Most hopeful moment in TWD?
Zombie apocalypse stories are always quite dark and hopeless, but there is often a little hope and happiness. What moment in TWD game (seasons 1 and 2) did you feel the MOST hope, that there could be a happy ending? If I had to pick one from season 1 I'll say when I first saw the St. John Dairy. I thought the group would at least be there until the beginning of episode 3. Season 2, my most hopeful moment was probably the fireplace scene. Thought the group would be able to hold it together when that happened.
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Opening the can in S2 ep.1. Finally caught a break, Clem's gonna make it, she's slowly opening it, one stab at a time, and then bam ewww wtf is it? Foods food I guess.
It gave me hope that, after all the people that have died, we finally found a safe place to live like one happy family, where we don't have to fear the walkers or scavenge for supplies, how foolish of me for thinking like that.
Season 1:
When Clem found the boat.
When i cut off Lee's arm. Thought it would prevent him from turning.
Season 2:
Arriving in Wellington (determinant)
Now we can have a fun game again...
The end of the first episode, before the lights go out.
I shouldn't have laughed at this but I did lol!
The DLC gave me hope they would include awesome characters in Season 2 like Nate, Eddie or Vince. That didn't happen.
The Campfire scene:
It was the first time everyone got on with each other and it gave me so much hope that the group was going to work and not fall apart and that they would actually make it but of course:
This happened:
And this:
And I gave up. All hope was lost at that point.
A lot of problems could have been avoided if Kenny would have just got eaten.
Lee has a very touching little moment with Clementine in the classroom during AROUND EVERY CORNER. Unlike a lot of other scenes that "turned bad" due to zombies, bandits, or Ben, this one felt genuinely sincere, and encouraged me (as much as Clementine) to keep going, regardless of all the bad shit that was probably going to happen.
The one aspect of the game I always appreciate is being able to influence the outlook of the protagonist. Whether Lee and Clementine are optimists or pessimists is entirely up to you. The story is what it is.
I agree.
Killing Kenny was almost worth the price of admission into the disaster No Going Back was alone.
Those were my 2 original answers out of the whole game both seasons - lees arm and the boat but i re thought it
There are so many strong opinions about Kenny, you either hate his guts or you love him (I love him) but when Clem and Kenny reunited, it gave me hope because not only it's good to see a familiar face again, but I feel like a part of Clementine came back.

I love that Clementine straight up aims at Arvo with the intent to kill him instead of taking care of the walker.
She has her priorities straight, trying to getting rid of two birds with one stone. If only Kenny didn't have his damn gun, it would've been perfect.
DAMN RIGHT, I did the same as the OP in that sequence, it's a pitty Kenny has the gun.
I was expecting to kill Kenny since episode 1 from season 1.
However, TELLTALE always saves him, even if you stay still and don't help when a walker is attacking him.
Am i the only person who loved No Going Back?
Nope. I did too.
You didn't cry in season one ending? Shame on you lol
I thought the campfire scene in episode 5 of season 2 was a really good scene. I thought "why don't we have more moments like these?"
Ah okay c:
Yeah idk I thought it was just really well done, the campfire scene was hilarious and the end actually made me cry (Didnt cry in Season one ending)
Yeah.. xD I think it was because I was more in shock, I was a lot younger and used to the protagonist always surviving/winning (Never seen twd before). It came as a shock to me.. ;-;
But if he died, then you would have broken the script
you would have doomed EVERYONE
life and the universe as we know it would cease to EXIST
Resisting to laugh...
Resiting... '='
The way Luke's looking at Clementine should not be legal.
You just made me stare at his eyes to understand what you mean. XD ...I am never using that screenshot again. :P
Resistance is futile.
bursts out laughing
This scene broke my heart ;__;
The first image? That was actually the exact moment where I said to myself "Fuck. Luke's going to die in a few minutes."
Like, c'mon. Not only is this moment unusually calm, it's his birthday party.
Yeah, I gotta laugh at that xD
WHY?How does this make you happy what?
Is that...? Oh god it's the feels. I cannot handle this, I miss him so much.
Anyway... It took me a lot longer to realise he was going to die. When it got to the lake I started to think that Clem was going to fall in but then I saw Luke struggling to walk and I realised he was going to fall in and possibly die which I then threatened him saying I would kill him if he died. :P
Mine as well.
I absolutely loved No Going Back, easily a 9.5 for me and, imo, is one of Telltale's best episodes. It started off rocky with the shootout, but everything after that was fantastic.
Because he doesn't like Kenny, killing him gives him hope that the game will become good again.
You don't mind Clementine Maccin on your man?
uh how does my post go from "most hopeful moment" to completely talking about Kenny