Am i the only one who couldn't live with someone who killed somebody?

I couldn't figure out a title but am I the only one who felt shooting and killing Kenny was the right thing to do? I'm sorry but I couldn't live with someone who killed someone I considered a good friend.



  • why not just shoot the gun in the air. They are both terrible people. I think mike is the only one in the group that haves morals.

  • no yeah great fucking morals leaving two kids with nothing.

    why not just shoot the gun in the air. They are both terrible people. I think mike is the only one in the group that haves morals.

  • am I the only one who felt shooting and killing Kenny was the right thing to do?

    Er, no, most people shot kenny.

  • I think it's absurd to claim you'd know how you would feel in that situation.

    Clementine however is another thing. She already lived through the entire apocalypse with people who had killed others, Lee and Christa.

    Kenny killing Jane was not really a deal breaker for me. She had an agenda that jeapodized the group so I don't consider her loss a big one.

  • You're not on your own. Because there was no option to just shoot the air, shooting Kenny felt like the better option than just letting him kill a person for a crime they didn't technically commit, at least from my play-through.

    I wouldn't feel comfortable with sticking around a team member who is capable of committing murder against their own comrades.

  • When they fought, i decided that i was going to stay out of it. SO whatever happened happened, i thought it was very selfish to put Clementine in such a position. So after they ignored my attempts to break it up, i literally said, out loud Fine kill each other, i don't care. Then they did.

  • Meh...shit happens.

  • edited April 2015

    Agreed. For me, it came down to who I liked more, and that was easily Kenny.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I think it's absurd to claim you'd know how you would feel in that situation. Clementine however is another thing. She already lived thro

  • edited April 2015

    Both Kenny and Jane had agendas that jeapodised the group, that's the point.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I think it's absurd to claim you'd know how you would feel in that situation. Clementine however is another thing. She already lived thro

  • I think there was more to it than just mike siding with Arvo or just feeling sorry for him. Remember how in the beginning of episode no going back, they never show who killed Nathasa( Arvo sister) maybe mike was the one that killed shot her when she was alive that why he feels that he is the one that has to make it right. or he probably lost his sister the same why, which both would be the only possible motives of mike doing something so strange.

    It would be cool in the beginning of season 3 that they explore why he did it. I found it strange, too.

    Other than that, I think it could of been because they found the baby as a liability and Kenny a danger to their lives. Kenny is pretty crazy, crazier than Rick.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    no yeah great fucking morals leaving two kids with nothing.

  • Actually, translated dialogue confirms it was Kenny who killed Natasha. Which means he killed everyone at that shootout... with a pistol.

    I think there was more to it than just mike siding with Arvo or just feeling sorry for him. Remember how in the beginning of episode no goin

  • Which means he killed everyone at that shootout... with a pistol.

    Of course he did, Telltale wanted their beloved character to be some kind of unstoppable action hero even though his depth perception should've been shit and he was firing with one hand.

    Seems legit.

    Actually, translated dialogue confirms it was Kenny who killed Natasha. Which means he killed everyone at that shootout... with a pistol.

  • Or perhaps it's terrible writing, something that gun fight suffered a lot of.

    Which means he killed everyone at that shootout... with a pistol. Of course he did, Telltale wanted their beloved character to be so

  • edited April 2015

    We spent S1 playing as a convicted killer, and depending on your actions Clem is a killer too

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    To be fair, he only killed Buricko after he was distracted with shooting Luke, and Vitali was pretty much killed by Jane anyways

    And I personally stand by the belief that Bonnie was the one that killed Natasha. In a hail of gunfire, I doubt anyone knows who shot who, and they probably assumed it was Kenny

    Actually, translated dialogue confirms it was Kenny who killed Natasha. Which means he killed everyone at that shootout... with a pistol.

  • Then how could you live with Lee and Clementine?

  • Kenny as a whole is terribly written.

    Or perhaps it's terrible writing, something that gun fight suffered a lot of.

