Little things you wanted/didn't want to happen
What are some little things you wanted to happen or didn't want to happen? People are always talking about the big stuff, especially in season two. Did you want/not want a certain dialogue choice, did you want the "who did you sit next to" choice to be two (or one) different people/person, did you want the peaches and beans to be something else, etc...?
Character deaths do not count as little things, so don't talk about how you think so-and-so should've lived/died. If you want, you could talk about how you wanted an already dead character to die in a different way. Let's be reasonable, though. This is The Walking Dead, so don't say something like how you wanted Luke to peacefully die in his sleep as an old man in a nice, warm, fluffy bed with all his fangirls crying over his dead body while throwing flowers on him. Don't say stuff like that.
I really wanted Lee or the Stranger to bring up the fact that the Stranger was watching Lee bury Fivel. I thought that would've been an interesting (maybe even slightly awkward) conversation. I know Lee probably just assumed it was him, but still. He couldn't even tell if it was a guy or a girl. What if it was someone else, for all he knew? My Lee would've asked if given the option. It would've made the scene longer. This scene was too short, in my opinion, or at least it felt that way. Don't get me wrong, it's one of my favorite scenes out of both seasons.
I was hoping for more chances to flirt with Carley before she bit the dust. this what people think all Luke fangirls are like? Because I don't know if to feel offended or creeped out by this o_o
S1 - I wanted to chop Lee's arm right after he got bitten. Then, keep his urban watch.
S2 - An option to get along with Carver, and stay with him at Howe's. Clementine seemed to blind hate him regardless of my persistent efforts.
An opportunity to at least befriend Arvo.
I wished Jane had not hidden the baby to show the real side of Kenny to Clem (could find another way), so that she and AJ would be safe with both. Now Jane/Kenny are dead/determinant...
Lee and Clementine (and I guess other people in the group) playing soccer. Only available in the pinball game fellas.
Clementine, Luke, and Nick vs. Sarah, Carlos, and Alvin in a soccer match. Rebecca can't cause she's pregnant and if Pete was alive he would be ref/look out.
[hold back from repeating the same thing over and over]
[Shoot up]
This probably doesn't count as a 'little thing'.
I wish Mark was going to be determinant like planned and appear in Episode 3. If you freed Mr. Parker he was going to be dinner and Mark would have been left behind at the motor inn attack.
This. The kid is real scared and cute, I was hoping this was an option. Sadly, it is not meant to be.
Going with Carver is basically shitting on what Lee taught her
Only if you, like most people here, see Carver as some old creepy psychopath dude who enjoyed murdering innocent people in his free time.
Sarah actually getting a chance to defend herself, or someone else, with a gun.
Seeing christa again in Season 2, and Lukes personality staying the same for all the episodes lol
I wanted Carlos to remove Sarah’s glasses before he slapped her.
And to refuse that ugly jacket. I'm eleven, I can pick out my own clothing, k?
His mentality was fucked up though: if you cant pull your weight you might as well die since its gonna happen sooner or later
Well, it is the apocalypse.
Yeah, but it still doesn't make it reasonable to act and think like that
8U With the blue eyes and the glasses, and his stammering and accent and stuff... I'm just weird, I guess. 8D; It's been a while.
If it ain't my bed, then I ain't okay with it.
it's ok you aren't the only one
Honestly most people seem to want less sassiness but I kind of want more options to bitch people out particularly as most of the cast are so damn hypocritical and annoying.
After learning that Scott Porter (Luke's Voice Actor) can sing, I kind of wanted Luke to sing a song for the group. It would have been a nice, quiet and comforting thing amongst all the horrible things that keep happening to the group.
I wanted Clementine to hang onto that ripped photo of Lee throughout all of Season 2, but it looks like she doesn't have it anymore. T_T
I wanted the choice of whether or not to steal the medicine from Arvo to actually make a difference. I know it did with the dialogues and I am aware they would have to re-write the story completely if it did make a difference, but if you decide not to steal the medicine, he comes after you anyway and say that you robbed him. Making you want to make the dialogue choice to say "It was Jane, not me" because you literally did nothing. After all the thoughts I had about whether or not I made the right choice; it didn't make a real difference.
Getting a shot at arvo atleast
I wanted to Lilly to come back rather than Kenny, since Kenny's story was pretty much wrapped up in season 1, whereas there was a great chance for a redemption story arc for Lilly.
Lee not getting bitten. I was hoping theyd do something else with the ending of S1 but him getting bit really made me lose interest.
Omid and Christa not being in the game. I feel they served no purpose. They somehow are around whenthe groups train is blocked. Their whole purpose seems to be just Christa being pregnant and bitching or Omid trying to crack jokes. Consdiering they were cut off at the start of s2, im left wondering what their purpose was. I'drather Ben survive S1 and be a big badass in s2, at least his character would've grown and improved.
