Id like to see AJ as the pc in season 3



  • edited April 2015

    a time skip that big would just ruin it

    AJ is useless

  • Y... Y... Y... Y... Y...

    Wow! This is a LOT more fun than I had thought!

    I could envision playing as Aj would be like this- Dialogue options "Waaaa!" "Waaaa!" "Waaaa!" "I'm the biggest fucking liabili

  • I think Aj could use a knife IT would get eaten quickly though

    colgato posted: »

    please dont call the baby an "it", that's kind of cruel


    (?) Mash the "Q" button to take a Alt text.

  • Press Rb to play as Clementine, the GOOD player. And throw Aj off a bridge.

    Y... Y... Y... Y... Y... Wow! This is a LOT more fun than I had thought!

  • Umm Clem is past 13 she is 14 in episode 5

    Yea I didnt mean 14 I meant 11

    I thought she was 12. Welp


    Oops I mean she is 12 in episode 5

  • And if you fail the QTE he's gonna puke.

    WHALE THEN. (?) Mash the "Q" button to take a .

  • more like he's gonna diarrhea

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    And if you fail the QTE he's gonna puke.

  • I think I don't wanna play as AJ

    more like he's gonna diarrhea

  • Personally, I hope we get to be someone else. Anyone else. Eddie, Lilly, Christa, or someone else altogether.

  • I am confused too

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Umm Clem is past 13 she is 14 in episode 5 Yea I didnt mean 14 I meant 11 I thought she was 12. Welp wat

  • Bro I feel you. I thought for a second I don't understand English.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Umm Clem is past 13 she is 14 in episode 5 Yea I didnt mean 14 I meant 11 I thought she was 12. Welp wat

  • Is the heavy, masculine breathing while the toddler begins to walk around from an unknown source? Just making sure it's not the baby, lol.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    We will not play play AJ. He is not the protagonist. But yes, of course I want to play Clementine If you think what a child to play bad, play a game of "Among the Sleep". It's amazing ^^

  • Hmm....this comment sure looks familar

    I could envision playing as Aj would be like this- Dialogue options "Waaaa!" "Waaaa!" "Waaaa!" "I'm the biggest fucking liabili

  • Hm... now that I think of it, I did play Rugrats on N64 when I was little. I loved playing that one game. I guess I would probably play it again if I ever see it.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    We will not play play AJ. He is not the protagonist. But yes, of course I want to play Clementine If you think what a child to play bad, play a game of "Among the Sleep". It's amazing ^^

  • edited April 2015

    In my playthrough, Kenny and Clementine left Wellington together.
    So if Aj is 14 in Season 3, that means Clementine is 24; as you say, and Kenny would be somewhere in his late fifties.
    Which begs the question: What happened during the past 14 years?
    Though the idea is interesting in itself, especially with the question it brings with it, I strongly doubt Telltale would do something like that.
    If there is another timeskip, which I hope there isn't, it'll probably only be about a year at most.

    Plus, from what I understand, there is going to another mini-chapter between season 2 and 3.
    I hope that we get introduced to a new PC character during that time, as I honestly don't want to play as Clementine again.

  • You nedd play it!

    Amazing game!

    Hm... now that I think of it, I did play Rugrats on N64 when I was little. I loved playing that one game. I guess I would probably play it again if I ever see it.

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