Forum of Thrones: An Interactive Story



  • Thanks so much for the shout-out, it really helps me a lot and motivates my lazy ass to write C:

    And can't wait for the next part :D

    The Voting is closed! Jaron will try to eavesdrop on the conversation The next part is unfortunately barely written so far, since I ha

  • I wonder who the new POV is

    The Voting is closed! Jaron will try to eavesdrop on the conversation The next part is unfortunately barely written so far, since I ha

  • I think it´s Kyra Gregjoy

    DiverseGnu posted: »

    I wonder who the new POV is

  • Greyjoy

    I can hear Harren sharpening his sword

    supersagig posted: »

    I think it´s Kyra Gregjoy

  • Never!

    Laughs like a madman

    Damn it, you just spoiled the big plot twist of the next Jaron part, involving the ghosts of Lady Halla and Ser Ilhan! Please use a spoiler tag when revealing such things!

  • edited April 2015


    “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in the eyes and Torvin couldn't blame him. Even Harren Hoare's eyes were simply an unusually dark shade of brown. But he wasn't so sure if the same applied to Harmund. Staring too long in eyes like these couldn't be healthy in any way. People say that there is always a bigger predator. But in Harmund's case, it was hardly imaginable.

    He forced himself to give Harlan a smile. “I'm sure it will be”, he answered and for a moment he asked himself what exactly his problem was. That was the Old Way in it's truest form. Raping, killing, taking whatever he wanted... a thousand years ago, Harmund Hoare could have been the greatest king the world had ever seen. But the Old Way was dying ever since Harwyn Hoare carved an empire out of the Riverlands, with blood and iron. The Hoare's were no reavers anymore, they were rulers. Or at the very least they were supposed to be.

    In the past ten minutes, Harmund Hoare had managed to gather a group of people in the courtyard, Ironborn of course, some of them visibly excited, men who hadn't raided for months and were looking forward for a little hunt. Gabin had eyed them nervously, sometimes looking up to the towers and Torvin was curious if the man had the guts to do what Harmund Hoare would demand. “Loosing your nerves, Gabin?”, he asked calmly. The man gave him a startled glare, looking over to Harlan who wasn't even paying attention.

    “Of course not”, he hissed as an answer. “But I don't like this” Of course he didn't. Torvin felt uncomfortable and he was Ironborn. He could only imagine how much worse it would be for a Riverlander. Sure, there was nothing wrong with raiding, reaving, raping in general. Torvin felt no regret for the North, for the Reach, the Rock, for Dorne and the Stepstones. But the Riverlanders were their people and they were many. Sheep, yes, or rather fish. But for every Ironborn wolf there were five of them in the Riverlands, maybe even more.

    “Why are you in this anyway. I see how much you hate doing this. Basically living in Harlan Hoare's backside, torturing, raping, killing. If you hate it so much, why don't you back out of it?”, Torvin asked and Gabin's stare hardened. “You want to know why I'm helping you?”, he asked. “Do you know Lord Orkwood? Reymand Orkwood?” Torvin gave him a nod. Reymand the Drunk, as he was called, a poor excuse for an Ironborn. The man would have been pathetic even in the eyes of the most pathetic Riverlander. A runtish weakling, a loudmouth with a foul temper, one of Harren Hoare's most powerful bannermen.

    “Met him a few times”, Torvin admitted. “Can't say it has ever been a pleasure” Gabin's frown turned into a quick smile. “Lord Reymand is indeed quite underwhelming...”, he said and his smile vanished again. “All he is today is the work of his grandfather, who saved Harwyn Hoare's life at Fairmarket. His father used to hunt with Halleck Hoare and he... well, the king's most trusted drinking companion...” His voice got increasingly bitter. “A rapist and a fucking pig on top”

    This got Torvin's attention. “I'm not sure if he has the parts for that”, he said and Gabin gave him a glare. “Trust me, he is a rapist”, he answered and let out a sigh. “My family comes from a small village near Seagard. Technically we're nobility, but the most we ever had was a larger farm. And we lost much, thanks to the Durrandon's and Hoare's of this world, who suppressed us for three hundred years...” He paused for a moment, before continuing with a bleak voice. “Our farm was long gone, our good name was long gone. My great uncle was the last Strad who was a knight. He died to protect Peyton Mallister's life during the siege of Seagard. Died in vain...” Torvin had enough decency to try his best to look guilty. Seagard has been his families finest hour, as well as the Strad's darkest.