  • I'm referring to the writing of the gun fight. That was the problem. No one of our side died, Mike's bullet wound is like never mentioned, Jane's return if you waited a few days makes no sense, same with the Russians just camping out there, Buricko and Vitali switch guns, yada yada yada.

    I understand that you hate Kenny, but the problem here is not him, but the writing of the scene as a whole.

    Kenny as a whole is terribly written.

  • Clementine didn't know the person Lee killed and had no personal relationship with them. She knew Jane

    fallandir posted: »

    Then how could you live with Lee and Clementine?

  • Perhaps, but in the end Jane backstabbed on the direction Kenny had dragged the group towards. She never gave Clementine or Kenny an ultimatum so I consider her the traitor. Kenny was clear in his intent.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Both Kenny and Jane had agendas that jeapodised the group, that's the point.

  • I cold-blooded murdered Kenny and was so happy about it, It WAS the right thing to do man, He has gone through way too much Hell to stay alive.

  • what translated dialogue?

    Actually, translated dialogue confirms it was Kenny who killed Natasha. Which means he killed everyone at that shootout... with a pistol.

  • edited April 2015

    Well I looked at that situation as " I couldn't let Clementine become a killer to stop a killer from killing a then suspected baby killer.. who has shot a guy in the toolbox and was also up for prematurely leaving a grieving girl to her doom on two occasions". So Jane was far from a saint and Even though TTG tried to paint Kenny as some sort of out of control rage villain. I feel Clem still had more history with Kenny and something closer to a friendship with him than Jane and therefore the true Clementine wouldn't have the heart to just shoot to kill Kenny, maybe she'd aim for a non fatal shot like nicking his shoulder or just fire the gun to catch the both of their attention or even just do nothing and cry as she did in my play-through. I believe Clem would be very slow to violence unless her own life was in jeopardy like with that bandit Winston at the beginning of the game.

    In the end I felt Kenny revealed that he always had the best intentions for Clementine and the baby at the gates of Wellington. Jane also specifically told Clem that whatever happens she needed to stay back and out of it. Jane just bit off more than she could chew and paid the piper. Also out of all the endings Jane's ending made the least sense to me and like Clem isn't that much safer at Howe's than Wellington. The Alone with AJ ending felt truest to the Walking Dead form and to me could had been the canon ending if there were to be one for season 2.

    Also If the situation was reversed somehow and Jane was about to kill Kenny I wonder how different the choices would had ended up. Also it probably was a man/woman thing. Most probably would kill or injure a man in real life that was on top of a woman with a knife without much second thought. If its vice versa then folks let it play out because he's a man and might of somehow "deserved it", and doesn't matter much if he gets killed.. especially by a woman. Sort of similar theory I had with the Doug/Carley decision way back in season 1. This is kind of off topic a little but... Carley actually had more of a chance to survive than Doug yet the majority chose to save her because what?.... Yes she was a good shot... but she was also portrayed to be the stereotypical hot or attractive female (damsel in distress situation) and probably the majority of players where male and thinking this game was gonna be like Mass Effect haha only to become enraged when Lilly eventually thwarts their romance agenda anyhow and ironically kills Carly at gunpoint whom lived and died by the gun.

    Even the Stranger at the end calls out Lee/theplayer for " letting an innocent boy get pulled into the night.. to save the pretty girl with a gun". So not only did I not save Carley in my first play-through because she had more of a chance to make it, she also at the time knew about Lee's past before anyone else in the group and felt she'd just cause trouble down the road and or try to blackmail my Lee for something... So I basically thought Carley couldn't have been trusted at first.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited April 2015

    Neither option is truly right, all you can do is choose the one that's closest to right for you, or the one that just lets you sleep better at night

    There's a whole ton of different perspectives you could look at this situation with. I personally couldn't shoot Kenny because I didn't have the heart to give up what is essentially a piece of my past. Despite part of me saying that I should have shot him, there was a part of me that wasn't willing to let one of my oldest friends/companions go like that. Shooting Kenny doesn't feel right to me, but at the same time, neither did letting Jane die. But for me, letting Jane die was the one that I felt the least guilty about, I guess.

