Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I can see what´s happening. And they don´t have a clue. They´ll fall in love and here´s the bottom line... Our trio´s d

  • Thank you, sir. You just made me giggle.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I can see what´s happening. And they don´t have a clue. They´ll fall in love and here´s the bottom line... Our trio´s d

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    Thank you, sir. You just made me giggle.

  • I brought the crowd to support with more claps.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I can see what´s happening. And they don´t have a clue. They´ll fall in love and here´s the bottom line... Our trio´s d

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    Someone has sabotaged their relationship and made them break up and Rhys is really upset about it. He wants to fix things between them. The "present" time is the path to healing the wounds this mystery person has left on them; it´s their path to fix their relationship...and find love again.

    I´m on to you, Telltale.

  • It's obvious Rhys saw his love for Sasha and Fiona doesn't approve.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Someone has sabotaged their relationship and made them break up and Rhys is really upset about it. He wants to fix things between them. The

  • Or clearly Sasha manipulated Rhys, making Fiona mad at him

    It's obvious Rhys saw his love for Sasha and Fiona doesn't approve.

  • "We can work this out."

    He wants Fiona back.

    Just accept it. :)

    It's obvious Rhys saw his love for Sasha and Fiona doesn't approve.

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    It has happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HXrffxPLO4&feature=youtu.be

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    This is so beautiful.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It has happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HXrffxPLO4&feature=youtu.be

  • I gave you the idea right?...

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I can see what´s happening. And they don´t have a clue. They´ll fall in love and here´s the bottom line... Our trio´s d

  • Yes, actually. :D

    I gave you the idea right?...

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yes, actually.

  • Now I want a Rhyiona caramelldansen...

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Now I want a Rhyiona caramelldansen...

  • Sorry no time to talk

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Telltale soon?

  • I've watched this twice now - still can't get over how special it is :')

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It has happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HXrffxPLO4&feature=youtu.be


    Sorry no time to talk

  • mind is blown due to the awesomeness

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It has happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HXrffxPLO4&feature=youtu.be

  • Nah, it is just a simple marriage problem.

    They'll work it out. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Someone has sabotaged their relationship and made them break up and Rhys is really upset about it. He wants to fix things between them. The

  • I feel like I need to write a story about this now.

    Nah, it is just a simple marriage problem. They'll work it out.

  • You know what? Fuck it, I'm writing it.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I feel like I need to write a story about this now.

  • Can't wait!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You know what? Fuck it, I'm writing it.

  • that's the spirit, buddy!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You know what? Fuck it, I'm writing it.

  • Soon.

    Can't wait!

  • why use s word :'(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Look on the bright side: I don't work for Telltale.:P

    why use s word

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    It has happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HXrffxPLO4&feature=youtu.be

  • edited April 2015

    Actually, the kidnapper finds their love so beautiful and feels sad when they broke up, so he implements the great plan of kidnapping to draw them together again. By letting them telling and pondering over their love stories which consist of how they met, how they fell in love and so on to clear the air and fix their relationship. This is the true origin of TFTB. I am so proud of the stranger and love him even more now. He is the lifesaver of Rhyiona.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Someone has sabotaged their relationship and made them break up and Rhys is really upset about it. He wants to fix things between them. The

  • That explains why he's so frustrated when they fight! While he appreciates the UST, the shipper in him wants them to shut up and make up already.

    You discovered the whole TFTB plot.

    tessie0713 posted: »

    Actually, the kidnapper finds their love so beautiful and feels sad when they broke up, so he implements the great plan of kidnapping to dra

  • I smirked when he let Fiona punched Rhys. He is such a great marriage counseller too. He let her punched him for once, not more or less, enough to let her express the emotion towards Rhys but not hurting him (too much) at the same time.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    That explains why he's so frustrated when they fight! While he appreciates the UST, the shipper in him wants them to shut up and make up already. You discovered the whole TFTB plot.

  • edited April 2015


    He dejectedly roamed through the desert.

    "Come on!" he tried yelling again, "We can work this out!"

    He didn´t get a reply. How predictable.

    He still couldn´t believe they were having troubles over something so petty. It seemed so irrelevant. He really didn´t know why she´d taken it to heart. Was that really more important than he was? The thought made him pout.

    He squinted as he saw a figure getting nearer and internally squealed at the thought of her coming back to forgive him.They´d been through worse! This was nothing! Of course she wouldn´t leave her true lo- what the hell was she wearing? He frowned.

    "Fiona? What, is there some sort of radiation leak I don´t know abou-"

    All he remembers is blacking out. And an awful lot of pain.


    "What a steaming load of skagcrap."

    It was her. He´d recognise that voice anywhere.

    Right, so when he needs her, when he wants to make things right she doesn´t show up but now she does, after they´ve both been captured and have absolutely no means of fixing things. She totally planned this.

    ´No, she didn´t.´ the rational part of his brain yelled, ´She couldn´t have.´

    But to hell with being rational; he just wanted to be pissed.

    "Well, well, look who decided to show her face I was just about to get to my favourite part. You know, where you come in and ruin my life...you no class, scheming Pandoran scum!"