I dunno, but in my view, they build the seasons up great but the finales are terrible, NTL was rushed and NGB was a mess with characters like Luke who was suppose to be important having a cheap death Mike and Arvo and Bonnie (determinant) just dissapering, then Jane lying to Clem to make the final decision. All over the place and they also build the firefight as a disaster when nothing happened except Luke getting shot.
Okay, let me say first that I don't want to argue about Kenny's come back in Season 2. What happened, happened. He came back. I'm not sad or angry about that. So...
After episode 1 (season 2) we saw preview of episode 2 and famous line "I thought you were dead" said by Clementine. Lot of people were hoping that we'll find Christa again so my idea is - what if it would be Christa who came back in episode 2 instead of Kenny? For example, she tried to went north with hope that Clem would think the same and that she'll find her somewhere on the road. She'd reach Ski Lodge day or two earlier and met Matthew, Sarita and Walter. Then a few days later when she'd decide to move on, Clementine would've came with a Cabin group like it happened in episode 2. What do you think, honestly?
Omid and Christa literally felt like telltale saying "shit we're running out of group members we need new ones FAST AND NOW"
I wish Clementine's walkie talkie broke in S1E1
Is it pretty much accepted that Clementine's walk-talkie wasn't broken, the batteries were just damaged or something to that degree? When Doug/Carley gives some batteries to Clem in ep. 2 from the Stranger's car that's when her walkie-talkie begins to work.
Too be honest, I didn't mind the group line up before them, ie Lee, Clementine, Kenny, Ben and Chuck. I thought killing of 4 characters In less then half an hour was over the top but I felt that going into episode 4, they didn't need Christa and Omid. Maybe if they werent' cheaply cut off in s2 then i'd understand but this I don't.
4 npcs, the only non-male is a little girl, it feels a little bit blegh of a line up. Honestly Lilly could have stuck around if you kept her, and Katjaa could have stayed depending on who had the gun before duck was shot. The group was the straight white man association by that point, excluding the PLAYER character and a little girl.
Here's something I'd really like changed, just because it honestly feels kind of ham-fisted the more I think about it
Kenny leaving you under the door in the pharmacy if you didn't help him kill Larry.
Honestly, it feels like this scene was just added in with the sole purpose of being a 'consequence' of not siding with him, even though it makes him look like a complete and utter asshole, as well as just providing yet another reason to hate him. If you don't support any of his decisions, he'll never once look like anything close to a good guy. Even if you fully side against Lilly, she still has some redeeming scenes that don't make her look like a complete bitch. On the other hand, siding against Kenny results in a downhill spiral where practically everything he says and does from that point forward just further solidifies your already negative opinion of him.
What I'd do: make it so he begrudgingly decides to cover you. He'll take a look at you and the exit, kind of like he does now, but ultimately decide to provide cover fire.
Either he directly helps you, pulling the door off you, or he'll still help you, but in a less direct way. It accomplishes the goals of that scene (as far as your relationship with Kenny goes), and makes him look like significantly less of a dick. If this scene is changed, all that remains is him hesitating to help you when Danny's about to kill you (which you could actually see as character growth, since he mans up and helps you this time), and him just generally talking shit afterwards.
I'll bet ten bucks if that scene was changed, the general opinion of Kenny would be much better off than it is. Not like it'd make him a saint by any means (far from it), but it'd definitely help paint him in a better light than "you didn't help me kill a man, so you can go fuck yourself"
Also, speaking of Kenny, I'd change the dialogue during A House Divided, when he's talking about Ben. Specifically, calling him a shitbird. Now the problem isn't with him calling Ben a shitbird, but the way he says it. The way he says it now really makes it feel like he actually regrets trying to help him, which really squanders the meaning of that 'sacrifice'.
Have him give a similar explanation, but in a significantly less hostile manner. Still have him refer to Ben as a shitbird, but in a more affectionate way, for lack of a better term. You know, kind of like how Pete does with Nick: "I love that stupid kid..."
"Ben got himself into a hell of a jam, and I tried to help. [chuckles to self] Hmph... Ben... [sighs as his expression and voice soften, with a hint of compassion in his face] that fuckin' shitbird... You see, he took a pretty bad fall. When we went down to help, it turned into a damn cluster. I couldn't help the kid, but... [brief pause, with a somewhat sorrowful expression] well, I got out."
David was originally going to be found by Lee at the St. John's dairy instead of Mark. Instead Mark was going to be left behind during the bandit attack of Episode 3. In the unused lines from Episode 2, David can be heard speaking Mark's lines.
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