    Shit's tough

  • And? Both Lee and Clem are killers, doesn't matter did they know the people they killed.

    Joshua1991 posted: »

    Clementine didn't know the person Lee killed and had no personal relationship with them. She knew Jane

  • edited April 2015

    And by the end, Kenny backstabbed the whole group by refusing to listen to what they wanted to do - go south.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Perhaps, but in the end Jane backstabbed on the direction Kenny had dragged the group towards. She never gave Clementine or Kenny an ultimatum so I consider her the traitor. Kenny was clear in his intent.

  • you did the right thing mang even Kenny said it himself don't mean to be blunt but its just how it is. I would leave jane if I were you

  • In my playthrough, Kenny was the ONLY one who wanted to head further north, with no known destination. Just to prove to himself that he's always right, about everything. Even when an entire group of people disagrees with him. He knows best.

    Ya right! As soon as he showed back up i was looking for a way to leave his sorry, delusional ass. I killed him, so he couldn't do to anyone else what he did to us and our group. Good fucking riddance!

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Perhaps, but in the end Jane backstabbed on the direction Kenny had dragged the group towards. She never gave Clementine or Kenny an ultimatum so I consider her the traitor. Kenny was clear in his intent.

  • edited April 2015

    you did the right thing


    kingofSD posted: »

    you did the right thing mang even Kenny said it himself don't mean to be blunt but its just how it is. I would leave jane if I were you

  • No, but for me it at least it would depend what kind of killer. If it was someone like Rick, who kills to protect and preserve, then I would definitely stay him them. If you're talking about someone like Negan, then no.

  • Kenny wasn't the one who grabbed everything and snuck off in the middle of the night. They too never delivered an ultimatum.

    Flog61 posted: »

    And by the end, Kenny backstabbed the whole group by refusing to listen to what they wanted to do - go south.

  • You are right, but people didn't really leave in a fair way when the conflict happened. After Luke no one dared standing up for their opinion so instead they sneak off an doom the others. No matter if you agree with Kenny or not that's not right. It was pretty clear Mike had no interest in anything but his own skin in the end.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    In my playthrough, Kenny was the ONLY one who wanted to head further north, with no known destination. Just to prove to himself that he's al

  • But nor did Kenny. He said 'this is what we're gonna do, and I don't care if you disagree because I'm the one who fixed the car'.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Kenny wasn't the one who grabbed everything and snuck off in the middle of the night. They too never delivered an ultimatum.

  • Or perhaps Mike just likes helping people, you know, like how it was consistently implied throughout episodes 3 and 4? Allot of people would find it unsettling to harm an infant, child or teenager during the apocalypse and we didn't exactly know Mike that well either, we can only make assumptions.

    I think there was more to it than just mike siding with Arvo or just feeling sorry for him. Remember how in the beginning of episode no goin

  • Some people know themselves, better than you think they do.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I think it's absurd to claim you'd know how you would feel in that situation. Clementine however is another thing. She already lived thro

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    If Mike cared about only his skin, he would not have brought Arvo and (determinant) Bonnie along.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    You are right, but people didn't really leave in a fair way when the conflict happened. After Luke no one dared standing up for their opinio

  • Well she and the group decided to lure a huge horde of Walkers to Howe's Hardware Store so they could escape the captivity of Carver... and we saw how Walkers overran the place while people were still in there, in a way she killed an entire community, she did do most of the work to make the escape and death of community members to happen after all.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    We spent S1 playing as a convicted killer, and depending on your actions Clem is a killer too

  • I could list all the times each character left a character to die or in a dangerous situation to save themselves, Kenny included.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    You are right, but people didn't really leave in a fair way when the conflict happened. After Luke no one dared standing up for their opinio

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