I honestly hoped that Clementine was dreaming and the moment she went to sleep in the dream sequence in 'No Going Back', I had hoped would be followed by credits. Either way I don't mind that Clementine wasn't dreaming.
I would have liked Luke a lot more, if it weren't for his nose.
How DARE you judge a man by his glorious nose! Do you have any idea how incredible a nose like that is for smelling out muffins in a 2 mile radius? No you don't do you, because you never thought about the muffins or what a fine beauty of a aquiline nose it is.
Prepared to be nose spammed! I hope you drown in nostrils and learn the error of yours way you....you, you anti-nose person! T.T
P.S I'd like Lilly to return too and A House Divided was my fav episode as well.
* I didn't like Jane or Kenny at all in Season 2, yet I ended up with Jane in the end.
* I don't have any attachment to AJ.
* I would have… more liked Luke a lot more, if it weren't for his nose.
* I want Lilly to return
* I'm tired of playing as Clementine
* My favorite characters of S2 were Sarah, Nick and Walter.
* "A House Divided" was my favorite episode of S2.
* I tried to get on Arvo's good side, but the game wouldn't let me.
* I think it's hilarious that Clementine has the same magical back pocket as Lee.
* I looked up Nick's impression of Carlos and listened to it for 10 minutes straight because of how funny it was to me.
* I preferred playing as Clem than I did playing as Lee, and after playing Season 2, I feel more attached to her character.
* In Harms Way … moreis one of the best episodes of the series.
* Carver was one of TWD's best villains.
* Starved for Help is overrated.
* Nick Breckon is a great writer and should be Season 3's head writer.
* I don't care about Christa, I wouldn't mind if she never shows up again.
* No Going Back is one of Telltale's best episodes.
* But perhaps my biggest confession...I actually care about AJ and will do anything to protect him.
Come at me.
* I preferred playing as Clem
* In Harm's Way and Amid The Ruins isn't bad
* No Going Back is the best Walking Dead episode
* People over exaggerated when Kenny yelled at Clem
* Kenny was one of the more developed characters in Season 2
I find neither Luke or Nick attractive at all. (Yea I'm a guy, and not homosexual either but I've seen some pretty good looking guys, I don't find Luke or Nick to be one of them)
* I didn't like Jane or Kenny at all in Season 2, yet I ended up with Jane in the end.
* I don't have any attachment to AJ.
* I would have… more liked Luke a lot more, if it weren't for his nose.
* I want Lilly to return
* I'm tired of playing as Clementine
* My favorite characters of S2 were Sarah, Nick and Walter.
* "A House Divided" was my favorite episode of S2.
* I tried to get on Arvo's good side, but the game wouldn't let me.
* I think it's hilarious that Clementine has the same magical back pocket as Lee.
* I looked up Nick's impression of Carlos and listened to it for 10 minutes straight because of how funny it was to me.
I would have liked Luke a lot more, if it weren't for his nose.
How DARE you judge a man by his glorious nose! Do you have any idea … morehow incredible a nose like that is for smelling out muffins in a 2 mile radius? No you don't do you, because you never thought about the muffins or what a fine beauty of a aquiline nose it is.
Prepared to be nose spammed! I hope you drown in nostrils and learn the error of yours way you....you, you anti-nose person! T.T
P.S I'd like Lilly to return too and A House Divided was my fav episode as well.
Here's a few confessions (or rather complaints) of my own with Season 2, brace yourselves:
* I couldn't find myself feeling all that at… moretached to Season 2 Clementine after Episode 2. I didn't even blink when she was shot by Arvo, because I knew she would get over it like it was nothing. I found myself being more attached to Sarah instead, she felt more real than S2 Clementine did.
* I had a mutual respect towards Kenny in Season 1, but his portrayal in Season 2 and the writer's suspicious favouritism towards him made me loathe him and hoping that he's written out permanently in Season 3.
* The deaths of Sarah, Sarita, Rebecca, and Nick marked the moment where I believed that Season 2 jumped the shark and made me lose interest in the story. The second half of Season 2 is where I also felt that the quality of the writing was starting to drop, starting with Carver's brutish and idiotic characterisation in Episode 3.
