"If Daryl dies we riot" [Rant]
I have been hating this Daryl riot bullshit. I hate when people say they will riot because Daryl dies. I just respond by saying Boo hoo. Everybody will eventually die! True fans of TWD say that "If Daryl dies we still watch"
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I just want him to die lol, he's nothing special
Well, I would be sad if he dies, but, I wouldn't riot lol
I think a major reason why I want him dead is because of that, all those annoying "fans" would just leave. That, and his character is boring and dumb as hell to me
The really annoying thing is people who act like Daryl is the most important character on the show. I've heard people say he's more important than Rick which is completely asinine. I do like Daryl but his worshippers are irritating.
It'd be cleaning out the trash, but it'd also take away any character development that we still want to see from him.
And I'm sick of you for hating him., I really don't see a damn good fucking reason. I'm not someone who says if Daryl dies we riot, I would still watch the show but whoever kills Daryl, he dies.
I agree that I want to see more from Daryl in terms of developing his character. The pas season he has been getting better in that regard. He's not just mister tough crossbow guy anymore.
Eveyone to their own I guess.
When you've been dealing with it for five seasons, that philosophy gives you less and less comfort lol
What would you do if Rick and Daryl have a Shane fight, and only one makes it out alive. My money is on daryl, because he seems to be more popular than rick.
i doubt they'd kill off the main character
Heh. Reminds me of
And what does Kenny have to do with this thread? Because if you want to mention that his fans are gonna riot if he dies, that would imply to Clem too. If I remember correctly, She got a similar thread like that one.
If you riot I laugh
if my theory is right the guy who kills him wont die and that character is 10x better than Daryl
That's nice.
Hey, I'm not a crazed fan of Daryl.
Luke's all I need, baby.
Exactly, and I think Season 3 was Daryl's best season to develop since the commotion with his brother, and Woodbury, and Judith being born, etc.
People actually LIKE Daryl?
once again did you really need to bring kenny up in a thread that has nothing to do with him? you are basically asking for people to give you shit
you are literally the perfect example of a daryl fanboy omg
lel if i am right negan isn't going anywhere while daryl is in the ground
The only thing that pisses me off more than "If Daryl Dies We Riot" is "Daryl is a better character than Rick"... those people make me sick.
I saw someone try to say once that Daryl is the main character and not Rick. Like... lol, wut? I believe their phrasing was "The Walking Dead is Daryl's story."
I want to see Daryl die purely for all the fangirl's/fanboy's reactions. :P
He is bland
barley ever is developed
he whines alot
The episodes with him and Beth were the worst
His fans
The actor isnt very great
it reminded my of this thread because it had the same title...
Am i ever even allowed to write kenny's name?
Er, I said in my comment - this thread reminds me of the one I linked?
I don't think I saw the clem one. I was reminded specifically of the thread I linked, so that was the one I chose.
It would be useful if you could PM me a list of when I am allowed to type the letters K, e, n, n and y in that order and when I'm not allowed, that would be rather useful.
It's because everyone here knows you hate Kenny, but I don't think you linked it because it was about Kenny, i think this thread truly reminded you of that one. To be honest all characters probably have some wacko fans who'd freak out like that, I know a person who said this was the worst game ever made because Sarah died, and she didn't play episode 5.
Lol I like Darryl. I wouldn't riot if he died (I'm not the type to riot if any character dies really, even ones I really like. They're fictional, y'know?) I don't get the reasons why people hate him either (the reasons given here by peeps just don't make sense to me, anyway.) But if you can understand getting upset over your own faves dying, then hopefully you could understand other ppl getting upset about their faves-- like Darryl dying. For me, ifhe was given a proper death like Merle's, I think I'd be okay with it.
Luke is alive in Coldwater Ohio.
I saw a guy that looks just like him.
Cough cough
Sweden you mean.
This is why they made this scene, it's not my fault though.
Did he ever hurt someone you liked so much? Seriously, what he has done to hate you?"He is boring character", that's bullshit.
I never said Daryl is better than Rick. Rick decided to consider him a brother to him. HE SAID THAT!
That person must have only been watching Daryls scenes which are what, five minutes each, and fast forwarding the rest.
How the hell is he BORING!!!?? He is funny and makes badass moves and kills with his crossbow. Without him, Merle wouldn't have joined Rick's group. Norman Reedus won the IGN 2012 Best TV Hero. How the hell were Daryl and Beth relationship worst? You didn't even watch the series again. Without him, the claimers would have killed Rick, Michonne and Carl. Without him, Dawn would have probably lived and make her people owe her much for saving them and they would have probably suffered. Without him, Rick would have died because he saved him multiple times. And he is the ONLY one who took out the tank at the prison and killed a lot of soldiers (if you say it was ridiculos, then you don't know how to fight in the army). And for this crap here its what you get:

If this was harsh of me, it's not my fault AMC made this scene.
You know that Rick was pulling his gun on Dawn too right?
Pics or didnt happens