Id like to see AJ as the pc in season 3
I think it would be pretty cool and it would continue the chain of different pc each season. Plus maybe we play as AJ as 14 and Clementine is like 24 or something. Maybe Clementine disappears in season 3 episode 1 and the point of season 3 is to find Clementine.
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Not going to happen, the game is limited by the comics storyline and cannot go past where they are in the comics. Right now, the oldest AJ could be is 2 and the oldest Clem could be is 13.
She's 11, she can tell Bonnie in A House Divided that she is 11 years old.
Er, what?
Episodes 2, 3, 4 and 5 take place over about 4 days.
Umm Clem is past 13 she is 14 in episode 5
Oops I mean she is 12 in episode 5
I thought she was 12. Welp
Yea I didnt mean 14 I meant 11
She doesn't have a birthday in Season 2.
Yea she does. After omid dies there was a 16 month time skip
Yeah, like others said - Telltale can't go past comics timeline so Clementine can be... I think 12-13 years old at the most.
P.S Sry for my english, I've a feeling that I wrote it kind of wrong way or something.
Well, if you're counting that, then yes, she does have a birthday. It wasn't an 'It's my birthday' case, though. She's 11 for the whole of Season 2, other than the first five minutes, is what I meant. She doesn't turn 12.
I don't think they would skip so far in the timeline. So...choose one!
(Cry loudly)
(Crawl away from walkers)
(Soil self)
You and 73% of players crawled away from walkers.
Choices won't matter though. He'll shit his diaper anyway.
You and 27% of players threw the used diaper at walkers.
Choices matters! Based on your decision he'll either shit his diaper or throw up.
See AJ's smart. He smells like poop, Zombies smell like poop, He'll blend right in.
Long time no see, girl ^^
You still alive there!?
I'm coming on more often nowadays. With GoT and Borderlands in full swing, I feel compelled to see what's going on more!
Yes, I go there sometimes. I love to read posts about Rhyona and Rhysha xD and a little in the "GOT" and also TTL-Talk. Basically I'm always here in the "TWD"-section. My favorite game! ^^
I come here about 20-30 times a day and read other discussions.
I so wait and want "Season Three"! T_T
While I was forward to it, I am passionate about "Life Is Strange". This game seems can become my second favorite!
So I also have in the section on it in TTL-Community.
That's all ^^
Whe're you from, dude?
I'm from planet Nibiru. I came here in peace.
Welcome back. We will not eat you ^^
You'd eat me? Don't be silly, Earthling. We'd destroy your world with just one thought.
You too ^^
somone actually wants AJ to be a playable character in season 3??? you're joking right?
nah it's refreshing to hear different views,i hate AJ and hope the crows eat it early
Did somebody say.... Rhyiona and Rysha?...
You=Daniel Bryan, Me=Fan
lol but seriously, there's no way I would play as an infant.
We will not play play AJ. He is not the protagonist. But yes, of course I want to play Clementine
If you think what a child to play bad, play a game of "Among the Sleep". It's amazing ^^
i suppose AJ could crawl with things like guns and tools....until it is eaten xD
I love Rhyona - its so cute ^^
please dont call the baby an "it", that's kind of cruel
It's hard to grasp that there are actually people here that would rather play as a drooling shitting plot hole than debatably the greatest child character in video games. AJ is a forced character dilemma for Kenny's lame sympathetic bullshit and was placed in the plot literally only to make the final choice of the season.
No, I want to remain as Clementine and I want AJ gone. Whether than means "oh, some raiders stole him" or "oh, I can't believe he was torn apart by that pack of walkers" I really don't care. As long as it means he's out, I'm ok with it.
Personally i don't want either.
I'd rather start fresh like subway, why not Eddie.
Subway is the antithesis of fresh but I understand what you're saying.
Clementine really took a beating throughout season two in terms of her identity being compromised. But I enjoyed her character UNTIL No Going Back, when it became literally about Kenny. Every scene, Kenny this. Every minute, Kenny that. It got to the point I forgot I was still playing Clem, but now that I face fucked him with a lead bullet, I think (I hope) I can focus on Clementine again and that TT can maybe think about, oh I don't know... making the game focus on her as a young girl trying to scrape by and find happiness?
I still believe in Clementine as a character with promise and hopefully so does Telltale, cause at the end their the one's who write her.
At this point IMO i think i would rather enjoy a Eddie Version of the TWDG, than a Clementine version, if you know what i mean. I would rather that humorous ride with zombie chaos, than another season rehash. That is just my opinion, but most likely she will be back in some capacity or another.
I could envision playing as Aj would be like this-
Dialogue options
"I'm the biggest fucking liability this guy has ever known."
Press A to cry.
Press B to shit yourself.
Press X to do nothing like the worthless fucking character you are.
Press Y to be dropped and land on your head.