Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • edited April 2015

    I kinda know you :P

    Use the sword if you want to...

    Nick will teach Viviana a trick? What kind of trick could he possibly teach her I wonder... You better include a BigbyxSnow reunion!!

    I took a small risk making that joke, but Nick would make sure he got caught cuz he doesn't give a damn :P And he would definitely give the simple reason of "I was curious" XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LOL you know me. XD Haha, JJ! -sticks out tongue- JK JK It was pretty awesome. I too want one of those swords. I'll make sure to have THA

  • edited April 2015

    I'm def. going to use the sword for the next chap with Nick and Viviana. And yes. He's going to help with her powers and use it; Calla was able to tap into the spiritual world and Viviana AND Gren (forgot to mention Gren XD) will learn from Nick and Hades. How, well...don't wanna spoil now. :)

    And yes. Bigby and Snow reuinion! :D :D

    Nick wants to see how Emily can even TAKE a Grendel...XP(looks at the 1st comment) OHHH I see what you did

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I kinda know you :P Use the sword if you want to... Nick will teach Viviana a trick? What kind of trick could he possibly teach her I

  • Ok then :)

    BigbyxSnow reunion!!! The one you do will be better than Willingham's by far, I swear that man did not show anywhere near as much with them as I thought he would after they got married >:(

    Nick would walk out with a huge grin and say "I'm bigger than him by the way, just in case you were curious about me as well" XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I'm def. going to use the sword for the next chap with Nick and Viviana. And yes. He's going to help with her powers and use it; Calla was a

  • edited April 2015

    Challenge Preparation: Step 2

    @pudding_pie, @Tetra, @MasterStone, @EMMYPESS

    After you four have shown your complete approval of my idea in the first step, it's time to move onto the second!

    For this particular step, I would like for each of you to watch the following videos of movie scenes, songs, tv shows, and video game clips. Keep in mind that these are what I believe are crucial for your complete immersion of the 90's vampire world. Anything else that's similar you are welcome to reference as well.

    I would also recommend watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix or through any other means if you can!

    Now that you have watched the videos, here are some links to pages of vampire terminology I would like all of you to become familiar with for your stories.

  • I'm going to make it so romantic and adorable, ya'll will get diabetes! I didn't like how he portrayed them, either. I was expecting more, IDK....married couple things? Dinners, conversations, sex, arguments, making up. ANYTHING!

    LMAO Why did I picture Nick & Gren comparing once this is said...XD XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok then BigbyxSnow reunion!!! The one you do will be better than Willingham's by far, I swear that man did not show anywhere near as muc

  • They are alive, but.. now apart of Fenrir. Kinda complicated but similar to like how Cell from Dragon Ball when he absorbed the androids, lol.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    My first question is are Bigby and Emily still alive?! :O It was a good thing it was nightfall, or everyone would of saw a Yeti carryi

  • Well I think Bill portrayed a more 'normal' couple with Bigby and Snow tbh, normal people are close but not all over each other you know? Though when I talked to my Mum about the lack of stuff between them, she answered with a priceless sentence that I will never forget:

    "Just because it isn't shown doesn't mean it's not happening behind the scenes!" XD

    I have a photographic memory for games, comics, music etc. and I recall these specific moments of 'sex between them':

    • Volume 15, when Bigby wakes up he and Snow are clearly nude, and considering they both wore clothes to bed in Volume 10, and Snow wore a nightie in issue 148, suggests that they did it after coming back from their adventure with the Jack of Fables crew. Also if you look close enough, you can see that Snow is sharing Bigby's pillow with him!!! XD XD

    • Volume 16 is obvious, waking up nude and cuddling in the Sacred Grove after a pleasant reunion. I would've liked to see Snow's reaction to Bigby coming back after 6 months away you know?