    He knew he wasn´t helping what caused him to go after her in the first place.

    "Nice haircut, you lying Hyperion jackass."

    He wanted to yell at her that she had absolutely no problem running her fingers through it when needed be but he bit his tongue.

    "It is a nice haircut!"

    Great comeback. That´ll teach her.

    "Oh, shut up!"

    He knew they sounded like five year olds. He didn´t care. She was trying to get him blind!

    "Stop it, stop it, you´re getting dirt in my eye!"

    "Well, that sucks cause I´m trying to get it into your lying mouth!"

    Oh, so she was trying to make him choke. Even better.

    "Alright, alright!" he coughed, "Mission accomplished! And I´m not lying, okay, I´m embellishing. And how the hell would you know anyway, you weren´t at the deal."

    He saw her make a face that made him feel ridiculously stupid and he wanted to either kiss her or cover her mouth with his hand. Probably the first. But he wasn´t going to tell her that and give her the satisfaction of knowing what she could do to him. Could he even get angry properly anymore? He felt so ashamed.

    She told her story and he mocked it (some kind of twisted revenge, he´d love to think, but he knew it wasn´t like that at all for him) and next thing he knew they were sleeping on each other´s shoulders as if nothing had happened between them.

    They quickly moved away from each other to try and erase what just happened (childish, the rational part of his brain spoke again and he decided silence was a valid option).

    "Ah, come on, you drooled on me."

    You never mind when I do that, he wanted to say, but again he held back.

    "Huh? Oh, yeah that´s ...wow, that´s a lot. I am feeling a little dehydrated."

    She spat on him.

    "What is wrong with you?!"

    "There, now we´re even."

    "You are a monster!"

    He meant it but perhaps not literally. He wouldn´t let her know that.

    This...stranger freed them (he couldn´t find a better way to put it) and not long after he felt a punch in the neck that really, seriously hurt. So this was how it was going to be.

    "You punched me in the neck." he wheezed


    They´d been walking for hours (bickering back and forth, too, he smugly recalled) and soon enough she was done changing a tire that he couldn´t have done no matter how hard he tried. She would be the one driving, too, he was willing to bet.

    The stranger (their kidnapper, he should say) eyed them (was he eyeing them? How could they tell with that mask?) and felt mildly uncomfortable before Fiona finally broke the silence.

    "You never learn. Always gotta have your way."

    He scoffed.

    "What´s that supposed to mean?"

    He was ready to bicker again. That´s all they did, anyway. It was one of the ways they kept their marriage (though recent he liked to think it was a good one) interesting (he won´t talk about the other ways; too personal).

    "You´re a liar." she seemed to be talking calmly now but he was pretty sure that just scared him more.

    "Yeah? And you´re childish?"

    "I´m childish? You break promises and I´m the childish one?"

    "Yes! Are you really petty enough to want a divorce over that?"

    She stopped the car before getting up and almost ripping a hole through the fabric of his shirt with her sharp index fingernail. She looked terrifying(yet so very attractive, he shamelessly added).

    "You," her voice was icy, "ate my piece of the chocolate cake. The last one! I can´t forgive that! You promised it was mine. You...you lying scumbag!"

    "It was just a chocolate cake! There´s plenty more where that came from!"

    He heard the stranger yell in frustration.

    "You two," his voice was shaking, "were fighting, annoying the hell out of meand generally making my life hell over CAKE?!"

    "The best cake on Pandora!" Fiona indignantly stated, "You wouldn´t understand!"

    The stranger hit himself on the head and Rhys briefly wondered if the man (maybe woman...he was just assuming at this point) was crying judging by the sniffles he was hearing.

    "You..." he started and Rhys suddenly became aware of how close Fiona was, "You guys need to make up. Right now. I can´t do this anymore. Make. up."

    Rhys didn´t really like the idea of being forced into making up with a gun being pointed at him but maybe this was better for everyone afterall. He sighed.

    "Fiona, listen."

    She turned to him but her eyes were still icy and he wanted gulp.

    "I´ll...buy a whole cake just for you when all of this is done. Can we please get over this? We didn´t get married to get a divorce over cake."

    Her face almost instantly went back to normal and he was utterly confused.

    "Okay, that works!"

    "Wait, wait, just like that? Not even some spitting venom at me just to have the last word? Where´s the Fiona I know? You´re not my wife."

    "I´m a con artist, Rhys. Think about it for a moment."

    He slowly blinked and felt his jaw involuntarily drop open. She had planned all of this crap just to get him to buy her a new cake?!

    "What the hell, Fiona?!"

    He heard her laugh as she went back to driving the vehicle as if nothing happened and suddenly it didn´t matter. If they were okay, it didn´t matter.

    "Love you, too." she waved back at him.


    The stranger clapped behind their back and whispered to himself.

    "I´ve always shipped them so hard. Success!

    This got way too big.

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    ^Actual cake Fiona is getting.

  • Also, I wanna share this.

    I was trying to get a screenshot for some (quality :P) edits and I accidentally paused the video and...

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    Without context, this is...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Fiona!" He dejectedly roamed through the desert. "Come on!" he tried yelling again, "We can work this out!" He didn´t get a reply.

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