S3 Clementine ?
Do you guys think that we'll play Clementine in Season 3 of The Walking Dead ? I hope so because she's my favourite Character and I would be disappointed if we don't play Clem. If we don't play Clem, I wouldn't understand why TTG throw her away. I hope she returns
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I hope we dont play as her, and while I would prefer she come back in season 3 in some extent if she doesnt I wont really mind
I don't think so, i don't see how they would combine the endings into one cannon story to begin, If someone can write that in a realistic way, then sure. She might show up later in the season, and what happened to her becomes "unknown." because they just don't speak of it, so they leave a mystery.
I think they can do it, because they just have to kill Kenny/Jane and have to continue the story. I would hate it if Kenny/Jane dies but it could make sense. I just hope we play Clem.
I frankly hope we play as Clementine in Season 3, but I can understand if Telltale decided not to and end her story with Season 2. Whoever the PC doesn't really matter to me, I'd buy the game regardless of who it is, but for me, I'd prefer if Clementine return.
I would assume if Kenny/Jane are in season three, their days are numbered being determinant.
I also hope we get to play as Clementine in Season 3. I've seen good reasons both for and against it, but I ultimately think she will be back. Clementine is the foundation of this series and I can't imagine her just being written off. Even if she's not the PC, I think she'll have a big part to play.
I want to play as Clementine, because everyone have to Love her
. I know not everyone does but I love her so much. I mean when Season 2 starts, they made a # and this # called "#MyClementine" so she's very popular and in an interview Melissa Hutchison (Clementine's Voice actor) says that Clem is her favourite Character she ever voiced. So Clem is loved by the Fans and by Melissa... I hope TTG loves her too.
What other characters has she voiced for?
She voiced TJ and Belle in The Wolf Among Us
She most likely will be the protagonist again, but I'm hoping that she will be the deuteragonist like in season 1 again. Her personality would be based on your choices from season 2 and maybe one or two choices from season 1. Season 2 Clem was just... boring. :-/
I understand that she was boring to you, but I loved her in Season 1 and Season 2. But it could be that she is in Season 3 like in Season 1, but for me it would be better when she is the playable Character
She's actually called Beauty in The Wolf Among Us, not Belle
I wouldn't mind either way. If we get to play as Clementine, yay. If not, then I hope the new characters/cast are equally interesting (if not more) and developed properly.
I hope we play as Clem in season 3 again because I love her and I wanna see her grow etc.
for some reason i still knew what they meant, it must be my ESPN
I know but i'm from germany and Beauty is translated as belle and "belle" means beauty in italian. But it doesn't mean really belle it means Bella or someting like that (I know the Germantranslater are so good xD)
Clementine is probably my favorite character in my video game collection and I do hope we play as her going into S3. That said, I realize that she'll probably get hurt and go through some crazy shit for our entertainment. So y'know... dammit.
I know italian so maybe that is why i knew what you meant. Who knows I also was taught latin growing up, don't remember much of it now.
sounds like you understand your sadism lol.
Season 2
I may have missed a few.
I can't wait to see what they have in store for Clementine in Season 3.
Maybe that's what Kevin Bruner was talking about when stuff got sorted out, they figured out how to link how many endings? Like 5? 5 endings but only 4 save files. And also 4 save files when S1 only had 3.
Since the franchise is pretty much built around her, i'd say we're gonna play as her.
Also GOT episode 3:
I'd say i'd say i'd say i'd say i'd say i'd say i'd say i'd say i'd say
I'd rather play as an adult. I love Clementine, but season 2 was unrealistic.
You could make important decisions over adults, which didn't make much sense to me.
Ok you're right it was strange, but the decisions were very good. Also if you are Clementine (a Child). But the adults were so nice to Clem (at the end) and that was realistic.
I have faith she will.
Her story must continue. She is what Rick Grimes is for the comics, in my opinion.
In one of the WD magazines, Melissa Hutchinson, the voice of Clem, expressed interest in continuing her characters story.
Yeah, I agree to an extent. But honestly, I don't see adults looking at a child and asking their opinion of anything. Not because of how bright she is (she's definitely worth listening to), but because they'll want to be in charge, and not rely on Clementine for guidance.
Yes, it's kinda weird that TTG made it that she's like an adult (in decisions) but that's the strong Clementine. Lee taught her how to survive and to be strong. I think it's not weird from Clem, I think they should work on the adults and make them not helpless.
I really hope we do, but if we don't, I don't want it to be some random. I think the only character deemed good enough to be protagonist is Christa.
You're right !
The only possible way i could see them doing it, is by making the entire s2 a dream, when Clementine falls into the water in the beginning of episode 1, she is knocked out and has the S2 dream, then wakes up, downstream.
Here is a question for ya to think about.
Why would any adults ie S2: other than Lee treat Clementine as a "survivor." and not just a little girl. Lee was the only one privy to the hobo speech.
Wouldn't it be crazy if, depending on your ending, you played as Kenny/Jane for a teensy while and then you die? And then oh damn, what if you play as the walker-version of Jane/Kenny before you're put out of your misery? And then play as whoever else to continue the story. And similarly, if you got the alone ending, what if you played as like a walker for a bit until Clem killed you? Or maybe someone else, hmm...Then play as the same PC as the other endings. I think I'd like that.
The games are built around player choices in unique situations, the show and comics don't even have Clem. So shes anything but the franchise.
How else would you see them justify five different endings, I can easily see them taking that road, they painted themselves into a corner, it wouldn't be the first time they claimed they got "lucky."
I guess she kinda proved herself as a survivor when she managed to sneak in the cabin, steal what she needed and then stitch her arm up. Still, it was weird when the adults were looking at Clem to make decisions, that's why I used the silent option a lot more this season, to force the other characters to make some of the decisions instead.
I still believe in Clementine
Gimme more Clemmy! >w<
What if we play Clementine and we meet Lee's Ex-wife. There isn't a reason that she's dead. Did I miss anything ? I think we don't know wether she's alive or not. Clem has to tell her how Lee died. I think it would be cool if we see her the first time.
It's the only way? I can see episode 1 being different based on our endings from season 2 and then in episode 2 or 3 story is beginning to follow similiar direction but still (possibly in some minor things or maybe a little bigger ones) it will be somehow different or at least our experience will be different.
I love Clementine, but I'm okay with whichever protagonist we'll have in S3.