    Really Bill? Only twice you show this?! I expect some serious make-up sex in issue 150! >:D

    Human Gren or true form Gren? Nick would just laugh at how true form Gren's thingy works like a dog's and Nick's is just there!! XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I'm going to make it so romantic and adorable, ya'll will get diabetes! I didn't like how he portrayed them, either. I was expecting more, I

  • I get it :)

    I never watched Dragon Ball Z in my youth... Don't get me wrong it was shown on British TV after school everyday, but anime like that didn't interest me at the time :/

    MasterStone posted: »

    They are alive, but.. now apart of Fenrir. Kinda complicated but similar to like how Cell from Dragon Ball when he absorbed the androids, lol.

  • Emily got absorbed :( But she's still and kicking just waiting for he Gren to save her. After getting cleaned up and getting a few drinks in, him and his fellow Grendel's are going on a wolf hunt.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Well, Fenrir you evil man you...that escalated quickly! Bigby was gone just like that; Kieorn has become the Nick Fury to this tale and WTF

  • Why War? Finale

    Kierons Dream...

    Kieron woke up to Azarias sweet smile, where was he? He asked himself. He took a look around they were outside of what seemed to be a house. He locked eyes with her and all of the sudden he lost all train of thought, the only thing he could think of was simply her. She grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him close, planting her lips on his. He spun them around so he could get the door open. They walked passionately kissing, without any sense of direction they hit a wall. They laughed. Azaria took off his jacket while he took off her shirt. Kieron lifted her and began to kiss her more. They landed on what seemed to be a bed. Kieron looked at her and thought she was the most beautiful girl he's ever layed eyes on. Azaria reached for his tshirt and he moved back. He hated his scars, they made him feel ugly like a monster, and didn't want her to see them unless she had to. She crept up on all fours and wispered in his ears.

    "It's okay...I love you..." He saw her sweet smile.

    He couldn't resist anymore. She took off his shirt and the rest of the night played itself out...

    When he woke up again he was with Azaria at a playground. She looked beautiful, her hair was down she was wear a beautiful summer dress but he noticed she had a flower in her hair. He took a closer look and saw that it was a lunar tear. This surprised him as they were very rare and almost impossible to cultivate as they took forever to do so. She held his hand, her soft touch brought him peace as if everything in wonderland had never happened. He's never felt so happy in his life. He touched her cheek and kissed her. While doing so he heard footsteps in his ear.

    "Ewww! Dads kissing mom!" He heard a boy say.

    "Hey you dummy they love each other of course they're going to do that!" He heard a girls voice ring.

    Azaria smiled and laughed. "Yes daddy and mommy love each other very much." She said placing her hand on her stomach.

    Kieron smiled and tears began to flow from his eyes.

    "Mom why is dad crying? The boy asked

    Kieron lifted the boy. "You guys make me too happy." He said.

    After that Kieron heard Azaria...

    "Kieron...Kieron wake up!" She said

    Voices began to fade...

    At the campfire...

    Kieron shook his head and saw Azaria had woken up before him. She saw her smile and his face got red.

    "Geez you sure like to sleep" Azaria said

    "Yeah, sorry" He said getting up and walked up to her. "Azaria I...." He stopped, he couldn't get the words out, he didn't understand what he was feeling, nor did he understand how to express himself like he wanted to. She stared at him.

    "You what?" She said

    "I...I'm going to go and get food." He said coming up with an excuse at a failed attempt to express himself. She smiled.

    "Okay but be careful okay?" She said

    He smiled. "I always am." He said picking up his sword and walking into the forest.

    When John noticed that Kieron had left he began to laugh. Azaria turned around.

    "What's so funny?" She asked in a serious tone.

    "Please tell me you're not serious. He was about to confess that he loves you!" He laughed.

    She knew that. But she also knew that he had a very difficult time doing that kind of stuff especially given his background of not being very social so she was fine with him keeping quiet. Although she hoped one day he would tell her in his own words.

    "Leave the man alone John he has a rough time with that kind of stuff." She said

    "Well...are the feelings mutual?" He said with a smirk on his face.

    Her face got red. "I do." She said without any hesitation or thought.

    "I see! Hopefully you two lovebirds will confess at some point within the next century!" He laughed.

    She picked up her broken bow. "Do I need to use this?" She said

    John laughed " No ma'am" He said

    Og had come back from the town, he then expressed that he had seen troops being lead by a commander, and that they were headed straight into it. John got up and brushed off the dirt from his pants.

