If you could pre order Season 3 would you?



  • If there was a pre-order bonus.

    Only if there was.

  • edited April 2015

    Maybe... if it meant once it came out my Xbox would download it on its own and I wouldn't have to download manually and wait

  • Without a doubt.

  • Yup, usually TT preorders have like a 10% discount and since I would buy the entire season anyway might as well get it for slightly cheaper while I can :P

  • No. Not till I read some honest reviews

  • Of course not. I'll probably buy Season 3 but I never pre-order any game. I just don't.

  • Very unlikely, since Telltale does often make you end up waiting way too long for a single episode (Tales from the Borderlands).

    I'm more likely to wait for the entire game to be released (which will probably span over a year) UNLESS of course there was some kind of pre-order bonus, like a free DLC.

  • If you could pre order Season 3 would you?

    No, I wouldn't :( not after that finale.

  • I usually do, but this around I'm going to hold off on buying any episodes until at least episode 3. Give the story some time to flesh out, read some honest reviews...... after Season 2 I'm kind of up in the air on whether or not I want to continue this series.

  • Yup. I would pre order as soon as possible

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yep, just like I'm doing with every Telltale Game.

  • Sure I would. And honestly, I don't care about any reviews. Even if they rated the game 1/10, I'd still like to play it myself.

  • I wouldn't preorder, but i guess i would have to play it on release day because , i'm not leaving the forums LOL I AM ADDICTED, or force it getting spoiled by others. I have no desire to play season 3 though. I would be more excited for TWAU Season 2.

  • Sure. I know Telltale provides quality entertainment especially with TWD so why not.

  • It will be at least average :/, so at least we got that. Plus its not a emotional game anymore, just laugh at the deaths like i do, they're just so out there its funny.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Sure. I know Telltale provides quality entertainment especially with TWD so why not.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I would, i am really looking forward so season 3 :)

  • Absolutely.. but wait, didn't they announce that they will release a DLC before starting Season 3? Just like 400 days?

  • They haven't announced anything, but both Skybound and Telltale have hinted that there will be TWD related news soon, what it is though is still a mystery.

    Clem4ever posted: »

    Absolutely.. but wait, didn't they announce that they will release a DLC before starting Season 3? Just like 400 days?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited April 2015

    No, they said to expect something before The Walking Dead Season 3, but they never specified what, so it could be anything, even more Pinball.

    Clem4ever posted: »

    Absolutely.. but wait, didn't they announce that they will release a DLC before starting Season 3? Just like 400 days?

  • edited April 2015

    Only if it comes with a substantial(33%+) discount, or a minor discount + a convincing exclusive reward, like a special episode only available to early buyers.

    It's the price distributors need to pay if they want me to finance their work blindly. Otherwise, they can wait to get my money until there's a later sale or I have tried a copy in some way and am truly impressed.

    That applies to any product I might be interested in, by the way, it's not lack of faith in Telltale...just practical concerns.

  • Nah. I'm not like you. I actually enjoy the games I play. I have high hopes that it'll be good just like the previous seasons.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    It will be at least average , so at least we got that. Plus its not a emotional game anymore, just laugh at the deaths like i do, they're just so out there its funny.

  • edited April 2015

    Nope. I'm not even sure if I want to buy it at all yet, so pre-ordering is definitely off the table.

  • Yes i would im gonna buy the full season anyways so might as well save a bit of cash

  • I hope it isnt as "good" as s2

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Nah. I'm not like you. I actually enjoy the games I play. I have high hopes that it'll be good just like the previous seasons.

  • Well if you think you won't like it, then don't get it. No one is forcing you to buy this game. Why would you focus your time and energy on a game you hate? It makes no sense. The game is probably going to be made by the same people, so expect the same quality.

    Tomi021 posted: »

    I hope it isnt as "good" as s2

  • I didnt say i Hated actually it was good but it was a major DIP in quality nontheless thats why so many people complain about s2 . But i like telltale and hope they can make a great game and i would feel robbed if s3 came out i didnt buy and wouldnt forgive my self.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Well if you think you won't like it, then don't get it. No one is forcing you to buy this game. Why would you focus your time and energy on

  • Nah. I'm not like you

    Be thankful for that.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Nah. I'm not like you. I actually enjoy the games I play. I have high hopes that it'll be good just like the previous seasons.

  • . The game is probably going to be made by the same people, so expect the same quality.

    I sincerely hope not.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Well if you think you won't like it, then don't get it. No one is forcing you to buy this game. Why would you focus your time and energy on

  • edited April 2015

    What do you think? Telltale's CEOs will just fire their whole staff and find a brand new team. You do realize that most of the people that worked on S1 help made S2 right?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    . The game is probably going to be made by the same people, so expect the same quality. I sincerely hope not.

  • Telltale's CEOs

    I would. They just recently replaced the CEO, why wouldn't they replace the development team. TBH i would outsource to another company.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    What do you think? Telltale's CEOs will just fire their whole staff and find a brand new team. You do realize that most of the people that worked on S1 help made S2 right?

  • I'm sorry, but that would be really dumb. Getting rid of an entire staff for no reason other than some people didn't like their game is absolutely a bad decision. Not sure about the CEO thing, but I guess everyone has their reasons for leaving.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Telltale's CEOs I would. They just recently replaced the CEO, why wouldn't they replace the development team. TBH i would outsource to another company.

  • not this time,i will buy per episode

  • Yes, I don't care how bad Season 2 was or how much I do complain about the later episodes. I enjoyed it while I played it and that's what a game should do entertain you for the moment, leaving you to question it afterwards. So I will definitely pre-order Season 3.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Not sure about the CEO thing, but I guess everyone has their reasons for leaving.

    Nobody left, Kevin became CEO and Dan stepped down from that postion. There is more information in this article

    Telltale cofounder Kevin Bruner transitions to CEO as of today, moving up from president of the developer and publisher. Fellow cofounder and former CEO Dan Connors will remain with the company as executive adviser. These changes in structure are in response to continued growth of the company, which is best known for recent award-winning adventure games such as The Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us, and is set set to bring us Minecraft: Story Mode in partnership with Microsoft’s Mojang later this year.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I'm sorry, but that would be really dumb. Getting rid of an entire staff for no reason other than some people didn't like their game is absolutely a bad decision. Not sure about the CEO thing, but I guess everyone has their reasons for leaving.

  • edited April 2015

    Thank you @OzzyUk for shedding some light on this really weird argument.

    I hope the staff that made TWD continue to stay on board even if some people didn't think S2 wasn't all that great. These are the same good people that made S1 and it's sad to think that people would want them to leave because S2 wasn't good enough for their standards.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Not sure about the CEO thing, but I guess everyone has their reasons for leaving. Nobody left, Kevin became CEO and Dan stepped down

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