    “Still we were living in that village. Me, my family... My brother Urid had enough common sense to leave the Riverlands with his girl. Last thing I've heard from him was that his wife gave birth to twins. My brother Saint was dumb enough to join the Night's Watch over a lost bet. And I was even dumber, for staying here. Whole fucking kingdom is rotten with men like that black-eyed bastard over there ruling over us” Torvin gave him an alarmed stare, looking at Harlan who hasn't heard a single thing. The prince was currently busy kicking a stray cat, while Harmund was talking to a group of hunters.

    “I never had much, but I had a girl. The most beautiful girl in the Riverlands”, he said and his eyes got a dreamy look in them for a short moment. Torvin chuckled and shook his head. “Everyone says that about his girl”, he answered. Gabin glared at him angrily. “When Orkwood visited Lord Mallister, he passed our village. He saw her and he wanted her. So he raped her, while his guards knocked me out. But he wasn't satisfied, he was insatiable. And he knew, he wanted her forever. So he took her as his Salt Wife, as your traditions allow him to do”, he answered angrily.

    This slightly surprised Torvin. “But you said you were his bodyguard”, he said and raised his eyebrows. Gabin gave him a nod. “One of several. The one who cleans his pisspot. The one whom he insults whenever he is in a bad mood. The one who guards his chamber when he...” He closed his eyes. “Reymand Orkwood is a cruel man and he knows how to hold a grudge. I punched him in the face in an attempt to save her and ever since he takes his vengeance on me, by humiliating me day for day. And your king allows him to do so” Torvin avoided eye contact. Gabin was angry and he had every right to be. And Torvin understood why he was with them, despite his fear.

    Loud laughter caused him to look up. Harmund Hoare had grabbed a young man by the shoulders and was slowly pushing him towards Harlan. “Hey Harlan!”, he shouted and Harlan gave him a startled look. “Yes, Harmund?”, he asked with a forced smile. Torvin looked at the man... no the boy. He was tall, very tall actually, but his height didn't manage to conceal his young age. He was likely not even twenty years old and had shaggy blonde hair which he kept at shoulder-length. And his blue eyes were filled with fear.

    Harmund waited until the boy walked up towards Harlan, before kicking him violently in the knee, causing the boy to fall face forward into the mud. “Harlan, this is Hjalgar. Hjalgar, this is my disappointment of a brother”, he growled, violently pushing him up again. “And you'll look him in the eyes, you heard me? Don't you even dare to flinch again, you little shit”

    The boy shivered, but seemed to force himself to look Harlan in the eyes. In return he only got an unimpressed look. “Yes, I see”, Harlan stated. “What is with him? Are we taking him with us?” Harmund gave him a grin and smacked Hjalgar on the back of the head. “Indeed we will. You see, I just noticed him and gave him the honour of asking him a question. And he almost pissed himself. So I asked him if he was a fish or one of us. And, guess what, he claims to be Ironborn... He might be even more of a disappointment than you and your new pet here combined”

    With the last sentence the prince looked at Torvin, who looked him straight in the eyes without fear. He wasn't afraid of Harmund. After a few seconds, the prince looked away, instead focusing his stare on the boy. “Turns out he has never hunted a fish before, despite claiming to be a good hunter. So I kindly offer him the honour of accompanying us” With these last words he moved his mouth closer to Hjalgars ear. “Do you accept this offer, boy?”, he growled.

    Hjalgar managed to give him a fearful nod. “Yes m'lord”, he answered. Harmund answered with an almost brotherly smile. “See?”, he asked. “Wasn't that hard, was it?” He looked at Harlan, then at Torvin and finally back at Hjalgar. And with a quick, brutal strike he slapped him in the face with his armoured glove, causing the boy to fall down and cry out in pain. “It's not 'm'lord'! What are you, a little fishcunt? You will address me with 'Prince'! Consider yourself lucky, because next time I won't warn you! Next time you address me wrong will be the last time you have a tongue...” And he managed to sound just like his father.