    "Azaria you better find your boyfriend and tell him to get back here. Og and I will hold them off until Alice and the both of you get back." He said

    She nodded and headed off into the woods. Nyx clueless decided to follow Azaria...

    Azaria ran through the forest shouting his name. When Kieron heard Azarias voice he ran straight toward her voice. When he reached her she told him the details, and the three ran back towards the town.

    In town...

    John and Og stood at the front of the city. They saw a large army of men being led by a commander. This commander wore light armor, he was an Elf and he seemed to be holding a magical tome. John and Og got in a ready stance. Alices shadow soldiers stood behind them, some of the opposing armies soldiers were already scared just by looking at the shadow soldiers. When the elf gave them the order to charge so did John and Og.

    Alice just returning from the resistance base was shocked to see that there was a battle already so early in the morning. She summoned more soldiers and ran straight into the heat of the battle with them. John looked surprised.

    "Alice!? What are you doing here? You gotta move back so you don't die!" John said

    "I'm staying right here so I can give a constant supply of reinforcements. Max said he's sending troops to hold this place down, so we need to end this fast!" She said

    John nodded, he couldn't fight with a Queen. So he decided to continue fighting...

    Azaria, Nyx and Kieron weren't too far off, they both noticed that the others were fighting and began running faster to help them. Although Azaria stopped which made Kieron stop.

    "What's wrong?" Kieron asked

    "I don't have a weapon, you go on and help the others." Azaria said in a dissapointed voice.

    Kieron walked over and handed her Nyx. "Show her Nyx." He said

    Nyx nodded and turned into a bow. Azaria was shocked to see that Nyx could do such a thing. Kieron placed his hand on her shoulder.

    "Let's go, our friends need us." He smiled

    She smiled and nodded as they ran onto the battlefield. The kings army has drastically been depleted by the time Kieron and Azaria got there. Although they were greeted with smiles by the others. Kieron ran through the pack to get to the commander. When the commander noticed Kieron he began to use the tome in his hand to throw powerful magical strikes at him. Kieron anticipated where the magical strikes would land and had taken minimal damage. When he got up close to the wizard he struck a blow across his chest. From the ground the wizard saw his men fall one by one until he was the last one left. He noticed Azaria and pointed.

    "She...she is a heretic! How dare she still be alive!" He yelled

    "What do you mean?" Kieron said

    "Why don't you ask her yourself human?" He hissed

    Kieron stabbed him in the chest. "I will."

    Kieron began to walk over to his group of friends. They smiled and cheered for their victory, although the victory was short lived...the wizard raised his tome. When Kieron looked back over he saw a giant bolt of lightning come crashing down on Azaria, he began to run and held out his hand. He noticed John beat him to it since he was closer, he pushed Azaria out of the way but was sent flying due to the explosion. When the dust went away, Kieron looked in horror that John was impaled on some broken debris. This hit Kieron hard, all he could think of was it was all his fault...if he had made sure his enemy was dead before he walked away then John would still be alive...

    Og walked over, tears began to stream down his face. He pulled John off the building debris. Johns lifeless body rested in Ogs hands and as much as Og wanted to scream he couldn't, his childhood friend is now dead. He set John down and closed his lifeless eyes.

    Alice was horrified...and Wonderland became a little bit darker...

    That's it! I don't know if anyone here has ever played the game NieR but that is where the Lunar tear originates from. Legend has it that this beautiful flower can make anyone's wish come true, make sure to keep this in mind ;). Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • Ah this is going to be so awesome! I have watched the videos and shall save the links to the terminology so I can read up on it and memorize tonight! :D

    Challenge Preparation: Step 2 @pudding_pie, @Tetra, @MasterStone, @EMMYPESS After you four have shown your complete approval of my ide

  • I know a handful things about vampires, the basics, I also loved the Blade trilogy, especially the first one. There's show Netflix called Hemlock Grove that resolve around this type of vampire named 'Upir' and a small amount of other supernatural creatures. It's kinda gory compared to Buffy.( No spoiler, lol)

    My OC Marco is kinda of a cassanova and anarch, but changes when he meets some people. I'm looking forward to this since my Fable Avengers will be finished by then.

