Yeah, me too. They showed Meereen in the last one even though Asher didn't get there until the end, so if it takes a while for us to get to Highpoint it doesn't mean they shouldn't show it in the intro.
I am perfectly fine with the wait it will be twice as good the more time that we give them the more you pester them the more glitches there will be they want only the best product for us at the best price so give them a hand and wait also stop crying about the length of time and come planing unless you can make the same game in a week with there graphics than open your own company and taint it with a big corporation that hates and ignores you all.
I am perfectly fine with the wait it will be twice as good the more time that we give them the more you pester them the more glitches there … morewill be they want only the best product for us at the best price so give them a hand and wait also stop crying about the length of time and come planing unless you can make the same game in a week with there graphics than open your own company and taint it with a big corporation that hates and ignores you all.
Episode 2 suffered from the season-rewrite. It wasn't really Telltale's fault, I guess, but you can tell that the Episode suffered due to them. Luckily for GoT, I'm pretty sure the whole season was thought out and given the go-ahead already.
I don't know what Telltale was thinking with choosing Nick's life over Pete's. They're writing is usually good but I still don't get how such a stupid decision was made - Pete would have been far more interesting and likable than Nick - instead Telltale gave us another variant of Ben from S1 (as if useless Sarah wasn't enough of a waste of time in the first place).
I don't know what Telltale was thinking with choosing Nick's life over Pete's. They're writing is usually good but I still don't get how suc… moreh a stupid decision was made - Pete would have been far more interesting and likable than Nick - instead Telltale gave us another variant of Ben from S1 (as if useless Sarah wasn't enough of a waste of time in the first place).
Job J Stauffer, April 21st: "In one day I saw new robots, dragons, block people, zombies, and more sticky notes than you'd find in a 3M warehouse. Just marvelous!"
Okay, so we're probably going to get a close and personal look at Danaerys' dragons, 'block people' is obviously Minecraft, but are the zombies supposed to be wights from Ice and Fire, or creepers?
Job J Stauffer, April 21st: "In one day I saw new robots, dragons, block people, zombies, and more sticky notes than you'd find in a 3M ware… morehouse. Just marvelous!"
Okay, so we're probably going to get a close and personal look at Danaerys' dragons, 'block people' is obviously Minecraft, but are the zombies supposed to be wights from Ice and Fire, or creepers?
Wich fault was it than, when not telltales? I like there games but they managed TWAU not very well if they had to rewrite the story after the first episode. Something there must go really wrong. I would call that sloppy but well...I dont know the whole story and i guess i will never knew it
Episode 2 suffered from the season-rewrite. It wasn't really Telltale's fault, I guess, but you can tell that the Episode suffered due to them. Luckily for GoT, I'm pretty sure the whole season was thought out and given the go-ahead already.
Telltale never wanted to rewrite the story. The comic writers forced them, because they didn't like where the story was headed. Canon problems, I guess.
Wich fault was it than, when not telltales? I like there games but they managed TWAU not very well if they had to rewrite the story after t… morehe first episode. Something there must go really wrong. I would call that sloppy but well...I dont know the whole story and i guess i will never knew it
The zombies are about The Walking Dead.
Dragons= Game of Thrones
Robots= Tales from the Borderlands
Block People= Minecraft Story Mode
Zombies= The Walking Dead S3/Possible DLC
Telltale never wanted to rewrite the story. The comic writers forced them, because they didn't like where the story was headed. Canon problems, I guess.
Waiting and waiting. Ariellie and Erik turned into hideous creatures.
Me waiting for episode 4...
Another VA doing lines. Stuff is happening.
Thanks for the heads up! I added this to the OP.
Did we both edit it at the same time? :P
I believe there's an h in Beskha's name Blind.
Weird, I initially had that in. Must have been autocorrect.
Oh well, I fixed it now.
Woah, guess we did.
I hope in the intro they show Highpoint, I really wanna see how they could house ~1,000 men
Yeah, me too. They showed Meereen in the last one even though Asher didn't get there until the end, so if it takes a while for us to get to Highpoint it doesn't mean they shouldn't show it in the intro.
I do like them.
I'm thinking May 19th now sigh
My bet is on May 25
sigh Tales Ep3 is in the Steam database which means possible close release date. Meanwhile...
Tales Ep2 went up on the SteamDB in like January, right? I think in the case of that game it's unreliable when that sort of stuff happens.
I am perfectly fine with the wait it will be twice as good the more time that we give them the more you pester them the more glitches there will be they want only the best product for us at the best price so give them a hand and wait also stop crying about the length of time and come planing unless you can make the same game in a week with there graphics than open your own company and taint it with a big corporation that hates and ignores you all.
i remember wellwhen they released TWAU Episode 2. I think we waited 4 or 5 month for the first 1 hour episode with many glitches^^
I am just like dear old Huell right now. Sitting in my living room, watching the bright sunny outside and drinking hot lemon water.
An hour long? I've never managed to get through EP.2 THAT quickly. 4&5, however..
maybe 1 hour 20 min but it was a really broing episode idk why so many people hated the other ep's. Imo ep 2 was the badest
Episode 2 suffered from the season-rewrite. It wasn't really Telltale's fault, I guess, but you can tell that the Episode suffered due to them. Luckily for GoT, I'm pretty sure the whole season was thought out and given the go-ahead already.
It's when the game gets Australian classification that you know it's near.
Nah, to the best of my memory that time was very dry, no news at all. All of the news for that Episode sorta came all at once right before release.
Ahhhh Pete, I miss him. He was awesome.
Episode 2 got classification in December.
I don't know what Telltale was thinking with choosing Nick's life over Pete's. They're writing is usually good but I still don't get how such a stupid decision was made - Pete would have been far more interesting and likable than Nick - instead Telltale gave us another variant of Ben from S1 (as if useless Sarah wasn't enough of a waste of time in the first place).
Everyone in Season 2 only existed to die anyway.
True... very true indeed... (except for Unrealistic AJ) no wonder I miss Lee and the nostalgia of S1.
Just here to say that the first game of thrones episode, Iron From Ice is IGN's free game of the month for IOS.
Job J Stauffer, April 21st: "In one day I saw new robots, dragons, block people, zombies, and more sticky notes than you'd find in a 3M warehouse. Just marvelous!"
Okay, so we're probably going to get a close and personal look at Danaerys' dragons, 'block people' is obviously Minecraft, but are the zombies supposed to be wights from Ice and Fire, or creepers?
The zombies are about The Walking Dead.
Dragons= Game of Thrones
Robots= Tales from the Borderlands
Block People= Minecraft Story Mode
Zombies= The Walking Dead S3/Possible DLC
Wich fault was it than, when not telltales?
I like there games but they managed TWAU not very well if they had to rewrite the story after the first episode. Something there must go really wrong. I would call that sloppy but well...I dont know the whole story and i guess i will never knew it
Telltale never wanted to rewrite the story. The comic writers forced them, because they didn't like where the story was headed. Canon problems, I guess.
They've got a full plate already. I'm sticking with wights. Or actual zombies in Minecraft.
I had no idea this happened.