* The Russian bandits … [view original content]
* I would go Gay For Luke
* I never wanted Kenny Back
* I told Larry to Eat Marks Legs
* I Didn't feed Clementine back at the … moreMotor Inn, I fed Lilly, Larry, Doug, Kenny, and Duck
* I thought the Entire 1st Episode was Bland and Pointless
* I wish they had Taken over the Dairy farm.
* I was cheering when Aiden Was Eaten
* I hated Sasha since Season 3 and I've wanted her to Die Ever Since.
* I'd Rather have Shane as the Best Friend of Rick than daryl.
* Season 3 seems Like the Best Season other than 5
* I dislike Season 4 Immensly.
* I was So happy when Carol put a Bullet in the Back of Lizzie's Head.
* I wish Lori died Like she did in the Comics.
* I will never stop thinking that Glenn is the only one fit for Leadership of the group.
But we aren't talking about other people, because other people didn't lose their shit like that when their loved ones died and blamed it on a little girl who did the best she could to save them, we're talking about Kenny.
bringin myself back to these:
* If Nick survived the games events, I could forgive EVERYTHING else wrong with the game
* I would shoot… more Kenny and Sarah for Nick if i could only let one live, and they are all my top 3 characters
* If Jane was taken out of the game, I'd be fine if Kenny was taken out aswell, even though i love him
* Luke is boring, never liked a single scene he was in, always considered him as just "another member of the group"
I honestly hoped that Clementine was dreaming and the moment she went to sleep in the dream sequence in 'No Going Back', I had hoped would be followed by credits. Either way I don't mind that Clementine wasn't dreaming.
Amid the Ruins is my favourite episode. There... I said it.
How DARE you judge a man by his glorious nose! Do you have any idea how incredible a nose like that is for smelling out muffins in a 2 mile radius? No you don't do you, because you never thought about the muffins or what a fine beauty of a aquiline nose it is.
Prepared to be nose spammed! I hope you drown in nostrils and learn the error of yours way you....you, you anti-nose person! T.T
P.S I'd like Lilly to return too
and A House Divided was my fav episode as well.
I had such a massive crush on Carver that I didn't jump on him and he shot me.
I also really love Kenny and Nate.
When Luke banged Jane I was super jealous and was plotting her death.
I'd go les for both of them, tbh.
kenny: clem do dis lelel thank
wait wtf
I threw my school laptop on the ground while watching a livestream of Episode 5 when Luke fell through the ice.
I also binge on fanfiction's where Luke survives.
I think you've brought back the nose phobia I used to have as a little girl thanks to The Mask 2.
I was half-half, to be honest. I really thought that she could have died since it was the last episode, but then I also thought the same.
I really like that I'm not the only one that was crushing on that prick.
Doesn't everybody in Season 2 ask Clem to do stuff she shouldn't have to? And that's not how it goes obviously.
who Kenny or Nate
I really want Molly and Lilly to knock boots.
Take a wild guess, George.
Clementine: Why is it always me?
The Penitent man shall pass.
-My favorite characters are those with less screen time
-I didn't like season 2 at all, and it also made me hate clem
-I would have rather had Ben return rather than Kenny, but Kenny was still good
-I was 100% pro Kenny through S1 and S2
Probably have more but to lazy to think about them.
bringin myself back to these:
I think we will get along perfectly
Amen to That NateTheGreat... Amen to that. XD
I saw one person on tumblr call Carlos a "sexy mexican."
Probably as far as it went.
But we aren't talking about other people, because other people didn't lose their shit like that when their loved ones died and blamed it on a little girl who did the best she could to save them, we're talking about Kenny.
Caver? lmao wtf
ok yes go on
back the fUCK UP COLGATO
Well it's better than most noses but I just, it's a weird nose. It really is.
Hmmm, well they both have very different noses but still. Luke's nose is strange while Kenny's nose is... just as bad.
I judge noses by side view, really.
Ok, from that angle Luke's nose actually looks fine and Kenny's looks weird.
Stupid noses!