    Challenge Preparation: Step 2 @pudding_pie, @Tetra, @MasterStone, @EMMYPESS After you four have shown your complete approval of my ide

  • Haha that's my girl! >:D Get yo' Grendel ass in there, Gren! XD Can't wait, man! This is going to be epic! :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    Emily got absorbed But she's still and kicking just waiting for he Gren to save her. After getting cleaned up and getting a few drinks in, him and his fellow Grendel's are going on a wolf hunt.

  • The glossary for the certain names and what not will really come in handy. I love these Blade movies and watching them gave me some ideas that I've written down and now coming up with a character and plot! :D I'm looking forward to this challenge!

    Challenge Preparation: Step 2 @pudding_pie, @Tetra, @MasterStone, @EMMYPESS After you four have shown your complete approval of my ide

  • I never wanted a XXX page of them, either! XD I guess I wanted to see more of what couples DO, like the things I mentioned above, you know? Not just the sex but other things too. I guess in the end, we all pan out differently what a couple 'should' do and what not. :3

    I do recall volume 16 and laughed my ass off. That tree's face. XD

    I guess Nick would laugh at both. XD Maybe not so much the true form. lol Either way, miss Emily likes it, so he must be doing SOMETHING right.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well I think Bill portrayed a more 'normal' couple with Bigby and Snow tbh, normal people are close but not all over each other you know? Th

  • Maybe Bill left it open for fiction writers like us to interpret what happens 'behind the scenes' you know?

    Am I the only person who didn't find that scene hilarious? I found it to be super sweet! Though the tree was definitely smirking XP

    Lol Gren and his piece of meat... XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I never wanted a XXX page of them, either! XD I guess I wanted to see more of what couples DO, like the things I mentioned above, you know?

  • Haha yes and you know what? I'm going to take that and run with it when Nick shows Viviana how to communicate with the dead, enter their world and come back with Bigby. :3

    I thought it was indeed super sweet but that tree's face, though. XD That was me in my high school years. XD XD I be like 'I just saw two people doing'

    I was going to make a remark but....let's not GO there, Chad. XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Maybe Bill left it open for fiction writers like us to interpret what happens 'behind the scenes' you know? Am I the only person who didn

  • Go for it!

    I have seen that first panel when they wake up a number of times, but only recently did I see just how close Snow was to Bigby, her legs specifically were practically wrapped around his! XD

    Just cuz you want Gren to punish Georgie for being a wanker in TWAU doesn't mean you can start deciding who the man would be in the relationship XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Haha yes and you know what? I'm going to take that and run with it when Nick shows Viviana how to communicate with the dead, enter their wor

  • So much has happened! Fenrir now holds Bigby and Emily, while leaving Gren with a severe injury to boot! Luckily Dixa was there to keep him from kicking the bucket!

    As for the choice although I believe Nick could handle them easily, there's no harm in letting Etan and Tezoth kicking some ass!

    Also great job with Kieron! I look forward to more! :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    [Tell what you seen] The Body and Claws of Fenrir Connor told his father that he seen a giant outside, his father could he was telling

  • Damn, this was some chapter :O

    She picked up her broken bow. "Do I need to use this?" She said

    I had to laugh at this though :P

    That dream at the beginning is obviously just a dream, your glimpse of the future chapter suggests that Kieron ends up alone in his later life... Unless we're being led astray perhaps?

    2 commanders down, 3 to go... Bring it on.

    I await more dude! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Why War? Finale Kierons Dream... Kieron woke up to Azarias sweet smile, where was he? He asked himself. He took a look around they wer

  • Thanks man! :D

    Don't worry, I laughed while writing it XD

    Oh no you're not, a dream is simply a dream, this is what he wishes would happen. :3

    The fight is almost half way over, and their squad suffered their first casualty. Surely Kieron can keep everyone else from dieing right? ;)

    Awesome! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Damn, this was some chapter :O She picked up her broken bow. "Do I need to use this?" She said I had to laugh at this though :

  • edited April 2015

    No rush! You have plenty of time to get your ideas and terms in line before I post the challenge in the OP in May. Even then, if you forget a couple terms - I'll send you guys the links again in a PM. :)

    Tetra posted: »

    Ah this is going to be so awesome! I have watched the videos and shall save the links to the terminology so I can read up on it and memorize tonight!

