"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • I just can't see it happening, myself. Sorry.

    I wouldn't say those two being together would be a bad match as Telltale hasn't tried any games like that yet. I'm not an anime person, but even so, I imagine Telltale's comic art style and use of episodes could nicely translate to fit an anime game.

  • they could make a really great spartacus telltale game if the show was still going on..rip Andy Whitfield :(

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I personally, would love to see telltale make a game that goes back to the days of ancient Rome. The game timeline takes place while Rome i

  • i have yet to watch the show,but im sure they could make a great sons of anarchy game

  • edited March 2015

    I'd like to see Telltale make a detective game.
    One that has a combined flavor the films: "The Davinci Code," and, "The Lincoln Lawyer."

  • edited March 2015

    Bioshock please.


  • In Rapture or Columbia? Personally I've always found rapture 100 times more interesting but thats just me

    Flog61 posted: »

    Bioshock please. Please.

  • edited March 2015

    Rapture, during its collapse. I hate everything about infinite :p

    In Rapture or Columbia? Personally I've always found rapture 100 times more interesting but thats just me

  • I know its a joke but...

    Alt text

    Imagine if telltale DID do a legend of korra game.

  • Is Doctor Who still going to happen? :)

  • Hey there just wanted to throw out my suggestion to you guys. Love all the games you guys have made so I just thought I would throw out an idea to you guys. I think you guys should get with Kurt Sutter and make an sons of anarchy game I know he already has one but it's on iOS and would love to see it on consoles. His problem is console games are expensive but with your guys help that could happen and would be amazing for fans of the show, telltale, and console gamers. And if that is something that strikes interest I also wanted to say should make the character we play jax or a pres of another chapter of the sons or even as a prospect of SAMCRO would be dope haha just an idea love the show and would love to see a game on console I know others would too just saying.

  • Yes I totally agree!!

    Anukai posted: »

    i have yet to watch the show,but im sure they could make a great sons of anarchy game

  • I agree

    Has Anyone suggested Sons Of Anerchy yet ? i think it would be an amazing addition.

  • Um... Is that a thing?

    asanjuan posted: »

    Is Doctor Who still going to happen?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    It isn't

    Um... Is that a thing?

  • X-Files!

  • Firefly. For the love of god, Firefly.
    A captain's goal is simple: find a crew, find a job, keep flying. Each Chapter/Episode could be a different job, much like the episodes of the show. You could interact with your crew, maybe if you're a dick to them they get mutinous. You could have some trust you, so when a mutiny happens the crew'd get divided. But what do I know, I just play the damn things.

  • I thought not.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It isn't

  • Dragon Ball, if that haven't already been suggested.

  • a ReBoot telltale game would be awesome. i loved that show

  • I don't know if it was posted yet , but I would like to see a telltale game taking place in aperture laboratories, with characters like Caroline and especially Cave Jonhson!


  • I'd like to see them make The Last Of Us 2.
    To see it have the same graphics as the first game.
    And have the dialogue options appear during the cutscenes.

  • Thread: Telltale's Wizard of Oz

    I'd really like to see a dark, quirky version of the Wizard of oz tale as point and click adventure game by Telltale. It would be interesting to play.

  • ok i have been trolling tread's on the telltale site for awhile and haven't come across this one yet lol so my idea would fit great with telltale atleast in my mind since they already did gritty games like TWAU and TWD (some of my fav btw) i think that a great tell tale game would actually be like kenlilleementinebeny said although it is set after the event's of korra and you are a new avatar and like the early choose your own adventure games on ps2 like Steambot chronicle's and Suikoden you're beginning nation and element is determined by a few early question's (i.e are you passionate then fire nation or are you cool headed like the people of the water tribe ect ect) and from there you can have moral decision's that impact you and how you're fellow nation and other element's view you are you a pure hotheaded fire bender who solves everything with his bending or fist's or are you actually one of the cool headed tempered flames of the fire nation and even have a special mission or cutscene in which if you are water nation you find out about you're bloodbending prowess and then the question becomes will you use it to you're advantage or try diplomacy first

  • edited March 2015

    So, I reaaaaaaally wish that Capcom would go to Telltale and say 'hey would you make this old game of ours into an episodic thingy?' because I just..[sobs]

    Sorry best quality trailer I can find on this :(

    I really love the set up of Outbreak, and screw that recent online game 'Raccoon City bullshit' because this one despite it's own flaws was still a hell of a lot better than the 'we just want your money' game. RE Outbreak is still one of my old favorites as it plays like the old style RE games, and I'll be tempted to start playing it again sometime [you know, with a cheat code so the virus percentage doesn't go up and I can just take my tiiiime >.>]

