Why we should all stop bitching about Twdg season 2


Guys just stop complaining about season 2. It wasn't the worst thing ever! Some people act like it ruined their whole entire life and stole their kidney. Character will die in The Walking Dead That is why its called the walking dead. You hate that Kenny came back instead of Lily? Go back and play season 1 with Lily in it plus the load of fan fictions out there you can read with Lily in it. Complaining about the Kenny/Jane choice? Then don't bitch about it and come up with your own unique ending. They cant whip out these games so fast so enjoy the games while they last. EDIT: after reading some comments I kind agree, complaining about certain things makes TellTale realize and their mistake and they can change something maybe make it better for future episodes



  • Well you say season 2 is crap yet you are still going to play it if a dlc comes out. I know that for a fact

    colgato posted: »


  • Because it's possible the next episodes won't be fucked up, so yes, i'll play them.

    Episode 4 of this game will always go down as one of the biggest game disappointments, the future episodes have nothing to do with the pre existing game.

    Well you say season 2 is crap yet you are still going to play it if a dlc comes out. I know that for a fact

  • If Telltale had your mentality they'd thin out. Its like saying "You didn't like this game? Well suck it up and stop talking negatively about it" I believe in Freedom of Speech even if it goes against something I don't like. So what if its over? TLOU is over and people never seem to shut the fuck up about that game. Personally I wish they just worked on one game a year but its how they make money so who am I to say?

  • don't bitch about it and come up with your own unique ending. They cant whip out these games so fast so enjoy the games while they last

    Complaining is actually something that keeps us anticipating (me at least.) I look at bad moments in episodes and I hope that Telltale notices it as well, and that they can take it from there, and keep improving by not repeating the same trends. And yes, I will keep playing if a DLC comes out for S2, because Telltale as a whole is still great at telling a story, and I enjoy their games, despite some negatives in the past.

  • ugh but those loading time could've been way better. jk.

    People get restless and stir crazy waiting for S3, I hope the attitude will cheer up when it begins to come out. More people will join/old users that liked the game and a lot more positive activity on the forums will change how people feel. It's true now, that the regulars tend to over-blow their dislike for TWD for whatever reason on here from time to time, but things have to get better in the future right?....right?

  • Making threads about this doesn't help much, ya know. The haters (and I mean the actual haters, not the people who can discuss problems reasonably) won't lay down their arms when there's a bagilion threads about how they should stop hating on things. They will continue this endless war, like it was with Jane vs Kenny battlefield. Just ignore them, it's the best method.

  • , but things have to get better in the future right?....right?

    Pffft, no. :P

    DoubleJump posted: »

    ugh but those loading time could've been way better. jk. People get restless and stir crazy waiting for S3, I hope the attitude will chee

  • :(

    but in the future we'll all have hover boards that don't work on water and 3d holographic commercials. That sounds like an improvement to me.

    Green613 posted: »

    , but things have to get better in the future right?....right? Pffft, no. :P

  • edited April 2015

    Unfortunately none of those can stop annoying people who have nothing better to do than come here everyday and talk shit.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    but in the future we'll all have hover boards that don't work on water and 3d holographic commercials. That sounds like an improvement to me.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Then don't bitch about it and come up with your own unique ending.

    Ugh, I absolutely hate Fan Fiction. Personal problem.

  • like it was with Jane vs Kenny battlefield

    See, I think even mentioning it is indirectly harmful. You're still occupying space to bring it up again, so why bother? Just refer to it as the debate that happened after the season was finished.

    And personally, I kind of enjoy those debates now that shit's a bit calmer and not as gung-ho as it used to be. It's really about the only topic that still gets a considerable amount of following from the fan-base. It's a rehash for damn sure, but so is everything else. Personally, I'd like to bring back the topic of the butterfly at the beginning of In Harms Way, cause that shit actually had me pondering...

    fallandir posted: »

    Making threads about this doesn't help much, ya know. The haters (and I mean the actual haters, not the people who can discuss problems reas

  • edited April 2015

    Guys just stop complaining about season 2.

    How about no, and respect people's opinions instead? Because it'd be the same as posting a 'Why we should all stop praising TWDG Season 2' thread T_T if we wanna bitch, dammit we're gonna bitch because we love this series!

  • edited April 2015

    See, I think even mentioning it is indirectly harmful. You're still occupying space to bring it up again, so why bother?

    Eh, I don't think saying Kenny vs Jane should be taboo. That would be showing that we never got over the whole thing, which I'd say we did fortunately. :p

    like it was with Jane vs Kenny battlefield See, I think even mentioning it is indirectly harmful. You're still occupying space to br

  • 'Why we should all stop praising TWDG Season 2'

    Except basically no one praises TWD S2, practically all that's been posted over the last 8 months have been season 2 hate threads, it gets kinda tiresome after some time seeing the same things over and over again. :/

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Guys just stop complaining about season 2. How about no, and respect people's opinions instead? Because it'd be the same as posting

  • I don't necessary see the topic as taboo, but the identity of "Kenny vs. Jane" (as if it ever held any meaning to begin with) being used as a slanderous title is. More likely than anything, it won't matter when ends come to end. It was just put there to spark debate amongst us. Which is great in a way, but it so quickly turned into an excuse to indiscriminately hate one or the other that now saying Jane to Kenny fans or visa versa is grounds for a flame war.

    Which is especially weird for people like me who killed off both and went off alone.