  • I don't doubt your knowledge for a second. I've mainly posted these videos so you guys could come up with ideas for your story in a 90's setting - because that'll be the main highlight of the challenge as you already have noticed.

    I might consider watching Hemlock, but I'll just stick with Buffy for now since I recently got into it. Thanks for mentioning it regardless.

    Speaking of your story, I need to read it ASAP! I've been falling behind on stories again as of late.

    MasterStone posted: »

    I know a handful things about vampires, the basics, I also loved the Blade trilogy, especially the first one. There's show Netflix called H

  • edited April 2015

    I've PLAYED Vampire the Masquerade! Lmao that game was boss XD

    I'll watch the other vids tomorrow, but I'm gonna go read those links you provided now. #sopumped!

    EDIT: I just have one question. Can other occult types be included, even though Vampires are the main focus?

    Challenge Preparation: Step 2 @pudding_pie, @Tetra, @MasterStone, @EMMYPESS After you four have shown your complete approval of my ide

  • edited April 2015

    And I'm looking forward to see the results. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The glossary for the certain names and what not will really come in handy. I love these Blade movies and watching them gave me some ideas that I've written down and now coming up with a character and plot! I'm looking forward to this challenge!

  • Ah-ha! So you know where I'm getting at when it comes to the 90's vibe I'm trying to ask the others to do!

    You should listen to the music whilst reading the term definitions imo. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I've PLAYED Vampire the Masquerade! Lmao that game was boss XD I'll watch the other vids tomorrow, but I'm gonna go read those links you

  • I should, lol XD Also, I don't know if you read this before or after I edited the comment, but you can see my question now that it has been edited ^-^

    Ah-ha! So you know where I'm getting at when it comes to the 90's vibe I'm trying to ask the others to do! You should listen to the music whilst reading the term definitions imo.

  • edited April 2015

    Oh yes! Werewolves, witches, demons, the actual undead, vampire hunters, and anything else that's bound to get in the way of a vampire can be written in your vampire-exclusive story (if need be).

    Keep this in mind as well: @Tetra, @MasterStone, @pudding_pie

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I should, lol XD Also, I don't know if you read this before or after I edited the comment, but you can see my question now that it has been edited ^-^

  • Kieron is going to end up alone?! :O

    Damn dude, you're cruel...

    Tetra posted: »

    Thanks man! Don't worry, I laughed while writing it XD Oh no you're not, a dream is simply a dream, this is what he wishes would happ

  • edited April 2015

    I think I need a moment to sit in the corner :/

    Chapter 12: Sind wir an Lieben? December, 12th, 1689.

    We were mostly comfortable in the cold of winter. Berlin was the Sahara compared to Nordenland. But what was peculiar with the winter in Berlin was one thing that the impossibly dense Nordenland Forestation lacked.


    Thus we were surprised whenever a snowstorm happened. This blanket of white smothering the landscape was alien to us. Gertraud had only ever experienced snow thrice in her lifetime. I had only experienced it once in my hunting cabin of which we witnessed burn.
    This was a great hindrance on business this year. Usually the winter herded many to our Tavern for shelter, but this winter the snow had been so thick it prohibited travel in many areas. We were in one of the worst affected areas with snow up to my shoulder. Gertraud and I were ‘snowed in’.

    “What does one do when they are kept under virtual house arrest?” I asked the air.

    “Relax with his friend since they both has an excuse to take the day off?” came a feminine voice, laced with usual sarcasm and alveolar trills.

    I thought her to be asleep. “Even when I speak to literally nothing, you are there with yet another answer, always there to annoy me” I responded, smiling.