    Harmund looked back at his brother. “I figured you and your little whores will love this runt. Make sure he hunts something, but keep him with you at the end of the group” Harlan gave him a determined nod. “Of course, brother!”, he was quick to say, before realizing what Harmund just said. “Wait... the end of the group? I thought I'll be your second-in-command”

    Harmund let out a loud laugh, similar to his father's. “My second-in-command? Brother, the day I will give you command over anything more than your own sorry life will be the day our house burns to the ground. Vessels will ride at my side” With these words he pointed at a man in the distance. Torvin couldn't see him clearly, but he knew who it was. Rell Vessels, only son of one of Hoare's best captains, constantly accompanying Harmund whenever there is an atrocity to commit. Currently, Rell was wearing dark green clothing, befitting of a noble hunter. His long brown hair was falling up to his shoulders and he was carefully eyeing Harmund with a cautious look in his strangely golden eyes. As he noticed Torvin's stare, his mouth formed a cruel smirk.

    “You understood everything, brother?”, Harmund asked and Harlan gave him a short nod. “Good!”, the prince roared. “Good! Tonight we're going to find tons of fish. Let the Riverlands tremble, for Harmund Hoare arrived!” He turned around, quickly walking up to his horse. Harlan shook his head. “He's a real sweetheart, isn't he?”, he asked helplessly before walking to his horse. Hjalgar was looking up to Torvin, his stare a mixture of anger, hatred and fear. He was bleeding where Harmund hit him and was breathing heavily. “What is it?”, the boy hissed with barely concealed anger. Torvin gave him an apologizing nod. He felt a bit of pity for this boy...

    [Try to be nice to Hjalgar] [Ignore Hjlagar]


    Oldtown was a pile of shit, only that it smelled worse, like a mixture of diseases, old men and dog shit. Samantha wrinkled her nose as she slowly made her way through the crowded streets. Even now, where the sun had almost set, she saw a multitude of dirty peasants walking around. Disgusting! On days like these, she missed Pentos, where even the beggars reeked of perfume. And she missed home, her families small farm near Karhold, six years and a thousand miles away. She had to close her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. The foul air did wonders in preventing her from remembering that day... her parents, her brothers, her little sister... She took another deep breath and suppressed the urge to throw up. Justice... yes, justice was all she could give her family now. Justice was somewhere in this city. Closer than ever, yet out of her reach. And for one moment, she forgot to inhale the almost narcotizing air.

    She had been out, chopping wood when she heard the screams. Running back as fast as she could. Not fast enough... Their bodies... her father bleeding out, her mother stabbed to death, her brothers beheaded, their blood smeared all over their small living room. Her little sister, lying on the ground...

    She took a deep breath again and blinked a tear away, her hand moving to her necklace... her mother's necklace. She had found him, the man who did this. She made him pay, with her axe, with knives and needles and with her fists. He had told her things that had enraged her even more. There was no reason for the death of her family, no reason except someone wanting to test a new weapon, a killer. Someone wanted to test a killer, wanted to find out if he was able to kill without mercy and worse. And he had picked a farm at random for that. She had made the killer pay dearly, oh yes... For a moment a grim smile flashed across her face. Before he died, the man had told her a single word and it took her years to find out that it had been a name...

    Family was important. Her father used to say it. Samantha would never make the mistake of seeing herself as a moral person. But if there was one thing she was proud of, it was her sense of family, not only her own. She liked Lunett. A sweet girl with a good heart. She deserved her family and Samantha was proud that she was able to be the one to bring her back. But Lunett wasn't her only reason. Lunett was a wonderful young woman, but Samantha would have never begged John to ride after her if this was only for her. No... of course Lunett was her first goal, Samantha would do everything to keep her safe. The same goes to these two knights. Lucas and Leonard. Great guys, probably in trouble. Sooner or later, every person in this city got in trouble. But they weren't her main goal. The man who ordered the killer to test his abilities on a small, nameless farm at random, this monster lived somewhere in this city, hiding behind a ridiculous name... and she would show him how important her family had been to her!

