Episode four sucks
Sarah's and Nick's character development went out the window and other things were bad.
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Sarah's and Nick's character development went out the window and other things were bad.
Literally it ruined the game for me, even with how improved episode 5 was episode 4 literally is so cringe-worthy. Sarah and Nick are my favorite characters in the game, and they both got the fucking shittiest deaths ever. Seriously fuck episode 4, all it gives me is the annoying Jane who gets most of the episodes screentime, kenny being depressed again, and my two favorite characters die. I seriously hope telltale knows what they did
Apparently i'm like, the only guy in history who actually liked that episode...
Apparently you forgot the one guy in history who defended that episode against all else ;___;
Nah, I definitely like the episode, though I will say that to me Nick's death has been the lowest point in the series for me.
I heard that guy died. We shall always remember whats-his-name. May we never forget.
Nah, i also liked it, apart from Nick and Sarah's death it was a good episode.
I didnt think it was THAT bad. Nick and Sarah was all that was bad along with Kenny getting mad at Clem even if you didnt cut off Saritas arm
Oh great, here we go again, you guys never get tired of beating a dead horse. Was Amid the Ruins the best episode, no, and most people know I'm not a huge defender of this episode, but one can only take so much of hearing the same old crap over and over again. I'm not saying you don't have a right to think the way you do, all I'm saying is that it's an issue that's been discussed countless times before and many people are frankly tired of it.
Here we go. Tell us all how terrible an entire 90 minute episode was because of a total of five minutes wasn't exactly to your liking? Other stuff happened in Amid the Ruins other than two characters who weren't exactly great in the first place dying.
Eh, that's your opinion. Personally Nick has been my second favorite character in the whole series.
Ok well, it's my opinion too. I thought Nick was garbage and I told Walt to waste him. I don't like people who can't so much as shoot a gun properly.
Even though its been said many times I still agree. Episode 5 wasn't much better either
Okay, I don't know if it's just me, but this statement is seriously coming off as passive-aggressive
It seems like you purposely said this just to spite dojo
I liked it.
It doesn't deserve half the hate it gets, though I wasn't a big fan of it either. A lot of it felt like filler.
No no, not at all. Dojo is cool, but Nick is not.
And why is it passive-aggressive? I did tell Walt I didn't think Nick was a good man.

Alright, maybe passive-aggressive was the wrong word. I meant that it came across a bit hostile with the way you worded it
No offense or anything, but you could have just said "fair enough, but I don't really like Nick" instead of calling him garbage, it made it look like you were trying to pick a bit of a fight there
Well, I was simply trying to establish my hard line opinion on Nick. Maybe not the most appropriate response so I'll extent an apology to you as well as Dojo for any hostilities.
I loved episode 4 at the time, at the start I was filled with a 'What did I just do?' feeling and at the end I was left with the same feeling just staring as the credits played. It was only when I joined the forums that I began to hate it, people constantly complaining about it just made me feel like I should hate it for the same reasons but now I realise I love the episode. Yeah, Nick and Sarah died and they died with little development but hey, everyone ended up like that, dead without development.
I will always remember ^^
I with you
It's like the episode 5 writer said 'fck this,how can i get this back?' xD
episode 4 is the worst episode of any game ever created,there was a thread with like 12323444554305 posts about it,the quality of how it dropped so quickly,Luke turning into another character for nookie,the pointless deaths ,the stupid stupid stupid Jane/telltale advice for the player,Jane fullstop,Clem suddenly caring about a 10 second yr old baby than her friend who just persihed less than a minute ago,and that ending.... a group with a baby and a child survive a russian..A RUSSIAN ?!!!! gang from the middle of nowhere!..did they advertise? wanted member to join up with russian group..must be russian!LOOOL it's shocking! and i know it's make believe but changing the shootout just added to how bad it was...oh i forgot something ..slapping Sarah who was already traumatized.......utter shit,least episode 5 was much better
i played episode 3 and i thought it was terrible but then i played episode 4 and realized ep3 wasnt that bad. It wasnt that i was wrong but standards of telltale went further below sadly and i downloaded ep 5 1 week after the release simply because there was no hype or excitement left in me. EP 3-5 were the reason i stopped buying full game.
Even though i disagree with you, about Sarah. Don't censor yourself.
Don't feel bad about expressing your opinion, people are way too sensitive on these boards.
It was good as a stand alone episode. It just had some problems and set up future problems for the series as a whole. I liked a lot of the plot points it had going for it. Kenny blaming Clementine and then himself, Clementine choosing to be pragmatic, getting to know Jane, and the Russian shoot-out at the end was intense. Yet again it seems people are just blowing things out of proportion, because they got nothing better to do.
when season 2 first came out and i saw the episode slide for episode 4 with clementine having blood/face paint on her face with mysterious characters in the background, i was real excited for it, then when it came out it was just a pointless episode, the best part of that episode was the ending scene
The only redeeming part of that...farce of an episode is the cliff hanger, setting up for the most shocking and dramatic 'who will die' event in the season.
...Then the writers balls it up by revealing that everyone on our side survived the shootout by sheer dumb luck, and the baddies were too stupid to even hit their targets a meter in front of them.
I think you have the wrong dojo.
And I still don't know why everyone seems to like NGB :P
Oh, come on.
I personally believe that Amid the Ruins and No Going Back are the two best episodes of the entire series.
Yup, I just went there.
someone on clems side should've died, i thought it was gonna be bonnie gonna die before episode 5 came out.
Congratulations, you have just about the same opinion of 80% of the fanbase.
Well, the fan base on this forum, and we're definitely the minority of fans.
N you're not. It's my least favorite episode out of all of them, but I still liked it.
Sums it up perfectly...