    There was Gertraud at the foot of the stairs. “I thought you enjoyed my annoyance.” she countered, smiling back.

    “I do. And yes, I believe I should relax for a moment since I have the excuse.”

    We sat on the floor of the newly constructed storeroom, helping ourselves to bread, water and the odd ale or two.

    “I guess you to be thinking this weather quite unfortunate?” she asked.

    “No. I get to eat all the bread I want and get to spend time in your company.”

    “I am good company, no?”

    “I think you are.”

    "And I believe that to be mutual."

    It was then that the thought crossed my mind

    “So what do you think of me specifically?” I asked Gertraud.

    She finished drinking from her cup

    We had joked, complimented each other’s work, toiled, argued and lived together for 189 years yet never expressed our thoughts directly. It was a happening that amazes me to this day.

    “Very well. I guess it is overdue.” she slowly acknowledged. “You are fun to annoy….”

    I gathered that from her countless mockeries.

    She continued. “You saved my life……I enjoy your reactions to my teasing……you are quite resourceful in the way you handle the bars rowdy patrons… CAN be quite intelligent.....your humour is quite similar to mine. Then again you had little personality when we met. Exposure to me must have shaped that. I would also say the same with your intellect.”

    “Oh, you wound me with your cruel words!” I mocked.

    “See?” She was beaming, like a tinkerer would over one of his creations. “What do YOU think of I?”

    This was a very controversial subject in my mind. She was intelligent, able minded, considering of my comfort as shown by her allowing me to sleep in that bed, feisty, humiliating, sharp, witty, the first example of human connection I have had since my parents and quite….’physically alluring’. One might say I had something of a proverbial ‘crush’.

    “Hey, Hunter.”

    I snapped out of my trance.

    “I can appreciate you trying to think of things to compliment aside from my physicality but I am not a patient person.” she joked.

    I laughed at her remark. “Well, as you can tell from just then, you are very humorous. You are a masterful mind able to think your way out of many a situation. You helped me and I helped you survive in this world. I have found humour on your account. You are quite the resilient one, very resolute………”

    “No compliments on my body? I must have mistaken your gender.” she said.

    ”Did you wish me to compliment it? Do you wish for me to notice your perceived sexual appeal?”

    She gave a chuckle in return. “Ah, my humour is reflected gloriously on you.”

    A blush was forming on her face.

    “Our pale skin pale skin is annoying, is it not?” I quoted.

    Her expression changed from one of fun to surprise. Her cheeks continued to redden.

    “Have I broken Gertraud Richter?” I quoted again.

    “You sly dog.” She responded.

    “And yes, your body is quite sexually appealing as is made evident from the amount of attention given unto you from the patrons.” I swore I was wearing the biggest ‘shit-eating’ grin seen.

    “And you are quite the well-built man.” she rewarded. “It seems it is your turn to blush, Hunter.”

    I made no attempt to hide it. I was actually quite comfortable in that situation.

    “Oh, what would others say if they knew we spoke of things like this?” I sighed.

    “Nothing, they would either be too mortified to speak or I would stop them.”

    “I think that this is why I believe myself to have an attraction towards you-” I said reaching for a piece of bread. I went wide-eyed at what I said, mentally slamming my head against an imaginary table.

    “I think that such is mutual-” Her expression changed in an instant upon her finishing the sentence. Eyes almost appearing held open, mouth in a horizontal line. Her face was a mirror to my expression, her eyes staring into mine and mine into hers.

    My heart rate picked up. It was beating so viciously I thought my chest would buckle. For a minute we sat there, hoping the other would break eye contact. For a minute we sat there, staring at the other.

    “I…think…” she began.

    “That we have crossed a line?” I said. Hoping with all my being I said the right thing.

    “No, we are far from any line to speak of.” She said shaking her head. “I think….this has been a long time coming.”

    I was not expecting that. But it was something I was more than willing to accept.

    “How?” I inquired.