    Green613 posted: »

    See, I think even mentioning it is indirectly harmful. You're still occupying space to bring it up again, so why bother? Eh, I don't

  • Seeing the #1 complaint on TWD S2 be "it has bad writing" isn't really something that is said out of love. Sadly, constructive criticism is quite rare to see on these forums lately (probably because every complaint in the book has been said to death).

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Guys just stop complaining about season 2. How about no, and respect people's opinions instead? Because it'd be the same as posting

  • edited April 2015

    You're still occupying space to bring it up again, so why bother?

    Because it's a perfect example of the literal battlefield I was reffering to. It wasn't even close to call it debate, friend. It was damn shitstorm.

    It's really about the only topic that still gets a considerable amount of following from the fan-base.

    And that's the sad part. We need to repeat topics, sure, it's perfectly fine due to the new users joining in every day, but I would enjoy those discussion a lot more if it was something else than arguing and complaining. Looking at them, it seems like S2 has nothing but drawbacks, and let's face it, it's not true. No need to be so fault-finding, considering we partly got over with it after a few months of constant hating.

    like it was with Jane vs Kenny battlefield See, I think even mentioning it is indirectly harmful. You're still occupying space to br

  • edited April 2015

    And shipping. Shipping is awful.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Then don't bitch about it and come up with your own unique ending. Ugh, I absolutely hate Fan Fiction. Personal problem.

  • Tbh its kind of our right to discuss a game we paid our hard earned dollars for. The trolls are one thing but people who don't like the game with good reason and want it to improve aren't the ones you should argue with or complain that they're "bitching". For example I love the Resident Evil franchise I've stuck with it since Resident Evil 2 and have played every game in the franchise (including the side games such as Revelations, Operation Racoon City etc.) but Resident Evil 5 and 6 were shit imo. I hate this stupid action thing. But the years I've enjoyed and loved the games of course I bashed it but not because I hate Capcom and want to see them fail its because they are capable of better and everyone knows it. I could have been like those traitors and jump ship to Silent Hill but no I've been loyal to Resident Evil for years. Same thing with Telltale. I'd like to think I've been a loyal, supporting customer I've bought and enjoyed most of their games. So if I don't like a certain game I'm going to let it be known so they know to do better next time not because I'm a hater

  • Stop complaining? No. If something deserves complaints, then by all means complain. If I went out to eat and got terrible food or service I would complain. I could just go home and make my own, or "imagine" something better, but that's not what I paid for, now is it?

  • Ditto bro!

    Clemenem posted: »

    Tbh its kind of our right to discuss a game we paid our hard earned dollars for. The trolls are one thing but people who don't like the game

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    100% agreed.

    fallandir posted: »

    And shipping. Shipping is awful.

  • well until new content comes out, nit-picking is the only thing that's left to keep fans going

  • After thinking about it yea I guess complaining is what makes the game good is because they can improve in future episodes

    torkahn808 posted: »

    don't bitch about it and come up with your own unique ending. They cant whip out these games so fast so enjoy the games while they last

  • I dont like fan fiction but sometimes ill come up with stories with pre-exesting character and made up characters about stuff/

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Then don't bitch about it and come up with your own unique ending. Ugh, I absolutely hate Fan Fiction. Personal problem.

  • After seeing some peoples points I guess their right.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Tbh its kind of our right to discuss a game we paid our hard earned dollars for. The trolls are one thing but people who don't like the game

  • Let's the bad food be an example, you would make one reasonable, decent complain, right? You wouldn't run around the restaurant (or whatever), screaming how much disgusting and disappointing the food was, every day for about few hours.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Stop complaining? No. If something deserves complaints, then by all means complain. If I went out to eat and got terrible food or service I

  • welcome to the internet, where people are hating on everyone and everything.

  • Bruh ive been inter netting since 2007

    welcome to the internet, where people are hating on everyone and everything.

  • thats it?

    Bruh ive been inter netting since 2007

  • edited April 2015

    Luke and Jane 4evahhh <333


    And lol, shipping is theorizing about love, not necessarily hate. Which we're trying to avoid, right? ;)

    fallandir posted: »

    And shipping. Shipping is awful.

  • I think there should be a clear line. Do people have the right to complain about what they didn't like? Yes. Telltale has repeated that they like to look at player's feedback and work on that, so people should be allowed to voice their opinions on what they didn't like with the season, with the hopes that the devs change it.

    But I agree that there is too much unnecessary hate. I just wrapped up my new playthrough of Season 2 and I feel bad for all the shit I gave it a while back. It's honestly not a bad game that deserves this much hate.

  • RE:4!!!!! <3

    Clemenem posted: »

    Tbh its kind of our right to discuss a game we paid our hard earned dollars for. The trolls are one thing but people who don't like the game

  • I like TWD2 haters gona be hate

  • that makes me feel old

    Bruh ive been inter netting since 2007

  • To be fair, I think one reason people complain so much about Season 2 in particular is because Telltale didn't pay attention to player feedback all that much, not until it was too late.

    I think there should be a clear line. Do people have the right to complain about what they didn't like? Yes. Telltale has repeated that they

  • but things have to get better in the future right?....right?

    Yeah, Of Course Buddy! Of Course!

    Psst, How are we doing on that Bomb to nuke earth before the flame war happens?

    (Um, Not so good)

    HURRY IT UP! I've been in the time machine, I know what the fuck is going down.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    ugh but those loading time could've been way better. jk. People get restless and stir crazy waiting for S3, I hope the attitude will chee

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