Yes, I don't care how bad Season 2 was or how much I do complain about the later episodes. I enjoyed it while I played it and that's what a … moregame should do entertain you for the moment, leaving you to question it afterwards. So I will definitely pre-order Season 3.
Then... that is a risk I will have to take. It will at least end her pain... Ok if she dies I think I will lose what's left of my mind but I still want to pre-order Season 3 regardless of the risks...
Lilac stop trying to cause conflict in my brain, you're making me persuade myself not to buy it!
Then... that is a risk I will have to take. It will at least end her pain... Ok if she dies I think I will lose what's left of my mind but I… more still want to pre-order Season 3 regardless of the risks...
Lilac stop trying to cause conflict in my brain, you're making me persuade myself not to buy it!
You are telling me that Corporations don't hire contractors to get a particular task done, then cut their staff to save money? I deal with this professionally.
I'm sorry, but that would be really dumb. Getting rid of an entire staff for no reason other than some people didn't like their game is absolutely a bad decision. Not sure about the CEO thing, but I guess everyone has their reasons for leaving.
Telltale is an indie company. They been that way since day 1. I can't imagine they would pull a move like this, because some people didn't like their game. That would be very silly.
I'm sorry, but that would be really dumb.
You are telling me that Corporations don't hire contractors to get a particular task done, then cut their staff to save money? I deal with this professionally.
Telltale is an indie company. They been that way since day 1. I can't imagine they would pull a move like this, because some people didn't like their game. That would be very silly.
Only if it comes with a substantial(33%+) discount, or a minor discount + a convincing exclusive reward, like a special episode only available to early buyers.
Get it on Steam, it'll be five dollars as soon as they release the whole thing.
Only if it comes with a substantial(33%+) discount, or a minor discount + a convincing exclusive reward, like a special episode only availab… morele to early buyers.
It's the price distributors need to pay if they want me to finance their work blindly. Otherwise, they can wait to get my money until there's a later sale or I have tried a copy in some way and am truly impressed.
That applies to any product I might be interested in, by the way, it's not lack of faith in Telltale...just practical concerns.
There's plenty of chances if you are not in a hurry.
On Steam I got the full Sam&Max pack, Return to the Future and Tales of Monkey Island for peanuts.
As for TWD, I wasn't too familiar with it until a few weeks ago, when I noticed Gamersgate had the full pack(Season 1, 400 Days, Season 2) for 12€. That's how I got sucked into the universe
Only if it comes with a substantial(33%+) discount, or a minor discount + a convincing exclusive reward, like a special episode only available to early buyers.
Get it on Steam, it'll be five dollars as soon as they release the whole thing.
Id like to but im not going to... Im still gonna get all the episodes and probably somewhat enjoy them (even if half of the reviews and the community might be unhappy)... The reason I aint getting all at once is because i find it better to pay little for a episode and play it right away than pay everything and wait a year until the final episode... I know the whole thing is not THAT expensive but I aint exactly rollin in money...
well if the quality is shit,then i will just watch the episode on youtube,im not gonna go out of my way to pre order it this time because of seasons 2 dip in quality and stupid episode 4 being written as if it's a totally different game from the previous episode,you're right about the pre order money but Telltale gotta learn.
What if Clem dies in the first 5 minutes? >.> <.<
Of course
Then... that is a risk I will have to take. It will at least end her pain... Ok if she dies I think I will lose what's left of my mind but I still want to pre-order Season 3 regardless of the risks...
Lilac stop trying to cause conflict in my brain, you're making me persuade myself not to buy it!
What if, Clem dies in the first 5 minutes, but Kenny or Jane live through the entirety of the season? >.> <.<
Oh, Christ alive, I couldn't...
Yeah I would
You are telling me that Corporations don't hire contractors to get a particular task done, then cut their staff to save money? I deal with this professionally.
Telltale is an indie company. They been that way since day 1. I can't imagine they would pull a move like this, because some people didn't like their game. That would be very silly.
Key words, and for how long, we shall see.
Get it on Steam, it'll be five dollars as soon as they release the whole thing.
I would be happy with this, because it would be totally unexpected, though i don't see it happening she is wearing Full Iron PlotArmor.
just a question : why do that if youre gonna buy evry episode might aswell ave a bit of money and pre order straight away
Then, then... I will just have to deal with it. Just, I now hate Jane and Kenny is dead in my saved game so... Lilac... I didn't ask for this!
There's plenty of chances if you are not in a hurry.
On Steam I got the full Sam&Max pack, Return to the Future and Tales of Monkey Island for peanuts.
As for TWD, I wasn't too familiar with it until a few weeks ago, when I noticed Gamersgate had the full pack(Season 1, 400 Days, Season 2) for 12€. That's how I got sucked into the universe
Id like to but im not going to... Im still gonna get all the episodes and probably somewhat enjoy them (even if half of the reviews and the community might be unhappy)... The reason I aint getting all at once is because i find it better to pay little for a episode and play it right away than pay everything and wait a year until the final episode... I know the whole thing is not THAT expensive but I aint exactly rollin in money...
Aw, but pinball was a lot of fun.
And that means we don't need another one... don't we?
well if the quality is shit,then i will just watch the episode on youtube,im not gonna go out of my way to pre order it this time because of seasons 2 dip in quality and stupid episode 4 being written as if it's a totally different game from the previous episode,you're right about the pre order money but Telltale gotta learn.
Off topic: You probably don't remember me but I do, you a re a mod now congratulations kiwi!
Yeah I remember you darky
And thanks. How have you been?
Im fine and you?, just finished college I will be finally free from school when I finish my research and then 40 years of work yay!
I'm doing pretty good. Man I remember when I finished college, like, 17 years ago lol
Oh nice! I guess freedom must be awesome lol, I hope I can get it soon u-u, Im glad to hear you're doing fine.