    “Butterfly, Butterfly...”, Samantha mumbled. Six years were a terribly long time to hold on to a vengeance. Six years to poison her mind with all the things she would do to him. Given the opportunity of course... And now she was here and, seven hells, right now she was too tired for some killing. Riding after these fucking knights had been harder than she thought. Two days. She had almost killed her horse in the hopes of catching up to them before they reached the city. And now she was almost as tired as the poor animal. There was justice waiting for her... tomorrow of course...

    Butterfly, Butterfly...

    The inn was one of the more luxurious of the city. An inn where wealthy sellswords would reside. Samantha wasn't a wealthy sellsword, but she liked to be a clean sellsword and a sellsword who won't get sick from drinking Oldtown's famous piss-beer. Aylard had given her some money for her services, enough to buy her a room for a week in this inn. Naturally, it wasn't comparable to Pentos, where even the beggars would have refused to sleep in this inn. But it was something. After giving the stable boy a copper coin, he was quick to care for her horse, while she could finally relax in the taproom. Maybe finding someone to share a drink with. Maybe justice was near, maybe death was near. Regardless, it was worth a drink. Maybe she could ignore the terrible bard playing a terrible version of 'The Bear and the Maiden Fair'. John would have knocked the poor bard's teeth out by now. And maybe, just maybe, she could get that smell out of her nose.

    There was only one completely free table in this room and Samantha approached it with quick steps, sitting down and letting out a relieved sigh. Yes, this was good. Now she only needed to get out of that armour, maybe a warm bath... yes, life could be so sweet.

    “That table is already taken”, a female voice hissed. As Samantha looked up, she noticed a woman sitting at the table next to her and... well, hello... She was clearly a warrior, wearing an armour made out of boiled leather. Her dark blonde hair was tied to a long braid falling down over her back. Her olive skin gave her away as a foreigner, as well as the pretty strong accent. Samantha always had a thing for accents... And on her knees there lay one of these sickle-swords, these Dothraki cavalry sword things.

    “Excuse me?”, she asked, giving the woman a bright smile. She did not smile back. “You heard me. That table is already taken”, she said again with a cold tone in her voice. Samantha looked around. There was nobody who seemed even close to claim this table. “And who sits here?”, she asked, trying to maintain her bright smile.

    “Not you”, the woman answered. “Nobody. I just don't want anyone sitting next to me. So do me a favour and get the fuck away from that table” Samantha noticed that her own smile had vanished. “What the hell is your problem?”, she asked, her voice sounding slightly irritated. The woman let out a sigh and put a hand on the hilt of her sword. “Listen...”, she sighed. “I don't want to beat you up for sitting here, but I'm not asking again. Move away”

    Samantha's smile returned. Ah, unfriendly people, they were always the same. With men she usually had to bat her eyelashes, give them a smile, the hint of a promise she would never fulfil and they were nice to her. Women were a bit harder, albeit Samantha was always good at getting what she wanted. And right now she wanted to sit down right here. She noticed the barmaid, a pretty young girl with long brown hair approaching her with the cup of wine she had ordered earlier and made a handwave in the woman's direction. “The wine's for her”, she stated, earning her a surprised glare from the woman.

    “You're giving me your wine?”, she said, her voice oozing with suspicion. Samantha smiled at her and this time she noticed that the woman's cold glare seemed slightly less cold. “Try not to be too disappointed”, she chuckled. “My name is Samantha Ducard”

    The woman let out a sigh. “Sasha”, she answered and Samantha gave her a curious look. “Sasha? Unusual name. You're not from Westeros, right?” Sasha shook her head. “If you have to know it, no. I was born in Essos, in a nameless village somewhere between Sarnor and the Dothraki Sea. And that is all I'm telling you”

    Essos... now that would explain the accent. And the dothraki sword thing... Sasha noticed Samantha's stare and slightly raised the sword. “It's called Arakh”, she explained, sounding mildly annoyed. Her stare softened as she looked at the wine. “Look, thanks for the wine, but you still have to move”

    Samantha gave her a surprised look. “Wait, what?”, she managed to answer in surprise. Sasha let out a sigh again. “Nothing against you. I want my privacy. And I am going to meet a pretty dangerous man in a few minutes, a man who doesn't like being rejected. And if things get ugly I want to be alone”

    Samantha responded with a bright laugh, slightly presenting her hatchets. She had cleaned them of course, but she liked to imagine that a drop of Bear's blood was still on them. Dangerous man! That was cute...

