Post your episode 3 choices



  • What exactly happens if you stand up to Gryff?

    I just played through again and stood up to Gryff, and the scenes that follow are probably my favorite in the entire game so far. It was so

  • Well you get knocked down like 4 times, each time giving you the option to lay down or get back up. In the end you get hit a bunch, but you make Gryff look like a stupid idiot, who is too scared to really do anything

    imlarroca posted: »

    What exactly happens if you stand up to Gryff?

  • edited March 2015

    Like Poogers555 has said, it makes Gryff look really weak and childish. He practically starts whining, going so far as to draw his sword on a defenseless, already-injured man (you) and pretty much says "You will fear me! I'M IN CHARGE!" It's very amusing and so well done. And the more you get up, the more the Whitehill soldiers start to make comments about how Gryff should just stop.

    Here's a link to a video that shows what happens when you stand up to Gryff:

    imlarroca posted: »

    What exactly happens if you stand up to Gryff?

  • Anyone have access to the choices on the Telltale website yet?

    I figure they wouldn't work for me anyway, but I want to do a complete opposite playthrough.

    I can't even access the 'Episode 3' section yet. For a weird reason, the website shows my (original) choices for Episode 1, however not for Episode 2 and I guess won't work for Episode 3 either. If someone has access to it, could he kindly post them?

  • edited March 2015

    I Saved Beshka

    I talked with Tyrion

    I pulled Britt off the Wall

    I submitted to Gryff

    I kept the Ironwood Decree

  • What happens if you remain silent?

    Did anybody ever get a lower rate than 1.6%???

  • He just falls over and dies

    What happens if you remain silent?

  • Saved Malcolm. He'd been stabbed and was getting overwhelmed by soldiers, so I thought he needed help more than Beskha did.

    Talked with Tyrion. Stayed with Maegaery at first, then decided that was pointless as she wasn't going to show gratitude anyway and re-loaded.

    Walked away from Britt. Thought it would spare him, but he dies anyway--odd as I didn't inflict any major wounds on him.

    Stood up to Gryff. Surprised more people didn't do this as it's arguably one of the best moments in the series so far.

    Kept the Ironwood Decree. Too valuable to get rid of.

    • Saved Beskha. I know Malcom is family but Beskha was in more danger, she was against a dragon
    • Defied Margaery
    • Made Britt suffer
    • Stood up to Gryff
    • Kept the Ironwood Decree
  • Same for me, sadly. Except it doesn't show me the choices for Episode 2.

  • edited March 2015
    • Saved Malcolm. He had been speared and was surrounded.
    • Obeyed Margaery. She still treated me like s***. F*** her.
    • Gave Britt a quick death. Pushed him off the wall, hopefully it could be seen as an accident.
    • Stood up to Gryff
    • Burnt the decree. Was a panicked decision, it's what Tom told me to do so I just did it. Starting to regret this one.

    Also, the Telltale account choices are now up:

    • Took gold from the dead man
    • Worked things out with Finn
    • Agreed to break my vows and find the North Grove
    • Decided to oust Gryff first
    • Struck the Whitehill soldier
  • I can't believe it! Only 11% made suffer for Britt.What did other do? Kissed Bitt?

  • An important question,How Tom survived if you ran for your life?

  • yeah, it's pretty much the same like "walking away". But Gared stands there and watches while the arsehole dies. pretty badass moment.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    He just falls over and dies

  • Exactly the same choices as me.

    Pipas posted: »

    That picture is lovely.

  • I saved Beshka ( She was kind of facing a dragon)
    I obeyed Margery (Even though she is being a total bitch, I would be of no help if I got sent back home)
    I kicked Britt off the wall (Seemed the most badass one to be totally honest)
    I stayed down when it came to Gryff (I didn't want him to take it out on Talia, and I wanted to make him feel like he's won)
    I burnt the decree (It would just get me in more trouble, Margery would be pissed, I would probably have attention drawn to me and probably be accused of killing both the guard and Joeffry, and even though that deal seemed sweet, I suspect it was that lord who had sent people to kill me... aka the person the Whitehills have been sending money to in Kings Landing)

  • Dang it :/

    Finn still sees it. And Britt's body is splattered all over the place, so yeah, Finn has proof actually.

    • Saved Beskha. My cursor just happened to be closer to her.
    • Obeyed Margaery. I didn't want to cause more trouble.
    • Walked away. I wanted the whole thing to look like self-defence. And it was!
    • I submitted to Gryff according to his sister plan
    • Burned the decree. I just can't play an episode through without making a decision I would regret.


    • took the dead man's gold.
    • worked things out with Finn.
    • agreed to break my vows and find the North Grove.
    • decided to save Ryon first.
    • struck the Whitehill soldier - my only "unpopular" choice, don't know why I shouldn't do it.
  • You're a lifesaver. It worked :^)

    • Saved Malcolm - was surprised that B won't be joining them in Westeros.
    • Obeyed Marg - she didn't seem as angry but my friendship with Sera will save me (for now)
    • Walked away - meh, can claim self defence
    • Submitted to GW - his guard's down now
    • kept the decree - for Morgryn's help.
  • Saved Malcolm

    Avoided Tyrion

    Kicked him off the Wall

    Did not submit

    Did not burn the Decree

    • Saved Beskha-(She was against Drogon for christ sake)
    • Obeyed Margaery-(There's no benefit of connecting myself to Tyrion and to get back into Margery's favour)
    • Made Britt suffer-(Gared is going to desert to find The North Grove anyway, so I figured i'd get my revenge on Britt)
    • Did not submit-(That scene was badass btw)
    • Burned the decree-(It has TYRION'S signature on it)
  • edited March 2015

    Saved Malcolm
    Obeyed Margaery
    Left Britt
    Stood up to Gryff
    Kept the Decree

  • I saved Beshka, obeyed Margaery, walked away from Britt, Stood up to Gryff, and burned the decree.

  • Looks like walking away is the best option, just like Andy St. John, from the Walking Dead :/

    Finn still sees it. And Britt's body is splattered all over the place, so yeah, Finn has proof actually.

  • Saved malcolm
    Defied Margaery and spoke to Tyrion
    Walked away from Britt
    I submitted to Gryff
    burned the Ironwood Decree

    1. Saved Malcolm (I thought that if I didn't help Malcolm he would've gotten killed, since he was already wounded. I thought Beshka would run away fast enough to not get burned, but I was wrong. I feel uneasy about that choice, though)
    2. Defied Margaery and spoke to Tyrion (Tyrion's Ironwood deal was a lot more important to me than Margaery's favor)
    3. Made Britt Suffer (The guy had it coming. No regrets whatsoever)
    4. Submitted to Gryff (As much as I wanted to get back up, I thought that if I did Gryff would've killed either Talia or Duncan. I don't know if I avoided bloodshed there, or if I looked like Gryff's bitch)
    5. Burned the Ironwood Decree (Even though the Ironwood deal was important, with Tyrion locked up he can't do anything to help Mira, but the Merchant can)
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