn told me to submit to Gryff, not his men so...why not? :)

  • I did, too. I tried to be calm but I just couldn't. It was a reflex. My Rodrik is doomed. He didn't kiss the ring, he didn't stand down... I'm gonna get him killed, but I JUST. CAN'T. COWER. I'm the damn lord of the house! Iron From Ice! :)

  • Damn, now I feel bad for not striking those bastard. Every time I stayed calm, I was only thinking about the safety of my family, that's the only reason why I keep submitting to those bloody Whitehills.

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