    “We have been living in each other’s company for nearly two centuries. You and I are really the only people either of us knows. I think that…..” she paused. “Look at the way we act towards one another. Look at our gestures, our wordings and our intertwining lifestyle. I believe that we moved on from friendship quite some time ago”

    Again, as always, she was right. We did flirt with each other frequently, exchanged small gestures and had lived under conditions tantamount to most marriages.

    “I think you are right.” I said.

    I sat their trying to think of something to ease the tension. It was Gertraud whom spoke first.

    “I think we should just continue as we normally do.”

    “How can we do that after what we just said?” I asked, not believing such was possible.

    “That has been done, and frankly, I feel better now that I have it of my chest.” she explained. “Don’t you?”

    My response was delayed. “……Somewhat.”

    “Good. Go along with that and you should fare fine.”

    AUTHOR’S NOTE: I feel like taking a shower after writing that. This was far below par but it was the safest way I could think of proceeding.

    I am sincerly sorry :(

  • Are you nervous because you described attraction in the sweetest way possible dude?

    Dude, I have a story on where I wrote a 2,000+ word smut scene, a very shameless smut scene, between Bigby and Snow. This is tame compared to what some people have written, even Pie has written more nerve-racking content than this, so don't feel so bad about it ok! :D

    I really liked this chapter! Seeing Alfred and Gertraud come to terms with their 'relationship' was a changing moment for them both, but for Gertraud to blow him off at the end did break my heart a little...

    I look forward to what comes next! XD

    I think I need a moment to sit in the corner Chapter 12: Sind wir an Lieben? December, 12th, 1689. We were mostly comfortable in the

  • What is this story called, might I ask? I believe I may have read it (I have scowered the net for all the fables fanfiction I could find. I have more than likely read it.)

    I cannot express the relief coursing through my body at the moment. I was convinced I did not do good enough yet failed to see any other way to do it.

    Glad you enjoy the story. Keep on reading, keep on commenting and keep on feeding my massive ego XD.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Are you nervous because you described attraction in the sweetest way possible dude? Dude, I have a story on where I wrote

  • (Everyone on this thread is about to go "Oh for God's sake, this again?!")

    Did you review it? Or were you a guest on the site?

    What did you think of the story?

    Never mind. yes, I have read it. Giggity

  • It is called The Devil Among Us, split into Acts. The author is HazzatheMan (me)

    You did absolutely fine! XD

    I will not feed your ego, but I will do everything else :P

    What is this story called, might I ask? I believe I may have read it (I have scowered the net for all the fables fanfiction I could find. I

  • Never mind. yes, I have read it.


    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Are you nervous because you described attraction in the sweetest way possible dude? Dude, I have a story on where I wrote

  • I thought you meant a different, more recent fiction (The Wolf and his Mermaid, still by you).

    I did read the Devil among Us but that was a while ago. I will read it again and tell you what I think.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    (Everyone on this thread is about to go "Oh for God's sake, this again?!") Did you review it? Or were you a guest on the site? What did you think of the story?

  • You will have to wait and see what happens ;). For Wonderland is a strange place, and weird things can happen happen at the end of one's journey. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Kieron is going to end up alone?! :O Damn dude, you're cruel...

  • Awwww, I'm sad now :(

    Tetra posted: »

    You will have to wait and see what happens . For Wonderland is a strange place, and weird things can happen happen at the end of one's journey.

  • edited April 2015

    Yeah I'm writing that one for armis37 on this forum :D

    That particular fic has no adult content yet... XP

    I should write the next chapter for TDAU Act 2, I have so much left to do on that fic :/

    I thought you meant a different, more recent fiction (The Wolf and his Mermaid, still by you). I did read the Devil among Us but that was a while ago. I will read it again and tell you what I think.

  • edited April 2015

    I see.

    BTW, partially through act 1 of the Devil among Us. I have noticed one or two inconsistancies but for a first fanfiction I believe you fared better than I did when I began the Hunter and the Merchant.

    PS. I am finding that the notifications do not show up unless I change/refresh the webpage. That was not the case when I started up. Do you have any advice?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yeah I'm writing that one for armis37 on this forum That particular fic has no adult content yet... XP I should write the next chapter for TDAU Act 2, I have so much left to do on that fic

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