    Sasha gave her an irritated stare and was about to say something when she looked up. “Oh fucking hell...”, she mumbled and Samantha noticed a man approaching them. He wasn't the most ugly man she had ever seen, but he was certainly gross. Soft brown hair covered his large head, his brown eyes lay deep in their holes and he had a tired look in them. A pathetic stubble covered the lower half of his face and the rest was disfigured by acne scars. And as he was approaching them, Samantha noticed that he was walking with a slight limp.

    “Sasha”, he exclaimed and gave her a bright, yet ugly smile. “You look great, as always” Sasha glared at him before laying her Arakh on the table. “Jaylon”, she answered. “You look like some breed of dog, as always”

    Jaylon narrowed his eyes and looked at Samantha. “You have company?”, he asked, his voice sounding cold as he eyed her. Sasha shook her head. “She's nobody, nothing the great Longbow Jaylon Gordus has to worry about. I've heard you almost managed to get killed by a child, right? How's your leg?”

    Jaylon did not answer to that, instead he gave Samantha a cold glare. “I want to talk to you alone. Or is she a mercenary? Will she join us?”, he said slowly. Sasha shook her head. “And I don't want to talk to you, I just want to be alone. She's nobody and was about to leave either way”, she answered, looking at Samantha. “Right?” But there was this look in her eyes that made Samantha believe that Sasha didn't want to be left alone with this guy...

    [Stay] [Leave]

  • ( try to be nice to him)

    This was really good . Very well written and entertaining .

    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • edited April 2015


    [Try to be nice to Hjalgar]

    Awesome chapter!

    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • [Ignore Hjlagar]

    Man I don't give a fuck.


    So someone made a character named 'Sasha'. Interesting....

    Samantha already has a job to do. That is to fall in love with the charm that is Leonard and protect him for every damn book.

    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • [Ignore Hjlagar]


    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • [Ignore Hjlagar]

    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • [Ignore Hjlagar] Fuck you Hjlargar pr whatever you are called

    [Stay] Why not?

    Awesome Chapter!

    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • edited April 2015

    [Ignore Hjalgar] [Stay]

  • [Try to be nice to Hjalgar] [Stay]
    Yay Hjalgar !!

    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • [Ignore Hjlagar]


  • [Try to be nice to Hjalgar] [Stay]

    Great part!

    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • [ignore hjalgar]

    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • [Try to be nice to Hjalgar]


    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • [Try to be nice to Hjalgar]

    [Stay] How long did it pass since Ellena stabbed Jaylon? Is he healed now?

    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • [Try to be nice to Hjalgar]


  • [Try to be nice to Hjalgar]


    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • edited April 2015

    [Ignore Hjlagar]


  • [Leave] since we already have a job and we do not want to work for Butterfly's man.

    [Be nice to Hjalgar] because everyone who doesn't like Ironborn needs to be treated good. Also, Rell! You flatter me, Sebastian :D

    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • Don't bring Rhysha here, I dare you xD

    [Ignore Hjlagar] Man I don't give a fuck. [Leave] So someone made a character named 'Sasha'. Interesting.... Samantha already has a job to do. That is to fall in love with the charm that is Leonard and protect him for every damn book.

  • edited April 2015

    A day has passed. The thing with Samantha's PoV is, it is located a few hours later than Jaron's, Ellena's and Lucas' PoV, for two reasons. First reason is that the one thing I regularly loose overview of is the timeline, leading to minor mistakes like Samantha's PoV being located after the next Jaron part. However, nothing of that should be too bad and hopefully not too confusing. Second reason is that there are several Samantha parts planned for this chapter and I don't want to cram them all into the last third of it.

    And Jaylon's wound wasn't too bad actually. Ellena had the impression that it was bleeding badly, but it was a pretty regular wound, nothing life-threatening and nothing that would cripple him. He was patched up and while it still hurts and will give him a limp until fully healed it won't affect him that much.