    Unfortunately where the game lacked though and lost potential was in the story in that you never really felt a connection that this was a game about a diverse cast of survivors. Cutscenes usually focused on the one person you were playing as rather than those in your group, or often the secondary characters within the game speaking for you. As such the whole feeling within that trailer and even the opening to the game of these group of people stuck in a live and death situation with their different skills never really got used to the level that it could've been. I'd blame it on the limitations at the time and it being an online game, but if made in the hear and now and with more focus on the plot, it's one of those things that could still be something decent.

    This is put together from different character playthroughs, hence the repeating dialogue and music at times.

    Yup, this would be one of my dreams games to see episodic; in fact if I remember correctly the online games were done by episodes, each of File 1 and File 2 had 5 episodes each, not including the extra battle modes. This game was boooorn to be episodic! T_T

  • edited March 2015

    Bond. JAMES BOND. Set in the 1900s, with either Sean Connery or Roger Moore as Bond. It would be absolutely fantastic.

  • All I need from telltale now is an adaptation of Breaking Bag

  • I am totally on board with this idea. In fact, I went looking to see if someone had suggested it, and found your post. This would be awesome.

  • I don't understand this fixation with "Under the Dome." The book was great for the most part, but the ending is so mind-numbingly stupid that I regretted the time I put into reading the damn thing.

    Maybe! But I honestly think Transmetropolitan or Under the Dome would be really good as a Telltale game.

  • Another year and a half goes by.... logging back on to say, ermahgerd PLEASE do a Doctor Who game!
    How has this not happened yet? I understand Game of Thrones is hugely popular right now, but so is Doctor Who! Capitalize on this popularity, asap!

  • Thread: Telltale Breaking Bad Game?

    So, I'm watching Better Call Saul, and was thinking "Could/Should Breaking Bad be a franchise?" while wishing Mike had his own show. Then it hit me, like a chicken batter bucket filled with Crystal Blue Persuasion... a TellTale Game detailing Mike's exploits as the guy he becomes.

    really, any telltale game in the universe could be cool, and at the risk of pushing the limits of the "M" rating, it seems like something as processed and formulaic as cooking meth lends itself well to the type of gameplay in Telltale Games' games.

    so, what do you think? Could it be/Should it be? any stories you'd rather see explored? DISCUSS!

  • It probably could be, and I'd rather there be a hunger games Telltale game than Breaking Bad.

  • Then should make a Hunger games game.

  • Sooooo, does anybody know what the chances are of Telltale even getting the rights to a Star Wars game? Impossible, slightly possible, or as easy as them getting the rights to their other titles?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Depends on Disney's policies I guess.

    Sooooo, does anybody know what the chances are of Telltale even getting the rights to a Star Wars game? Impossible, slightly possible, or as easy as them getting the rights to their other titles?

  • They should make a middle earth game. that would be epic!

  • I might too... Korra is just too good NOT To be a Telltale game... So Many choices in the world of benders can be made.

    Green613 posted: »

    I would fucking shit bricks for a Legend of Korra Telltale game. And no I definitely don't accept you now since The Legend of Korra isn't an anime. You've failed me.

  • Silent Hill, Legend Of Korra, Steven Universe(They're gonna hang me for saying that), Or A Death Note game would probably make my dick go above and beyond for 90 years.

  • Thread: TellTale Should Make An FNaF Game (Not a Joke)

    Inspired By NateTheGreat's Post, I actually do think that would be an amazing Idea, I mean, Look at the Lore Behind Five Nights At Freddy's, The Creepy Things the Phone guy mentions, there are so many things that could make this game an amazing Episodic series.

    The Story:

    Really? A Purple Man Shoving 6 Children into suits and Having their souls haunt the suits and make them want to kill you isn't a good enough story? Think about the Mystery! About the adventure, and Scott would totally let them do this! If Telltale wanted to Make my "The Walking Dead: No Safety" Interactive story an actual thing, I would say yes in a heartbeat, they are THE company! and Everyone working there must be so awesome and nice! Of Course People would wanna be part of their staff, ESPECIALLY with FNaF, all the ideas...


    The Security Guards I guess?

    Listen, I don't have well set up arguments Cause I'm barely awake, but this could be great! Come on guys, Fnaf May suck as a Horror game, But you gotta admit, the story ain't half bad.

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