    [Try to be nice to Hjalgar] [Stay] How long did it pass since Ellena stabbed Jaylon? Is he healed now?

  • edited April 2015

    That is to fall in love with the charm that is Leonard

    I'm afraid you might be in for a surprise here, because I have hinted at a very good reason why that won't happen.

    [Ignore Hjlagar] Man I don't give a fuck. [Leave] So someone made a character named 'Sasha'. Interesting.... Samantha already has a job to do. That is to fall in love with the charm that is Leonard and protect him for every damn book.

  • HAAAA!!!


    That is to fall in love with the charm that is Leonard I'm afraid you might be in for a surprise here, because I have hinted at a very good reason why that won't happen.

  • [Ignore Hjlagar]


    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • [Try to be nice to Hjalgar]


    Torvin “This is going to be lovely”, Harlan smiled, patting Torvin on the back like an old friend. Still, he avoided to look Harmund in t

  • (Ignore)


    Man how do you find the time to do this and do uni? I find it hard enough to get time to read it

  • Alt text

    One of these characters will fall in love with him, whether he likes that or not is up to him. I will create a character obsessed with him if it comes to that lol.

    Which hint? I've forgotten lots of them.

    That is to fall in love with the charm that is Leonard I'm afraid you might be in for a surprise here, because I have hinted at a very good reason why that won't happen.

  • That's probably the only upside of studying business management (I assume that's the english word for it). Most of it is ridiculously easy and I have a lot of free time compared to other majors. When I have less time to write it's mostly due to exams coming up. The downside is that it is quite probably among the least exciting majors possible. And everything related to accounting is a downside in itself. Safe to say I love and hate my major at the same time.

    (Ignore) (Stay) Man how do you find the time to do this and do uni? I find it hard enough to get time to read it

  • I thought it was that you were German. If you were given four wheels and and a lot of sticks you can make a BMW, and get 300 pages when you get Microsoft Word

    That's probably the only upside of studying business management (I assume that's the english word for it). Most of it is ridiculously easy a

  • It wasn't a big hint and probably won't be very important for her, but maybe you noticed that she was slightly checking out Sasha when first meeting her, as well as mentioning her fondness for accents when hearing her talking. She's really not into Leonard. Or men in general. However, romance for Leonard might happen in the future, just not with Samantha.

    One of these characters will fall in love with him, whether he likes that or not is up to him. I will create a character obsessed with him if it comes to that lol. Which hint? I've forgotten lots of them.

  • You're going to make Panzers and beer? Not a good combination.

    My friend, when you give me four wheels and a lot of sticks I'm going to build a wall, a dozen panzers, a hundred gallons of beer and I'm st

  • My friend, when you give me four wheels and a lot of sticks I'm going to build a wall, a dozen panzers, a hundred gallons of beer and I'm still having enough wheels left to build a tricycle. And after that I'm going to write a few pages for the story.

    I thought it was that you were German. If you were given four wheels and and a lot of sticks you can make a BMW, and get 300 pages when you get Microsoft Word

  • "Shit, Gunther. We invaded Austria when our leader wanted to peacefully annex it``

    You're going to make Panzers and beer? Not a good combination.

  • edited April 2015

    The struggle is real...


    "Shit, Gunther. We invaded Austria when our leader wanted to peacefully annex it``

  • Yes, that awkward moment the girl you want to ask out is a lesbian. Lol. I reread the tavern part and I confused Behara with Samantha. What ever happened to Behara? Did she stay with Temari? Is Termari still alive? Why have I forgotten all of this?

    However, romance for Leonard might happen in the future

    Atta boy. I'll be hoping/expecting this lol. I like character development that comes with it.

    I am quite interested to see all the Oldtown PoV's flow into each other. Samantha's particularly.

    It wasn't a big hint and probably won't be very important for her, but maybe you noticed that she was slightly checking out Sasha when first

  • Behara is still with Temari and the mercenaries, they are currently on their way to Raylansfair. Temari is wounded, but alive.

    I like character development that comes with it.

    Yes, I like it too. Has potential to bring out the best and the worst in characters.

    Yes, that awkward moment the girl you want to ask out is a lesbian. Lol. I reread the tavern part and I confused Behara with Samantha. What

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